Is Coffee Good for a Keto Diet? Avoid the Wrong Keto Beverage. (2024)

Asking “is coffee good for a keto diet”? How you drink your coffee is everything, and finding the RIGHT coffee can change your keto diet for the best.

Wondering “is coffee good for a keto diet?” There is good news.

Making the switch to a keto diet and hoping to keep your coffee a regular part of your routine? Well, we have good news for you. And maybe some bad news too.

If you’re asking “is coffee good for a keto diet,” the good news is that coffee is definitely good for a keto diet. Caffeine can increase metabolism and help get to ketosis faster. Still, this can look different for certain people.

But wait, the bad news is coming.

If you’re somebody who can’t drink coffee without adding a bunch of creamers, sugar, or other flavorful additions, this won’t work out for you. The additions to coffee increase your carb intake in a hurry and disrupt ketosis.

Even worse is that a lot of cold brew coffees you think are great can turn out to be the main thing throwing off your ketosis.

Is coffee good for a keto diet? This one is . . .

One of the best things you can find for a keto diet is a black coffee you actually enjoy drinking. Black coffee is perfect for a keto diet and that is why we made True Cold Nitro Coffee.

But this is also why when you ask “is coffee good for a keto diet,” it depends on the coffee and the person.

Too many other coffees:

  • Use harmful additives to preserve their coffee
  • Use sweeteners that disrupt ketosis
  • Blend with second-rate coffee beans

While these drinks throw off your diet, they also slowly get you addicted to their chemical effects.

The best news about Quivr’s black coffee is the taste. The combination of the extensive cold brew process and the nitrogen infusion takes our world-class beans to another level. And it does this with ZERO ADDITIONS. There is nothing but coffee and filtered water in our drinks.

A great-tasting black coffee changes the outlook of a keto dieter. Where you were once thinking about all the things you were deprived of eating and drinking, you now have a beverage you get to look forward to.

You used to be looking for a ‘palatable’ keto coffee beverage. Quivr gives you one that is delicious.

Even if coffee is not for you, Quivr is.

Another important factor when wondering “is coffee good for a keto diet,” is to know your caffeine tolerance. No matter how helpful caffeine can be for ketosis, it’s not worth it if you’re giving yourself constant jitters, anxiety, and other side effects.

That’s why we made a full line-up of great-tasting keto-friendly options. Our True Cold Nitro Decaf Coffee and Hibiscus Ginger Tea are great options for avoiding caffeine. And the True Cold Nitro Oolong Tea and Black Tea are amazingly flavorful teas for a medium-caffeinated option.

With all these options for your keto diet, you can stop thinking about what you CAN’T have and start thinking about which delicious Quivr beverage you GET TO have.

And, if you can’t choose just one, mix and match with our customized variety packs.

Is Coffee Good for a Keto Diet? Avoid the Wrong Keto Beverage. (2024)


Is Coffee Good for a Keto Diet? Avoid the Wrong Keto Beverage.? ›

Black coffee is naturally low in calories and carbs, making it an excellent choice for individuals on the keto diet. It's rich in flavor and antioxidants providing a welcome caffeine boost to help kickstart your day. Just be sure to avoid carbohydrate-rich creamers and sweeteners that can kick you out of ketosis.

Is keto coffee good for a keto diet? ›

However, if you follow the keto diet strictly, Keto coffee can still help your body. If consumed properly, high-fat coffee can help some dieters increase fat intake and achieve deeper levels of ketosis. However, keep in mind that avocados and MCTs are considered sources of saturated fat.

What can I put in my coffee if I'm doing keto? ›

When you're following a keto diet, you can add any low or zero carb mix-ins to your coffee, such as the coffee creamers on our list, or high fat ingredients such as coconut oil or grass-fed butter. You can also try adding a low carb protein powder or sweetener, such as stevia or monk fruit.

What are the side effects of keto coffee? ›

It's popular among people who follow a ketogenic diet. While it's filling and energy-boosting, it comes with several potential downsides, including reduced overall nutrient intake, increased cholesterol, and high levels of saturated fat.

Does coffee affect ketone levels? ›

Researchers in Canada found that coffee helps your body produce ketones, and as participants drank more coffee, ketones in the blood increased. What the study says: Drinking coffee in the morning increased ketone biomarkers by 88-116% for up to four hours after drinking it.

What coffee drinks are keto-friendly? ›

If you are just drinking plain black coffee, you have plenty of options. You can brew it using whatever brewing method you prefer, be it French press, pour over, espresso or anything else. Another great keto-friendly option is cold brew – ideal for those long and hot summer days.

What coffee keeps you in ketosis? ›

Black Coffee (no milk)

Black coffee is super low in calories. However, its benefits go well beyond just the calorie count. Black coffee can aid in keeping you focused and alert throughout your day. Black coffee on it's own will not take you out of ketosis.

How do I protect my kidneys on a keto diet? ›

Additionally, restricting or reducing salt intake, particularly if you have high blood pressure, and ensuring proper hydration will alleviate stress on the kidneys.

Is keto safe for seniors? ›

People over 50 may have success on the keto diet, because it has the potential to promote weight loss, control blood sugar, and possibly protect against heart disease. But this eating plan does have risks, and you should always check with your doctor or a licensed nutritionist before you start any new diet.

Will coffee kick you out of ketosis? ›

Both coffee and tea are low in carbs and can be enjoyed on a keto diet as long as they are unsweetened,” says Winnifred, noting that adding a bit of dairy milk or cream is fine as long as you stay within your daily carb limit. For those following a keto diet, feel free to drink unsweetened plant-based milks, too.

Do ketones affect your kidneys? ›

Ketones serve important energetic roles in the kidney, whereas the kidney contributes to maintaining ketone homeostasis through renal tubular reabsorption.

Does coffee break ketosis in the morning? ›

No, black coffee does not break ketosis. So, if you're currently not fasting but on the Keto diet- fellow coffee addicts- drink away! Ketosis is a state your body is in when it only burns fat rather than glucose.

How much keto coffee can I drink? ›

Keto coffee should only be a once-a-day beverage, at most. It shouldn't replace all of the coffee you drink, and it shouldn't be a replacement for a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Keto coffee can do more harm than good if you're dieting but not on keto (or another low-carb meal plan like paleo or intermittent fasting).

Can I drink keto coffee without keto diet? ›

Bulletproof coffee, even if not on the keto diet, can provide sustained energy due to the combination of coffee and healthy fats. It may help with focus and satiety. However, the benefits might differ compared to those following a ketogenic lifestyle.

How many carbs does keto coffee have? ›

Keto coffee, on the other hand, contains just 1 net gram of carbs per cup and is packed with healthy keto-friendly fats like MCT oil, grass-fed butter, and protein from collagen peptides, providing a 100% natural, ketone-boosting brew.

How many keto coffees can I have a day? ›

For the most part, you are recommended to have one to two keto coffee cups a day. Now, if you have a high caffeine tolerance, then you may go beyond two. For your intermittent fasting, it's best to get two cups of keto coffee for your breakfast and eat after nine in the evening.

Is keto coffee a fat burner? ›

This metabolic shift not only helps with weight loss but also creates a sense of fullness, reducing food cravings and overeating. Additionally, the medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) in Keto Coffee are known for their fat-burning properties and ability to increase metabolic rate.


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