How to Whiten Yellow Teeth: Top Tips | Colgate® (2024)

Food, beverages, some medications and age can cause teeth discolouration over time. Teeth can turn yellow or grey through surface stains or deep stains. Read on to learn more about what causes teeth to turn yellow, how to whiten your teeth using home remedies and 5 easy easy tips on how to get rid of yellow teeth.

Why are my teeth yellow when I brush them every day?

Even if you keep a solid oral care routine, your teeth may become stained over time. If you brush your teeth and rinse your mouth using an antiseptic mouthwash your mouth will be clean and healthy, however, some lifestyle factors and genetic factors can still impact the shade of your teeth. For example, the following factors can make your teeth turn yellow or grey:

  • Acidic drinks such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks and wine
  • Smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products
  • Thin tooth enamel that shows the pale brown/yellow layer underneath called dentine.
  • Dry mouth
  • Some medications like antibiotics and supplements
  • Genetics
  • Ageing

How to get rid of yellow teeth

Many people wonder how to get rid of yellow stains on teeth; fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to brighten your teeth. A good oral hygiene routine, avoiding stain-causing foods and drinks and using teeth-whitening products can help to remove surface stains and brighten your smile. Below, you’ll find five of our favourite teeth whitening tips.

1. Practise good oral hygiene

Practising good oral hygiene is essential for keeping your teeth white. Brush your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time, clean between your teeth with dental floss or interdental brushes and rinse your mouth with an antiseptic or whitening mouthwash to keep your mouth healthy. Also, schedule regular dental check-ups and follow care instructions from your dental hygienist to prevent further stains and other dental issues.

2. Avoid stain-causing foods

Good oral hygiene is essential, but you can also avoid new stains or deepening stains by skipping foods and drinks with acids and colours known to stain teeth. Intensely pigmented foods like red wine, berries and coffee should be a treat, but not something you consume throughout the day. You can remove the particles left from these foods and beverages by brushing your teeth shortly after consuming them.

3. Teeth whitening treatments and products

If you want to know how to get rid of yellow teeth, the most effective option is an in-practice whitening treatment with your dentist. Professional whitening treatments have become very popular because you can see results in a single visit or a few visits. The effects last longer than any product you find on the shelves. Whitening treatments with your dentist are typically more expensive than whitening products you can buy in shops.

If you don’t want to make multiple visits to your dentist for teeth whitening, an alternative is to try it at home. With this method, it’s always advised that you follow advice from your dentist before beginning your treatment. It’s likely you’ll make an initial appointment with your dentist to take impressions of your mouth to make a custom-fitted mouthguard. Once you have your reusable mouthguard, you can buy the whitening solution from your dentist to carry out the treatment yourself. The whitening gel supplied by dentists is stronger than over-the-counter products, so make sure you follow their instructions on how long and how often you should use it to achieve the results you're looking for.

4. Enamel protection

Your smile may not be as bright as you want because of weak enamel. According to Queen Mary University of London, tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. It cannot repair itself once it breaks down. Once oral disease affects the enamel, you can't restore it, and weak enamel can be more susceptible to decay and cavities. That's where enamel protection comes in handy. Fluoride found in most toothpaste can help strengthen tooth enamel against the wear and tear associated with acidic foods and beverages, meaning fewer stains on weak enamel.

5. Eat calcium-rich foods

According to the British Nutrition Foundation, eating foods high in calcium helps to keep enamel strong. Healthy enamel means that the layer of dentine underneath doesn't show, causing your teeth to appear whiter in colour. Dairy products and non-dairy calcium-rich foods provide your teeth with the minerals they need to keep enamel healthy.

When oral hygiene itself doesn't improve the appearance of your teeth, it might be time to consider other options. Talk to your dental professional about their recommendations for removing surface stains and maintaining a bright smile.

Home Remedies for Teeth Whitening

If you want to take teeth whitening into your own hands, there are lots of home remedies you can try. Whitening strips, mouthwashes, toothpastes and pens are now widely available over-the-counter. These products have a lower concentration of the whitening compounds used by the dentist, so they may not be quite as effective as an in-chair treatment, but you should still notice a difference in the brightness of your teeth. You may be tempted to use abrasive substances on your teeth such as activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar or a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. At Colgate, we offer a wide range of teeth whitening products that are affordable, safe to use and let you achieve great results gradually at home. Read on for more details about these products:

Overnight Whitening Pen

Our Max White Overnight Whitening pen uses a whitening serum that can reverse up to 15 years of stains caused by food and drink. Simply paint the serum onto your teeth and let it dry, leave on your teeth overnight and brush in the morning as normal. With just 3 weeks of continued use you should see the results!

LED Whitening Kit

The Colgate LED Whitening Kit is another great at-home choice. Again, it comes with an easy-to-use whitening pen with serum that you can apply directly to each tooth. Then, insert the ComfortFit applicator into your mouth – the LED light is controlled by your smartphone and will activate the whitening serum for a quick whitening treatment that only takes 10 minutes! Repeat twice a day for 2 weeks for brighter, whiter teeth.

Max White Ultimate Radiance Toothpaste

Colgate Max White Ultimate Radiance Toothpaste is our most advanced whitening toothpaste yet. We’ve developed this enamel-safe toothpaste to reverse up to 15 years of deep-set stains caused by food and drink with just 4 weeks of continued use!

Hopefully these tips have given you a better idea of how to get rid of yellow teeth. Try them out and enjoy a brighter, whiter smile!

How to Whiten Yellow Teeth: Top Tips | Colgate® (2024)


How to Whiten Yellow Teeth: Top Tips | Colgate®? ›

1 part of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 2 parts water makes an easy and affordable tooth-whitening mouthwash. Alternatively, create a paste using 3% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and brush with this to remove yellow stains on teeth.

How can I whiten my completely yellow teeth? ›

1 part of 3% hydrogen peroxide mixed with 2 parts water makes an easy and affordable tooth-whitening mouthwash. Alternatively, create a paste using 3% hydrogen peroxide and baking soda and brush with this to remove yellow stains on teeth.

What cancels out yellow teeth? ›

"Purple toothpaste contains color-correcting pigments that are meant to counteract yellow or off-white discoloration," said Chen. "The purple coloration is designed to neutralize yellow stains, enhancing the natural whiteness of the teeth."

How to get teeth super white? ›

Seven Ways to Naturally Whiten Teeth
  1. Eat Strawberries. One of the simplest ways to naturally whiten your teeth is just by eating strawberries. ...
  2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
  4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
  6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

How do you get hard yellow stains off your teeth? ›

Using a paste made of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide is said to remove plaque buildup and bacteria to get rid of stains. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to make a paste. Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water after brushing with this paste.

Can extremely yellow teeth be whitened? ›

You can turn your yellow teeth into white teeth, although how white depends on the extent of the stain and the treatment used. The best course of treatment to get whiter teeth is to seek a professional whitening treatment from your dentist.

Why won't my yellow teeth whiten? ›

If teeth whitening does not work for you, it might be because of the product you are using, the type of tooth stains or spots, or strength of the bleaching gel. Product type – Whitening toothpaste does not remove deeply embedded stains.

How do you get rid of yellow teeth in 5 minutes? ›


Keep adding the lemon juice until you have a fine paste. Now wipe your mouth to get rid of the extra saliva from your teeth. Next, take your toothbrush and apply a layer of the paste on your teeth. Let the paste sit on your teeth for a minute and rinse it out.

How to whiten teeth overnight? ›

Brush a thin, even layer of whitening serum to clean, dry teeth and allow a few seconds for it to dry. Go to sleep (4-6 hours is recommended for best whitening results) and brush your teeth when you wake up to remove the whitening serum. Then, admire your smile!

Can hydrogen peroxide fix yellow teeth? ›

Teeth-whitening products often use hydrogen peroxide to remove stains and dissolve chemical compounds that yellow your teeth. Those products are available over the counter, or you can receive treatments at a dentist's office. In-office techniques use higher concentrations than OTC products.

How to whiten teeth in 2 minutes? ›

Baking-powder eliminates stains on the surface of your teeth and lemon juice as we already said has multiple components that lighten teeth. Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes.

What is the cheapest way to whiten your teeth? ›

Over-the-counter options, like whitening toothpastes, strips, and kits, tend to be the cheapest options. If you feel self-conscious about the brightness of your smile, you are far from alone.

How to whiten teeth home? ›

Brush with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste:

Baking soda has teeth whitening properties; that's why it's prevalent in toothpaste commercials. It helps in rubbing off stains from the tooth surface due to its mildly abrasive nature. Hydrogen peroxide, on the other hand, is a natural bleaching agent.

How to make yellow teeth white in one day? ›

10 Ways to Whiten Teeth in a Day and Keep Healthy Gums
  1. Brush with Baking Soda. ...
  2. Use Hydrogen Peroxide. ...
  3. Activated Charcoal. ...
  4. Powdered milk and toothpaste. ...
  5. Coconut Oil Pulling with Baking soda. ...
  6. Essential Oils Whitening Toothpaste. ...
  7. Turmeric Whitening Toothpaste. ...
  8. Baking Soda and Strawberry Paste.
Mar 27, 2019

How to cure yellow teeth at home? ›

Simple kitchen ingredients offer several natural ways to make teeth white at home.
  1. Papaya. Raw papaya might be a good bleaching agent because it contains papain and chymopapain enzymes. ...
  2. Pineapple. Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. ...
  3. Strawberries. ...
  4. Banana peel. ...
  5. Lemon. ...
  6. Dairy products. ...
  7. Activated charcoal. ...
  8. Rock salt.
May 6, 2024

What is the best stain remover for teeth? ›

Toothpaste brands such as Crest3D and Colgate Max White are exceptionally good at removing stains that are not too deep. The brushing technique matters and the proven way is to brush up and down as well as with a sideways motion. The plaque is sticky and does not move easily. Brush twice a day, no more.

Can you fix really yellow teeth? ›

The most straightforward fix for yellow teeth is to have them whitened. There are plenty of whitening options but having a dentist whiten your teeth is likely to get the greatest improvement. A dentist can use stronger ingredients than if you were to buy a preparation over the counter.

Why are my teeth so yellow no matter what I do? ›

Poor Oral Hygiene: Poor oral hygiene is one of the causes of yellow teeth, but even the most diligent brushers and flossers can develop the discolored teeth that occur simply with age. Fluoride: Excessive fluoride exposure is also among the causes of stained teeth, especially in children.


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