Why Your Teeth Are Not Perfectly White Despite Daily Brushing (2024)

Are you wondering why your teeth are not perfectly white even if you brush them diligently multiple times a day? Don’t worry; you are not alone. It’s one of the most common questions for many people, and some even get frustrated because they want to have whiter teeth.

Allow us to tell you why your teeth don’t get whiter just by brushing. Here are the reasons why your teeth are not white even if you brush them every day:

1. Teeth Are Not Supposed to Be White

Before you get frustrated, you must know that teeth are not supposed to be white. The concept of perfectly white teeth is just a myth long perpetuated by the media. The truth is that it is only possible if someone photoshopped your teeth or if you use filters on photographs. No matter what you do, your teeth will always appear slightly off-white because that is their natural state.

Why is that so? Because the structure of your teeth is composed of dentin and enamel, making them appear discolored in real life. No amount of toothpaste or brushing frequency can make your teeth look perfectly white, especially if you are born with dark dentin.

2. You Will Always Stain Your Teeth

Another reason why your teeth don’t become white through brushing is that you will always stain them. Meaning, you will constantly consume food or drink or develop some habits, like smoking, that can stain your teeth.

Just so you know, smoking, drinking coffee, cola, and wine can stain your teeth. So, even if you brush every day, your teeth will not become lighter because you regularly consume items that cause stains.

3. Brushing Your Teeth Is Not Meant to Whiten Them

Another fact that you should remember is that tooth brushing is not meant to whiten teeth. When you brush your teeth, you work to remove plaque buildup and prevent cavities. While some toothpaste claims that they can whiten teeth, they will only provide you with a limited effect that is hardly noticeable.

How Can You Make Your Teeth Whiter?

As mentioned, having perfectly white teeth is nearly impossible. However, you can try some things that can improve the appearance and color of your teeth.

If you want to make your teeth whiter, you can try some of the following:

1. Take OTC Teeth Whitening Treatments - There are over-the-counter (OTC) remedies that can offer some lightening benefits to your teeth. However, you must note that these treatments have very limited effects. Treatments like whitening strips, mouthwash, and toothpaste only come into contact with the surface of tooth enamel, so they will only get surface-level stains out, which will not last for long.

2. Get an In-Office Whitening Treatment - Another course of action you can take to brighten your teeth is an in-office whitening treatment. Here, a professional dentist will work on brightening your teeth with certain chemicals. They will perform the best treatment depending on the condition of your teeth, and you can ensure that they will provide you with long-lasting results.


Now that you know why tooth brushing is not the perfect solution to whiten your teeth, you don’t have to brush hard just to get the perfect color you desire. Brush like you normally would, and don’t get frustrated if you don’t see them look lighter. If you want to brighten your teeth, book an appointment for in-office whitening treatment so you can get noticeable results.

Dental House MI offers the best in-office teeth whitening in Waterford. Our teeth bleaching treatment is a safe, quick, painless, and inexpensive procedure that can make your teeth look much lighter. Book your teeth whitening appointment with us today!

Why Your Teeth Are Not Perfectly White Despite Daily Brushing (2024)


Why Your Teeth Are Not Perfectly White Despite Daily Brushing? ›

Teeth Aren't Originally White

Why are my teeth not white even though I brush everyday? ›

Regular ingestion of berries, coffee, red wine, and cola can all cause teeth staining. Sometimes, even prescription medications and fluoride can cause staining. Even if you brush your teeth daily, your teeth will likely stain over time if you regularly consume dark-colored substances.

Why aren't my teeth perfectly white? ›

Dentin absorbs food color and in turn , causes your teeth to become different shades of not-white. Certain antibiotics, such as tetracycline and amoxicillin can also affect the shade of your teeth, as well as certain medications for allergies and high blood pressure.

Why are my teeth not very white? ›

You can develop discolored teeth for a number of reasons. Some causes are unavoidable — like aging, trauma or disease. Other causes are preventable — like smoking and poor oral hygiene.

Why nothing seems to whiten my teeth? ›

If teeth whitening does not work for you, it might be because of the product you are using, the type of tooth stains or spots, or strength of the bleaching gel. Product type – Whitening toothpaste does not remove deeply embedded stains.

Why are my teeth still yellow if I brush them everyday? ›

The most common reason for yellow teeth despite daily brushing is incorrect brushing techniques. Inadequate removal of plaque causes staining. To brush correctly, reach every corner and brush for two minutes, twice daily. Brush the tongue to eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath and tooth discoloration.

What is the secret to perfect white teeth? ›

Top 5 Secrets Behind Perfect White Teeth
  • Follow your oral hygiene routine carefully.
  • Watch what you eat and drink.
  • Look into teeth whitening treatments.
  • Consider dental veneers.
  • Investigate alternatives to boost your smile.
Apr 19, 2022

How can I make my teeth white and flawless? ›

If you want whiter teeth but also want to avoid the chemicals, this article lists many options that are both natural and safe.
  1. Practice oil pulling. ...
  2. Brush with baking soda. ...
  3. Use hydrogen peroxide. ...
  4. Eat fruits and vegetables. ...
  5. Prevent tooth stains before they happen.

How do people keep their teeth perfectly white? ›

Avoid Stain-Causing Foods and Drinks

Staining foods and drinks include dark berries, dark chocolate, red wine, tea, coffee and cranberry juice. You should also avoid acidic foods like lemons and tomatoes as these can destroy the enamel, exposing the yellowish dentin below. Sugary foods and drinks are another no-no.

How can I make my teeth white all the time? ›

Follow good oral hygiene practices. Brush your teeth at least twice daily, floss at least once daily to remove plaque, and rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash at least once a day to kill bacteria that cause plaque. Use a whitening toothpaste (once or twice a week only) to remove surface stains and prevent yellowing.

How to get the best results from teeth whitening? ›

During the entire process of whitening, we sometimes advise to change your diet and avoid tooth staining foodstuffs such as tea, coffee, red wine and curry. Avoid smoking if possible. Maintain good oral hygiene. Tooth surfaces close to your gums might take longer to whiten; however, you shouldn't worry too much.

What vitamin deficiency causes yellow teeth? ›

In adults, low vitamin D status can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease. Does vitamin D deficiency cause yellow teeth? Yes, vitamin D deficiency can show up as yellow teeth. Yellow or brown spots on teeth are a symptom of rickets, a condition caused by chronic low levels of vitamin D.

Is it OK if your teeth aren't perfectly white? ›

Myth #2: Yellow teeth are unhealthy.

Teeth that are not perfectly white can still be healthy. The teeth are considered unhealthy if their color is attributed to plaque buildup or staining. Having off-white teeth is often healthy.

Why won't my teeth get super white? ›

Your Teeth Aren't Clean

You may not see it, but your teeth may have a dirty biofilm or layer of plaque buildup that is preventing the whitening agents from targeting your tooth stains. Consider teeth whitening after your next routine dental cleaning.

Why is brushing my teeth not whitening? ›

The intrinsic type of yellow staining is tightly bonded to the organic matrix of your enamel and will not be removed by brushing alone. They are harder to eliminate, so brushing with whitening toothpaste would have negligible effect. Much more is required to remove these stains.

Can yellow teeth be white again? ›

2. Can yellow teeth be bleached? Yellow teeth can be completely whitened with teeth whitening technologies at the dentist or at home. Depending on the status of your yellow teeth as well as your needs, the doctor will advise and prescribe the appropriate method.

How do you fix white teeth? ›

  1. Enamel microabrasion. Some people may be able to have microabrasion done to treat their white spots. ...
  2. Teeth whitening or bleaching. Whitening or bleaching teeth can help to reduce the appearance of white spots and other stains. ...
  3. Dental veneer. ...
  4. Topical fluoride. ...
  5. Composite resin.

How to whiten teeth in 2 minutes? ›

Baking-powder eliminates stains on the surface of your teeth and lemon juice as we already said has multiple components that lighten teeth. Just mix a teaspoon of baking powder and a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and brush your teeth with the paste this mixture will work wonders in just two minutes.


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