Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week (2024)

People who start a keto diet may experience initial weight loss as they lose water weight. As you enter ketosis, you may burn more fat than water.

Though the low carb, high fat keto diet was originally devised to help treat epilepsy, many people are turning to it to lose weight.

According to some research, it provides several advantages over other diets, including making it easier to burn your stored body fat, maintain your metabolic rate (the calories you burn at rest), and feel more full on fewer calories (1, 2, 3).

That said, you may wonder how much weight you can expect to lose in your first week on keto. Many people report extreme weight loss when first starting the diet. However, much of this can be attributed to water losses.

This article reviews how much weight you can expect to lose on your first week of keto.

On keto, you strictly limit your carb intake, typically to 50 grams or fewer per day of total carbs, or 25 grams or fewer of net carbs, which are total carbs minus fiber.

For most people, carbs are the body’s primary source of energy. When you limit carbs, your body burns through the carb stores in your muscles and liver — called glycogen — typically within a few days (4, 5).

After this, your body switches to a metabolic state called ketosis, in which it uses ketones that are broken down from dietary fat or stored body fat, as its primary source of fuel (4, 5).

This shift, during which you burn through your glycogen stores and switch to using ketones, usually takes less than a week. However, for some people, it may take longer (4, 5).

Many people notice dramatic weight loss during this transition period after first starting the keto diet, but most of this is due to changes in water weight (6).


When you restrict carbs on keto, your body rapidly burns through glycogen, the stored carbs in your liver and muscles. After your glycogen stores are depleted, you shift to burning fat. Many people notice dramatic weight loss during this transition.

The glycogen stored in your muscles and liver is bound with water, typically at a ratio of 3 grams of water for each gram of glycogen (6).

When you burn through these stored carbs, this water is excreted in your urine or sweat (6).

As such, after starting keto, you may notice that you have to urinate more often and feel much thirstier than normal. You may also notice large weight losses, which are mostly water-weight losses (6, 7).

Depending on your size and how much water weight you’re carrying, this weight loss can vary. Anecdotally, people report losses within the first week of anywhere from 1 pound (0.5 kg) to 10 or more pounds (5 kg).

The larger you are, the more water weight you’re likely to lose after starting keto. Although, it’s unlikely that much of this initial weight loss is fat loss.

However, once you enter ketosis, it’s much easier to utilize your own stored fat for energy, which is one reason why the keto diet may be advantageous for weight loss (3).


When you burn through glycogen, your body releases the water that was bound to it. Much of your early weight loss is probably due to these water losses. Still, you’ll burn more stored body fat once you’re fully in ketosis.

Many people use the keto diet for weight loss, and there are several reports online of dramatic weight loss shortly after starting the diet.

This is likely mostly water weight because as you burn through your carb stores, your body releases the water that was bound to those carbs.

Once you’re fully in ketosis, your weight loss will probably slow down, but it’s likely to be more fat than water.

Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week (2024)


Keto Weight Loss: What to Expect After 1 Week? ›

In the first week of the keto diet, many people see a very quick drop in weight — anywhere from a few pounds to as much as 10. That's because when you lower your carb intake, your body releases a lot of water weight (not fat). Why does this happen? Carbs need water to stay in your body.

How much weight will I lose in the first week of keto? ›

1 Week. The great news is, you'll start to see the weight drop off straight away - in the first week of going Keto. Anywhere between 2-10lbs of weight loss can be expected after 1 week. This is an incredible amount, however it isn't due to losing fat, but rather water!

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Anecdotally, people report losses within the first week of anywhere from 1 pound (0.5 kg) to 10 or more pounds (5 kg). The larger you are, the more water weight you're likely to lose after starting keto. Although, it's unlikely that much of this initial weight loss is fat loss.

What happens to your body the first week of keto? ›

Short-term fatigue

The initial switch to a keto diet can be one of the biggest issues for new dieters. Well-known side effects can include weakness and fatigue (16). These often cause people to quit the diet before they get into full ketosis and reap many of the long-term benefits. These side effects are natural.

Is it normal to lose 10 pounds in a week on keto? ›

The keto diet changes the way your metabolism works by encouraging it to use ketone bodies instead of glucose for energy production. In the first couple of weeks, it's possible to lose up to ten pounds. After that, you could be losing one to two pounds per week.

Is the first week of keto the hardest? ›

1.The First 10 Days May Be The Toughest

Many people starting off keto will go through this and it's often referred to as the “Keto Flu”. It's caused by your body adjusting to burning fat for energy instead of carbs and it can make you feel weak and lethargic.

On what day of keto do you start losing weight? ›

Weight loss from keto varies from person to person. Generally, if you maintain a daily caloric deficit of around 500-700 calories, you can expect noticeable weight loss after anywhere from 10 to 21 days. However, remember that weight loss is not linear and some may see results sooner.

Why does my weight loss stall after 1 week on keto? ›

A keto diet plateau is when you stop seeing changes on the scale or your body fat percentage isn't going down on the keto diet. There are many factors that contribute to weight loss stalls on keto, including hidden carbs, excess calories, chronic stress, and not getting enough physical activity.

What are the stages of noticing weight loss? ›

What are the stages of losing weight? Weight loss generally occurs in two stages — an early, rapid weight loss stage followed by a slower, longer period of weight loss. In some cases, weight loss may plateau. This is when it may become challenging to prevent weight regain.

Can I go off keto once a week? ›

Going off a keto diet is likely not detrimental. Just because you start eating carbs again, especially just for one day, doesn't mean you will store a bunch of body fat. Carbs do not cause weight gain or increased body fat. Only eating too many calories can do this.

How long before you feel good on keto? ›

While the length of time it takes to adapt to a keto diet varies, the process begins after the first few days. Then, after about a week to 10 days, many low-carbers suddenly start to feel the positive effects of keto-adaptation. They report improved mental concentration and focus and more physical energy as well.

How do I know I'm in ketosis? ›

People in ketosis may experience a variety of side effects and symptoms, including headaches, stomach upset, and changes to their sleep and energy levels. For a more accurate way of determining ketosis, people can check the levels of ketones in their blood, breath, or urine.

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How Long Does the Keto Flu Last? Symptoms of the keto flu generally begin within the first day or two of removing carbs. For an average person, the keto flu can last a week or less but in extreme cases the keto flu can last up to a month. However, depending on your genetics, you may never experience the keto flu.

How long to lose 20 lbs on keto? ›

“If the patient can maintain a steady calorie deficit, I expect them to lose one to two pounds per week,” says Dr. Seeman. So after 12 weeks, her clients are usually down around 20-25 pounds.

How to speed up keto weight loss? ›

To maximize weight loss on a ketogenic diet, get adequate sleep, reduce stress, be more active and consume whole, nutritious, low-carb foods whenever possible.

How much water should I drink on keto? ›

How Much Water Should You Drink on Keto? Rule of thumb states a person should divide their body weight in half and drink that many ounces of water daily. For example, if someone weighs 160 pounds, they'll need to take in 80 ounces of water a day.

How long to lose 20 pounds on keto? ›

“If the patient can maintain a steady calorie deficit, I expect them to lose one to two pounds per week,” says Dr. Seeman. So after 12 weeks, her clients are usually down around 20-25 pounds.

Why am I not losing weight on keto week 1? ›

You may be consuming too many calories

If you switch to a keto diet and don't watch your calorie intake, you're unlikely to drop pounds. Because many keto-friendly foods, including avocados, olive oil, full-fat dairy and nuts, are high in calories, it's important not to overdo it.

Can you lose weight doing keto 5 days a week? ›

Some people eat keto 5 days out of the week, and then take the weekends off. Other people might do keto for a few weeks out of the month, then take a break. Some proponents of this approach tout this as an effective way to build muscle, lose weight, and more.

What happens on day 3 of keto? ›

Day 3. Buckle up. This will probably be the worst carb-flu day you experience. Your body is realizing it's not getting carbs anymore, and the transition process to begin breaking down fats for fuel can feel brutal at first.


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