Teeth Whitening Post Op Care | Alexandria Dental Care Center | Dr. Krina Jasani (2024)

Congratulations on completing a revolutionary tooth whitening procedure! The next 48 hours are important in enhancing and maximizing your whitening results for a long lasting, bright and healthy smile.


Color Spotting on the teeth may occur after in office Whitening due to temporary dehydration of the teeth. This should diminish within a few days after treatment. The whitening process will continue for 48 hours after treatment.


During the first 24 hours after whitening treatment, some patients can experience some tooth sensitivity or pain. This is normal and is usually mild, but it can be worse in susceptible individuals. Normally, tooth sensitivity or pain following a treatment subsides within 24 hours, but in rare cases can persist for longer periods of time.

You may wish to take an over-the-counter pain reliever (one you would use for a headache). Some patients experience sensitivity such as “zingers” or thermal sensitivity 12 to 24 hours after whitening.Taking ibuprofen and rinsing with a fluoride rinse will be beneficial.

Brushing your teeth with sensitive toothpaste, such as Sensodyne, or Fluoride Sensitivity Relief toothpaste for the weeks following the procedure is strongly recommended. Now that your teeth are significantly whiter, there are a few guidelines to help maintain the look of your new smile. The teeth have a protective protein layer called the pellicle. This layer contains the surface dental stains and is removed during whitening treatments. It takes 24-48 hours for the barrier to fully develop again.

Colored food and beverages

For the next 48 hours post treatment, we recommend avoiding dark staining substances, such as: Red wine, Cola, Coffee and tea Berries such as cherries, blueberries, strawberries, dark grapes Tobacco products Red sauces, mustard or ketchup, soy sauce, salsa and other red sauces If it will stain your clothes, it will eventually stain your teeth

If your daily homecare involves the use of PerioRx or any Chlorhexidine, please wait 48 hours before continuing the usage of this product.

Additional ways to maintain your smile: Avoid staining related habits. Use an automated toothbrush like OralB. Regular professional dental hygiene care to maintain oral health, keep staining to a minimum.

Use whitening trays for touch-ups as recommended by our dentists. Practice good oral hygiene by tooth brushing, flossing, and tongue cleaning. We will assist you in selecting the products to maintain not only a white smile, but a healthy one as well!

Take home Whitening Trays for touch-ups

3 days after Treatment, if your teeth are not too sensitive, try bleaching a few more times with the take home products during the first three to five days after your office visit to maximize your results and attain the whitest shade possible. Store any remaining whitening gel in a cool dry place for later use.

Please make sure the custom tray is completely dry. Place a small amount of gel on each of the teeth in the custom tray. Use caution not to overload the tray. Insert the tray over the teeth and gently wipe away any excess gel. Do not leave any gel on the gums because this will cause irritation to your gums.

Wear the bleaching trays with the gel as directed in the office. Use all the bleaching gel given. This could last from a few days to a week. If sensitivity is uncomfortable, stop and reduce time and/or frequency of treatment. If too uncomfortable, stop all together.

Teeth Whitening Post Op Care | Alexandria Dental Care Center | Dr. Krina Jasani (2024)


How long does it take for teeth to rehydrate after whitening? ›

Rehydrating Teeth After Whitening

After your procedure, your teeth will naturally rehydrate themselves in two to seven days. However, there are things you can do to help your teeth during this time. Drink plenty of water – water naturally hydrates every part of your body, including your teeth.

How long does teeth whitening surgery take? ›

How long does whitening take? If you opt for in-practice teeth whitening, it takes about two hours to achieve results, but whitening needs to be maintained with a top-up kit for around a week to ensure the results are permanent. At-home teeth whitening kits take around two to three weeks to take effect.

How long does teeth whitening last in dental office? ›

If you maintain good oral hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) procedure should provide long-lasting results for 1 to 3 years. This procedure is done in your dentist's office.

How long does it take for teeth pores to close after whitening? ›

Once the pores close, which usually happens within 24-48 hours after the procedure, you can resume your normal habits.

How long after teeth whitening can I eat normally? ›

When the dentist whitens teeth, your teeth can become sensitive to different foods that can stain. After 24-72 hours, you can resume your regular diet. The following are the things that you need to avoid after teeth whitening. Sugary foods can irritate your teeth and trigger the bacteria responsible for causing decay.

Why can't you drink water after teeth whitening? ›

After you whiten your teeth with Philips Sonicare teeth whitening products, acidic or staining foods and drinks are more easily absorbed by your teeth. This can lead to discoloration, and this why it is advised to wait 30 minutes after whitening before eating or drinking.

How long will my teeth hurt after whitening? ›

Sensitive teeth are a common side effect of most whitening treatments. The good news is that these zingers typically only last a few hours after treatment. If they persist for more than a day or two, contact your dentist in Rancho Bernardo to discuss possible causes and solutions.

What happens if you forget to put teeth whitening gel in the fridge? ›

As NON-refrigerated whitening products break down and degrade during storage and shipping, hydrogen ions are produced. Those hydrogen ions are acid (pH = potential of Hydrogen). Whitening gels therefore become more and more acidic as they break down, resulting in an ever increasing possibility of sensitivity and pain.

How long after teeth whitening can I see results? ›

You should see a noticeable improvement in the colour of your teeth from professional teeth whitening. The treatment will usually take around two or three weeks to complete. In that time, most people will experience a lightening of between six and 12 shades, although this can vary from person to person.

How many times can you get your teeth professionally whitened? ›

In-office teeth whitening treatment offers a way for you to brighten your smile safely. Dentists recommend getting whitening treatment once a year or so for most patients to keep their smiles looking aesthetically pleasing. Whitening teeth too often could cause certain oral health concerns, such as worn-down enamel.

What are the side effects of teeth whitening? ›

One of the most common side effects is tooth sensitivity, which can occur during or after treatment. Overuse or misuse of teeth whitening products can also lead to enamel damage, gum irritation, and discoloration. Additionally, some types of tooth discoloration may not respond well to teeth whitening treatments.

How long will my gums stay white after teeth whitening? ›

Soft tissue or gum irritation caused by teeth whitening gel is considered a chemical burn, very comparable to a sunburn. When a chemical burn occurs, the area becomes mildly sore, turns white, and will eventually flake off. The tissue will return to normalcy within twenty-four hours.

Do and don'ts after teeth whitening? ›

For both over-the-counter and professional teeth whitening, the first few days after treatment are the most critical. Avoid dark foods/liquids, drink through a straw when you can, don't smoke, brush/floss frequently and you should be looking great.

How to seal teeth pores after whitening? ›

By gently coating your teeth with a product like MI Paste or Colgate's Pro-Argin Toothpaste, you will plug up open pores on your teeth and reduce sensitivity. Additionally, the remineralizing effects of these pastes help to improve whitening.

Why do my teeth look more yellow after whitening? ›

Teeth can become temporarily dehydrated after using whitening strips. Your teeth may appear more yellow as a result of this dehydration because the enamel may become dry and lack moisture. Dehydrated enamel sometimes has a transparent appearance that makes the naturally yellowish dentin underneath visible.


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