How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Last? | Concord, NH (2024)

Do you want whiter teeth? Gradual yellowing of teeth tends to happen over time, leaving your smile looking a little dull. If you’ve noticed that your smile doesn’t look very white in pictures or in the mirror, you might consider trying a teeth whitening treatment.

There are many different types of teeth whitening products available. They all come at different prices and provide varying degrees of success. Professional teeth whitening treatments are by far the most effective, which is why they generally cost more than over the counter whitening products. Before you consider paying for professional teeth whitening, you may wonder how long it will last and whether or not it is worth the cost. Here’s what you can expect.

In-Office Professional Whitening Treatment

The most effective way to whiten your teeth is professional teeth whitening treatment applied by your dentist in the office. The results of this type of treatment can last between 1 and 3 years.

In-office teeth whitening involves the following process:

  • The gum tissue is protected from the effects of the bleaching gel.
  • The whitening gel is applied to the teeth.
  • A laser light is applied to the teeth to accelerate the whitening process.

This procedure is repeated as many times as necessary to achieve the desired shade.

Take Home Professional Whitening Treatment

Many dentists offer a take home teeth whitening treatment option. Custom trays are designed to fit your teeth so that you can apply the whitening gel at home. Take home whitening treatment results last for about a year.

Take home teeth whitening involves the following process:

  • Apply a drop of bleaching gel to the mouth tray.
  • Place the mouth tray over your teeth.
  • Leave the tray in place for the instructed amount of time according to the type and strength of the gel you are using.
  • After you remove the tray, rinse your mouth with lukewarm water.
  • Rinse the tray with cold water.

Repeat this procedure every day or night for two weeks or according to your dentist’s instructions.

Combine In-Office and Take Home Treatment for Longer Lasting Results

In-office whitening treatment offers dramatic, almost immediate results. You will leave the office with a whiter smile in just one appointment. These results may last for as long as 3 years, but your teeth may gradually yellow within that time. Rather than starting all over with another in-office treatment, you can use the take home trays to whiten your teeth as needed to keep them looking whiter for longer.

How to Help Your Teeth Whiter for Longer

After you see your amazing results, you want your teeth to stay white. Here are some tips for keeping your teeth white for as long as possible after your treatment.

  • Avoid coffee and tea.
  • Avoid red wine and dark fruit juice.
  • Avoid dark chocolate and red or brown sauces.
  • Avoid food and drinks with artificial dyes.

What you eat or drink in the first 48 hours after your whitening treatment is the most important. If you can’t avoid the above items permanently, try to avoid them for the first few days after your treatment.

Oral hygiene is an important part of keeping your teeth white. Keep your teeth clean and bright between whitening treatments by doing the following:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day.
  • Floss your teeth once a day.
  • Rinse with mouthwash once a day.
  • Use whitening toothpaste and mouthwash.
  • Use a toothpaste for sensitive teeth if needed after your whitening treatment.

Dr. Laurie A. Rosato Provides Effective Teeth Whitening Treatment

If you want whiter teeth, get dramatic, same-day results with in-office teeth whitening treatment at Dr. Laurie A. Rosato’s office. We provide both in-office and take home whitening so that you can choose your preferred option. If you receive in-office treatment, you can also use the take home treatment to help your teeth stay white for a longer time.

Call 603-228-9276 today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment. We look forward to helping you improve your smile with teeth whitening treatment.

How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Last? | Concord, NH (2024)


How Long Does Professional Teeth Whitening Last? | Concord, NH? ›

The effects of teeth whitening vary from person to person, but in many cases it can last multiple years before needing retreatment. Keep in mind that your oral care routine, the food and beverages you consume, and the use of tobacco can all affect your whitening's lifespan.

How long do professional teeth whitening results last? ›

The effects of teeth whitening can last up to 2-3 years or as little as 6 months. It varies from person to person. Things that will stain your teeth quickly and make your whitening short-lived include: – Smoking.

Does professional teeth whitening expire? ›

The short answer is: “Yes.” Whenever you purchase teeth whitening gel of any kind, whether for home or professional use, you should check the expiration date. Make sure you have enough time to use up all of the gel before it expires.

Is it worth it to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

As a result, you may wonder if professional tooth whitening is worth the cost. Lots of patients are curious about in-office treatment and ask if it is really better than at-home options. The answer is a resounding yes. The most effective way to whiten teeth is with a professional in-office treatment.

How often do you need to get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

How often teeth whitening treatments are recommended by dentists. Professional teeth whitening performed in the dentist's office is recommended once every year to every 18 months, depending on how long the results last. At-home kits can be used as often as once every four to six months.

What is the success rate of teeth whitening? ›

Generally, whitening is successful in at least 90 percent of patients, though it may not be an option for everyone. Consider tooth whitening if your teeth are darkened from age, coffee, tea or smoking.

Can you permanently whiten your teeth? ›

Even though professional teeth whitening has incredible success rates, it does not offer permanent results. Your teeth will remain white for about 6 – 12 months before you need retreatment. The results last longer if you intentionally care for your teeth to maintain their whiteness and brightness.

What is the longest lasting teeth whitening? ›

Dental Chairside or In-Office Bleaching

Plus, the whitening agent that we use has 30% hydrogen peroxide which makes it more effective compared to the 6% hydrogen peroxide found in over-the-counter products. The results of dental chairside or in-office bleaching are long-lasting but not permanent.

How do you tell if teeth whitening is expired? ›

When you open it, pay attention to the consistency of the gel. If it appears foggy or white, it is too old. It likely is still safe to use. But, it may not be as effective and deliver results that are noticeable.

Do most celebrities get their teeth whitened? ›

Most celebrities opt for regular teeth whitening treatments or veneers. Below you will find more information about which one is right for you.

What are the pitfalls of teeth whitening? ›

Some home kits don't contain enough whitening product to be effective. Also, if a dental professional isn't doing the whitening, the mouthguard provided may not fit properly so some of the bleaching gel may leak out onto your gums and into your mouth, causing blistering and sensitivity.

How long is a teeth whitening session at the dentist? ›

The length of professional teeth whitening depends on the dentist you choose, how many shades the patients want to lighten their smile, and other factors. In general, it typically takes anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes.

Can teeth be whitened in one session? ›

With in-office teeth whitening, it involves a single dental visit that takes one to two hours to complete. Both have their advantages and disadvantages, although most dentists recommend in-office whitening over take-home kits so they can monitor the results and safety of the treatment.

How long does a course of teeth whitening take? ›

Professional teeth whitening treatment typically takes three to four weeks. First, the dental team needs to make the mouth guard using impressions to ensure that the teeth whitening solution goes on all the teeth.

What happens after professional teeth whitening? ›

What Can You Expect After Teeth Whitening Procedure? Your teeth may be sensitive a few days after teeth whitening in Chaska. The sensitivity is usually gone in a few days, but it might last longer if you have had gum sensitivity. It is important to use tooth-sensitive toothpaste to ease the discomfort.


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