What is the carnivore diet? (2024)

What is the carnivore diet?

Made up primarily of animal products like meat, fish, eggs, animal fats and small amounts of low-lactose dairy products, the carnivore diet is high in protein and fat, and very low in carbohydrates. As such, it excludes all other foods, including fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, nuts and seeds.


Due to the lack of robust evidence proving otherwise, the carnivore diet is considered unbalanced, and as a result, unlikely to be healthy. Given the many healthy eating messages we hear today, such as 'eat more fruit and vegetables', 'focus on a plant-based diet' and 'limit red meat’, this diet is unlikely to be recommended for the longer term.

Read on to discover:

• How the carnivore diet works
• How to follow a carnivore diet
• Whether a carnivore diet is good for you
• The downsides of the carnivore diet
• What evidence supports the carnivore diet
• Our nutritionist’s view

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What is the carnivore diet? (1)

How does the carnivore diet work?

The diet is a form of ketogenic diet, and works by eliminating all plant-based foods and solely eating meat, fish, eggs and small amounts of low-lactose dairy foods. Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, beef, organ meats, oily and white fish, hard cheese, butter and cream are all allowed. Advocates encourage fattier cuts of meat to ensure daily energy needs are met.

Under normal circ*mstances, our body uses glucose from carbohydrate foods for energy. In the absence of glucose, a process called ketosis occurs. This is a state in which the body burns fats instead of carbohydrates as its main fuel source.

When we don’t eat carbs, such as while following the carnivore diet, the liver breaks down fat stores to produce energy – this energy is in the form of ‘ketones’.

How to follow the carnivore diet?

Foods that do not come from animals are completely excluded on the diet. Those that are included are high protein and low-carb, so are highly satiating. For this reason, many followers find they are consuming fewer meals, perhaps two over 24 hours.

What can I eat on the carnivore diet?

  • Red meats, including beef, lamb, pork and venison
  • Offal, such as liver and kidney
  • Poultry
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Bone marrow
  • Lard, dripping, butter and ghee
  • Some followers also choose to include milk, yogurt and cheese (low lactose)

Foods to avoid on the carnivore diet

  • Vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Legumes
  • Grains, including food made from them, such as pasta and bread
  • High-lactose dairy foods
  • Alcohol
  • Sugars
  • Drinks other than water, such as fizzy drinks, fruit juice etc.

Are there health benefits to the carnivore diet?

Contrary to expectation, a study reviewing a group of over 2,000 adults for a period of 14 months reported few adverse effects while following the diet, plus some health benefits and a high degree of satisfaction. The health benefits for those with diabetes included reductions in body mass index (BMI), reduced HBa1c (your average blood sugar levels over the last 90 days), as well as reduced use of diabetic medication. However, issues have been raised with this study, and experts believe the findings need to be interpreted with caution. To date, there have been no high-quality controlled studies analysing the effects of the carnivore diet.

What is the carnivore diet? (2)

What are the downsides to the carnivore diet?

The carnivore diet certainly contradicts most people’s understanding of a healthy, balanced diet, which typically promotes the consumption of protein, fat and carbohydrates.

From an evolutionary perspective, ketosis is a normal adaptive response that enabled humans to withstand periods of famine. Today, this mechanism has been exploited by a number of low-carb diet regimes, like the carnivore diet. Following such a diet means you will be replacing carbs with foods rich in fat and protein, and if followed over an extended period of time, this may have unfavourable consequences for some individuals. For example, if you are an athlete or keen exerciser and involved in high-intensity, short duration activities or sports, a diet such as this may have performance implications. Moreover, one study reported that a low-carb diet based on animal foods was associated with higher all-cause mortality in both men and women.

Problems with the limited permitted foods in the carnivore diet include:

  • Lack of essential micronutrients and antioxidants found in fruits, vegetables, wholegrains and legumes
  • Significant lack of fibre, which is essential for gut health and function, and is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, bowel cancer and type-2 diabetes
  • Unsuitable for certain groups, including children, pregnant or lactating women, as well as those who have been diagnosed with impaired kidney function

Does the carnivore diet help with weight loss?

Followers of the diet may experience weight loss due to the high-protein and low-carbohydrate content. In one study of 105 adults, there was a higher reported weight loss from those in the high-protein diet group when compared to the standard group. This may be due to the fact that protein is highly satiating, and may lead you to consume fewer calories overall.

In another study, 59 participants followed a low-carbohydrate diet, and after one year, they showed greater weight loss than their counterparts who followed a low-fat diet. One explanation for this is that when the body stores carbs in the form of glycogen, it does so by binding glycogen with water in the muscles and liver. When our carb intake goes down, glycogen levels fall, and so too does the stored water – this often explains the rapid change in weight experienced during the first two weeks of a low-carb diet. With that said, it’s important to remember that eliminating carbohydrates completely is not necessary for weight loss, although reducing refined carbohydrates such as biscuits, sweets, sugar, pastries and fizzy drinks is beneficial.

Our nutritionist’s view

Although likely to aid weight loss in the short term, the carnivore diet is extremely restrictive, unbalanced and most likely unhealthy for the longer term. There is limited high-quality research to support its claims, and the long-term effects of the diet require further study. The diet lacks key micronutrients as well as fibre and protective plant compounds, and may be unsafe for certain groups.

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Have you tried the carnivore diet? Share your experiences in the comments below.

Emer Delaney BSc (Hons), RD has an honours degree in human nutrition and dietetics from the University of Ulster. She has worked as a dietitian in some of London’s top teaching hospitals and is currently based in Chelsea.


All health content on goodfood.com is provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, you should contact your local health care provider. See our terms and conditions for more information.

What is the carnivore diet? (2024)


What is the carnivore diet? ›

Answer: The carnivore diet meal plan only allows consumption of meat, poultry, eggs, seafood, fish, some dairy products, and water. You need to exclude all vegetables, fruits, grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts. That's why it is sometimes referred to as the "zero carb" diet.

What is the secret of carnivore diet? ›

The carnivore diet plan is simple; you only eat animal foods and products. Everything else is restricted. That means no fruits, no vegetables, no bread or grains, and limiting your dairy intake to low-lactose foods.

What do doctors say about the carnivore diet? ›

No controlled studies support claims that the carnivore diet can help eliminate health issues. It lacks beneficial nutrients, including fiber and plant compounds like antioxidants. It may be unsafe for some people. The carnivore diet consists entirely of meat and animal products, excluding all other foods.

What are the basic carnivore diet rules? ›

How does the carnivore diet work? The diet is a form of ketogenic diet, and works by eliminating all plant-based foods and solely eating meat, fish, eggs and small amounts of low-lactose dairy foods. Chicken, turkey, pork, lamb, beef, organ meats, oily and white fish, hard cheese, butter and cream are all allowed.

What is the healthiest carnivore diet? ›

If considering a carnivore approach, aim for animal-based foods with the most significant nutrient density. For example, consider organic dairy, grass-fed beef and pork products, poultry raised without antibiotics, wild fish and shellfish, and pasture-raised eggs.

How many meals a day on carnivore diet? ›

Here's the short version: because a carnivore diet is so satiating, most people find that eating two times a day, or even once per day (known as OMAD) works better than three meals per day. This also makes time restricted eating much easier by allowing for a more compressed eating window with less meals.

Do you still poop on carnivore diet? ›

It may sometimes cause constipation. The diet is contrary to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans , which emphasize the importance of fiber for good health. Some may worry about becoming constipated due to this diet's lack of fiber.

How many eggs a day on carnivore diet? ›

More eggs can support muscle gain, while fewer may be better for weight loss. You can also consider just consuming egg whites to lower your calorie and fat intake. In general, though, many on the carnivore diet consume between 2 to 6 eggs daily as part of their meal plan.

Why do you lose weight so fast on carnivore diet? ›

Do You Lose Weight Faster On Keto Or Carnivore? Carnivore is more effective in quick weight loss than keto, as it completely cuts out carbs entirely whereas the ketogenic diet limits carb consumption. Because of this, your body is more likely to burn fat in less time with as a carnivore.

Can I drink coffee on a carnivore diet? ›

Yes, you can drink coffee on a carnivore diet. Despite its plant origin, many followers of the carnivore diet still consume coffee, considering caffeine's stimulating properties. However, caution must be taken as excessive intake of caffeine may add stress to the body's metabolism and disrupt sleep patterns.

What do nutritionists think of carnivore diet? ›

Overall, the carnivore diet is unnecessarily restrictive. You can 100% healthfully incorporate meat and animal products into your diet, but focusing on meat-based foods alone doesn't make for a healthy eating pattern. Plants are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals important for long-term health.

What is the 80 20 rule for carnivore diet? ›

Some carnivore enthusiasts even go for an 80/20 carnivore diet. This means 80% fat and 20% protein — no carbs at all. This fat-to-protein ratio carnivore diet is typically for experienced people on a carnivore diet.

What does a carnivore meal plan look like? ›

This kind of diet usually calls for grass-fed, pasture-raised meats and wild-caught seafood. Most carnivore dieters fill their cart with “nose-to-tail” cuts of meat and fish, which can include organ meats as well as oft-overlooked parts of the animal ranging from fish eyes to bone marrow.

Can you eat peanut butter on a carnivore diet? ›

If you're going to cheat – and I did on that first week – try eating something that's not too far from the diet, such as peanut butter. While peanut butter is not part of the diet, it's not as bad for you as something like Twinkies, and it's really tasty so it can help you overcome cravings for something much worse. 4.

What do carnivores eat? ›

A carnivore is an organism that mostly eats meat, or the flesh of animals. Sometimes carnivores are called predators. Organisms that carnivores hunt are called prey.

Why are eggs allowed on carnivore diet? ›

Key nutrients found in eggs include Vitamin D, B12, selenium, and choline. Importantly, eggs contain all nine essential amino acids, making them a complete protein source. This aligns perfectly with the carnivore diet's emphasis on protein and nutrient-dense animal products.

What can I drink on carnivore? ›

The short answer to the beverage question is that on a strict carnivore plan, only water and bone broth are allowed. If you're including dairy, milk would also be allowed. Those who subscribe to more lenient versions of a carnivore diet may also include plain, unsweetened tea and coffee in their regimen.


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