Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (2024)

In a time where staying healthy is super important, especially for older folks, keeping active is a big deal. Regular exercise is like a key to staying well. It helps with moving around, staying flexible, and keeping a positive mind. Plus, it lowers the chances of getting sick in the long run. For seniors looking to maintain an active lifestyle, exploring tailored exercise apps for seniors can be a valuable step toward well-being.

Now, with technology being a big part of our lives, especially for seniors, our blog is here to guide them on their fitness journey. We’re focusing on exercise apps for seniors because they’re like personal trainers on your phone. We want to make a list that’s easy to use and has features specifically for seniors. It fits into the trend of older people using tech more, and these apps are like a special tool just for them.

Our goal is to explore and recommend these cool apps to make staying fit easier and more fun for our older friends. It will help them live healthier and more active lives. We also recognize the importance of Custom Fitness App Development in catering to the unique needs of seniors in their fitness routines.

Criteria Used to Evaluate Exercise Apps for Seniors

1) Easy to Use:

We want apps that are simple to figure out. No confusing stuff. The buttons and menus should be easy to find and understand. We don’t want seniors to feel lost when using the fitness application.

What to Look For:

  • Can you use the app without needing a tech degree?
  • Are the buttons and menus clear and not tricky?

2) Made for Seniors:

These apps should be like personal coaches for older folks. They need to have exercises that won’t be too hard and can be adjusted based on each person’s abilities.

What to Look For:

  • Does the app have exercises that won’t make you feel like you’re in a gym class?
  • Can you change the difficulty level to match your own pace? Look for workouts for seniors to ensure suitability.

3) Easy to Get Into:

The app should work for all kinds of seniors, no matter if they move a lot or a little. It should be friendly to people with different abilities and easy to use with tools like bigger fonts or voice instructions. Consider free exercise apps for seniors that offer customization options.

What to Look For:

  • Can you make the words bigger if you need to?
  • Does the app talk you through the exercises?

4) People Like It:

We’re looking for apps that seniors have tried and loved. Good reviews and high ratings mean the app is doing something right.

What to Look For:

  • Do other seniors say they liked using the app?
  • Does it have good ratings on the app store? Look for the best free fitness apps to ensure popularity among seniors.

We’re picking the apps that pass these tests to make sure seniors get the best, easiest, and most enjoyable fitness experience.

Top 10 Exercise Apps for Seniors

1. SilverSneakers GO: Fitness Made Easy for Seniors

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (1)

Tailored for Seniors:

SilverSneakers GO is an app made just for seniors. It understands that older folks have different needs, so it gives them exercises that are easy on the joints and works for everyone, no matter their fitness level. This makes it one of the best exercise apps for seniors available.

Key Features:

Easy on the Joints:

The app focuses on exercises that won’t hurt your joints. It’s all about keeping you safe while staying active. Lots of Exercise Options:

There’s a bunch of different exercises to choose from. You get to pick what you like and what’s good for your health, making sure you have a well-rounded fitness routine. This variety makes it one of the best workout apps for seniors.

Made for Seniors:

SilverSneakers GO understands that seniors have different needs. It offers different versions of exercises so that everyone can join in, no matter their fitness level. An excellent exercise app for seniors.

Simple to Use:

The app is easy to figure out, even if you’re not a tech whiz. Clear instructions and easy buttons make it stress-free for seniors to use. It’s one of the best free exercise apps for seniors, ensuring accessibility.

Complete Fitness Programs:

It’s not just about one exercise. SilverSneakers GO gives you whole programs to follow, covering everything from flexibility to strength and heart health. One of the best exercise apps for seniors, offering comprehensive fitness solutions.

In short, SilverSneakers GO is your go-to app for fitness as you get older. It keeps things simple, safe, and enjoyable, making sure you stay active and healthy with one of the best exercise apps for seniors.

Google Play: SilverSneakers GO

App Store: SilverSneakers GO

2. Tai Chi at Home: A Special Program for Seniors

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (2)

Designed for Seniors:

Tai Chi at Home is a program made just for seniors. It brings the goodness of Tai Chi right to your home, understanding that seniors need exercises that are gentle, easy, and suited to different fitness levels. That will make it great exercise apps for seniors seeking a personalized and gentle fitness experience.

Key Features:

Easy and Gentle:

The program is made with seniors in mind. The exercises are gentle, easy on the body, and can be adjusted to fit different fitness levels.

Better Balance:

Tai Chi is great for improving balance, something super important for seniors to stay steady and prevent falls. This program includes Tai Chi moves known for their balance-boosting powers.

More Flexibility:

Seniors often deal with stiff joints. Tai Chi at Home has exercises that help your joints move better, keeping you flexible and moving comfortably. It’s like having a custom fitness app development tailored to seniors’ unique needs.

Simple Instructions:

You get clear and easy instructions, either through videos or guided sessions. It’s like having a personal Tai Chi instructor in your living room, and you can go at your own pace. This user-friendly approach aligns with the convenience of a free app for senior exercises.

Health Boost:

This program doesn’t just focus on exercise. Tai Chi is known to reduce stress, improve mental well-being, and keep your heart healthy. It’s like a one-stop shop for overall health, making it one of the best exercise apps for seniors.

Home Convenience:

No need to travel. You can do Tai Chi right at home. It’s convenient, and you can make it a regular part of your routine without any hassle.

Fits Your Needs:

The program understands that every senior is different. This adaptability is a key feature of the best exercise app for seniors.

In a nutshell, Tai Chi at Home is your personal Tai Chi program, specially made for seniors. It’s easy, keeps you steady, and brings a bunch of health benefits—all in the comfort of your home.

Google Play: Tai Chi Fit OVER 50

App Store: Tai Chi Fit OVER 50

3. JOYN: A Fitness App for Seniors with a Positive Twist

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (3)

Exercise for Everyone:

JOYN is an app that helps seniors stay active by offering different exercises. It’s all about making sure everyone, no matter their fitness level, can join in and feel good about it. This makes it one of the exercise apps for seniors that caters to a wide range of fitness levels.

Key Features:

Classes for Everyone: JOYN has classes that are made for all kinds of fitness levels. It’s like having a personal coach just for you, considering what you need as a senior. This personalized approach aligns with the concept of Custom Fitness App Development for tailored fitness experiences.

Feel Good About Your Body: The app is all about feeling good in your skin. You don’t need to worry about having a perfect body. It’s a welcoming place, especially for seniors. This emphasis on body positivity makes it stand out among the best free fitness apps.

Motivating Classes: The classes aren’t just inclusive; they’re also super motivating. They encourage you to do your best and feel empowered. It’s like having a virtual cheerleader, making it one of the best workout apps for seniors.

Easy Access on YouTube: You can find JOYN on YouTube, which is a familiar and easy-to-use platform. Seniors can easily follow the workouts without dealing with complicated tech stuff. This accessibility contributes to it being one of the best free fitness apps available.

Connect with Others: JOYN wants you to connect with others using the app. It’s like having a workout buddy online. This social part is great for staying motivated and aligns with the community aspect of fitness applications.

It’s Free: The best part? It won’t cost you a dime. JOYN is free so everyone can use it. No need to worry about money; focus on feeling good and staying fit. A truly accessible and inclusive exercise app for seniors.

In a nutshell, JOYN is your go-to app for staying active as a senior. It’s easy to use, makes you feel good about yourself, and it’s free. What more could you ask for?

Join Joyn

4. Daily Yoga: Your Ultimate Yoga Buddy for Feeling Good

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (4)

Variety for Everyone:

Daily Yoga is a cool app that has all kinds of yoga practices, whether you’re just starting or you’re a pro. You get to pick what fits your skill and fitness levels. This app stands out among exercise apps for seniors, offering a diverse range of yoga practices.

Key Features:

Personalized Plans:

The app creates custom yoga plans just for you. Whether you want to be more flexible, improve your balance, or just feel good overall, it’s got you covered. This personalized approach aligns with the concept of Custom Fitness App Development tailored to individual needs.

Get Bendy:

Daily Yoga wants you to be flexible. With guided poses and routines, you can get more flexible over time. It’s like a gentle push to help your body stretch and move better.

Stay Balanced:

There’s a focus on balance, too. The app helps you strengthen your core and stay stable, making you feel more balanced and coordinated.

Mind and Body Boost:

It’s not just about moving your body. Daily Yoga throws in mindfulness and meditation, helping your mind and emotions feel good, too.

Easy to Use:

The app is simple to navigate, so whether you’re a yoga beginner or a pro, you won’t get lost. Clear instructions and visuals make each session a breeze.

People Love It:

Users say good things about Daily Yoga. They talk about how it works, how versatile it is, and how it positively affects flexibility and well-being. This positive user feedback solidifies its position among popular exercise apps for seniors.

In a nutshell, Daily Yoga is your go-to yoga app. It’s easy, it customizes to your needs, and people like it. Time to roll out that yoga mat!

Google Play: Daily Yoga: Fitness+Meditation

App Store: Daily Yoga: Fitness+Meditation

5. 7 Minute Workout (Johnson & Johnson): Quick Fitness for Seniors

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (5)

Quick and Effective:

The Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Workout app is all about quick workouts that get the job done in just 7 minutes. It’s perfect for busy folks, including seniors, who want a short but impactful exercise routine.

Key Features:

Fast Workouts:

Get ready to sweat in just 7 minutes. It’s designed for people on the go, making it great for seniors with busy schedules.

Smart Design:

The workouts are put together by a smart guy named Chris Jordan, who knows his exercise science. So, you’re not just moving; you’re doing exercises that are backed by science.


Simple and no-fuss. The app focuses on exercises using your body weight, which is perfect for seniors who want uncomplicated workouts. You can adjust it to your fitness level.

Mix It Up:

The app offers different workouts targeting different muscles. Whether you want to boost your heart health, get stronger, or stay flexible, there’s something for everyone.

Work Out Anywhere:

No need for a fancy gym. You can use the app at home or even when you’re on the move. It’s all about making exercise accessible wherever you are.

People Like It:

Users say good things about the app. They love that it’s quick, effective, and suitable for all ages, including seniors.

In a nutshell, the Johnson & Johnson 7 Minute Workout app is your shortcut to staying fit. It’s fast, it’s backed by science, and it’s senior-friendly. Just 7 minutes, and you’re good to go!

Google Play: J&J Official 7 Minute Workout

App Store: J&J Official 7 Minute Workout

6. MapMyWalk: Your Walking Companion for a Healthy Journey

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (6)

Walking Made Smarter:

MapMyWalk is an app designed for seniors who love walking as their go-to exercise. It’s like having a smart walking buddy in your pocket, offering tailored workouts for seniors.

Key Features:

Track Your Walks:

The app uses GPS to track your walk in real time. It not only measures how far you’ve walked but also shows the path you took. It’s like a map of your fitness journey.

See Your Progress:

After each walk, the app gives you feedback on how you did. It shows things like the distance you covered, your pace, and how long you walked. It’s like having your fitness coach, making it one of the best free exercise apps for seniors.

Discover New Routes:

Bored of the same old route? MapMyWalk helps you find and plan new walking paths. Spice up your routine and keep things interesting. This variety is perfect for seniors seeking diverse exercise apps.

Keep a Workout Diary:

You can log each walking session. It’s perfect for seniors who want to keep a record of their activity levels. Seeing your progress can be a great motivator.

Syncs with Other Apps:

The app plays nice with other health apps and devices. If you use a fitness tracker or a heart rate monitor, MapMyWalk can sync up, giving you a complete picture of your health. This integration aligns with the concept of Custom Fitness App Development.

Walk with Others:

Feeling social? Join the app’s walking community. It’s like a virtual walking club, providing support and motivation, something seniors might really appreciate.

Easy to Use:

The app is made with seniors in mind. It’s easy to use with simple controls and clear visuals. No tech headaches here!

Your Walk, Your Way:

Customize your walking goals. Whether you’re aiming for a specific distance, duration, or calorie burn, the app lets you set goals that fit your fitness plans.

In a nutshell, MapMyWalk is the perfect app for seniors who love walking. It’s smart, easy to use, and keeps you motivated on your journey to a healthier you.

Google Play: Walk with Map My Walk

App Store: Map My Walk by Under Armour

7. Mighty Health: Your Wellness Coach for 50+ Adults

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (7)

All-in-One Health Boost:

Mighty Health is like having a personal wellness coach on your phone. It covers everything –exercise, nutrition, and daily health guidance – all in one place. It’s the ultimate package for feeling your best.

Key Features:

Tailored for You:

This app gets you. It’s made for adults aged 50 and above to understand the unique challenges you might face. It’s easy to use and adjusts to your needs.

Custom Fitness Plans:

Mighty Health doesn’t do one-size-fits-all. Your fitness plan is personalized to match your needs and fitness level. It works on strength, flexibility, and overall fitness, considering the things that matter to older adults.

Health Coaching:

Get guidance beyond just exercise. The app coaches you on nutrition and daily health tips. It’s like having a friend who knows all the tricks to keep you feeling great.

Workouts When You Want:

No need to rush. Mighty Health offers on-demand workouts led by experienced trainers. You can exercise at your own pace, whenever it suits you.

People Love It:

Users love this app. They say it’s effective, easy to use, and gives them what they need. Positive reviews speak volumes about its impact, confirming its status among top-notch exercise apps for seniors.

Industry Recognition:

Mighty Health is making waves in the industry. It’s recognized for creating an app that truly cares about the health and fitness of older adults. It’s not just an app; it’s a partner in your wellness journey.

In a nutshell, Mighty Health is your go-to app for feeling your best after 50. It’s personalized, easy to use, and has all the tools to keep you on track. Your wellness journey just got a whole lot mightier!

Google Play: Mighty: Health Coach for 50+

App Store: Mighty: Health Coach for 50+

8. Senior Fitness App: Exercise Made Easy for Seniors

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (8)

Designed for You:

The Senior Fitness App is like a personal fitness guide made just for seniors. It understands that your fitness needs are different, and it’s here to help you stay active and healthy.

Key Features:

Just for Seniors:

This app is all about seniors! The exercises are tailored for individuals aged 50 and above, ensuring they are safe, suitable, and effective for your age group. It’s a dedicated exercise app for seniors.

Totally Free:

Good news – it won’t cost you a penny! The app is free on Google Play, making it easy for all seniors to access and use. No need to worry about costs; just focus on staying fit.

Move Better, Feel Better:

The app stands out for its focus on mobility. It recognizes that seniors have different mobility needs, providing exercises that help them move better and feel better overall. These workouts for seniors prioritize enhancing mobility.

A mix of Exercises:

You get a variety of exercises that target flexibility. These exercises are chosen to give you a well-rounded workout, no matter your fitness level.

Easy for Everyone:

Don’t worry if you’re not a tech expert. The app is super easy to use, with a simple interface that’s designed for seniors. It’s all about making fitness accessible, no matter your comfort with technology.

In a nutshell, the Senior Fitness App is your go-to for staying active and healthy. It’s free, it’s tailored for seniors, and it keeps things simple. Time to enjoy a fit and fabulous lifestyle!

Google Play Store: Senior Fitness-workout for 50+

9. Workout for Older Adults: Your Fitness Companion

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (9)


The “Workout for Older Adults” app is designed to help seniors either maintain their current fitness levels or take them up a notch. It’s like having a personal fitness coach for your golden years.

Key Features:

Your Workout, Your Way:

This app understands that everyone is different. It lets you customize your workouts based on your fitness level, preferences, and any specific needs you might have. This flexibility makes it one of the standout exercise apps for seniors.

Stay Fit, Stay Balanced:

It is made for older people; the app focuses on exercises that keep you in top shape. It covers everything – strength, flexibility, and balance – to ensure you maintain overall fitness. These workouts for seniors are designed to enhance your well-being.

Easy to Use:

The app is made with you in mind. It’s likely super easy to use with a friendly interface, making it a breeze for older adults to navigate and enjoy their fitness routines.

How to Get Started:

Simply download the app from the App Store and explore the range of workouts it offers. Whether you’re new to exercise or a seasoned fitness enthusiast, this app is your ticket to a healthier and more active lifestyle.

In a nutshell, the “Workout for Older Adults” app is your go-to fitness buddy. It’s personalized, senior-friendly, and ready to support you on your journey to staying fit.

App Store: Workout for Older Adults

10. Yoga | Down Dog: Your Personalized Yoga Companion

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (10)


Yoga | Down Dog is the go-to yoga app, perfect for seniors. It’s designed to cater to your unique needs, making yoga accessible and enjoyable.

Key Features:

Yoga Your Way:

This app is all about flexibility. Customize your yoga sessions to match your fitness level and specific needs. It’s yoga designed just for you and stands out among exercise apps for seniors.

Yoga for Every Mood:

Whether you want gentle stretches, relaxation, or a more dynamic practice, Down Dog has it all. It’s like having a variety of yoga classes at your fingertips.

Easy to Navigate:

The app is super easy to use. The user-friendly interface ensures that seniors can navigate through various yoga routines without any hassle. It’s designed with your comfort in mind.

Yoga for Every Level:

No matter if you’re a yoga newbie or have some experience, Down Dog has something for everyone. It’s a supportive environment that encourages gradual progress in your yoga journey.

How to Get Started:

Download the app, pick your preferred yoga style, choose the duration, and set your skill level. Down Dog then creates a personalized yoga routine with easy-to-follow voice-guided instructions. It’s that simple!

In a nutshell, Yoga | Down Dog is not just a yoga app; it’s your personalized yoga companion. It brings the joy of yoga to seniors, ensuring a delightful and beneficial yoga experience.

Google Play: Yoga | Down Dog

App Store: Yoga | Down Dog

Wrapping Up!

In a nutshell, the world of fitness apps for seniors is vast and exciting, offering tailored options for a healthy and active lifestyle. Apps like SilverSneakers GO, focusing on senior-friendly exercises and others catering to various fitness levels, provide a perfect fit for individual needs. As technology advances, these apps become indispensable companions, guiding seniors toward improved well-being. Embracing the convenience of these exercise apps for seniors empowers seniors on a personalized fitness journey, bringing vitality and joy to their daily lives. Ready to create a customized fitness app for seniors? Partner with Artoon Solutions for Custom Fitness App Development and bring innovative solutions to life.

Read More:

Top 10 Fitness App Development Ideas

Top 10 Exercise Apps For Seniors Looking To Stay Active - Artoon (2024)


What is the best free exercise app for seniors? ›

Activate your free online account to get started.
  • Apple Fitness+ Boredom is not an option with this popular app, which is included on all Apple devices. ...
  • SilverSneakers GO. Finally, a fitness app designed with you in mind. ...
  • Map My Walk. ...
  • Yoga Studio. ...
  • C25K 5K Trainer. ...
  • Chair One Fitness. ...
  • 7-Minute Chi. ...
  • MyFitnessPal.
Apr 15, 2024

Is there an exercise program on TV for seniors? ›

Let your local PBS station know what Sit and Be Fit means to you. We offer the series, for free, to all PBS stations. It is up to each individual station to decide if, when, and how often the program is aired. In the world of public television, viewer feedback matters – so let your voice be heard!

What is the most beneficial exercise for seniors? ›

Best Aerobic Exercises for Seniors

Moderate-intensity aerobic activity includes brisk walking, cycling, swimming, dancing and nature walks.

What is the AARP #1 exercise for seniors? ›

The squat is the most important exercise for seniors,” says Eric Daw, a personal trainer dedicated to older adults and founder of Omni-Fitt in Toronto, Canada.  “When you have to go to the washroom, that's a squat. When you get in the car, that's a squat. Every time you sit down or stand up, that's a squat.

Is there a 100% free workout app? ›

Nike Training Club is a free fitness app with a robust workout library that includes one-off workouts as well as periodized programs led by certified instructors. Unlike most apps on this list, Nike Training Club doesn't have a free and premium version; it's just free.

What exercise burns the most belly fat for seniors? ›

Some great cardio of aerobic exercises for belly fat include:
  • Walking, especially at a quick pace.
  • Running.
  • Biking.
  • Rowing.
  • Swimming.
  • Cycling.
  • Group fitness classes.
Apr 25, 2023

What are the four main types of exercise that seniors need to stay healthy? ›

Research has shown that it's important to get all four types of exercise: endurance, strength, balance, and flexibility.

How to increase stamina after 70? ›

Here Are A Few Simple Exercises Which Can Boost Stamina In The Elderly:
  1. Walk: Small Steps For Better Stamina. ...
  2. Raise Your Arms: Focus On Your Upper Body Using Lightweights. ...
  3. Side Leg Raise: Strengthen The Lower Body Using A Chair.
May 22, 2020

Why is AARP dropping SilverSneakers? ›

Why did AARP switch from SilverSneakers to Renew Active? AARP's UnitedHealthcare plans dropped SilverSneakers because not enough members were taking advantage of the program. Instead, AARP/UHC plans offer their own fitness and wellness plan, called Renew Active.

Does Medicare automatically include SilverSneakers? ›

Original Medicare doesn't cover gym memberships or fitness programs like SilverSneakers. However, some Medicare Part C and Medigap plans do. If you're interested in SilverSneakers, check to see if it's included in your plan or any plan you're considering.

What is the new name for silver sneakers? ›

Starting January 1, 2023, your SilverSneakers® fitness program will change to Renew Active1. Your confirmation code is key to accessing the fitness program.

What's the best workout app for free? ›

  • Obe Fitness. ...
  • Best for Free Workouts: Nike Training Club. ...
  • Best for Variety: Peloton App. ...
  • Best for Community: BODi. ...
  • Best for Community: SWEAT. START YOUR FREE TRIAL. ...
  • Best for Yoga: Glo. START YOUR FREE TRIAL. ...
  • Best for Toning: Tone It Up. START YOUR FREE TRIAL. ...
  • Best for Runners & Cyclists: Strava. START YOUR WORKOUT.
Apr 10, 2024

What home Fitness app is actually free? ›

Nike Training Club

Bottom line: For a free app, you can't go wrong. Nike Training Club has a fair number of workouts — many as short as 10 minutes — and a number of workout programs ranging from two to eight weeks in duration.

Are there any free fitness plan apps? ›

FitOn. Combining HIIT, strength, toning, yoga, pilates, and cardio classes, FitOn is an excellent all-around workout app. Aside from boasting a wide variety of sessions, the app features a star-studded staff of trainers.

Is JustFit really free? ›

JustFit is a free lifestyle application developed by Enerjoy Limited for iPhone users.


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.