Discolored Teeth Treatment | Claremont Dental Institute (2024)

What causes my teeth to look discolored?

Are your teeth yellow, or do you have brown or dark splotches on your teeth? Many different things can be responsible for tooth discoloration. While some tooth discoloration is the consequence of certain lifestyle habits, it can also be caused by trauma, medications, or over fluoridation.

Treatment for whitening discolored teeth will vary depending on the cause of tooth discoloration. Your Claremont Dental Institute dentist can help to determine the cause of your tooth discoloration and provide suitable solutions for improving the appearance of your smile.

Discolored Teeth Treatment | Claremont Dental Institute (1)

Causes & Treatments for Tooth Discoloration

Yellow Stained Teeth- Yellow teeth are the most common form of tooth discoloration. As patients age, the enamel of their teeth gradually erodes. As the tooth enamel wears away, the dentin becomes exposed. Dentin is the inner layer of tooth material that is naturally yellow in color. Certain lifestyle factors can accelerate the yellowing of teeth. For example, drinking red wine and coffee, smoking, or consuming a diet high in sugar.

Your dentist will work with you to improve or resolve discoloration with professional teeth whitening kits or in-office whitening treatments. Professional whitening gels help reduce tooth sensitivity and provide quick, beautiful results. Thus, whitening teeth up to 8 shades in a single treatment.

Dark Spots- Dark or brown spots on teeth are a product of trauma to the tooth. An accident or injury can leave behind dark spots on the tooth’s surface. There are also certain antibiotics that cause dark spots to form on the teeth.

You should always let your dentist know about any medications you may be taking so that you are able to receive the appropriate dental care. Dark spots caused by an injury or medication may require tooth bonding or porcelain veneers to cover discoloration. These types of stains tend to be resistant to professional teeth whitening gels.

White Spots- Many patients have small, ultra-bright spots on some of their teeth. These bright white spots are typically caused by overexposure to fluoride during the development of the teeth. Depending on the extent of white spots, tooth bonding, veneers, or whitening products can be used to even out the smile’s color.

Treatment Options for Discolored Teeth

Whitening your teeth can help improve the appearance of your teeth and boost your self-confidence. A whiter, brighter smile makes us feel attractive and gives us the confidence to be friendlier. If you are unhappy with the color and appearance of your smile, be sure to discuss your concerns with your dentist at your next dental appointment.

We can quickly treat yellow or stained teeth with an in-office teeth whitening procedure. Trauma or discoloration caused by medications may require more advanced cosmetic treatment. Your dentist may recommend dental veneers or a dental crown to create a more balanced and beautiful smile.

Teeth whitening can take years off the appearance of your smile, leaving you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Talk to your dentist about combining teeth whitening with other cosmetic treatments for a total smile makeover.

Discolored Teeth FAQs

Can deep tooth discoloration be reversed?

We can correct deep tooth staining and discoloration, but it is a lengthy process. Unfortunately, once staining has reached interior enamel, it is much more difficult to reverse. This is different from surface stains, which your dentist can treat with teeth whitening in two visits.

What are the consequences of discolored teeth?

Discolored teeth are most commonly a cosmetic issue but they are also proven more likely to form cavities and decay. If you have discolored teeth, you are more likely to develop gum disease or experience other oral health issues.

Can vitamin deficiency cause yellow teeth?

Having a vitamin deficiency can make teeth appear yellow and make staining worse. Eating a healthy, nutrient-rich diet and routine check-ins with your doctor can help protect against teeth staining. Certain medications can also contribute to this issue.

Request a Teeth Whitening Consultation

Do you wish your smile was whiter and brighter? Contact Claremont Dental Institute near you, including San Dimas, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, La Verne, and Upland California. Contact our office at (909) 277-6919 or request a consultation online today.

Discolored Teeth Treatment | Claremont Dental Institute (2024)


What is the best dental treatment for Discoloured teeth? ›

Teeth whitening, composite bonding, veneers, crowns, and dental cleaning are all effective treatments for yellow or discoloured teeth.

What can a dentist do for discolored teeth? ›

Dentists may offer in-office or at-home professional teeth whitening treatments. These methods use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to break up stains and lift them from your teeth. Professional whitening works best on surface (extrinsic) stains.

Can discolored teeth be fixed? ›

There are several treatments used to fix discolored teeth. Conventional teeth whitening treatments are suitable for extrinsic tooth discoloration; however, intrinsic stains may need cosmetic dental treatments to achieve a whiter smile.

Can a discolored tooth be saved? ›

In some cases, the tooth will heal itself; however, it is common for the tooth to remain discolored or even die. Depending on the type of damage, treatment may involve a root canal to remove the dead tissue and bleaching or cosmetic restorations to improve the color of the tooth.

Can you fix badly stained teeth? ›

Brown staining from foods, drinks, or tobacco can be removed by cutting down on the culprit and improving your oral hygiene. For more stubborn stains, you may need at-home or professional whitening to remove brown stains. For plaque or tartar, you'll likely need to schedule a dental cleaning to remove the brown stains.

Can old brown teeth be whitened? ›

The short answer is yes and there's a wide range of solutions available. We mentioned that over-the-counter products might do the trick (i.e. the do-it-yourself approach) and that you can do several things to somehow lighten the brown colour and make your smile naturally whiter.

How much does it cost to fix brown teeth? ›

Both the procedure's cost and the length of the dental bond or veneer can determine which one is right for you. Since fixing discolored teeth can cost from $100 to $2000+, it's essential to contact your local dentist and discuss your cosmetic dentistry options.

What vitamin deficiency causes teeth discoloration? ›

Tooth discoloration from vitamin deficiency often occurs in people who don't get enough vitamin D. Without exposure to sunlight or other sources of this vitamin, the dentin that forms the core of the teeth cannot fully regenerate and build new layers.

Can you fix enamel discoloration? ›

Enamel Bonding, in some cases, can cover discolored teeth and create a more uniform look. This method is less expensive than porcelain veneers and can fix minor discoloration.

What is trench mouth? ›

Trench mouth is a painful form of gum swelling (gingivitis). The mouth normally contains a balance of different bacteria. Trench mouth occurs when there is too much pathologic bacteria. The gums become infected and develop painful ulcers. Viruses may be involved in allowing the bacteria to grow too much.

What toothpaste remineralizes teeth? ›

A quick look at the best remineralizing toothpaste
  • Best anti-cavity remineralizing toothpaste: 3M Clinpro 5000.
  • Best remineralizing toothpaste for sensitive teeth: Sensodyne Pronamel.
  • Best overall remineralizing toothpaste: Crest Pro-Health Advanced.
Jun 21, 2022

Why is one tooth turning brown? ›

Teeth can also become discoloured from tooth decay and may show up as black or brown. Oftentimes it is quite difficult to spot these areas of decay until it is too late. If we leave them long enough, they may lead to pain and infection. Sometimes this may also cause the tooth to turn gray as it starts to die.

How do you get rid of discoloration between teeth? ›

Over-the-counter teeth whitening products, such as whitening toothpaste or strips, may help lighten surface stains to some extent. However, a dentist's professional teeth whitening treatments are generally more effective for stubborn or deep-set stains between teeth.

How do dentists fix yellow teeth? ›

Bleaching process in the clinic: The first way a dentist can help you clean yellow teeth is by performing the bleaching process at the clinic. Before applying any whitening bleach, your dentist will put a protective layer of gel or a mouth guard inside your mouth. This bleach will help you get your pearly whites back.

How can I restore my tooth enamel color? ›

Can You Restore Tooth Enamel?
  1. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day.
  2. Cleaning between your teeth daily with floss or an interdental device.
  3. Avoid sugary, starchy, and acidic foods.
  4. Drinking plenty of water and chewing sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production.
Jan 9, 2023

How do you get rid of old yellow teeth? ›

Here are 5 home remedies to get rid of yellow teeth:
  1. Brushing teeth with baking soda. One of the best and most accessible natural solutions for whitening teeth is baking soda. ...
  2. Neem datun. Neem datun is an age-old remedy. ...
  3. Fruit peel. Yes, fruits can also work wonders for your dental health. ...
  4. Coconut oil pulling. ...
  5. Holy basil.
Sep 5, 2022


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