Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (2024)

Bill Geiger

May 26, 2021 11 min read

The triceps may not have the same cultural cache as their cousins on the other side of the humerus, but in the strength world, they're just as important—if not more so! Whether you're a bodybuilder or just someone looking to get stronger in your presses, it's worth your time to add some size to the back of your arms.

You can put together a hundred different triceps routines by fine-tuning variables like exercise choice and order, rep ranges, intensity, volume, and rest periods. But rather than making you sit down to try and figure all of that out, I've done the work for you here with six straightforward and effective triceps workouts.

Each is a bit different from the others based on your training experience and goals. Each one includes movements from the large family of triceps exercisesclose-grip bench presses and dips, skullcrushers, press-downs, overhead extensions, and kick-backs—that focus on one or more of the three heads (lateral, long, and medial). Of course, you can't isolate a particular head, but you can shift the focus to some degree with changes in hand and body position.

Pick a routine you like, try it for 4-8 weeks wherever it makes sense in your split, then go back to your regular workout or try another from the list.

But don't forget that you need more than just a great triceps workout to build serious arms! Check out the Muscle-Building Workout Plans in BodyFit to get a total-body program that puts the principles of these workouts into action. The plans are created by professionals and offer detailed training and nutritional assistance for any lifter looking to add overall muscle mass and strength.

Goal 1: Overall Triceps Mass

Just because you're training arms doesn't mean your approach to building mass—like you do with, chest, legs, back, or shoulders—should change. Start with the most difficult moves with which you can push the heaviest weights.

Don't even think about looking toward the cable press-down station. As I've often said, multijoint exercises in which more than a single set of joints are at work allow you to use greater loads. With triceps, it's a pretty short list, including dips (machine dips, bench dips, weighted parallel-bar dips) and close-grip bench presses. With the latter, if balance is too difficult, try it on the Smith machine.

Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (2)

Seated Machine Dip

Besides starting with a multijoint exercise, there are a few other considerations when putting together your routine. Because the triceps' long head (which sits just above the medial head) attaches above the shoulder joint as well as at the elbow, you'll need to raise your upper arms completely overhead to fully recruit it into the motion. A muscle that isn't fully stretched isn't capable of contracting as strongly.

For maximal long-head development, always include some kind of arms-overhead movement in your routine. Most arms-by-your-sides moves hit the outermost lateral head most strongly, so you'll want to include one of those exercises as well.

To better isolate the triceps and reduce the contribution from your deltoids and pecs, don't allow your elbows to flare out during elbow-extension moves. This is true for all triceps exercises. Keep those elbows as tight to your sides as you can.


  • Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.
  • Go heavy on your first working set (first two sets of the first two exercises), and lighten the weight for slightly higher reps on successive sets.
  • If you have a spotter, do a few forced reps on your heaviest sets, which are your first two sets. If you don't have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible, and perform a dropset on your last set of each exercise.

Triceps-Mass Workout


Close-grip bench press

1 set, 6 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

1 set, 6 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

1 set, 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

1 set, 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Dip Machine

1 set, 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

1 set, 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

1 set, 10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Seated Dumbbell Press

1 set, 8 reps (60 seconds rest)

1 set, 10 reps (60 seconds rest)

1 set, 12 reps (60 seconds rest)

Goal 2: Greater Triceps Definition

Simply doing light weights for high reps to build better arm definition is no longer considered the best approach. This workout starts with a straight-sets multijoint exercise for an initial size and strength stimulus, then picks up the pace by employing supersets with a high volume of work. You'll be moving faster and really feeling the muscle burn.


  • Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.
  • If you have a spotter, do a few forced reps on your heaviest sets of your initial exercise. If you don't have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible.
  • Perform a dropset on your last set of each exercise after you complete both moves, quickly reducing the weight by about 25 percent when you reach muscle failure and continuing on with the set to a second point of muscle failure.

Get-Ripped Routine


Dip Machine

4 sets, 10-12 reps (90 seconds rest)


EZ-Bar Skullcrusher

Superset with Close-Grip Barbell Bench Press

3 sets, 10-12 reps (no rest)


Close-grip bench press

3 sets, 10-12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Triceps Pushdown - Rope Attachment

Superset with Triceps Overhead Extension

3 sets, 10-12 reps


Low cable overhead triceps extension

3 sets, 10-12 reps

Goal 3: Starting Out

Beginners are encouraged to try different movements, to get a feel for the exercises and ensure they're working all three triceps heads. I recommend starting with machines to rehearse the basic motions before graduating to free weights. Just make sure you adjust the machine for your body's dimensions.

Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (21)

Beginners are encouraged to try different movements, to get a feel for the exercises and ensure they're working all three triceps heads.

Beginners are encouraged to try different movements, to get a feel for the exercises and ensure they're working all three triceps heads.

Though jumping over to free weights will prove to be a challenge for your coordination, they're better for building muscle in the long term. Start light to focus on proper form first, adding weight only when you can fully control the motion.


  • Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.

Beginner's Routine


Machine Triceps Extension

3 sets, 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Dip Machine

3 sets, 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Cable V-bar push-down

3 sets, 12 reps (60-90 seconds rest)

Goal 4: Emphasis On Lateral Head

The largest head of the three, the lateral is also the one away from your midline, so that makes it the outermost on your arm. Focusing on the lateral head is a great way to bring variety to your workout or target it if it's particularly lagging.

Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (28)

Close-Grip Bench Press

You can hit it with multijoint or single-joint movements, but the ones in which your arms stay by your sides work best, particularly with an overhand grip.


  • Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.
  • If you have a spotter, do a few forced reps on your heaviest set(s) of the first two exercises. If you don't have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible, and perform a dropset on your last set of each exercise.

Lateral-Head Emphasis


Close-grip bench press

3 sets, 8 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Parallel Bar Dip

Note: Keep your body as upright as possible—don't lean forward. Also, try to keep your elbows from flaring out as you do the move.

3 sets, 8-10 reps (60-90 seconds rest)


Decline EZ-bar skullcrusher

3 sets, 10 reps (60 seconds rest)


Tricep Dumbbell Kickback

3 sets, 12 reps (60 seconds rest)

Goal 5: Emphasis On Long Head

On the opposite side of the horseshoe, just above the medial head, is the bulky long head. As stated earlier, because of how it attaches above the shoulder joint, you need to put your arms in the overhead position to best engage it.

Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (37)

This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.

This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.

This workout makes a good change of pace from your usual triceps routine, but can also be done short term to bring up the long head.


  • Warm-up sets aren't included; do as many as you need, but never take warm-ups to muscle failure.
  • Choose a weight that allows you to reach muscle failure by the target rep listed.
  • If you have a spotter, do a few forced reps on your heaviest set(s) of the first two exercises. If you don't have a partner, train as close to muscle failure as possible, and perform a drop set on your last set of each exercise.

Long-Head Emphasis


EZ-Bar Skullcrusher

Use slightly inclined bench

3 sets, 8 reps (60 sec. rest)


Standing barbell overhead triceps extension

Perform seated with and EZ-Bar

3 sets, 8-0 reps (60 sec. rest)


Cable overhead triceps extension

3 sets, 10 reps


Standing One-Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extension

3 sets, 12 reps (alternate arms without resting)

Goal 6: Emphasis On Medial Head

The medial head stabilizes the elbow joint and contributes to elbow extension. It's relatively small compared to the long and lateral heads, and is almost impossible to work by itself in a workout. While just about every triceps move works it to some degree, this routine will provide more direct stimulation. Do the single-joint exercises last, as you won't be able to use much resistance.

Moves that put emphasis on medial head

Stick any of these into your triceps routine to add more medial-head work:

  • Reverse-grip barbell bench press: 3-4 sets of 8 reps, 60-90 sec. rest
  • Reverse-grip cable press-down: 3 sets of 8-12 reps, 60 sec. rest; this can be done bilaterally or one arm at a time
  • Reverse-grip cable kick-back: 3 sets of 10-12 reps, alternating arms without resting
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Tricep Workouts: Build Muscle For Bigger Arms (2024)


Does working out triceps make your arms bigger? ›

Although most people who want to know how to build arm muscle focus on biceps training, if you want really big arms then you need to work your triceps and brachialis just as hard. To get a truly sleeve-busting look, you need to work the triceps, biceps and the brachialis.

Which part of triceps make arms bigger? ›

The long head is the larger tricep head of the muscle. It starts from a point on your shoulder joint, just below where the arm connects to the shoulder. This is different from the other parts of the triceps because it connects to the shoulder blade instead of the upper arm bone.

Do tricep workouts help with arm fat? ›

While triceps exercises won't reduce fat in that specific area, they do help you build more muscle. More muscle overall means firmer, stronger triceps and a higher metabolism, which will help contribute to fat loss.

What arm workouts make your arms bigger? ›

The most commonly performed exercises to build big arms are the biceps curl. The biceps curl is a compound exercise that targets the biceps muscles. This exercise should be performed using either a barbell or a pair of dumbbells.

How to grow big arms quickly? ›

8 Best Exercises for Bigger, Stronger Arms
  1. Bicep exercises.
  2. Concentration curl.
  3. Cable curl.
  4. Barbell curl.
  5. Chinup.
  6. Tricep exercises.
  7. Triangle pushup.
  8. Tricep kickback.
Nov 25, 2019

What muscle makes arms look bigger? ›

Triceps. The triceps muscles are at the back of the upper arm. Big triceps make your arms look better, even with adequate biceps muscle. Don't neglect them.

Do triceps or biceps grow faster? ›

Biceps are easier to train as there is a lot of emphasis put on them in gym equipment and just the basic nature of the arm. However, keep in mind, the triceps is 2/3 of the upper arm mass so a 10% increase in triceps would yield twice as much mass gain as a 10% increase in biceps.

How long does it take to get big arms? ›

Typically, it takes around 6-8 weeks for you to start noticing changes in the appearance of your arms. At around the 12 week mark, this is typically when you can expect to see more significant changes, especially if you didn't already have a large amount of muscle mass in the area!

Why are triceps so hard to grow? ›

When someone asks, “Why aren't my triceps growing?” one of the most common reasons is that the person is leaving triceps exercises for last. It's hard to push your triceps if your arms are already exhausted from tons of bicep curls. To see gains, you need to give your tris your complete attention.

How much do triceps contribute to arm size? ›

Triceps make up 2/3 of your arm

Therefore training these three bundles of muscles will make your arms appear much larger and toned.

Can fat arms be toned? ›

It's important to note that spot reduction from one body part is really not possible. If you're looking to lose fat in a specific area, like your arms, you need to focus on full-body workouts (not just arm exercises!) and a healthy diet. Reducing overall body fat will help you slim down desired areas.

Which exercise burns the most arm fat? ›

5 effective exercises to reduce arm fat
  • 1/5. Chair Dips. This is a fat-burning exercise that tones not only the arms but also the back muscles. ...
  • 2/5. Arm circles. This is yet another conventional arm exercise that is used to tone and shape flabby arms in most workout routines. ...
  • 3/5. Push ups. ...
  • 4/5. Scissors. ...
  • 5/5. Half-Moon rotation.
Sep 11, 2022

Do tricep workouts make your arms bigger? ›

Well-developed triceps will make your arms look bigger because they will be bigger. The triceps are the largest muscle on the back of your upper arm. You see people working their biceps all the time but it is the triceps that must be developed if you are working to get a big set of “guns”, not just your biceps.

What causes arms to get bigger? ›

There are several possible reasons why someone's upper arms may be flabby. These include lack of exercise, age, genetics, and poor diet. Additionally, some medical conditions, such as hypothyroidism, can cause the body to store excess fat in the upper arms.

Are triceps harder to build? ›

The triceps have three muscle heads. To get balanced arm growth, you need to spend at least 33% more time on them. If you have an hour for arm day, you would dedicate 35 minutes to triceps versus 25 for biceps.

Are bigger triceps attractive? ›

Women reported preferring larger obliques, followed by glutes, abdominals, biceps, shoulders, triceps, calves, deltoids, quadriceps, pectoralis, latissimus dorsi, forearms, tibialis anterior, and trapezius.


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