What Color Braces Make Your Teeth Look Whiter and What Colors to Avoid (2024)

What color braces make your teeth look whiter? What colors should you avoid?

The color of your braces is important and you probably would like to make your teeth look whiter in the process. Your treatment could last many months and even years. That being said, you want to be happy with the color bands you choose for your braces. Whether you’re looking to find a color that compliments your outfit, your skin, or something else, the color of your braces can give you the confidence you are looking for.

What Braces Color is Right for Me?

Your braces color can be changed at each regular visit. So, luckily you don’t have to commit to one color. You can even test out different colors during your treatment. It can be a difficult decision when you finally get to pick your first color. To make the decision less stressful, here are some tips on choosing the best braces color for you:

  • Make your teeth look whiter – Darker shades like royal/navy blue, purple, and even black can make the color of your teeth appear whiter. Even so, be aware that colors like dark green and brown can look like food.
  • What about white braces – Although this may be a color you were thinking of, you may want to stray away. Not only can white bands become discolored over time, but they also make your teeth look more yellow. This is definitely something to keep in mind.
  • Yellow or Gold – Just as with white, these two colors could make your teeth look stained.
  • Top Tip – If you have more of a yellow tint to your teeth you’re safe choosing clear or silver bands. If you have more naturally white teeth, then black can make them look even whiter.


  • Less noticeable, a more desirable look
  • You don’t need to wear them when you eat
  • Easily brush and floss your teeth
  • Less in-office visits required
  • More comfortable
  • No food restrictions
  • You can whiten your teeth normally


Which braces colors are best for making teeth appear whiter?

Generally, lighter and cooler tones such as white, silver, clear, light blue, or light pink can create the illusion of whiter teeth.

How do certain braces colors create the illusion of whiter teeth?

Lighter colors reflect more light, which can make teeth appear brighter. Cool tones can also contrast with the warm tones of teeth, making them look whiter by comparison.

Are there specific shades or tones of braces colors that work better for this purpose?

Yes, shades like silver, clear, or light blue tend to work well for making teeth look whiter. Avoiding dark or highly saturated colors can prevent the appearance of teeth looking yellower.

Will certain colors make my teeth look yellower or darker instead?

Darker or highly saturated colors such as black, dark blue, or dark green may create a contrast that emphasizes the natural color of teeth, potentially making them look yellower or darker.

Can I choose clear or white braces to make my teeth appear whiter?

Yes, clear or white braces can be effective choices for making teeth look whiter. Clear braces blend in with the natural color of teeth, while white braces can create a brightening effect.


So, if you are getting ready for your first appointment or your next, think about what color you would like. Whether you are going for more of a festive look based on the month or simply for appearance, the color you choose is important. If you are looking to get braces, schedule a free consultation with us and we’ll help you choose the color(s) for your braces.

What Color Braces Make Your Teeth Look Whiter and What Colors to Avoid (2024)


What Color Braces Make Your Teeth Look Whiter and What Colors to Avoid? ›

Braces Colors That Make Your Teeth Look Whiter

What braces color makes teeth whiter? ›

Make your teeth look whiter – Darker shades like royal/navy blue, purple, and even black can make the color of your teeth appear whiter. Even so, be aware that colors like dark green and brown can look like food. What about white braces – Although this may be a color you were thinking of, you may want to stray away.

What colors should I avoid for braces? ›

Steer clear of extremely dark hues such as black and brown, as they can give your teeth a stained or discolored appearance. The same goes for white, yellow, and clear rubber bands. They are prone to absorbing color from dark drinks such as coffee, tea, and red wine.

What are the top 3 best colors for braces? ›

Some of the most popular colors are clear, white, and gray. Depending on your orthodontist and their customization options, other colors may be available as well.

What color braces make your teeth look less yellow? ›

What makes your teeth appear whiter: Deeper colors, such as royal/navy blue, purple, and even black, can make your teeth look whiter. Nonetheless, keep in mind that colors like dark green and brown can resemble food. White braces: While this may be a color you were considering, you may want to avoid them.

What is the prettiest braces color? ›

If you have dark or olive skin, opt for bright jewel tones, like gold, turquoise, violet or navy. If you have fair skin, cool colors look best, so try silver, sky blue, light pink or lilac. Braces wax is clear so it won't change the colors.

What color braces will stain your teeth? ›

Avoid dark colors like black or brown since they might stain and discolor your teeth. White and yellow bands should also be avoided since they absorb the color of dark beverages like coffee, tea, or red wine.

Is purple a bad color for braces? ›

If you're really hoping to make your teeth appear whiter than they are, choosing the right braces color is a good start. Darker colors such as black, dark purple and navy blue make your teeth look whiter. If none of these strike your fancy, try red or light blue to make your teeth appear brighter.

What color braces should a girl get? ›

What are the finest colors for girls' braces? The following are some of the best braces colors for girls: Pink, pale blue, muted crimson, dark purple, or silver is all options for a lady with a lighter skin tone. Dark blue, pink & turquoise, a violet color is a suitable options for girls who have a darker complexion.

Is red a bad color for braces? ›

Red is another popular choice for braces because it makes teeth appear whiter and more prominent. If you're looking for something bolder than black but still want something subtle, red might be right up your alley. Gold is a great option if you want something flashy and fun.

Is grey a good color for braces? ›

Some of the benefits of using gray color braces are: It's easier to hide. People will understand your choice of color better. It's a good option for those self-conscious about red or bright-colored teeth.

Are white braces good? ›

White braces make the process less noticeable, making them a great choice for adult treatment (or reluctant kids and teens). Talking to your orthodontist about your options and treatment plan can help you decide if ceramic braces are right for you.

Are braces painful? ›

Braces don't hurt when you get them, but minor discomfort is common. Some patients have pain while their mouth adjusts to their braces, and they describe it as a sore or achey jaw. Mild over-the-counter pain relievers and home remedies like saltwater rinses are very effective at soothing braces pain.

How to make your teeth whiter? ›

Seven Ways to Naturally Whiten Teeth
  1. Eat Strawberries. One of the simplest ways to naturally whiten your teeth is just by eating strawberries. ...
  2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
  4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
  6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

How to whiten teeth with braces? ›

The best way to gently whiten your teeth and prevent stains while you have braces is to use a whitening toothpaste or whitening mouthwash. Since you're already brushing twice a day, using whitening toothpaste is an easy way to achieve a brighter smile with little effort.

What color cancels out yellow teeth? ›

Blue and yellow sit across from each other on the wheel, so blue tones tend to cancel out orange or yellow tones when put together, and vice versa. Lipsticks that make teeth look whiter formulated with a blue base will help diminish any orange or yellow tones on your teeth.

What colors make your teeth look yellow? ›

Peach or brown-based neutral colors make your teeth look yellow.

Can I whiten my teeth with braces? ›

You can still whiten your teeth while wearing braces! There are several kinds of over-the-counter teeth-whitening products that are compatible with braces treatment. Products like Crest White Strips can be used with braces and are effective in teeth whitening.

Do teeth look yellow with braces? ›

Why Do My Teeth Look Yellow? Yellowing and staining on your teeth while you have braces is completely normal for people of all ages. Braces are tough to clean thoroughly, which can lead to diminished oral hygiene that causes stains. You might not be able to clean off surface stains as efficiently as you should.

Why do teeth look yellow with braces? ›

One of the most common reasons is the adherence of plaque and tartar deposits on teeth, as it becomes difficult to clean them optimally around the braces. Over time, more food particle adheres to the teeth, leading to tooth discolouration and making them appear yellower.


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