Does Brushing Your Teeth With Baking Soda Whiten Your Teeth? (2024)

Brushing teeth with baking soda is sometimes promoted as an effective way to whiten the teeth. Baking soda (also called sodium bicarbonate) is an abrasive compound that can remove the stains that are caused by drinking coffee, tea, smoking, etc. and the debris on the surface of the teeth to make the teeth appear whiter and brighter. It can therefore to some extent whiten the teeth and may prevent some discolouration too.

How Baking Soda Is Used for Teeth Whitening

Baking soda can be used with some water to remove the stains on the surface of the teeth. It can also be used with hydrogen peroxide to enhance its whitening effects. Baking soda can be used by individuals with regular toothpastes too. It is also used commercially in some teeth whitening products and toothpastes.

While some may encourage or recommend the use of lemon juice and strawberry with baking soda, in order to enhance its whitening capabilities, these are not ideal. Lemon juice is acidic and can actually eat away the calcium from the teeth and corrode or destroy it, lemon juice may also cause some inflammation of the gums. Strawberries can whiten the teeth because of the ascorbic acid in them, and since acids are generally not good for the teeth, using strawberries together with baking soda can therefore be harmful to the teeth.

One of the benefits of using baking soda is the fact that it can serve as a cheaper alternative to expensive whitening treatments and products. It can also neutralize and counteract bacterial acids in the mouth too. And can also remove plaque which can cause tooth decay and gum disease from the teeth because of its abrasive properties.

Using Baking Soda Safely

Baking soda will generally need to be used correctly in order to protect the teeth’s enamel from damages. The soda should ideally not be used too frequently since it can damage the enamel as a result of frequent use. It should generally only be used about once per a week and for two minutes at a time.

Baking soda should also not be used as a replacement for toothpaste since there is no fluoride in it, fluoride helps to protect the teeth from cavities and will also strengthen the teeth’s enamel. Using some fluoride toothpaste with baking soda can keep the teeth healthy. The soda should also not be scrubbed hard on the teeth in order to protect the gums and enamel. You should check with your Coventry dentist first before using baking soda to brush your teeth, especially if you already suffer pre-existing gum issues/problems or sensitive teeth

The Disadvantages And Risks Of Using Baking Soda

There are some risks involved in using baking soda for brushing the teeth. It can damage the enamel which may cause the teeth to become more sensitive than they should be to hot or cold temperatures, and it can also make brushing your teeth by itself painful. Damage to the enamel can also make the teeth more likely to attract cavities.

Baking soda can weaken or soften the glue or adhesive of braces and permanent dental fixtures or fittings, hence it should not be used by those with such fittings. Baking soda can also be misapplied since there is no standard procedure to follow that would ensure its safe use for whitening the teeth. It could also damage the gum and may not appeal to some people because of its taste.

Dealing With Stains That Cannot Be Removed By Baking Soda

Baking soda will generally not work on a wide range of stains. It may not be able to remove some deep or severe stains or may not make the teeth as white as some individuals would want their teeth to be. Those who may want to bleach their teeth white will actually need to use a whitening product to achieve that since baking soda cannot bleach the teeth.

Individuals may therefore opt to use some natural teeth whitening products or treatments instead of soda. Some teeth stains are internal while some are external, and some stains can be treated with whitening products while others cannot be treated by them. You should check with your dentist before using any whitening solutions or kits on your teeth.

The most common whitening methods are professional in-office treatments, professional use-at-home kits and over-the-counter products. The active agent in most whitening products is hydrogen peroxide. The more peroxide that is found in a product the more the product will be likely to whiten the teeth. Whitening products that are used or that can be provided by a dentist will generally contain more peroxide than over-the-counter products, granting a more effective whitening.

Professional in-office whitening treatments are carried out in the dentist office and can be completed within an hour or so. They are however more expensive than other methods. Professional use-at-home kits are mouthpieces and whitening gels that are provided by dentists, they can be used to whiten the teeth while at home, and can provide some faster results too than similar over-the-counter kit options.

Over-the-counter products such as strips, whitening toothpastes, or gum are more affordable than professional in-office treatments and professional at-home kits. With them, there is no need tomake an appointment with your dentist, and there are quite a lot of options and brands to choose from too. You may generally need several treatments or may need to use a product several times before you get your teeth to appear as white as you may want them to be. A whitening treatment or solution may also need to be repeated over time to maintain or keep the teeth white.

Brushing teeth with baking soda can be an affordable way to remove teeth stains or whiten the teeth, however, there are quite a lot of whitening products and treatments that may be more effective at doing this too, individuals should therefore consider these too while looking for a whitening solution.

Does Brushing Your Teeth With Baking Soda Whiten Your Teeth? (2024)


Does Brushing Your Teeth With Baking Soda Whiten Your Teeth? ›

Conclusion. Baking soda is an effective teeth whitener when used appropriately to brush the teeth. Keep in mind that it is also important to maintain regular dental visits and continue using a good toothpaste with any baking soda brushing routine.

How long does it take for baking soda to whiten teeth? ›

But, how long the baking soda takes to work depends on the severity of the stains. Generally, it takes about two weeks of daily use before you start seeing results. If you're looking for a quick fix, other options are available, such as professional teeth whitening in the Colony, TX, or take-home kits.

What happens if I brush my teeth with baking soda everyday? ›

Brushing with baking soda is particularly dangerous when done too often. The same extremely abrasive properties that make baking soda effective against plaque also make it dangerous. Consistent use can damage teeth by eroding the protective layer of enamel.

Is baking soda safe to whiten teeth with? ›

Baking soda is a mild abrasive. While the American Dental Association (ADA) considers baking soda safe for your enamel and dentin, some researchers have given it a low rating as a teeth whitener because it may not remove stains as effectively as some other products.

Is brushing your teeth with baking soda and water good? ›

In addition, baking soda helps neutralize plaque acids and also break down and remove stains. Less plaque helps prevent tooth decay. Baking soda also works to whiten your teeth! You can make a DIY baking soda paste from baking soda and a little water and dip your toothbrush in to help clean your teeth.

How to whiten teeth overnight? ›

No treatment can whiten teeth overnight, but some options are faster than others. Natural or over-the-counter treatment may take longer than treatments at the dentist's office. Even in the latter case, whitening is likely to require several treatment sessions of several hours each.

Do lemon and baking soda whiten teeth? ›

Baking soda is abrasive and lemon juice is acidic. Together they form a destructive duo that corrodes tooth enamel. This will undoubtedly remove surface stains, but it will also damage the protective layer of your teeth in the process. Enamel is there to defend your teeth and once it's gone, it's gone forever.

What are the side effects of rinsing your mouth with baking soda? ›

It Causes Sensitivity

Baking soda may be allergic to some people, especially women, as a result, it may cause rashes and sores on the palate, gums, tongue, and lips. Burning, itching or pain may occur due to mucosal irritation. Also, bleeding gums are not impossible.

What happens if you leave baking soda on your teeth for too long? ›

Baking soda with intensive and prolonged use can completely destroy the tooth enamel, as well as cause gum disease. With this product, you can actually get rid of plaque and pollution, but at a very high price.

How to whiten teeth in 2 minutes? ›

Baking-powder eliminates stains on the surface of your teeth and lemon juice as we already said has multiple components that lighten teeth. Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes.

Does lemon make teeth whiter? ›

However, none of the acids are recommended to whiten your teeth since it can do more harm than good. Lemon juice is high in citric acid. The high citric acid content causes your teeth to actually lose calcium. Rather than brighten your teeth it gives them an off-white color.

Does swishing hydrogen peroxide whiten teeth? ›

A simple hydrogen peroxide mouthwash may help remove mild stains. However, a person should avoid leaving hydrogen peroxide solutions on their teeth for extended periods. For people who have darker stains, stronger whitening options are available both over the counter and from a dentist.

How to get white teeth in 1 day with toothpaste? ›

All you need to do is to put your regular toothpaste on your toothbrush and then add a little quantity of powdered milk on top of the toothpaste and then brush your teeth. Ensure to rinse your mouth properly after brushing. After a short while, you will notice that your teeth will become whiter than they use to be.

Do strawberries whiten teeth? ›

"Strawberries contain citric acid which may give teeth a very temporary whiter appearance after you apply it," she says. But that doesn't mean the stains on your teeth have been removed. The acid from the berries breaks down your tooth enamel and causes dehydration. So, the teeth may temporarily appear whiter.

How to get white teeth in 1 day with baking soda? ›

Using a mixture of baking soda and water can help buff away stains with little to no irritation, even on sensitive teeth. To use baking soda and water to whiten, simply combine 1 tsp baking soda and a small amount of water until paste forms, then use to brush teeth with circular motions, followed by a thorough rinse.

Does baking soda whiten teeth overnight? ›

Baking soda has mild abrasive properties that can remove stains. Baking soda, however, is not an overnight tooth whitening solution, and it takes time to see the results. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide, which is a natural bleaching agent.


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