15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (2024)

Are you feeling too odd with the hanging skin on your arms? Stay eased out as you have ways to get over it by learning several flabby arm Exercises.

Stay eased out and quickly help yourself to get rid of flabby arms with Exercises. You want it toned, isn’t it? Little efforts and movement should cater to your need to having toned arms.

For the most part, the reason for flabby arms is a disturbance in your lifestyle and to know what to do and what not to you need to read through this article to get better knowledge about the causes and exercises to burn the fats on your flabby arms.

Read : How To Lose Arm Fat With These Amazing Exercises

What Causes Flabby Arms?

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (2)

Flabby arms are caused for the following reasons. Take a look at them and understand whether or not it is in your reach to tone the skin around your arms

No 1 – As Age Comes By

After a certain age the collagen production in our skin tends to dip down and our skin loses out on its elasticity. Do you agree? If you have seen this with your parents or grand parents.

Your arms tend to lose strength and moisture which is why the skin around it gets loose. Thus, a woman who is getting old can witness flabby arms.

No 2 – Losing Weight

When there is a drastic change in you weight, chances of developing hanging skin around the arms is natural. However, you cannot do anything about it if that’s how your genes are.

That said, dangling skin around your arms can be a negative effect of gaining weight all of a sudden.

No 3 – Drastic Weight Loss

When you were healthy earlier and you end up losing weight all of a sudden it affects your skin making it loose. Your skin loses its capacity in coming back to its original form.

Having said, just as putting on weight causes the skin on your arms to hang, same is when you lose weight. So, if you have flabby arms because of losing weight then don’t be disappointed.

No 4 – UV Rays On Your Skin Is Problematic

If you want the skin on your arms to stay firm you need to know how important it is to shield the elasticity in your skin.

The elasticity on your skin is what contributes in keeping the skin firm. That said, when your skin is excessively exposed to the sun rays it hampers the elasticity on your skin and you tend to have flabby arms.

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No 5 – Other Factors

Apart from weight gain, aging and weight loss, flabby arms are also caused when there is a hormonal change or a shift in your metabolism that lead to several other issues on your skin.

After menopause it so happens that women tend to put on or lose weight which is one of the reasons for flabby arms. Thus, these changes cannot be put to an end. However, they can be kept in control.

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Exercises To Get Rid Of Flabby Arms – Work On Them!

Getting rid of flabby arms is not tough unless you are devoted to exercises that can help with toning your arms.

To make it short, you need exercises to add strength and tighten your arms. Take a look at the best exercises that can help fulfill your need

1 – Lateral Raise

Pros of this Flabby Arm exercises

Take a look at the good in practicing this exercise

  • Strengthens your flabby arms and makes the skin tight
  • Works on improving the flexibility in your back and shoulders
  • It is a simple exercise to increase upper body strength
  • This exercise helps in building the anterior deltoid muscles
  • This exercise helps you build good shoulders

When to avoid it

You should avoid this exercise if you have an injury on your back or shoulder or you can pick up light dumbbell weights.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  1. Hold two dumbbells and stand with your legs slightly apart. Let the weight of the dumbbells be 2.5 kgs each.
  2. Let your hands be close to your thighs, lift your hands sideways up-to the level of your shoulders and then bring it down.

Repeat this action 10-12 times. You can practice this exercise four times in a week. All in all, you will even get to tighten the flabby arms.

2 – Dumbbell Row

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (3)

Pros of this Flabby Arm exercises

Take a look at the good in practicing this exercise

  • This is a great exercise for the lats, deltoids and biceps
  • It invigorates your upper body
  • Flabby arms turn into strengthened arms
  • It ensures to make your spine flexible
  • It is a good workout in order to improve the condition of your back and shoulders

When to avoid it

Avoid doing this exercise if you have pain in your lower back and see to it that you don’t slouch your shoulders, stay in the right position.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  1. Take two dumbbells weighing 2.5 -5 kgs each and place it beside your thighs.
  2. Stand with your feet slightly apart and bend your knees( make sure to push your buttocks behind, bring your chest forward and keep your lower back straight).
  3. Look down, take your shoulders behind, squeeze your arms and move your hands behind by bending your elbows, taking your arms up and bringing it down close to your hips.

Repeat this action about 15-18 times. You can practice this exercise 3 times a week. All in all, you will see how your flabby arms disappear and an increased strength in your shoulders.

3 – Bench Press

Pros of this Flabby Arm exercises

  • This exercise strengthens the pectorals, upper back and your shoulders
  • The skin on your arms tightens and you forget about flabby arms.
  • It works on improving your chest muscles
  • You get to push heavy weight with ease after you perform this exercise

When to avoid it

You must avoid this exercise when you have pain or an injury in your shoulders and lower back. That said, it is important to rest your shoulders and back on the bench.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  1. Sit on a bench with your feet slightly apart.
  2. Pick a barbell weighing 5kgs. Always start with a less heavy barbell.
  3. Lie down on the bench with your feet apart and lift the barbell up until your forehead
  4. Slowly bring the barbell close to your chest.
  5. Look up at the ceiling while you are performing this workout.

Repeat this action 10-15 times. You can practice this exercise 3 times a week. All in all, this workout will fill strength in your upper body as well as tighten your flabby arms.

Read : Top 10 Exercises Working Out Pecs For Women To Strengthen Their Chest

4 – Arms Side Push Ups

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (4)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • This side exercise is good with reducing flabby arms
  • It strengthens your triceps and builds strength and resistance in the upper body
  • It teaches you the art of balancing your body as you get to push your body on one side

When to avoid it

Avoid doing this exercise if you have pain or some kind of injury in your arms. Also, be careful with your wrist because of the weight of your body.

Steps to do this exercise

  1. Roll a mat on the floor and lie down sideways.
  2. See to it that both your legs are above each other and slightly bent.
  3. If you are on you right then place your left palm on the floor and pick up your body balancing it on your left palm.
  4. Place your right hand on your shoulder.
  5. Now push your body up and slowly bring it down.

Repeat this action 10-15 times on each side. You can practice this exercise three times a week. All in all, it is going to energize your arms and help you get rid of flabby arms.

5 – Two Arm Kettle Bell Swing

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (5)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • This exercise helps strengthen your lower back, shoulders, glutes, abs and hamstrings
  • It helps in improving the flexibility and movement in your muscles
  • It is an effective exercise for your upper and lower body
  • In no time you will see how your flabby arms get tightened and firm

When to avoid it

Avoid this exercise when you have an injury in your back. Ensure to correctly position your back while performing this exercise in order to avoid injuries.

Steps to do this exercise

  1. Hold the kettle-bell in front of you with both your hands. Now, stand with your feet wide apart.
  2. Slightly bend your back and move the kettle-bell down in between your legs.
  3. After this, stand back straight bringing the kettle-bell up and make your body straight in such a way that you feel no weight of the kettle-bell after pulling your arms up.

Repeat this action of bending and coming up with the kettlebell for about 30 seconds to a minute.

You can practice this exercise three times a week. All in all, this is an intensive workout and helps in tightening your arms.

6 – Pull Overs

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (6)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • This is one of the best workout to tighten the flabby arms
  • Your upper body is invigorated and the chest muscles get stronger than before
  • It teaches you how to endure pain, this is because you apply pressure while lifting dumbbells
  • Your upper body tends to get flexible with this workout
  • It helps in increasing strength in the upper back and torso as well

When to avoid it

You should avoid this exercise if you have pain or an injury in your shoulder or wrist. Make sure to keep your back comfortable while you lie down flat on the bench.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  • Slightly place your feet apart and comfortably lie down on a bench
  • Lift a dumbbell weighing 5 kgs, slightly take it behind your head and then bring it close to your chest

Repeat this action 10-15 times. You can practice this workout four times a week. All in all, it will tone your back, chest and shoulders.

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7 – Power Walking

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (7)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • Power walking helps with strengthening your muscles
  • You tend to lose weight quickly
  • The flabby arms start to tighten as there would be a continuous movement in your arms swinging forward and backward
  • This workout helps you stay fit and keeps your heart healthy

When to avoid it

You can do this exercise at ease because it doesn’t have any drawback. Avoid walking fast if you feel breathless.

Steps to do this exercise

You don’t need guided steps to do power walking. You only need to move your hands back and forth, and walk at a fast pace.

Walking is healthy and it is recommended as one of the best form of exercise by doctors. You can walk for 30 minutes everyday. It is healthy and rejuvenating for the mind and body.

8 – Planks

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (8)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • Planks helps with improving strength in your core. It burns down all your excess fat
  • While you balance weight on your hands it helps you get rid of flabby arms as well
  • It makes your body flexible and improves co-ordination
  • It helps in improving your body posture

When to avoid it

Avoid planking when you are feeling weak. Ensure to be confident about having strength in your body and only then go for planks.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

There are different variations in planks. However, take a look at the basic steps you need to know

  1. Roll a mat on the floor and sleep straight on your stomach.
  2. Place both palms on the floor slightly your chest.
  3. Join your heels, thighs and comfortably place your toes on the floor.

Slowly lift your body up by applying pressure on your palms. Ensure to be a few inches above the ground and let your toes and palms balance the weight on your body.

Stay in this position for a minute. Practice this exercise every day. All in all, while you apply pressure on your palms and arms to balance your body, the hanging skin around your arms tightens.

9 – Downward Dog

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (9)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • This exercise helps in strengthening your core and chest
  • It is good to make your shoulders flexible
  • Improves the blood circulation in your body
  • It is an effective exercise with regards to strengthening your legs as well
  • All your flabby arms straighten up and your skin gets tighter

When to avoid it

You need to avoid practising this posture when you are pregnant and in case you have an injury in your back, shoulders or arms. Ensure not to strain your body while stretching.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  1. Roll a mat on the floor and lie down on your stomach.
  2. Join your heels, toes, calves and thighs. Place your hands close to your thighs in such a way that your palms face the ceiling.
  3. Turn your palms around and place it on the floor. Slowly lift your body up by bending on your knees and pushing your buttocks outwards.
  4. Push your body behind by lifting your toes and letting your heels touch the ground.
  5. Bend your head and let it stay in between both your arms. Ensure that your buttocks and pelvis region is completely pushed behind.

Stay in this position for a minute. You can practice this exercise thrice a week.

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10 – Triceps Kickback

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (10)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • Triceps kick back is one of the best exercise with regards to strengthening and beautifully toning your arms
  • It aids weight loss
  • This exercise fills your body with immense strength

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When to avoid it

You would need to avoid a triceps kickback if you have an injury in your arms or shoulders.

Steps to do this exercise

Steps to follow

  1. Take two dumbbells weighing 2.5 kgs each.
  2. Stand with your feet slightly apart.
  3. Bend your back and knees.
  4. Push your hands behind and slightly above your buttocks.
  5. Bring your hands close to your chest.

Repeat this action 10-15 times. Practice this exercise for flabby arms three times a week so that along with your arms even your legs get strengthened.

11 – Tree Pose

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (11)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • You can benefit from this exercise by reducing weight and strengthening your thighs, torso and calf muscles
  • As your hands stay still above your head it helps in toning flabby arms
  • You learn how to balance your body better
  • This exercise improves concentration

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When to avoid it

You can avoid practicing this posture if you feel nauseous or giddy.

Steps to do this exercise

Follow the steps

  1. Stand with your feet slightly apart
  2. Lift your left leg and place it on the side of your right leg in a way that the sole is in between your thighs and calf muscles
  3. Gently lift both your hands above your head and join both your palms
  4. Look straight at a point in front of you and focus on the point for a minute or keep your eyes closes and remain in the position

You can stay in this position for a minute. Apart from the other benefits of this posture, you should know that it helps with increasing strength in your arms as well.

12 – Punching On A Bag

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (12)

Pros of doing this Flabby Arm exercises

  • If the skin around your arms is excessively hanging this exercise will help get rid of flabby arms
  • It improves concentration and helps your gain strength in your upper body
  • Tones up your biceps, triceps and shoulders
  • It helps in relieving stress
  • Strengthens the ligaments and contributes to better bone health

When to avoid it

You will avoid using a punching bag if you have a problem with your finger joints or a shoulder injury.

Things to keep in mind

  • If you decide on using a punching bag at home then you need to be sure of choosing the right bag.
  • Always wear the right gloves before you start to punch on the bag
  • Make sure to place your punching bag in the right place

By punching on the bag your arms get stronger and toned.

In a nutshell, if your flabby arm Exercises are bothering you then you need to consistently start practicing exercises that will help you get rid of flabby arms.

Initially when you begin exercising it won’t be a smooth ride because you will end up having pain in your arms. However, after a while your arms will get accustomed to several exercises and it will enable you to achieve strong and firm arms

15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out! (2024)


15 Effective Flabby Arm Exercises For Women – Tone It Out!? ›

Arm toning with weights and body lift exercises can certainly go a long way in increasing the strength and tone of your upper arms. When these exercise routines are combined with overall body fat reduction, you may get close to achieving the arm appearance you want.

What is the fastest way to tone flabby arms? ›

5 best exercises to reduce my flabby arms
  1. Modified push-ups. Push-ups help tone and strengthen chest and arms muscles. ...
  2. Triceps dips. Triceps dips are an excellent way to tone the back of your arms. ...
  3. Dumbbell diagonal raises. ...
  4. Dumbbell bicep curls. ...
  5. Dumbbell bent-over reverse fly.

Can flabby arms really be toned? ›

Arm toning with weights and body lift exercises can certainly go a long way in increasing the strength and tone of your upper arms. When these exercise routines are combined with overall body fat reduction, you may get close to achieving the arm appearance you want.

Can a 60 year old woman tone flabby arms? ›

As you can see, it's possible to get the toned arms you want, even when you are in your senior years. However, you need to be willing to commit to eating right and getting exercise. Build the muscles and then shed the fat. You'll be happy with how your arms look in the mirror.

How long does it take to tone arms for a female? ›

However, with consistency and dedication, you can start to see visible results in as little as four to six weeks. Incorporating various exercises into your routine, including strength training and cardio, is essential to tone your arms and achieve your fitness goals.

How long does it take to transform flabby arms? ›

How long it takes to lose excess fat depends on consistency, diligence to lifestyle change, genetics, weight loss, and the amount and type of exercise. “The typical person can lose fat in 4 to 6 weeks following a specific training and diet regimen,” McCullough says.

Can bat wings be toned? ›

Strengthening the triceps can reduce the appearance of bat wings. However, to make a lasting difference, a person may need to make broader changes to their exercise routine and diet.

How to firm up under arm flab? ›

Cardio and Weights to Tone Underarms
  1. Pushup.
  2. Cat-cow.
  3. Downward-facing dog.
  4. Triceps press.
  5. Triceps extension.
  6. Chest press.
  7. Bicep curl.
  8. Bench dip.
May 23, 2019

Can a 70 year old get rid of flabby arms? ›

Although arms do lose muscle tone with aging, strength conditioning can help reverse the process. Aging generally results in physical deterioration, including a loss of muscle tone. Even seniors who stay in shape may experience increased muscle weakness and flabbiness over age 70.

How to get rid of old lady saggy arms? ›

5 exercises to tighten and tone your arms for summer
  1. Bicep Curls. The bicep curl is the quintessential arm exercise. ...
  2. Tricep Kickbacks. The triceps are what people are referring to when they say that their arms are flabby. ...
  3. Hug a Tree. ...
  4. Serve the Platter. ...
  5. V exercises.
May 29, 2020

Can exercise get rid of crepey skin on arms? ›

Regular Exercise

Frequent and targeted movement builds muscles and tightens the skin over time, minimizing the appearance of sagging arms.

Does walking reduce arm fat? ›

Including aerobic exercise in your routine aids in burning calories and promotes the loss of body fat overall, including that of the arms. Exercises like jogging, cycling, jumping rope, and brisk walking can be beneficial.

What size weight should a woman use for toning arms? ›

I recommend starting with 5-pound weights. Halfway through the month, do a check-in with your body to see if they feel too light. If so, you can move up to 7.5- or 8-pound weights. If you notice you are building muscle too quickly, or bulking instead of toning, I recommend staying lighter with your weights.

Will 5lb weights tone my arms? ›

Tightening your flabby arms can be accomplished with 5-pound weights and arm exercises. Light resistance training can give you a noticeable improvement in just a few weeks.

Can you get rid of flabby arms after 50? ›

Yes, flabby arms can be toned after 50—but it takes some effort! You'll need to do resistance training, cardio exercises, and proper nutrition to help build muscle mass and tone your arms. But don't despair; with a little bit of hard work, you can achieve the strong and toned arms you've always wanted!

How to get rid of tuck shop arms? ›

Some bodyweight exercises for tuckshop arms (that target the upper arms) include:
  1. Push-ups.
  2. Tricep dips.
  3. Chin-ups.
  4. Plank holds.
Nov 1, 2022


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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.