Tattoos That Are Considered To Be Good Luck (2024)

Tattoos are a popular form of body art.

People make body images to express their individuality and beliefs, to celebrate an important event or to express feelings. Tattoos are often associated with memories and positive emotions. Other common reasons to get a tattoo - attraction luck and protection from trouble.

Some numbers, plants, animals and objects are universally recognized symbols of desire fulfillment. These include a four-leaf clover, a horseshoe, a dreamcatcher, a shooting star. Other symbols will prophesy happiness and well-being for certain cultures. In Sweden, the symbol of good luck is the Dalekarli horse, in China - bats, in the Middle East - hamsa (image of the palm), in Egypt - scarab beetle, in England - acorns.

Regardless of the level of education, point of views, superstitions and prejudices, many people associate with the symbolism of good luck hope for a better future. Lucky tattoos are both magical talismans and bright, stylish body decorations, which is an additional reason to turn to the tattoo salon.

Tattoos That Are Considered To Be Good Luck (2024)


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