10 reasons to consider professional teeth whitening (2024)

With so much conflicting information online about teeth whitening, you could be forgiven for wondering if it is worth it. We definitely think so, which is why we have compiled these ten compelling reasons to consider brightening your smile.

Is professional teeth whitening worth it, according to a survey by Statista, around 22% of Brits said they would probably consider getting their teeth professionally whitened, rising to 40% of 18 to 24-year-olds? A further 10% said they definitely would or had already gotten their teeth whitened. But that still leaves a sizeable chunk of the population either undecided or unwilling to commit to teeth whitening in the UK. But we think many more people could benefit if they knew the facts.

Is Teeth Whitening Worth It?

If you would love to get that dazzling A-lister smile but have been put off by the price tag or online scare stories, we are here to reassure you. Because when a qualified and experienced dentist oversees it,teeth whiteningis actually a perfectly safe procedure. Moreover, it produces brilliant results that can transform your smile and let your personality shine through. Safety and satisfaction are worth paying a little extra for, don’t you think?

Of course, you could be forgiven for having your head turned by cheaper alternatives. However, cut-price treatments like whitening toothpaste and online whitening kits can sometimes cost you far more in terms of the damage they can cause to your teeth and gums. So no matter what type of whitening treatment you are considering, always consult your dentist first to guarantee the safest, most effective option for you and your teeth.

10 Reasons To Consider Teeth Whitening

If you are still on the fence about the benefits of teeth whitening, here are ten compelling reasons to consider it:

1. Improved Teeth Appearance

Given enough time, tea, coffee, red wine, cigarettes and other lifestyle factors will inevitably stain your teeth. Professional teeth whitening reverses those effects to give your pearly whites a whiter, brighter appearance.

2. Quick Results

Modern teeth whitening techniques produce amazing results seriously quickly. For example, you could be flashing your dazzling new smile in as little as 90 minutes when you invest in Philips Zoom Whitespeed laser teeth whitening.

3. Long-lasting Results

Although teeth whitening gives you rapid results, the transformation takes much longer to fade. The best-quality professional teeth whitening treatments can last anywhere from two to three years before needing a top-up.

4. Boost Confidence

According to some studies, having whiter teeth can make you appear younger, more attractive, more employable and more successful. Just think of the instant boost of confidence that could bring to your day-to-day life.

5. Customisable

Many teeth whitening treatments let you choose your ideal shade of white. For instance, Enlighten Evolution whitening can whiten your teeth by up to 16 shades, all the way to the brightest natural shade of VITA B1.

6. Healthier Mouth

Poor oral health has been linked to wider serious conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes. So whitening your teeth is a great incentive to improve your oral hygiene routine, making for a healthier mouth and body.

7. Safe Treatment Option

Bleaching agents, like hydrogen peroxide, are 100% safe when used correctly. Your dentist will safely formulate and apply the whitening gel, ensuring it doesn’t irritate your gums by fitting you with a custom mouth shield.

8. Effective vs Over-The-Counter Options

Dentist-approved teeth whitening treatments contain higher concentrations of active bleaching agents than over-the-counter teeth whitening toothpaste, strips and kits. So they go much deeper than just removing surface stains.

9. Affordable Option

Professional teeth whitening costs less than you think at Ollie & Darsh. We provide0% financeon all our teeth whitening treatments and half-price Whitening Wednesdays for affordable teeth whitening in Liverpool.

10. Add The Finishing Touches To A New Smile

If you have straightened your teeth with a fixed brace only to find that your teeth are discoloured where your braces interfered with your brushing, teeth whitening can add the finishing touch that your new smile deserves.

Teeth Whitening In Liverpool

So, there you have at least ten reasons to consider teeth whitening. The key takeaway here is that teeth whitening is completely safe, so you can invest in your smile with total confidence – especially at Ollie & Darsh. Our experienced clinicians use the latest technology, like Philips Zoom Whitespeed laser teeth whitening and Enlighten Evolution whitening, to bring you the best results that money can buy.

Talking of money, with interest-free dental plans available on all our teeth whitening treatments, half-price Whitening Wednesdays and free at-home whitening kits for members, you can afford to smile brighter at Ollie & Darsh. For more information about our teeth whitening treatments or to book a free, no-obligation consultation, pleasecontact uson 0151 236 6578. Redeem the gleam with the Ollie & Darsh team!

10 reasons to consider professional teeth whitening (2024)


Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

As a result, you may wonder if professional tooth whitening is worth the cost. Lots of patients are curious about in-office treatment and ask if it is really better than at-home options. The answer is a resounding yes. The most effective way to whiten teeth is with a professional in-office treatment.

What are the benefits of getting your teeth whitened at the dentist? ›

In addition to making your smile look better, professional teeth whitening can also improve your oral health. Studies have shown that people with whiter teeth are less likely to develop cavities and other dental problems.

What makes you a good candidate for teeth whitening? ›

If you struggle with dull or yellowed teeth that cannot be easily whitened with regular brushing and flossing, then you are a great candidate for teeth whitening treatment. Teeth whitening is suitable for any type of discoloration, including age-related yellowness and stains caused by coffee and cigarettes.

Who is not a good candidate for teeth whitening? ›

Those who are suffering from periodontal disease, oral cancer, or who have enamel that is excessively worn down to not make good candidates for teeth whitening either. Most other patients should not have a problem.

Do most celebrities get their teeth whitened? ›

Most celebrities opt for regular teeth whitening treatments or veneers. Below you will find more information about which one is right for you.

How long does professionally whitened teeth last? ›

The most effective way to whiten your teeth is professional teeth whitening treatment applied by your dentist in the office. The results of this type of treatment can last between 1 and 3 years. In-office teeth whitening involves the following process: The gum tissue is protected from the effects of the bleaching gel.

Do people notice white teeth? ›

Studies show that whiter teeth are associated with attractiveness and that people with whiter teeth are perceived to be more sociable, friendly, and intelligent.

Do dentists recommend whitening? ›

For long-lasting results, experts recommend a whitening treatment in your dentist's office, followed by monthly over-the-counter treatments for maintenance. But this may not be right for everyone.

What disqualifies you from teeth whitening? ›

Teeth Whitening Disqualifications

Cavities, gum disease, fillings, crowns, and bridges may disqualify you from treatment. Other conditions and circ*mstances that may bar a patient from teeth whitening treatment include: Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Being under the age of 16.

Who should not get their teeth whitened? ›

Children under 16 years of age. Patients with periodontal disease, tooth decay, cavities and exposed roots. People who are allergic to teeth bleaching whitening agents like peroxide. Individuals with sensitive teeth.

What color makes your teeth look the most white? ›

Make your teeth look whiter – Darker shades like royal/navy blue, purple, and even black can make the color of your teeth appear whiter. Even so, be aware that colors like dark green and brown can look like food. What about white braces – Although this may be a color you were thinking of, you may want to stray away.

Which teeth cannot be whitened? ›

Teeth that have yellowed with age

Dentin is naturally yellowish and cannot be lightened with teeth whitening products.

When is teeth whitening not recommended? ›

Individuals with sensitive teeth and gums, receding gums, or defective restorations should consult with their dentist prior to using a tooth-whitening system. Anyone allergic to peroxide (the whitening agent) should not use a bleaching product. Gum disease, worn enamel, cavities, and exposed roots.

What would make you ineligible for teeth whitening? ›

If you have a lot of fillings, dental bonding or crowns, you may not be a candidate for dental whitening. This is because restorations will not respond to whitening, and a whitening treatment could result in a very uneven appearance.

How many sessions does it take to whiten teeth? ›

We can usually complete an in-office treatment in one or two visits and produce results within a matter of hours. Over the counter and in home teeth-whitening kits tend to take at least a month of wearing mouthpieces every night before they start to have an effect.

What is the success rate of teeth whitening? ›

Generally, whitening is successful in at least 90 percent of patients, though it may not be an option for everyone. Consider tooth whitening if your teeth are darkened from age, coffee, tea or smoking.

Does teeth whitening make a big difference? ›

A brighter, whiter smile is so appealing to people that Americans spend close to $2 billion on teeth whitening products annually, trying to achieve those perfect magazine grins. While teeth whiteners vary in their efficacy, they can make a big difference in your smile.


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