Seven Heavenly Virtues (2024)

Seven Heavenly Virtues (1)

The heavenly virtues are embodied through the archangels Gabriel, Michael, Ramiel, Uriel, Raguel, Saraquel and Raphael; according to Chapter 20 of the Book of Enoch. They are the opposite of the 7 Deadly Sins.


  • 1 Gabriel
    • 1.1 Diligence
  • 2 Michael
    • 2.1 Charity
  • 3 Cassiel
    • 3.1 Temperance
  • 4 Azrael
    • 4.1 Patience
  • 5 Remiel
    • 5.1 Kindness
  • 6 Uriel
    • 6.1 Chastity
  • 7 Raphael
    • 7.1 Humility
  • 8 The Virtues
  • 10 Extended Links


"Gabriel is the archangel that guides souls, not only to the gates of heaven after death, but also onto the path of good in life."

  • embodied: Connors Fitzpatrick.
  • moral alignment: lawful good.
  • mirrored by: sloth, Belphegor.


A zealous and careful nature in one's actions and work; decisive work ethic, steadfastness in belief, fortitude, and the capability of not giving up. budgeting one's time; monitoring one's own activities to guard against laziness. Upholding one's convictions at all times, especially when no one else is watching - integrity.


"Michael is the protector of the innocent and will answer to prayers more than any of the other angels. he finds in himself an unfortunate weakness toward the hardship of women."

  • embodied: mike c piccirillo jr
  • moral alignment: chaotic good.
  • mirrored by: greed, Mammon.


Love, in the sense of an unlimited loving kindness towards all others, it is said to both glorify and reflect the nature of god. such love is self-sacrificial. generosity, charity, self-sacrifice; the term should not be confused with the more restricted modern use of the word charity to mean benevolent giving.


"Cassiel is the judicatory of the wicked, and punishes them accordingly. he's also a tempter and tests the goodness and virtue of mortals to see if they are truly worthy of being taken by Gabriel in death."

  • embodied: Tomislav Tolstoy.
  • moral alignment: true neutral.
  • mirrored by: gluttony, Beelzebub.


restraint, temperance, justice. constant mindfulness of others and one's surroundings; practicing self-control, abstention, moderation, zero-sum and deferred gratification. prudence to judge between actions with regard to appropriate actions at a given time.


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☀the Archangel of Death and Protection

  • embodied: Nicholas Ryker.
  • moral alignment: chaotic neutral.
  • mirrored by: wrath, Satan.


forbearance and endurance through moderation. resolving conflicts and injustice peacefully, as opposed to resorting to violence. creating a sense of peaceful stability and community, rather than engendering suffering, hostility and antagonism.


"Remiel embodies hope and compassion, and advocates the goodness she sees in every creature - even demons. she is the bleeding heart of heaven, forgiving in her very nature and seemingly unable to anger."

  • embodied:
  • moral alignment:
  • mirrored by: Envy. Laviathan


charity, compassion and friendship for its own sake. empathy and trust without prejudice or resentment. unselfish love and voluntary kindness without bias or spite. having positive outlooks and cheerful demeanor; to inspire kindness in others.


"Uriel speaks the truth even when this may hurt, and this may make him come across as a little less good sometime,. he will always be the one to guide you out of the dark with visions of your potential and inner self, whatever this may be."

  • embodied:
  • moral alignment:
  • mirrored by: lust, asmodeus.


to be honest with oneself, one's family, one's friends, and to all of humanity. embracing of moral wholesomeness and achieving purity of thought-through education and betterment. the ability to refrain from being distracted and influenced by hostility, temptation or corruption.


"Raphael was once the angel of healing, embodying humility in contrast to Lucifer's pride. some time ago, he shed his wings and chose to live life on earth as a demi-angel. he still has extraordinary healing powers, despite not being a full angel anymore."

  • embodied: Brodie Lyons.
  • moral alignment: chaotic good.
  • mirrored by: pride, Lucifer.


humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less. a hermeneutic of suspicion toward yourself and charity toward people you disagree with. the courage of the heart necessary to undertake tasks which are difficult, tedious or unglamorous, and to graciously accept the sacrifices involved.

The Virtues[]

TheSeven Virtuesopposed theSevenSins. In one scheme, theSeven Virtuesare based on the three spiritualvirtueslisted by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13: Faith, Hope and Charity, followed by the four Cardinal or "Pagan"virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice

.In theCatholic catechism, theseven Christian virtuesrefers to the union of two sets of virtues. The fourcardinal virtues, from ancient Greek philosophy, areprudence,justice,temperance(or restraint), andcourage(orfortitude). The threetheological virtues, from the letters ofSt. Paul of Tarsus, arefaith,hope, andcharity(orlove). These were adopted by theChurch Fathersas the Seven Virtues.

  • 3 Theological Virtues:
    • Faith/Faithfulness (especially in God [who NEVER fails], Jesus Christ & the Holy Ghost/Spirit) (including Christian Faith, Good Faith, Jewish Faith, Good Faith & ‘Not having faith in corrupt governments’, Intentional Faith, etc.):We must trust in God that He will provide all our needs according to His splendor & glory. It's impossible to please God without faith. He is happiest when we put our faith in Him above all else. If you have little faith, you'll have a little breakthrough. But if you have BIG faith, then you'll have a BIG breakthrough. Faith is what moves God to act. Faith is the element in our relationship with God. Without faith in God there can be no profession of the Christian faith & this reconciliation is impossible. God wants to be pleased with faith (not faith in earthly government thou, but faith in God) & YOU should want to please Him. THAT should be our primary goal in our daily lives. There is power when you have faith in God / Jesus Christ. Faith's power isn't innate in faith. Faith is powerless if it's not placed in God. We must ensure that we place our faith in the eternal & powerful God, for He is the one who rewards. Faith is a mustard seed in placed in God can move a mountain & cause a fig tree to wither & die, cause us to walk on water, etc. Living by faith & not by sight. Let you faith (NOT faith in government or faith in the media, but you faith ONLY in the Holy Trinity [God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit]) fight for you. There's unlimited faith in God / Jesus Christ ONLY!! Keep on fighting the GOOD fight of faith. Never lose faith in God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit. Live by faith & not by sight. Always depend on God / Jesus Christ & NOT on earthly governments, or your/our ways, power or strengths. Stop believing that you can do all things without God, you must have/build unlimited faith/confidence in Him & have a closer relationship with Him ALWAYS. Pray without stopping & obey Him.
    • Hope/Hopefulness (even God, Jesus Christ, America & Israel are our hope):We must keep our hope alive if we're gonna live successful spiritual lives.
    • Charity/Generosity/Will/Benevolence/Sacrifice/The Common Good
  • 4 Cardinal Virtues:
    • Fortitude/Courage/Boldness/Gumption/Backbone (meaning strength of character) /Valiantness (Red color on the American Flag; Red also stand for the blood of Jesus Christ on the USA flag; political courage, stronger courage, anti-hubris type of courage, And if we had any balls at all, we would go into the universities & research centers & round up these Chinese SPIES & ship them the HELL OUT OF AMERICA & go to their private residence with a “no knock” warrant, ransack through their stuff & make sure that they DON’T have our biological or intellectual prosperities among them!!!! WE must better understand that the LARGEST existential threat to HUMANITY are the antichrist, false prophet & the CCP & its leader', etc.): you must overcome/destroy fear with courage & the Word of God. Making sure that the GOP (excluding the RINOs) & their legislatures have a STRONGER STEEL backbone & nerves stronger than just steel or any other earthly metal. Always overcome worry, fear anxiousness & anxiety.
      • Why Shouldn't You Be Fearful: Words from Conservative Educator Dennis Prager (‘Given the awful power of fear, what can you do to be less fearful? The first thing you must do is determine whether your fears are rational, or irrational. And that can only be accomplished by thoroughly studying the issue—whatever it happens to be: global warming, a pandemic, racism, or any other controversial subject. For example, blacks are told to fear white police because white police are racist and want to do them harm. This is largely an irrational fear. It is well-documented that in any given recent year, the number of unarmed blacks killed by police is approximately 20—nearly all of whom seriously threatened the lives of the policemen who killed them. Another example: Credible scientists who acknowledge that global warming is taking place, but contend that it is not an existential threat to life, are dismissed as “anti-science” and their views largely suppressed. Read them, and many of your fears will be allayed. [You might even decide to have children]’, ‘Most fears are stoked by governments and their allies in the mass media and in big tech, who in turn suppress contrary opinions. Therefore, please understand that when you hear only 1 side of the story, and that opinion is designed to make you afraid, there is a good chance that your fears are unwarranted. Determining whether your fears are rational or irrational is one of the most important things you’ll ever do. The quality of your life & the life of your society depend on your making that distinction’)
    • Justice/Equity/Constitutionality (including Equal Justice under the Law, Conservative/Right-leaning Justice, Anti-Rigged Justice, Real Justice, Actual Justice Warriorism, Non-Environmental Justice, “Innocent Until Proven Guilty”, Swift Justice, Absolute justice, 'opposing social justice', 'conservative / right-leaning version of criminal justice system', 'FORCING ALL the courts & the Supreme Court to get AWAY from the 2-teir/3-teir justice/judicial systems & FORCING them [even if it means breaking their will] to stay on the side of the Right', Constitutional Republic, Anti-Woke Justice, Absolute Justice, 'treatment should be the same by the anti-rigged / anti-woke justice system', Governmental justice, 'treating the Left [including stupid people, liberals, leftist, socialists, communists, China Democrats, RINOs, thieves {even election thieves}, rapists, etc.] like the crinimals they are', 'When criminals do something bad, they should remain behind bar. Never abolish prisons & DON'T end the cash bail! Advocates for keeping the cash bail system, including police and prosecutors across the nation, argue that ending the practice would put the public at risk, pointing to statistics in cities that have eliminated cash bail that show the likelihood of rearrest before trial rose 37% in those locations', 'The United States Attorney is the highest judicial official in the land. “The principal duties of the Attorney General are to: Represent the United States in legal matters. Supervise and direct the administration and operation of the offices, boards, divisions, and bureaus that comprise the Department.” Lying to Congress is a crime & no person, especially the attorney general, should do it', 'Person Of Interest ARRESTED In NYC Subway Shooting As Mayor Doubles Law Enforcement! The shooter named Frank James was finally arrested after the horrific NYC subway shooting that took place yesterday. They are still investigating his possible connections to the tragedy and what his motives could have been. Meanwhile, New Yorkers are getting back on the subways with an increased police presence under the orders of Mayor Eric Adams [D-New-York]', 'JUSTICE IS COMING: WHY OVER 250 JAN 6TH PATRIOTS WILL SOON BE EXONERATED! I've [Josh Bernstein] never been one to minced my words or sugarcoat what I really mean. Perhaps that is why I am no longer allowed on social media. Mark my words, the J6 Patriots being held unconstitutionally for crimes they never committed WILL BE exonerated in short order. Josh Bernstein may be confident that MANY of the 01/06/2021 A.D. patriots WILL be FULLY exonerated in a VERY short order! It’s because ANY individual, ANY group, ANY figure, any politician, & anyone [past, present & future] that calls what happened on 01/06/2021 A.D. an insurrection should be CHARGED for giving FALSE statements & misrepresentations, because the bottomline is that what happened on that day is as CLEAR as ANYONE EVER SEE!! The capital police ALLOWED people to WALK IN, which PROVES that this is NOT an insurrection or a violent entry. The Left ENTRAPPED the 01/06/2022 A.D patriots while BLM & Antifa scumbags were breaking things. The capital police & the deep-state are SITTING on THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of documents & videos that would exonerate EVERY SINGLE true patriot RIGHT NOW being held against their will like a savage animal [that the Left, politicians the globalists & deep-staters TRUE ARE] in a 3rd-world hellhole country!! I DO hope & pray to see A LOT of 01/06/2021 A.D. patriots being FULLY exonerated & THEN that’s when the good stuff is gonna start because these people are gonna do a FULL case-action lawsuit & sue the BALLS off the Injustice Department, the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation], the politicians, & the globalists! We are gonna have a situation when the Left & their allies & subordinated ACCUSE these people of crimes that they NEVER committed because it’s defamation of character, it’s UNLAWFUL imprisonment, it’s misrepresentation & misstatement, it’s LYING, it’s falsifying evidence, it is SO MANY things that the 01/06/2021 A.D. PATRIOTS are gonna be able to sue & the lawyers are hopefully gonna LINE up & help these patriots out!!', etc.)
      • Heavier Sentence ('What Ghislaine Maxwell Does with Her New Prison BFF Says Everything You Need To Know! Remember Ghislaine Maxwell? Notorious sex trafficker and Jeffrey Epstein’s right-hand woman? Well she’s back in the news this week for a friend she made in jail. They’ve apparently become good buddies, wait until you find out who it is. Ghislaine Maxwell and Narcy Novack, who is behind bars for the murdering her husband Ben Novack Jr and mother-in-law in 2009, speak together frequently at their Tallahassee jail. Narcy’s husband, Ben, had a successful travel company and his father built the storied Fontainebleau hotel in Miami Beach, which became a celebrity hangout in the 1950s and 1960s and was featured in films like ‘Scarface’ and ‘Goldfinger’. CBS reported in 2012 that Novack feared that her husband would divorce her and that a prenuptial agreement would prevent her from inheriting the family estate. Her motives were hatred, greed and vengeance.” ​​A source was quoted by Mirror as saying, “Once inside, Ghislaine gravitated towards Narcy. Because of her length of time inside and the brutality of her crime, she is treated like a female don. All the younger girls address her as ‘Miss Novack’ out of respect.” The source added, “Ghislaine will have a modicum of protection through her friendship, but given their ages and millionaire ­backgrounds, they were always destined to get on well. Together, they spend hours talking, laughing and joking.” Both women are convicted of harsh crimes so it makes sense they would get along together. In December 2021, Maxwell was convicted of recruiting and grooming underage girls for several years. Maxwell was convicted on almost all counts, including sex trafficking of minors, which carries a maximum sentence of 40 years. The other counts Maxwell was found guilty of are conspiracy to entice a minor to travel to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, transporting a minor with the intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of minors. While both the first and second counts carry a maximum sentence of 5 years in prison, the third carries a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison, and the fourth carries a statutory maximum of 5 years in prison. She was found not guilty of count 2, which involved enticing a minor to engage in illegal sex acts. Social media was quick to react when she was convicted. One person wrote, “She deserves every second of that 20 years. A pity that it’s only 20 years and not more – and that Epstein got away by committing “suicide!” Still, somehow, I hate her even more because of her disgraceful father. The whole family repulses me!” Another wrote “I know this was a bombshell day at the Jan 6 hearing, but this 20 yr. sentence brought me such relief. She’s a POS child predator who deserves it all! Unreal she didn’t turn on Donald and Melania Trump, but that seems to be the way these cult followers role.” Maxwell got the conviction she deserved, and it seems like she may be doing better in prison than we thought she would. She’s made a new friend and is making the best of the time she has there. I wonder what 2 people convicted of those crimes talk about all day', etc.)
    • Providence/Prudence/Wisdom/Knowledge/Knowledgable/Sophisticated(including Divine Knowledge, Knowledge of God, Knowlegde of God's Word/Truth, & the knowledge of who you are)
    • Temperance/Humanity/Equanimity/Moderation/Sobriety / Emotional-Balance

Additional Members / Other Virtues (that are of the Holy Trinity [God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit])[]

  • Good Thoughts:
    • When it comes to human history:
      • Refusing to believe that humans are the cause of so-called climate change
      • Refusing to believe that America & Israel are evil countries
    • When it Comes to Prehistory:
      • Dinosaurs of both the non-arctic & non-Antarctic regions not having feathers
      • 21,000 years ago, humans from Europe reached North-America by crossing an ice bridge. Humans from Asia migrated to there by land bridge nearly 7,000 years later.
      • Dinosaurs died off from an asteroid strike 65-65.5 million years ago
      • Believing that both Giganotosaurus & Mapusaurus hunt sauropods
      • Saber-Toothed Tigers hunting in packs
    • Good/Smart/Wise Choices / Decisions / Behavior / Manners / Personalities / Ways
      • Sowing Good things
      • Removing the tares out of your life
      • Respectful Behavior
    • Thinking that Western Dragons should have 6 limbs (4 legs & 2 wings) instead of having 4 limbs (2 legs & 2 wings)
    • Putting a upper-case "L" for the Left & putting a upper-case "R" for the Right
    • Keeping believing in yourself as well as believing in God / Jesus Christ
    • Believing that "Love your enemies (the Left, the Democrats, liberals/leftists, woke corporations/schools, Chinese, the deep-state [the elites, establishments], voter-frauders/riggers, indoctrinators, the Biden-Harris regime, etc.)" is nothing but a cruelly sick & twisted joke.
    • Referring to planet earth as "the earth / planet / planet earth" & not "the world":
  • Chastity/Purity/Abstinence/Wisdom/Insight (including spiritual & psychological insight): asking God for spiritual insight & praying to have spiritual/psychological eyes/hear open & awake. You need God's wisdom to make the right/correct (anti-politically correct in fact) decisions. Going back to the gold standard, which is the smart thing to do, audit the fed & everything else. You have to study wisdom to know how to do good, just as you have to study physics to know how to be a physicist. If you’re taught wisdom, there’s a good chance you’ll become as wise as pre-fallen King Solomon. If you aren’t, there’s a good chance you’ll be a fool. And foolish people do a GREAT deal of harm. Until the early decades of the 20th century, American students were expected to know the greatest sources of wisdom: such as ancient Greek & Roman writers, William Shakespeare, & most importantly the Holy Bible.
    • Being Broader-Minded
  • Diligence/Persistence/Effortness/Ethics/Ethical (including Due diligence, etc.): Hard work makes you rich. The Bible encourages hard work. Guard your heart, thought, & mind with ALL diligence. Seek God diligently & WHOLE heartedly with whole-hearted worship (NOT half-heartedly). Diligently obey the Voice of God & obverse CAREFULLY all of His commandments
    • Career Success and the Proximity Principle: Words from Ken Coleman (‘I was stuck in a job that I couldn’t stand. I wanted out in the worst way. Not because I wasn’t making enough money. I was. Not because I hated my boss. I didn’t. But because I wasn’t doing what I was meant to do. And I could no longer convince myself otherwise’, ‘Every day, every week, I experienced the slow death of boredom, counting down the clock to Friday, dreading Monday. It was no way to live. My story is hardly unique. It may even describe you. And if you haven’t yet started your work life, it might describe what you fear most. But I have some good news, a way for you to take control of your future. I know this idea works because I used it for my own career and have helped countless people use it for theirs. The idea is called the Proximity Principle. It’s deceptively simple: In order to do what you want to do you have to be around the people who are doing it and in the places where it is happening. That’s the Proximity Principle’, ‘So, how can you put the Proximity Principle into practice? The first step is to seek out 5 types of people. Each one has an important role to play in helping you move forward toward your goal — your dream job: 1] “the professors.” I don’t mean actual professors, but people who know their stuff. They are scholars of your desired field; they love to teach, and they are willing to teach you; 2] “the professionals.” These are the people who have made it. There’s a reason for that. Read their biographies and anything they’ve written. Watch them on YouTube or on Bitchute. Emulate them. They’re your model — what you aspire to; 3] “the mentors.” — individuals who care about you and want to coach you. Mentors are not the same as professors. These are people who will take you under their wing; who will tell you hard truths you need to hear. They will offer guidance and accountability. Whether they say you’re doing great or failing badly, you know they mean it; 4] your peers. They, like you, are trying to make it. They, like you, are placing themselves in the right places, around the right people. Peers will challenge you to realize your potential. They will push you, and you them. This is healthy competition and it’s good; 5] “the producers.” They are similar to the professionals, but the producers are builders first. They take risks, start companies, create jobs. More than anything, they produce opportunities. One of them may be for you. Okay, that’s a lot. You’re not going to gather this team overnight. It will take weeks or months or even years. And this is just the first part of the Proximity Principle. I said it was simple -- I didn’t say it was easy’, ‘So, let’s move to the second part of the Proximity Principle: where you need to be; 1] start where you are. You don’t have to drop everything and move to the big city right away or maybe ever. Everything you need to begin is more than likely in your current zip code. You just have to look for it. Seek every opportunity to track down the people you need to meet. They may be people you already know or people the people you know know. You get the point; 2] you need a place to learn. Take the classes, get the certifications, apply for the apprenticeships or internships that will get you closer to the job you want; 3] you need a place to practice, a place to convert your education into execution, a place to test yourself before you “step out on stage.” This is where you’ll hone your craft. There’s very little risk involved at this point, but there’s also no substitute, no shortcut, for spending the hours necessary to develop your skills; 4] you need a plave to perform. A place where you can gain REAL life experience doing the work. Practice is 1 thing, but you need to be able to perform under pressure. For a comedian, this could be an open mic night. For a salesperson, a trade show. Whatever job you’re pursuing, there comes a point where you simply HAVE to do it; 5] you need a place to do. A place where you can get better at what you do & move forward in you career. Whether it’s a city, a suburb, a mountain or a farm, it must be a place of opportunity for advancement in your chosen field’, ‘That’s 5 types of people & 5 types of places. That’s the Proximity Principle: the right people plus the right places leads to the right opportunities. One relationship leads to 3 more an internship turns into a full-time job. Closed doors open, & suddenly you find yourself getting lucky. But it wasn’t luck, it was design; your design’)
    • Milton Friedman: “No Free Lunch”: Words from Johan Norberg, Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute [‘Few people have had as profound an impact on modern economics as economist Milton Friedman. His Nobel Prize-winning ideas on free enterprise resonated throughout the world and continue to do so’, ‘“There is no such thing as a free lunch.” That’s basically all you need to know about economics—or for that matter, about life. Everything comes with a price and there are no perfect solutions, only trade-offs. If you think you’re getting something for “free,” you’re fooling yourself. One way or another somebody has to pay for it—and that “somebody” usually includes you! This bit of priceless wisdom was popularized in the 1970s by University of Chicago economist, Milton Friedman. And it made him, along with his many other penetrating insights, the most influential economist of his time’, ‘Born in Brooklyn in 1912, the son of 2 poor Jewish immigrants from what is now Ukraine, Friedman never took the opportunities America offered him for granted. He devoted his life to making the case for free enterprise. No one has ever made it more persuasively. His scholarly work centered on monetary theory, the idea that the growth or contraction of the money supply has a profound impact on a nation’s economy’, ‘The Great Depression of the 1930s, which had caused so much suffering, and which Friedman had lived through personally, made his case. Friedman showed that the Depression was not a failure of an out-of-control free market, but an out-of-control Federal Reserve—the Fed—the central bank of the United States. Instead of keeping the money supply stable in a recession, the Fed choked it off. This started a series of “bank runs”—people literally running to get their money out of their bank before their bank ran out of money. But that, according to Friedman, was not the Fed’s biggest mistake. The biggest mistake was that the Fed existed at all. No Fed, Friedman believed, no Great Depression. The free market would have figured things out on its own just as it had in previous economic upheavals. But the Fed’s members had no confidence in the market. Their confidence was in their own ability to fine-tune America’s incredibly complex economy. This confidence was misplaced. The Fed, and the President who dominated the decade, Franklin Roosevelt {D}, made 1 bad decision after another, and the Depression dragged on’, ‘Friedman saw another grave mistake being done in the early 1970s. He made the bold prediction that the Fed’s efforts to print money to keep the country out of a recession would lead to something worse: stagflation, the combination of high inflation and high unemployment. And that’s exactly what happened. Many economists who had previously dismissed Friedman now acknowledged that he was right. In 1976, he received the Nobel Prize in Economics, yet another vindication of his work. But as perceptive as his economic theories were, his special gift was his ability to explain his theories to the public and his willingness, indeed eagerness, to do so’, ‘He wrote best-selling books and had a column in Newsweek for 18 years. In 1980 A.D., he hosted the popular 10-part TV series Free to Choose for PBS. The theme of the show was pure Friedman: while others trusted the government to make good decisions, Friedman trusted people and the market. Excessive government control, regulation, and taxation, he persuasively argued, distorted incentives and put money in the hands of politicians and bureaucrats who had not earned it and suffered no consequences if their policies failed. There were other ways government intervention distorted the free market, Friedman said: protectionism, for example, increased prices for consumers and discouraged innovation; overregulation allowed big business with its lawyers and lobbyists to drive out small competitors; minimum wage laws led to fewer jobs for those who needed them most’, ‘It all followed from Friedman’s basic idea that millions of people working for their own purposes could make better decisions than a bunch of unelected bureaucrats who had no stake in the outcome. But Friedman didn’t just complain about the problem. He had solutions ready when and where they were needed. When communism collapsed in Eastern Europe in the late 1980s A.D., economists in places like Estonia, Poland, & Czechia who had read Friedman in secret {sometimes by candle light} now embraced his slow tax light regulation model to great effect. And when my own country, Sweden, faced a welfare state-induced crisis in the early 1990s A.D., it was Friedman;s idea that guided the Swedish reformers, They opened up markets, tightened social security benefits, & {in 1992 A.D.} implemented Friedman’s idea about a national school voucher system’, ‘Friendman’s influences spanned the planet earth: Israel, Chile, New-Zealand, the UK & America put his ideas into practice. And they worked! The Economist Magazine appropriately & cleverly titled its obituary in 2006 A.D. “How Milton Freed Man”’, ‘As his fame spread always held fast to his guiding principle that “freedom is NOT the rule, but an exception”. “The typical state of mankind”, he wrote, “is tyranny, servitude & misery”’ So the price of liberty is eternal vigilance & knowing Milton Friedman’]
  • Patience/Forgiveness/Mercy
  • Kindness/Gratitude/Satisfaction/Compassion
  • Humility / Bravery / Modesty / Reverence / Humble / Humbleness / Meekness / Never Too Proud / Modestness: we must put a dent in pride. So STAY AWAY from pride & its wickedness for that is the ultimate sin. Save the humble people & bring down the haughty looks. God ALONE is worthy of having honor glory & praise & He is NOT gonna let pride steal the glory of God. Although very omnibenevolent, He doesn't share His glory to anyone. A humble person says, "have your way with the Holy Spirit" & a prideful person says, "this is want I'll do next. This is my next move". If we have any pride at all, God will RESIST us, for He resists the proud. If you have a proud spirit, the Holy Spirit resists you. Pride blocks the Holy Spirit & the Holy Spirit can do little or nothing at all in someone that is full of pride. It clearly shows how we are dependent on God & we need Him to do absolutely everything we take for granted, everything we do consciously or subconsciously, everything to stop the Left (& their national/international allies & tactics/culture from destroying America/Israel & its foundations/history) for us the Right. Without God / Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit, you can do NOTHING! Pride has NO place in our lives. God gives grace to the humble. Always let go of pride. A little humility & a little knowledge would lead to better decisions.
    • Having a REAL humble spirit
    • Remain depended ONLY on God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit (& NOT on government or handouts) so we can do ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING
    • NOT letting you left hand know what your right hand is doing
    • Lovers of God more than lovers of pleasure
    • It's better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with the proud
  • 10 Commandments of God / Jesus Christ:
    • I am the Lord thy God which have brought you out of the house of bondage, and you shall have no other gods before Me. You must worship only the Good Lord God & serve only & His Son Jesus Christ.
      • You can't sevre God & Satan / Self / money. You must worship & serve ONLY God!!! Get your eyes off yourself & place them on Jesus Christ. Don't exalt yourself to become a god in your life
    • You shall not make idols (especially spiritual idols) nor bow down to it or worship it. You must never worship false gods. NEVER commit idolatry or idol worship. Remove ALL & EVERY idols in your heart, mind, soul/spirit & strength NOW & seek God / Jesus Christ ALONE!! Destroy ALL alters (whether it's money, idol or a person) that have been raised in your hearts, minds, souls/spirits & strengths which are NOT of God!!!! God HATES idolaters & he DOESN'T like anything taking place in your heart, which is why He is jealous!! Don't let idols leave you unprotected, there are ways to destroy idols in our hearts, minds & souls/spirits & focus on God alone. Stay the heck FAR AWAY from practicing idolatry!!
      • Open your life to Jesus Christ. He's at the door of your life, knocking. He is calling on your to open so that he can cast the idols OUT of your heart, mind, soul/spirit, strength & personality/behavior. You have to walk to the door NOW & open, you have to retrace your steps & ask for forgiveness. The things that you place above God MUST BE DESTROYED!!!!!
      • Pray with Holy Fire in you. Idols are NOT things that you should be playing a joke with. You must NOT pray as if you are negotiating, you must go AGAINST Satan/Lucifer the devil king in God's name & DESTROY the idols in you!! It's time wage spiritual warfare AGAINST the idols in you, you MUST go to God in the place of prayer & FIGHT these idols you've built in you. DON'T go in teh spiritual battlefields without the FULL Armor of God; you MUST put in on & use it to fight & NOT surrender to idols sponsored by Satan.
      • Put God / Jesus Christ FIRST in everything you do. Put them FIRST in your life & everything will work fine
      • NEVER worship a person in God's place!!! Pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
      • God FORBIDS us humans from worshipping idols; especially a person, picture, etc.
      • Destroy any & ALL idols & idolatry that you worship in your life & DESTROY all attachments to sin & idolatry Remove & destroy ALL idols in your hearts, minds & souls
      • Do NOT practice necromancy nor find forbidden ways of accessing the spiritual dimension/realm. It is ABSOLUTLEY WRONG & sinful for believers in God / Jesus Christ to seek wisdom from from the demonic/spirit dimension/realm
    • You shall not take the name of the LORD your God wrongly or in vain. You must misuse the name of the Lord your God.
    • Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
    • Honor/Respect your father and your mother.
      • NEVER insult your parents & never steal from them.
    • You shall not murder/kill.
    • You shall not commit adultery (especially spiritual adultary). Never covet your neighbor’s wife/husband or that of your relatives or friends. Never do hom*osexuality, transgender or inbreeding.
    • You shall not steal (not even votes/elections, etc.).
    • You shall not bear false witness/evidence against your neighbor. Always tell the truth and never lie, especially under oath; Never commit fraud. We must never lie but walk in truth & honesty
    • You shall not covet. You must never want what belongs to others.
  • Life (including Pro-Life ['Oklahoma Passes Strong Pro-Life Bill That Is Sure to ENRAGE Democrats! GOP Oklahoma lawmakers on 04/05/2022 A.D. passed a bill that would make it illegal to perform an abortion in the state except in medical emergencies, penalizing those who do with up to $100,000 in fines and 10 years in prison. The Republican-controlled state House of Representatives brought the bill to a vote this week, after it was passed in 2021 A.D. by the Midwestern state's Senate. It now heads to the desk of Republican Governor Kevin Stitt for signing. Stitt has signaled his support for anti-abortion legislation. If he signs the measure, it would take effect this summer unless blocked by liberal/leftist courts. The measure passed by the Oklahoma House on that Tuesday is one of several anti-abortion bills making its way through the state's legislature. Separate legislation introduced in 2022 A.D. proposes banning almost all abortions and relying on private citizens to sue any person who "aids or abets" abortions, similar to Texas' six-week abortion ban. That bill contains an emergency clause, which would allow it to take effect immediately once it is passed and signed by the governor. The measure approved on Tuesday states, "a person shall not purposely perform or attempt to perform an abortion except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency." Republican-governed states like Oklahoma have passed a series of restrictive abortion measures in recent years. The U.S. Supreme Court is due to rule by the end of June 2022 A.D. in a case involving a Republican-backed Mississippi law that gives its conservative majority a chance to undermine or even repeal the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling that legalized abortion nationwide. During arguments in the case, the conservative justices signaled a willingness to dramatically curtail abortion rights in America. This is a HUGE win for those who are TRULY pro-life & anti-abortion', 'OK Governor Signs Pro-Life Legislation That Sponsors Say Will Eliminate Abortions in Their State! The abortion issue is one of the most unthinkable, and really inexcusable of all the issues dividing our nation. The advancement in technology allows Americans to see the development of the baby in the womb the entire term. With the enhanced surgical techniques, surgeons have been able to successfully complete surgeries on babies, long considered to not be viable by medical and legal professionals. Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt {R-Oklahoma} just signed an almost universal abortion ban on 04/12/2022 A.D. by making the procedure a felony. Medical emergencies are the only exception to the bill. This comes after the Oklahoma House passed the legislation on that Tuesday by a vote of 70-14. Sen. Nathan Dahm, a Broken Arrow Republican who wrote the bill and is running for Congress, called it the “strongest pro-life legislation in the country right now, which effectively eliminates abortion in Oklahoma.” Thank God that Oklahoma has taken its stand, on the right side of history', 'URGENT: Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade, Here’s What You Must Know Now! The Supreme Court has now overturned the 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion federally throughout the US. In the decision today, the court upheld the Mississippi law banning abortion procedures after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The ruling came from the court’s decision on the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. The Supreme Court was asked to strike down the law defining the abortion ban but declined to and issued their opinion on Roe v. Wade in the process. It also came on the heels of the draft version of the opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito that was leaked to Politico. The ruling is expected to outrage progressives across the country and galvanized protests this summer. “We end this opinion where we began. Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each State from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the court’s opinion. “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start,” Alito wrote. “Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences.” In the vote, Alito was backed by Justice Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Amy Coney Barrett, and Chief Justice John Roberts. They were all conservative-appointed Justices. Justice Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor, and Elena Kagan vote against the ruling. They were all appointed under Democrats. Many progressive Americans wanted Roe v. Wade to be upheld, but the decision effectively allows the decision to be returned to the states. It’s expected that 22 states will ban abortions or nearly ban it, according to the New York Post. They are Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Democrats in Congress wanted to codify Roe V. Wade into law, but the bill could not make it past the Senate. It only got 49 votes and failed to clear a test vote. This landmark decision will be celebrated by pro-lifers and will allow them to pass laws in states to limit abortion. Democrat states will also pass laws allowing for easier access to abortions. Nevertheless, it is a landmark decision that pro-life Americans have been advocating for a long time. I’m very happy with the court’s decision', On 06/24/2022 A.D., the Supreme Court of the United States overturned Roe v. Wade, sending the decision of whether to legalize abortion or not to the states. Texas already had a “trigger law” in place that would ban abortion at the moment of fertilization except in rare cases to save the life of a pregnant patient or prevent “substantial impairment of major bodily function.” Dallas County’s DA does not intend to cooperate. Once the Texas “trigger law” goes into effect, 30 days after the Supreme Court ruling, the penalty in Texas, for anyone who performs, induces or attempts an abortion where “an unborn child dies as a result of the offense” will be guilty of a first-degree felony — punishable by not less than 5 years or up to life in prison and a civil penalty of not less than $100,000. Until that 30 days expires, abortions are banned after six weeks of pregnancy with no exception for rape or incest. The fine for aiding or abetting an abortion is up to $10,000', 'SHOCK: Hollywood HORRIFIED After Actress Makes the Ultimate Conservative Reveal! Another top billed Hollywood actress revealed her pro-life stance this week while celebrating the Supreme Court’s reversal of Roe v Wade. Kimberly Elise, one of the stars of “Diary of a Mad Black Woman” took to social media to celebrate the historic win. Her post was simple enough, showing an image with a small black child that read, “Victory Blessings to Jesus” before continuing “For You formed my inward parts, you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; my soul knows it very well. Psalms 139:13-14. The song “Jesus Loves Me” was set as background music. Above the image the Hollywood actress captioned “Millions of babies will be saved from death by abortion due to the overturning of Roe V. Wade. Hallelujah!” While the post itself was a positive message meant to inspire hope in others, the comments under it by angry leftists online were anything but positive. Twitter users also jumped on the opportunity to comment on the post as well. Despite the generally negative reactions online, there were at least a few people who came to her defense, like pro-Trump internet celebrities Diamond and Silk. It’s rare for anyone in Hollywood to take openly conservative stances on anything, although the issue of abortion has been a bit more telling than most. Even The View’s most liberal host came out as completely pro-life without exception. Do you think more celebrities will keep coming out of the woodwork to celebrate the ruling?', 'Since Roe V. Wade has been overturned, in 30 days, we have seen 61% of abortion clinics shut down & closed their doors in the red states. The overturn of Roe V. Wade has made a MASSIVE success. This is a GREAT development for life & for our national security, & new babies will be born rather than being killed, ''Tax Break for Fetuses! Georgia’s New Law Will Incentivize Moms to KEEP their Babies! This should shut up some pro-abortion people. They’ve complained about this, saying if an unborn baby is a “person” then women should be allowed to claim it on their taxes. Now, Georgia is officially doing just that. The Huff Post {liberal / leftist press} reports: “The Georgia Department of Revenue confirmed in guidance issued Monday that residents may claim an unborn fetus as a dependent on their state tax forms, thus qualifying for an exemption under state law. The state’s anti-abortion law includes non-viable fetuses in its definition of dependents. In Georgia, any fetus displaying electrical activity ― a precursor to a heartbeat that can appear around 6 weeks ― is now “eligible for the Georgia individual income tax dependent exemption,” the state’s Revenue Department said. Pregnant taxpayers are eligible for a $3,000 deduction per fetus, beginning when the law took effect on July 20, 2022. The anti-abortion law specifies that a fetus with electrical activity qualifies as a “dependent minor.” It also defines “unborn child” as “a member of the species hom*o sapiens at any stage of development who is carried in the womb.” The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution implies that citizenship is defined at birth. But some anti-abortion conservatives are aiming to extend constitutional rights to fetuses, including those at nonviable stages, or even a fertilized embryo. Their efforts could have dire implications for people using fertility treatments and result in increased state surveillance of pregnant people, among other consequences.” This will be great for families who want their babies. They will get an extra break, which will help during the pregnancy, to get ready for the new baby. What do you think pregnant women who don’t want to keep their babies will think about this? Should the father be allowed to if the mother doesn’t claim the fetus? Will he have to get a DNA test to do so? Will the mother and father fight about who gets the exemption, as many divorced parents do now? What other problems can you imagine?', 'On 08/05/2022 A.D., Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb {R-Indiana} signed a near-total ban on abortion in the state following the Supreme Court’s recently ruling overturning Roe v Wade. The new Indiana law is set to take effect on September 15th, 2022 A.D. The restrictions against abortion include exceptions for rape, incest, and protecting the life of the mother.', 'Trigger Law Triggered: Idaho Supreme Court Rules on Abortion Ban! This week, the Idaho Supreme Court decided not to block a law that would ban nearly all abortions beginning on August 25th, 2022 A.D. Additionally, it blocked a second law that will take effect on August 19th, 2022 A.D. that bans abortion at 6 weeks of pregnancy or when a heartbeat is first detected. The new abortion law makes the procedure illegal unless it is needed to save a pregnant woman's life or if the pregnancy is a result of rape or incest that has since been reported to law enforcement. Medical providers who perform an abortion will face up to 2 to 5 years in prison, and those who help assist the procedure will have their medical licenses revoked. Earlier in August 2022 A.D., the Biden regime filed a lawsuit against Idaho, challenging the trigger law, which is still ongoing. The Injustice Department said in its lawsuit that the ban's exceptions are "extremely narrow" and conflict with federal law. In a 3-2 ruling, the Idaho Supreme Court ruled that the 3 Republican-backed laws banning abortions can take effect despite ongoing legal challenges. In June 2022 A.D., abortion providers sued the state because they claimed the law was "constitutionally vague" and should be "invalidated and declared unconstitutional.” Gov. Brad Little {R-Idaho} banned abortions in March of 2020, making it a trigger law, which was “triggered” when the Supreme Court of the United States decided to overturn Roe v. Wade in June. Little defended his move arguing that abortion is not a constitutional right. “Abortion is not a right expressed in the U.S. Constitution… the ‘right’ to an abortion was a judicial creation,” Little said in a statement, adding “Idaho has been at the forefront of enacting new laws to protect pre-born babies.”', ''Planned Parenthood ABORTED As Kentucky Supreme Court Upholds Abortion Ban! Planned Parenthood will not like this news. In a recent supreme court decision in Kentucky, the court voted to protect the life of unborn children. Across the country battles are raging. State Supreme courts are now ruling over the trigger laws that took effect after the Roe v Wade ruling. Recently in Kentucky the state supreme court took a firm stand against Planned Parenthood, and their minions. The Kentucky Supreme Court upheld the commonwealth's abortion ban on 08/18/2022 A.D., allowing the Human Life Protection Act and Heartbeat Law to remain in place. It's at least temporary, while the court reviews the case. Despite the court’s decision, the Planned Parenthood affiliate only stated that they would continue to “help patients access care and continue our fight to restore abortion access and protect reproductive freedom in Kentucky.” Numerous states had trigger laws in effect, in the event that Roe V Wade was overturned by the supreme court. A similar case was reported by Next news network in Idaho where a trigger law was upheld. On August 25th, 2022 A.D., the Idaho Supreme Court declined to block a law that would ban nearly all abortions. In addition, it blocked a second law, which will take effect on August 19th, 2022 A.D., which bans abortion at six weeks of pregnancy or when a heartbeat is detected. The new law makes abortion illegal unless it’s necessary to save a pregnant woman’s life or if the pregnancy is caused by rape or incest. Performers of abortions will face up to 5 years in prison, and those who assist the procedure will lose their licenses. Following the Roe v Wade decision a number of states had trigger laws that would either outright ban abortion or place a severe restriction on abortion. The ruling on Roe V Wade moved the issue back to the states. When the federal ruling happened, it opened up every state to be a battle ground over the abortion issue. Now as the court battles rage on, it’s great to see that many states are standing firm on their beliefs!, etc.], Protecting the Life of the Unborn Human Babies, 'Most states, including Maryland, already have safe haven laws when a woman has a baby & choose to drop the child off in a hospital & at an adoption center if she doesn’t want the child or has already too many kids', etc.)
    • Pounding Those Who are Pro-Choice/Pro-Abortion ('Hollywood Legend James Woods WRECKS Gavin Newsom With Perfect Response On Abortion! Hollywood Legend James Woods took to Twitter to rip California Governor Gavin ‘Grusome’ Newsom [D-California] over his statement on abortion. Woods, an outspoken conservative celebrity actor, was responding to a previous message posted by Governor Newsom. Newsom had tweeted a response to the decision of the Supreme Court to reverse Roe v Wade, ending abortion’s protected status as a constitutional right. “A dark day in America,” declared the Governor of California. “This is a dangerous decision from a court hell bent on pushing a radical ideological agenda and infringing on the rights of states to protect our citizens from being gunned down in our streets, schools, and churches. Shameful.” James Woods, best known for starring roles in films like “Once Upon a Time in America” and “Hercules”, wasted no time in blasting the claims from Newsom. He specifically called out Newsom for calling the Bill of Rights, which reserves rights not included in the constitution or decided in Congress for states to determine, a “radical ideological agenda”. “The “radial ideological agenda” to which you refer used to be called the Bill of Rights, back when schools actually taught history,” Woods tweeted to his 2.5 million followers. I agree with James Woods and the Supreme Court that their ruling on Roe V Wade was correct', 'Republican Senator WRECKS Obama With Perfect Argument On Roe v. Wade! RINO Senator John Cornyn ruined former President Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama’s argument against Roe v Wade during a Twitter fight over the weekend. In the evening of 06/24/2022 A.D., former tyrant Obama tweeted his disappointment in the ending of Roe v Wade’s abortion access protections. The former leader decried the Supreme Court for reversing the long-standing precedent, calling it an attack on the “freedoms of millions of Americans.” Obama tweeted, “Today, the Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues—attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans.” In the morning of 06/25/2022 A.D., Senator Cornyn responded to the ex-tyrant, saying “Now to Plessy vs Ferguson/Brown vs Board of Education.” Cornyn was referencing the 1896 decision Plessy v. Ferguson, in which the Supreme Court authorized states to discriminate against people based on race as long as the conditions were “separate but equal”. In 1954, the Supreme Court heard Brown vs Board of Education, which declared the notion of “separate but equal” to be unconstitutional and reversed the over 50-year old ruling. The point that Cornyn was making is that, like the new ruling on Roe v Wade, the Supreme Court has reversed incorrect rulings by previous SCOTUS justices in the past. If they hadn’t we would still likely have separate water fountains and restrooms for Whites and People of Color', etc.)
  • Will (including Free-Will [the old Christianity concept that “humans being born have free will”], Willpower, Goodwill, etc.)
  • Freedom (including Religious Freedom, Free to Learn, Free to Speak, Free to Worship God, Free to dream of a dream & see it through, Human Freedom, Freedom of Speech, Free-Thought, Economic Freedom, spiritual freedom, ‘Ronald Reagan famously observed that freedom can be lost in a single generation. That’s because the human inclination is not toward liberty, but security. Freedom is a value, not an instinct. It entails personal responsibility and risk. Security requires little risk and little personal responsibility. So, it comes with little freedom. That’s why every new generation must be taught the supreme importance of freedom and develop the strength of character to maintain it, ‘So how do we stop the drift toward soft totalitarism? This isn’t an easy question, but we can create a base from which we can start to act. Let it be this: “You may not have the strength to stand up in public & say what you really believe, but you can at least refuse to affirm what you do NOT believe.” You cannot overthrow this soft totalitarism on your own, but if enough of us find within ourselves, our families & our communities the means & the courage to live in the dignity of truth, no matter what it costs, we can keep America free. Otherwise, we’ll learn how easy it is to become a totalitarian country – soft or hard’, 'individual freedom', etc.) (it’s what the USA Flag represents)
  • Joy/Joyfulness
  • Peace/Peacefulness
  • Virtue / Goodness / Heroism / Benevolence / Justness
  • Light/Brightness
  • Generosity (that includes loyal love)
  • Reliability
  • Sincerity
  • Friendship/Friendliness
  • Unity (including National Unity, race relations [meaning some races need to start behaving themselves & need to figure out their own problems in their own communities], 'There are few holy days in the Christian calendar that are as unifying as Good Friday. The Baptist, the Roman Catholic, the Brethren, the non-denominational Protestant: We all agree that it was the day Jesus Christ was crucified under Pontus Pilate for the sins of all mankind. 3 days later, he rose from the dead. There are a million other quibbles of theology and doctrine between churches and individuals — but, on this one foundational moment, Christians are in accordance. It should be a moment of unity', etc.)
  • Duty (including Constitutional Duties)
  • Destiny
  • Miracles (including God’s Miracles & Jesus Christ's Miracles)
  • Perseverance (including Perseverance to a Call) (Blue color on the American Flag; Blue also represents the bruises of Jesus Christ on the USA flag)
  • Honesty / Honestness / Truthfulness / Veracity / Candor / Straightforwardness / Sincere / Be Honest (including exposing the truth about everything, the Whole Truth, ‘Having the right to tell the Truth but not having the right to Lie’, ‘Destroying all lies’, Positive truths, 'Choosing truth over lies', 'Choosing the path of Jesus Christ', Anti-False Testimonies, Absolute Truth, Spiritual/Divine Truths, Intellectual Honesty, 'Not every single media outlet around True-Earth Prime’s planet earth is willing to be presstitutes for the Democrats & the Republican establishment, because there are some that are WILLING to actually show us the truth that the American media REFUSE to do. Both JBUShow Josh Bernstein & I can only hope & pray that the American media once again will be as HONEST as Sky News is in Australia', etc.) (White color on the American Flag): We must never lie but walk in truth & honesty. Always remember, lying is Lucifer/Satan's native language for he's the father of lies. When the devil of all devils speaks, he does so out of his own character & his own nature. It's the way he operates. We must NOT be ignorant of this for we know his schemes & & are 1 step ahead of him. With every word he is aiming to leak God's live-giving truths from our minds. So NEVER doubt the truth that comes from both God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit! We need to STOP believing the lies from Lucifer/Satan the devil king & his devils/demons!! We must also stop believing the lie that "I have to be perfect", because it's a dangerous & deadly lie to our spirit. God KNOWS that we're not perfect. Besides, there is 1 man that lived a perfect, sinless & spotless life & that's Jesus Christ. As the TRUE children of God, it is our duty to remember truth & it tells us that God IS with us & He is our refuge & our strength & ever-present help in trouble. You don't want/have to listen to the native language of the devil or his lies. As believers, we should know the Word of God. God is ONLY interested in broken people like us the Right, NOT the proud people like the Left. We must look into the good that is in our lives & come beneath the lie of perfection to give God praise. When we are yet sinners, we have to embrace THIS eternal truth & not the devil's lies. Those who worship God must worship in both spirit & truth. God never lies. Truth is the OPPOSITE of lying. While Satan is the father of lies, Jesus Christ is the father of truth. God has given us a Sound Mind & NOT the spirit of fear.
    • The Clinch Fist/Sledgehammer of Truth
    • Steps to stop lying:
      • 1) Decide that you want to stop lying, for lying will lead to nowhere but to a place of destruction (that's what happened to Elisha's servant)
      • 2) Asking for the Holy Spirit (the spirit of God & the spirit of truth) to come into your life & ask the spirit to help you stop lying
      • 3) Pray that God helps you. Prayer will always be one of the solutions to our problems. If you don't like the way you lie all the time, pray to God that he helps you & gives you the strength to stop lying & the strength to call Jesus
      • 4) NEVER tell lies or half-truths, because lying grieves the Holy Spirit & lying can NEVER bless truth or make a situation righteous
    • Ways to AVOID lies:
      • Always avoid & see/hear through both a proud look & a lying tongue, because God HATES lies
      • You have to do all it takes to withdraw from the family of Satan the devil king & you should NEVER be part of the children of the devil
      • DON'T let lies push you into the pit of life. You can't be doing what God hates
      • Worship God in both spirit & truth. God wants those who tell the truth, those who are IN truth & NOT those who tell lies
      • God will give you COURAGE & it will prevent you from lying. Truth gives you life while lying gives you death. We must behave like God, for He & His Son Jesus Christ are the God of Truth, & we need to behave LIKE the children of God Almighty
      • Be honest & worship/seek ONLY truth & God
      • AVOID speaking the devil king's lying, which is lie/deceit
      • Reject ALL the lies from the government & evade all the propaganda
      • Stay away from both false doctrines & the doctrines of devils, no matter what form or shape they take
        • Believe that Jesus Christ IS the Son of God
        • Believe that Jesus IS the only way to God
        • Believe that the Bible is the Word of God
      • Don't let anyone (the Left, the politicians [Democrats, RINOs & the Deep-state], progressive teachers [& their incorrect teachings], activist judges, the "experts") or Satan the devil king (including the Antichrist & his False Prophet) deceive you in anyway.
      • Fervently pray to God to give people spiritual & psychological eyes so they can see the truth (untwisted truths in fact) that will save & deliver them
      • Don't behave of the Children (the Left) of Satan the devil king. Live your life with integrity & be honest in your relationships with God & Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit. Be honest with your marriage & in your workplace. Turn away from the attributes of Satan/Lucifer. No one can learn from God to tell lies because He is truth & faithful to His Words. Be truthful & honest at ALL times
    • Telling the truth for the RIGHT reasons & undoing the works of both the false prophets & those who claim to be Christ or sent by God/Christ
    • NOBODY likes deceptive people who make unfulfilled promises
    • Willingness to hear the truth of the gospel. Enduring Sound Doctrines
    • Hard/Truthful Stories
    • Interested in Truth/Facts than Feelings ('Trans Athletes NOW BANNED From Another Professional Women’s Sport! The international governing body for swimmers has now officially banned transgender athletes from competing in women’s elite swimming events. The only exception is for trans females who have completed a transition before the age of 12. The trans female must also maintain a testosterone level below 2.5 nmol/L. Now, another women’s sport has joined swimming in banning trans women from the sport. “Male-to-female (transwomen) players are unable to play in sanctioned women’s International Rugby League matches, says the International Rugby League. One mother is relieved about this development, tweeting, “I am relieved and delighted my daughter’s sport is now safe and fair at elite level.” The International Rugby League stresses the issue of safety in its consideration of this issue. The League hasn’t made a final decision and said it “is continuing work to review and update rules about transgender participation in women’s international rugby league and will seek to use the upcoming World Cup to help develop a comprehensive inclusion policy.” The League continued, “in the interests of avoiding unnecessary welfare, legal and reputational risk to International Rugby League competitions, and those competing therein, the IRL believes there is a requirement and responsibility to further consult and complete additional research before finalizing its policy.” In discussing the issue of safety the League said, “it is the IRL’s responsibility to balance the individual’s right to participate – a long-standing principle of rugby league and at its heart from the day it was established – against perceived risk to other participants, and to ensure all are given a fair hearing.” Fair Play For Women put it this way: “Transwomen aren’t being banned from sport. They are simply being banned from the female category – because it’s the wrong category for them”. Back in 2019 women’s rugby referees were quitting because trans women had started to play along with women. These referees said they feared rules allowing transgender women to play would lead to serious injuries. Referees also stated they had been “warned not to challenge bearded or heavily muscled players appearing for women’s teams,” reported The Times. The prospect of allowing women who were born male to play with females in sports makes no sense at all. It is not discrimination; it is a matter of safety and fairness', 'Tim Scott TEARS Biden A New One For What He’s Doing To Scare Millions! Republican Senator Tim Scott [R-South-Carolina] criticized tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s actions following the end of Roe V Wade during an interview with FOX News over the weekend. Senator Scott, who is often pitched as a potential Republican presidential candidate, blasted the president for what he called a “fear-mongering” campaign over the Supreme Court’s decision. “Fear-mongering is really what tyrant Biden just talked about, he’s fear-mongering,” declared Scott. He then continued by celebrating Republican’s recent accomplishment of stacking federal benches, not just the Supreme Court, in their favor under President Trump. Scott said, “The truth is, I’m so thankful that over the last 3 or 4 years, we were able to put 300 federal judges on the bench and 3 conservative Supreme Court justices.” Unlike Biden, who constantly paints the conservative justices on the court as anti-constitution activists, Tim Scott portrayed the conservative supermajority as a firewall against activist liberal judges like Sonia Sotomayor. “This is the firewall that America needs,” Scott stated. “I am thankful that I was a part of making that happen. We should all celebrate those who are originalists, those who read the text, a textualist, who understand and appreciate if it is in there, don’t pretend that it is.”', etc.)
  • Concord/Harmony/Harmonious
  • Law & Order (including True American Law & Order)
  • Innocence (including selfish innocence [for babies], etc.)
  • Creation/Creativity
  • Prosperity
  • Trust (including Public Trust)
  • Understanding
  • Valor (including True American/Christian Value/Valor)
  • Passion
  • Embrace/Embracement (meaning 'Embracing God & rejecting both Satan & the spirit of fear', etc.)
  • Renewal
  • Happiness
  • Liberty (including Religious Liberty, Civil Liberty, etc.)
  • Loyalty
  • Nobility
  • Guidance
  • Directions
  • Selfless Righteousness (which the White color on the USA flag also represent Jesus Christ’s Righteousness)
  • Honor (including True American/Christian Honor)
  • Scrupulous/Just
  • Dreams / Good Dreams (including the American Dream)
  • Wonder
  • Memories
  • Fun
  • True Storytelling
  • Sharing
  • Caring
  • Selflessness (including putting someone else’s well being before your own)
  • Open-Mindedness(including incorruptable minds, 'alllowed you mind to be renewed by the Word of God', 'not losing the battles/wars of the mind to Lucifer & the rest of the satan pantheon', 'developing the mind of Jesus Christ', 'the Mind of Jesus Christ', etc.)
  • Warm/Kind/White/Soft/Big/Mended/Perfect-Heartedness/Mindedness
  • Dignity
  • Conservatism (including the Culture of Conservatism, conservative policies/politics, conservative bubbles, conservative voices, etc.)
    • True Conservatives ('Josh Bernstein is a fiscal conservative & a social libertarian, but he also believes in robust anti-woke military & robust 2nd-Amendment while NOT being the police man of the world or a pure libertarian like the Left. He’s also a populist nationalist', 'Barry Farber was ranked #9 at the top 10 of all-time greatest radio talk-show hosts', 'Conservative populists. Donald John Trump is one, but not a RINO or war-mongering Republican, although he’s a Jeffersonian/JFK Democrat. He NEVER believes in world-building or conflicts in wars. A populist is what’s best for America. But he should have be sending out the numbers of the RINOs that helped STOLE the 2020 A.D. election in his rallies', 'Aaron Rogers has been as MASSIVE critic against the medical/censorship tyranny & the covid shots', 'Hungary SWINGS Right, Elects Female President Who Conservatives Will Like! Hungary has chosen a pro-life, pro-family mother of 3 to become the country’s first female president. Katalin Novak, the country’s former Minister for Family Affairs, was elected by a two-thirds majority in the Hungarian Parliament, according to Hungary Today. The country’s ruling party voted for her while most of those in the opposing party voted against her, according to the publication. “Katalin Novák has been a significant champion for families and the thriving of all Hungarians,” Institute for Women President Valerie Huber said in a 03/10/2022 A.D. statement. “The family is the backbone of every healthy society, and is critical to the health and thriving of women, men, and children.” “We look forward to her victory signaling Hungary’s continued commitment to the principles of the Geneva Consensus Declaration,” added Huber. “As minister, she implemented family-friendly incentives and family protections, but she also stood as a courageous woman in the defense of every Hungarian through thriving families. I am convinced she will do the same as Hungary’s first woman president!” In October 2021 A.D., Novak shared Hungary’s “pro-family mindset” with reporters from the United States as she described how the country established a new constitution in 2011 — replacing a former communist constitution recognizing Hungary as a “People’s Republic.” The 2011 Hungarian Constitution protects “the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman,” supports family systems and caring for the elderly, and recognizes life from conception. Novak, who was serving as Minister for Family Affairs at the time, told The Daily Caller that Hungary has introduced pro-family concepts into the national curriculum in schools, noting that even the wording of a math problem may encourage “pro-family attitudes or mindsets.” Hungary also focuses on training teachers, Novak said, because “no matter what you put in the textbooks, if the teachers do not share the same mindset” teaching pro-family concepts will fail', 'we need more conservatives like Rick Scott to push back on Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden', etc.)
    • The Conservative Way of Tolerance & Tradition (‘So, then who decides what those limits of toleration should be? Until relatively recently, the answer was we, the people, decide. It sounds quaint now, but we had what were once called “community standards.” And what were those standards based on? The short answer is tradition; that is, what has worked well in the past’, ‘Of course, not everything that was done in the past was good or ought to be preserved into the future. For centuries, slavery was commonplace, but it wasn’t good. But tradition is the anchor that helps us catch sight of the good. It avails us of the wisdom of the ages. And this discernment of the good led us to abolish slavery. Even though some of the Founding Fathers owned slaves, they KNEW that it was wrong because they were anchored in the Biblical idea that “all men were created in God’s image.” And that tension eventually guided America toward slavery abolition’, ‘If we, the Right & American people, are gonna overturn the social norms, the burden of proof that radical social changes are gonna make things better should be on the revolutionaries & NOT on the defenders of tradition, the conservatives. We conservatives have over 3 thousands years of history behind them: the Holy Bible, the Magna Carta, English Common law, the USA Constitution, & the Gettysburg Address’)
  • Rightism (including the Right of every nation/country, right-leaning policies/politics, REAL conservatives, REAL Republicans, Anti-RINO / Pro-Conservative/Pro-America half of the Republican Party/Machine of all types [Pro-America, Pro-Conservative, Pro-Constitution, Anti-Slavery, Anti-Racism, Anti-Slander, Pro-Christianity, Anti-Islam, Pro-Israel, etc.] [including the Republican / Anti-RINO Wave], Paleoconservatism, 'language/strategies of the Right', Constitutional Republic, American Right, Christian Right, Jewish Right, Anti-Woke Right, Pro-Freedom Right, Nationalist Left, Capitalist Right, anti-political Right, Evangelical Right [the people who want America to be a Judeo-Christian nation], 'America First, Israel Second type of Conservative Jews', etc.); The anti-RINO have of the Right (see why on Seven Deadly Sins)
  • Patriotism (including True-Patriotism, American Patriotism, Israeli Patriotism, 'Patriotism is standing up for your rights, NOT succumbing to an evil regime [especially a FAKE administration]', 'Dr. Naomi Wolf loves her country and all her fellow citizens. This is why she is determined to expose everything she can about Big Pharma, the CCP, and the truth about the experimental shots. Her new book The Body of Others: The New Authoritarians- Covid 19 and the war against humans is a must read', '', etc.)
  • Fairness/Fair-mindedness (including 'Fair & Balanced elections', Fair & Balance trials, 'doing things fair and square', 'Americans once strove to base their judgments of others on the basis of character rather than melanin or wealth. We struck down racist laws and prevented the formation of an aristocracy so merit would matter, not “privilege” or ethnicity', etc.)
  • Un-Rigged / Un-Hacked Systems (Elections, Schools, Courts, government, etc.)
  • Clean/Fair/Honest/Balanced Elections
  • Nationalism / Anti-Globalism (including Pro-Americanism, Pro-Israelism, European Division, 'the conservative Right's vision of planet earth is where people & individuals have rights & freedoms & the ability to control their OWN destinies & these individual countries have the ability to control their own borders, their own sovereignties, their own currencies & their own futures. And those countries will be elected OWN by the people of those countries. We [like the conservative Right] ALL want the time of real/true conservative/patriot presidents [Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, the Father Founders, Donald John Trump, Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower, John. F Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt & Calvin Coolidge]', etc.)
  • 1st-Worldism / Anti-3rd Worldism (1st-World Nationalism, 1st-World State/City, etc.)
  • Real News/Stories
  • Christianity (including Christianity Expansionism, praying to God & Jesus Christ, Building Churches [including Anti-Lucifer / Anti-Satan Churches], Fundamentalist Christianity, 'God must be with our USA military & our soldiers at ALL TIMES. He gives them the strength & courage. It is God who makes a soldier BETTER than any other soldier. And the LAST thing we ever want to do is remove God from the military', etc.)
  • Judaism (including praying to God & Jesus Christ & Rebuilding the Jewish Temple of God & Jesus)
  • Equality (including Racial Equality, Equal Application of America’s Laws, Equal Protection Under the Law, etc.)
  • Wall-Borderism / Pro-Border Wall / Border Security / Border Wall Funding
  • Pro-Nationalism / Anti-Globalism Nations (Conservative America, Israel, South-Korea, Guatemala, Ireland, etc.)
  • Respect/Respectability (including National Respect, Self-Respect, etc.)
  • Integrity / Simplicity / Forthrightness / Anti-Fraud (including National Integrity, Border Integrity, VoterIntegrity [including ''vote ONLY in person at the polling stations on Election Day", 'Not only do we need proof of income at the polling stations, Voter ID mandatory, & “eliminating ALL mail-in voting, but we ought to get RID of absentee ballot voting 100-MILLION% {except those who are serving in the USA military} & we must get rid of this early voting thing. You MUSTN’T have 30 to 45 days to vote, you must have 3 DAYS tops & I’d rather just have it 1 day to vote IN-PERSON at the polling stations!! That way we have BETTER, STRONGER, TOUGHER, SMARTER/WISER & MORE HONEST voter integrity & we DON’T have these issues with fake ballots or absentee ballots being THROWN in the garbage cans & showing up in people’s trunks!! This is what we’re up against & we’ve got to take this SERIOUSLY!! DON’T do early voting, DON’T mail it in & do it on Election Day', 'destroying mail-in ballots/votes', 'America is ENDANGER of a liberal/leftist takeover. The radical mobs are coming for the Republicans’ Senate majority & we’ve got to STOP them! We’ve got to make sure that ALL Americans on the Right COLLECTIVELY show up at the polling stations ONLY on Election Day 2020 A.D. & give USA President Donald John Trump a resounding victory', 'Not only should we raise the voting age from 18 to 21, but each individual needs to have 2 voter IDs {one with a picture ID & another with PROOF of income}! You should have some SKIN in the game to vote. The bottonline is that if you’re on EVIL welfare & use that as paycheck for years & YEARS & have more & MORE kids, you MUSTN’T be allowed to vote because you’re gonna continue to vote for the democrats are that gonna continue to give you the handout. It’s time to FOCUS all people to get OFF the government dole!!', 'The post office NEEDS to be DEFUNDED BEYOND 100% & the reason it does NOW is because of the mail-in voting fraud & what the Democrats are planning on doing!! If you defund the post office, it PREVENTS the Democrats from enacting their MASSIVE mail-in voter fraud schemes to steal the election & it FORCES ALL Americans who want to vote & want their voices to be heard to take their butts to the polling stations ONLY on Election Day & DO IT in person. The only Americans that should be voting by mail are 3 groups of people: American citizens living abroad, members of the military stationed abroad & those Americans with severe deficiencies & disabilities. But everybody else must vote IN PERSON AT THE POLLING STATIONS ONLY ON ELECTION DAY!!!! None of this 30-45 days garbage of allowing people to vote early; the longer you have to vote in an election, the more likely your vote WON’T be counted, due to voter fraud, to shenanigans, due to ballot-harvesting, due to ballot-stuffing, due to changing addressing or not counting certain areas or NOT sending ballots out to certain areas that were dominated by Republican voters! President Trump mustn’t sign ANY bill at all under ANY circ*mstances that funds the post office! And the folks that want to mail in their votes, especially early, should have a color coordinated {red for military, green for those with disabilities & purple/violet for Americans standing abroad} & the ENTIRE envelope DOESN’T include party affiliation on the outside but has their name & address because there’s NO other reason for anyone else to be able to vote early or vote by mail', 'DON'T mail in your ballots & DON'T vote early & NEVER vote online, but ALWAYS vote IN PERSON on Election Day ONLY at the polling stations', 'Voting Red {Anti-Communist Red}', 'People should NOT be allowed to vote until they're 25 years old because most people at age 18-24 are STILL fully reliant on their parents & believe that they should still be given everything for free', 'counting legal votes & NOT counting illegal votes','allowing election observers in the elections', REAL voter IDs, 'NT giving voter IDs away for free', 'Criminals, felons & illegals should NEVER participate in elections or get voting right', public / anti-secret vote counting, Election Regularities, 'Going back to HAND-written ballots/votes & HAND-counted ballots', 'We ALL need to change PERMANENTLY moving forward!! We need to go BACK to man-written ballots & hand-counted ballots!! We need to GET RID of these dominion voting machines & the George Soros machines altogether & start in a way that we can have FAIRNESS & integrity in the elections!! We’re NOT gonna accept the Biden-Harris presidency & we will NOT have our DNA changed, no matter how they say that it’s not mandatory!! USA President Donald John Trump needs to have a reception in America. The lying presstitutes in the media are all saying that dementia Joe Biden & phone Kamala Harris {D-California} are gonna take office, but they’re NOT! We need to basically go out there & Trump NEEDS to lead America & Trump needs to go out there & start his rallies up again, restore the Republic rallies, go to the swing states, start doing these rallies & get over tens of thousands of people at his rallies & he needs to have the big screen jumbotron TVs & SHOW the voter fraud for ALL the American People to see!!!! Big tech & Section 230 need to be CRUSHED so that they be SUED by class-action lawsuits & go out of business!! It is to NO surprise that the party of socialists, war-mongers, 47 years of USELESS policies like both Joe Biden & Kamala Harris, & war in the Middle-East that they would CONTINUE to cause chaos, disorder, destruction & further along America into darkness {an abyss that we’ll never recover from}. We must become a NATIONALIST nation once again for lovers of America', 'SO MANY layers need to be investigated, whether it’s dominion, vote-switching, fractional voting, ballots being dumped in the middle of the night & Xerox copies of ballots that have to be overwritten', 'STAY AWAY from the "stay home & not vote" & the "feeling disenfranchise" mentalities', 'put limitations of both absentee ballots & mail-in ballots', 'NOT letting the & authoritarian/plotical/Marxist Left anywhere near of succeeding in making sure than minority votes & non-white votes count more than white votes. It's because all votes {excluding voter fraud, early votes/ballets, late votes/ballots, mail-in votes/ballots, pre/post-election votes/ballots, fake votes/ballots, Out-of-Nation votes/ballots, out-of-state votes/ballots, tow-away votes/ballots} count', 'Also, The Left knows they can't win elections without cheating so they are trying to pull a fast one! TAKE ACTION NOW!!!! Don't wait! go to {It is a great, GREAT resource & it allows you to out in your information & allows you to find your member of Congress or your senator & then they have forms that are already filled out that you can click on & send DIRECTLY to your representatives. There is NO EXCUSES!! We’ve got to get on this & get on this now, there is NOTHING important than this. The holidays aren’t important, not even Christmas or New-Years. If the Left & crooked / turncoat politicians ever try to jam this “For The People’s Act” which is bull-crudly named, it’s “For The Democrats’ Act”, through, they will take the states’ rights to govern & conduct elections & it’ll be done at the federal level & it’s a declaration of war on America. Bernstein wants to make sure that we are CRYSTAL CLEAR on that!!} or Contact Your Congress and register today and tell your members of Congress to vote NO against the "For The People Act" which is a lie and would FEDERALIZE our Elections!!!! Remember, they can’t pass anything if we put in enough pressure on them {Democrats & Republicans}, there are a few Democrats that are still somehow sane but they need to be PRESSURED & contacted & emailed CONSTANTLY all the time. It’s because people like Steve Bannon & Donald John Trump who do all these rallies but not giving out phone numbers to the RINO establishment people that are blocking audits in their respected states want to monitor the decay, but Bernstein does NOT want to monitor the decay!! Once January 2022 A.D. comes around, we stop them now because they’re gonna be in campaign mode. We CANNOT allow them to have anymore victories because this is a DEATH NAIL for the American People!! We’ll never win another election again unless we FORCE ourselves to be heard!!!!', Exposing Voter/Election Fraud/Theft {'GA WHISTLEBLOWER: LEFTIST GROUPS PAID 242 PEOPLE $11 MILLION DOLLARS TO STEAL GEORGIA FROM TRUMP!!! Here we are, over a year after "The Crime of the Century" and we are now just finding out this information? Shame on every single Republican State Legislature! May they all 1 day be indicted and jailed for allowing over 80 million Americans votes to not count. It took an independent election integrity group to do the work the State Legislatures all refused to do. Here we are over a year & we STILL have this FAKE administration & the fraudulent administration ruling over us with an iron fist. It’s SICKENING & it’s horrible!! The reason is very simple: the reason is because weak-suck CORRUPT state legislature with NO balls decided to look the over way or help in this situation by BLOCKING investigations, by blocking subpoenas, by blocking audits & by doing EVERYTHING they could in order to stop looking into the 2020 A.D. election!! Democrats couldn’t have gotten away with the “steal” by themselves, they needed the help of RINO scumbag Republicans & THAT is exactly what is happen at least so far at this point. Every single member of the state legislature in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, & Wisconsin MUST BE PRIMARIED in 2022 A.D.!!! If they don’t have primary challenger that’s gonna believe in “America First” principles & policies, then we’re not doing our job. So those states out there: “if you find out through ballotpedia or whatever that those leaders in those states do not have a VIABLE choice as a primary challenger, YOU do it or get someone that you know to step in that you REALLY trust to run against them!!!” Josh Bernstein has been covering election integrity for a reason, because those that have the power to act REFUSE to do so! And the last thing Bernstein wants to do is give false hope to his audience. There has been 2 developments: 1 was last week in Wisconsin where they sent out $150 subpoenas, but what happened in Georgia is VERY important: it’s not the state legislatures, it’s not the state secretary’s office, it’s not the horrible governor, it’s not anyone else that is worrying about the next campaign contribution & their next campaign, it’s a group of independent patriot investigators that care about election integrity & making sure that MY vote & YOUR vote counts!! One such group that are doing AMAZING incredible work & they need praises & admiration are “True The Vote”. “True The Vote” is an organization that is ALL about election integrity & what they’re doing is working TIRELESSLY to uncover & expose the bad actors & the people that did things to steal the 2020 A.D. election, they are working in ALL 5-6 swing states & their 1st investigation has come out now & this one is on Georgia. A Georgia whistleblower has FINALLY come forward & ADMITS that he was paid $10 per ballot to STUFF 4,500 illegal ballots, ballot-harvesting if you will, in the middle of the night between 2am & 5am. And it’s true!! The crooks come out at night & THAT’S when the Left like to do all of their dirty deviant acts in the middle of the night! Remember a few months ago when Ted Cruz (R-Texas) save us from the 1st time they tried to pass the “For The People’s Act” in the middle of the night & thank God that they DIDN’T filibustered it & didn’t have the votes to do it? Well they’re STILL up to their horrible games & they’re still trying to do this. The bottomline is that the crooks DO come out at night, just like the Gotham villains in DC Comics do. So on election day 2022, it is best to NOT vote early & just vote ONLY on election day & then go home & take a nice nap & then put out a 2-3 night all nighter by going down to your states & counties election counting location to make sure that you’re there from 11pm or 12am at night to 4am or 5am where the CROOKS cannot operate without eyeballs on them. We’ve got to be ALERT like Batman, we’ve got to be AWAKE, & we’ve got to make sure that we’re doing to make sure that these election-counting facilities in these states to make sure that voter/election fraud NEVER EVER happens again. This guy made $45 thousand. It turns out that this guy is ONE of an identified 242 BAD actors & if they all got paid $10 per ballot to stuff these illegal ballots, you’re talking $11 MILLION were spent by leftist scumbags to STEAL Georgia. The devil goes down to Georgia to steal some votes away! “True The Vote” now have the information & have this whistleblower who is talking. The Left & the late-night election theft are ALL scumbags & they ALL need to be held accountable, they ALL need to be prosecuted & ARRESTED & thrown in jail for what they’ve done!!! “REAL subpoenas are gonna be issued by the Georgia Election departments & that’s a good encouraging sign” said John Fredricks, but we need A LOT more than that. We need to CONTACT the Georgia Election departments at (404) 656-2871 & demand that they open their OWN internal FULL criminal investigation. But Brian Kemp’s office ([404] 656-1776) cannot be bothered, they don’t want to talk about it & they don’t wanna acknowledge it because he is a COWARD & a LOSER, but we’ll ensure that he DOES hear from us & FORCE him to IMMEDIATELY order an investigation as well as a special session!!!! We also need to call Georgia attorney general Chris Carr ([404] 651-8600). “True The Vote” is an incredible group, they are doing INCREDIBLE work, they have already said that this is just ONE state that they have been in the other states too, they have 5 MORE states that they’re working on! There’s gonna be MORE reports coming & NO ONE should EVER fall victim to false hope, because Josh Bernstein wants REAL RESULTS & REAL ACTION!!!', 'Oprah Winfrey, Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama & Clinton Bill all call on Joe Manchin ([202] 224-3954 & his local office [{304} 342-5855]) & urge him to drop the filibuster & pass ballot-harvesting, midnight drop boxes & “No voter ID” laws. The Left understand that they cannot take over America with Joe Manchin ([202] 224-3954 & his local office [{304} 342-5855]) & Kyrsten Lea Sinema ([202] 224-4521 & her local phone number [{602} 598-3727]) in the way. So they’re gonna do whatever they have to do: pay them off, give them money, threaten to kill them, who knows. This is who the Left are & this is how they operate! We, the Right, need to call & CONTACT NON-STOP Joe Manchin ([202] 224-3954 & his local office [{304} 342-5855]) & Kyrsten Lea Sinema ([202] 224-4521 & her local office [{602} 598-3727]), put them on speed-dial & call them CONSTANTLY every single day in order for them to hear from EVERY SINGLE American & know to NEVER [under any circ*mstances] get rid of the filibuster & not allow H.R. 1 to take place. Because if it does, THAT is the end of America & we’ll be in a communist totalitarian [soft totalitarian] state & authoritarian state with NO rights', 'MANCHIN & SINEMA ARE OUT- ROMNEY & MURKOWSKI ARE NEXT: DEMS NEW STRATEGY TO STEAL ELECTIONS EXPOSED! Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski are 2 fake Republican Trump Hating scumbag RINOS who the far Left are hoping to flip to go along with their stealing of elections act and we must stop them NOW... Please go to CONTACTMYPOLITICIAN.COM and send these 2 emails asap! Also, please call them (the numbers are in the thumbnail). The Left have switched strategies. Having been rebuked & stonewalled by Kyrsten Lea Sinema (D-Arizona) & Joe Manchin (D-West-Virginia) saying “No way! We are NOT gonna lower the filibuster!”, the Left & the Democrats have decided to pivot from Manchin & Sinema to Mitt ‘Mutt’ Romney (the RINO of Utah) ([202] 224-5251 & Salt Lake City office [{801} 524-4380]) and Lisa Murkowski (the RINO of Alaska) ([202] 224-6665 & [{907} 271-3735]) as their targets. And even one of the presstitue dimwits that were covering for the news conferences pointed out & asked him a question towards the end in which they said “Will you now be talking to Mitt Romney to see if you can help on passing the & “destroy the Republican Party & all of America” Act, AKA, H.R. 1?” & he didn’t answer that question, meaning that he say “no”. So with that being said, we need to get on the horn NOW because there’s going to be a FULL-COURT press on these weak-suck Trump-hating RINO scumbags. Best to go onto, fill in the information, send in as MANY emails as possible to BOTH of these senators IMMEDIATELY because the Left’s new strategy is “We’re not gonna worry too much on Manchin & Sinema. And we’re gonna try to FLIP some of these weak-suck Trump-hating RINO idiots instead.” That’s what’s gonna be happening & THIS is their NEW strategy. So we’ve got to COMBAT against this strategy & do it QUICKLY!!!', 'Fake "voter roll cleanup organization" is really a leftist tool to steal more elections. Who is cleaning up our voter rolls? It has come to the attention that Soros-founded & FUNDED group called ERIC is NOW used in 31 states to “clean voter rolls.” For decades, the Democrats & leftist have fought FEROCIOUSLY to prevent the clean up of state voter registration rolls. Recognizing a potential nitch, leftist activists created ERIC to clean voter rolls in THEIR way using THEIR rules! So in 2012 A.D. {which was meant to be the year that planet earth should be destroyed, but it wasn’t}, the ERIC {Electronic Registration Information Center} was formed as a membership organization primarily for blue states. ERIC is a essentially a leftist voter registration drive DISGUISED as a voter roll cleanup operation, but it has been gain tractions in red states too. Originally funded by George Soros’ Open Society, it is now responsible for cleaning up the voter rolls in 31 states, plus Washington DC. A top elected official from each member state is appointed on the ERIC border or as an officer, all unpaid positions. ERIC located 17 million new voters for the 2020 election, the most in the history of their organization, by comparison the only 5.7 million in 2012 A.D. which is Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama’s FAKE re-election. The ERIC database is comprehensive & would be one of the most COVETED by bad actors looking to influence an election. Member states must not allow submit all details on inactive voters to ERIC every 60 days, but they must also provide EVERY individual in their states: motor vehicle department database, both licensed & ID recipience. This combo of data is breath-taking, it’s everyone who can generate a legal ballot, it includes approaching voting age, even those who are here ILLEGALLY, yet issued an ID in either leftist state. This data includes NAMES, addresses, birthdates, license numbers, voter activities, phones emails, titles, citizenship documentations, etc. ERIC doesn’t just manage these voter lists, they demand action but it’s NOT the action you would expect like cleaning up the voter rolls: ERIC provides each member state a TARGETED list of people that are NOT registered to vote!! SO this FALSE voter cleanup thing does JUST the opposite. Istead, it looks for people that aren’t on the voter rolls & TARGETS them & LOCATES them like they did in 2020 A.D.!! The membership bylaws require the state to contact at least 95% of these people within 90 days soliciting them to vote. ERIC also wants specific registration profiles updated & requires the state to contact these voters within 90 days too. It is essentially leftist voter registration drive, paid-for by Soros & the states for by the taxpayers & NOT the Democratic Party. The membership fee is $25 thousand but costs can be run into the MILLIONS to funded activities & the membership dews. So taxpayer dollars are being PAID to this system in 31 states to “cleanup” the voter rolls, but instead looking for people that are NOT registered, so that they can CHEAT more in elections. Obviously, ERIC has NO requirements or mandates that memberstates clean up their voter rolls. States are only “strongly encouraged” to request ERIC’s voter updates at least once a year. If a member fails to make a request in 425 days, the data will be sent automatically. What’s even MORE odd & seemingly corrupt is that ERIC doesn’t want to know who is voting ILLEGALLY. Their rules explain that under no circ*mstances shall the members transmit any record indicating an individual is a non-citizen of America. If ERIC hears no evil, then they’ve seen no evil. ERIC used advance technology including artificial intelligence that collects voting members data, address, birthdate, death records & social-security. This is why they went ape crud when Donald John Trump tried to stop USPS & the post office from sending out those mail-in ballots & fake ballots back in his rallies, by they CAVED to the Left & the blue states & prevented us from shutting down the post office. But no one knows how else the data collected from the 31 states is being used. ERIC learns who gets elected in its programs so they can micro-target with whoever is partnered with ERIC! We need to contact the state secretaries in EVERY STATE & say “If you’re using ERIC’s system, you need to STOP using it IMMEDIATELY”, & we need to contact the state legislators too & tell them to pass a legislation BANNING the use of ERIC’s systems', 'You may remember on 01/21/2022 A.D. that we exploded the ERIC {Electronic Registration Information Center} system that’s being used by 31 states right now & it was SOLD as a voter roll cleanup operation. But in reality, it is NOTHING of the sort; what it is that it is farming for MORE Democrat voters & also contacts people that haven’t been registered to vote. So in other words, it’s FISHING for more voters. It worked 17 million new people into its system for 2020 A.D. In 2012 A.D., they only worked 5.4 million people. Again, it was created & FUNDED by George Soros’ Open Society Institute. So it’s definitely NOT a good thing. The largest counties removed near 0 -2 uneligible voters from their voter rolls in the last 4 years. On 01/20/2022 A.D., Democrats & leftists have fought ferociously to prevent the cleanup of state voter registration rolls. The ERIC database looks to be as corrupt as we feared. Over the past 4 years, the largest USSA counties has removed 0 ineligible voters from their voter rolls. States are required federal law 1993 VRA to report to Congress on how many uneligible voters they removed from their voter rolls. These are the registrations of voters who fail to respond to address conformation & request & failed to vote in 2 consecutive elections. Judicial Watch recently investigated this data & found some astonishing revelations. Over the recent 4-year reporting period, large counties & powerful states like New-York & California reported that they removed 0 uneligible voters from their voter rolls over a 4-year period. So you can CLEARLY see that this is NOT about removing people that are not eligible to vote from the voting rolls, it’s about keeping DEAD people on & about keeping people that moved out-of-state & keeping people that haven’t voted in MANY election cycles & about MORE NAMES {& if you have more names, you have more ways & opportunities to cheat} & THAT is what’s happening. Robert Popper of Judicial Watch’s voter integrity effort said “about 10% of Americans move every year. Those counties should generate HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of cancelled registrations. There is simply no way to comply with federal law while moving SO FEW outdated registrations. A Soros-funded non-profit is now being used in 31 state to “cleanup their voter rolls”. 4-year reported totals of ineligible voters removed. Sacramento county in California, with over a MILLION registered voters, removed 0, not 1 illegal voter, from their voter rolls out of a million. Brooklyn in New-York, with 1.7 million registered voters, removed 0. San-Bernardino, with 1.2 million registered voters, removed 14 people. Queens, New-York, with 1.3 million registered voters, removed 0. Fresno County, with over 500,000 registered voter, removed only 2. Bronks, with 867, thousand registered voters, removed 1. And so forth.” Do you see a pattern here?! It’s all cruddy blue states & cites, but it’s ALL about wanting to get rid of the electoral college. They WANT to go to the popular vote, because they’ve got MILLIONS upon MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of DEAD voters, people that moved out of state & of people that haven’t voted in a long, LONG time that are STILL on the voter rolls & anyone can to use the information ILLEGALLY because they’re never gonna check because they DON’T believe in voter ID. So that is why the Left & the Democrats want to go to the electoral college system where its GONE, they want to go to the popular vote ONLY because it DOESN’T matter what we do, they would just run up the coasts!!! Judicial Watch sent warning letters to election officials in several states pointing out IMPOSSIBLE low numbers. They gave each state 90 days to correct these records or Judicial Watch will comeup a federal lawsuit. A while back, they uncovered 1.6 MILLION inactive voters in Los-Angeles County alone &, through a 2019 settlement agreement, FORCED that county to cleanup its act. Judicial Watch sued Pennsylvania for reporting incorrect information to a federal agency, but the new Pennsylvania figures are also WAY TOO LOW. Pennsylvania now emits 18 counties, removed a COMBINED total of only 15 ineligible voters over 2 years. The states listed below tools for the recent 4-year period. New-York state has 16 counties that reportedly removed 0 registrations voters. Oregon has 14 countries that removed 5 voter registrations. Arkansas, a red state, has 11 counties that moved 5 voter registrations. Illinois has 16 counties that removed 0 voter registrations. The NVRA requires states to conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters by reason of death or change of address. Judicial Watch continues astonishing work on exposing dirty voter rolls. The 2018 A.D. supreme court decision to be confirmed. Judicial watch in 2018 A.D. forced Ohio to clean out their voter rolls. The Judicial watch lawsuit against Colorado charges an ongoing systemic problem with Colorado’s voter maintance & obligations. JW filed a lawsuit against North-Carolina for the same reason & has SUCCESSFULLY taken on Ohio, Kentucky & Indiana. We need to contact our state representatives & ask them to stop using the ERIC’s system IMMEDIATELY because we CANNOT allow these people, that have been DEAD for years or moved out of state or haven’t been voting in such a LONG time, to continue to be on the voter rolls because it’s gonna be used AGAINST us in future elections!!!', 'As far as Arizona goes, Josh Bernstein & his friends are HARD at work trying to pass legislation that is gonna be for election integrity. There ahs been 7 bills that have made it all the way through the committee, which means that Republicans in the Senate worked on these bills & they have worked on these bills & they are now on the Committee. On 01/24/2022 A.D., the committee voted “yes” on SB1008, 1009, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, etc. All 7 bills passed that concentrated on elections, while the remaining bills are rescheduled for the committee due another time. The newly passed legislation covers recount margins, it adds currency grade fraud measures to ballots. They’re also making ballot images public records which will also help to prevent voter fraud, getting rid of mail-in elections & getting illegal voters using “the federal-only loop-hole.” Republicans on the committee outnumbered Democrats 4-3 & every bill passed along party lines. Democrats didn’t vote for 1 SINGLE piece of legislation on election integrity because they’re DIRTBAGS that want to continue to cheat & steal the election. If passed, it will make ballot images available to voters & require ballots to be printed with ballot fraud countermeasures. These bills are designed to make elections FULLY transparent with an audible trail of secure ballots. Also, Arizona state representative & Trump-endorsed candidate for state secretary Mark Finchem introduced bills too to RECLAIM the fraudulently-given electors. The Arizona senate are looking at reclaiming the electors from the 2020 A.D. elections. So OUR job as activists in Arizona is to PUSH HARDER & PRESSURE the legislatures to reclaim the electors. You cannot decertify something that should NEVER be certified in the 1st place. So you have to look at the language because it’s a nullification or a reclaiming for the electors', 'In Wisconsin, this right now is the CLOSEST any state is right now to possibly reclaiming their electors & it’s coming from the Midwest. The People of Wisconsin are fighting back HARD & we’re gonna doing EVERYTHING we can to help them in this fight to overturn & reclaim their electors. A GOP representative named Timothy Ramthum had a resolution & the resolution was to reclaim the electors. It is packed with not only facts, but it’s also packed with election fraud irregularities & EVIDENCE. Ramthum has found the fraud & entered that into the ACTUAL record in the Wisconsin Assembly. So the rules suggest that his resolution may NOT be dead in committee. Ramthun’s resolution is calling for the decertification of the corrupt 2020 A.D. election results for USA President Donald John Trump & Vice President Mike Pence in Wisconsin. The assembly voted unanimously to move forward with his resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for USA President & Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes. The bad news is that James Steineke is a Wisconsin real estate agent and RINO politician is planning on NOT passing Timothy S. Ramthun’s resolution. But even though there is a STRONG RINO-type Trump-hater in the Wisconsin Assembly in the way, they STILL need but the rules of the Wisconsin Assembly committee have to see & take into consideration Ramthum’s proposed reclaiming of electors We need to contact Jim Steineke {(608) 266-2418 or (888) 534-0005} & set up a protest across the street from his house after finding out his home address. We need to make sure that Steineke HEARD from EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US that we need to RECLAIM the electors & he is gonna get his butt OUT of the way for us to do it!!!', 'Wisconsin is trying to get rid of the drop boxes before the February 2022 A.D. primary', etc.}, 'Democrat congressman was arrested with liberal hunger strikers at the Capital for demanding Democrat voter bills be passed. That congressman was arrested outside the Capital on 01/20/2022 A.D. while protesting to encourage passing the America-ending Democrat voter bill labeled as H.R. 1. That congressman should be placed in a DC jail with NO court date, no access to attorneys, no Due Process rights in a cell filled with rats & co*ckroaches! Rep. Jamaal Bowman {D-New-York} was arrested outside the U.S. Capitol building on 01/20/2022 A.D. during a protest over voting rights, according to his office. U.S. Capitol Police arrested Bowman along with nearly 30 other demonstrators that have been on a hunger strike in support of voting legislation, said Marcus Frias, Bowman's director of communications in a short statement. Frias said Bowman was participating in a non-violent action at the North Barricade of the Capitol building. Those people that are doing these hunger strikes are SO STUPID!!! And if, God FORBID, this H.R. 1 was passed, we would be TOTALITARIAN 1-party rule, where NOBODY {excluding criminals & illegal aliens} have rights to vote at all! THAT’S HOW DUMB THESE KIDS ARE!!!!! That’s why Josh Bernstein said “raise the voting age to 25-30!!” But to say that 18-year-old kids can vote is the DUMBEST thing the Founding Fathers could EVER cook up because the majority of them DON’T have a clue. When you have kids 18-19 years old voting in big masses, you end up SCREWING up America. That’s why it’s best to RAISE UP the voting age', We need to contact the state secretaries in EVERY STATE & say “If you’re using ERIC {Election Registration Information Center}’s system, you need to STOP using it IMMEDIATELY”, & we need to contact the state legislators too & tell them to pass a legislation BANNING the use of ERIC’s systems', 'we need to DEFUND the post office & USPS to prevent voter fraud & mail-in voting', 'Wisconsin appeals court ruled banning election drop boxes. Waukesha County circuit court judge Michael Bohren issued a summary judgment decision on 01/13/2022 A.D., banning ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin. He also ruled that ballot-harvesting is ILLEGAL in the state', 'As far as Arizona goes, Josh Bernstein & his friends are HARD at work trying to pass legislation that is gonna be for election integrity. There ahs been 7 bills that have made it all the way through the committee, which means that Republicans in the Senate worked on these bills & they have worked on these bills & they are now on the Committee. On 01/24/2022 A.D., the committee voted “yes” on SB1008, 1009, 1012, 1013, 1014, 1015, etc. All 7 bills passed that concentrated on elections, while the remaining bills are rescheduled for the committee due another time. The newly passed legislation covers recount margins, it adds currency grade fraud measures to ballots. They’re also making ballot images public records which will also help to prevent voter fraud, getting rid of mail-in elections & getting illegal voters using “the federal-only loop-hole.” Republicans on the committee outnumbered Democrats 4-3 & every bill passed along party lines. Democrats didn’t vote for 1 SINGLE piece of legislation on election integrity because they’re DIRTBAGS that want to continue to cheat & steal the election. If passed, it will make ballot images available to voters & require ballots to be printed with ballot fraud countermeasures. These bills are designed to make elections FULLY transparent with an autoble trail of secure ballots. Also, Arizona state representative & Trump-endorsed candidate for state secretary Mark Finchem introduced bills too to RECLAIM the fraudulently-given electors. The Arizona senate are looking at reclaiming the electors from the 2020 A.D. elections. So OUR job as activists in Arizona is to PUSH HARDER & PRESSURE the legislatures to reclaim the electors. You cannot decertify something that should NEVER be certified in the 1st place. So you have to look at the language because it’s a nullification or a reclaiming for the electors', 'In Wisconsin, this right now is the CLOSEST any state is right now to possibly reclaiming their electors & it’s coming from the Midwest. The People of Wisconsin are fighting back HARD & we’re gonna doing EVERYTHING we can to help them in this fight to overturn & reclaim their electors. A GOP representative named Timothy Ramthum had a resolution & the resolution was to reclaim the electors. It is packed with not only facts, but it’s also packed with election fraud iiregularities & EVIDENCE. Ramthum has found the fraud & entered that into the ACTUAL record in the Wisconsin Assembly. So the rules suggest that his resolution may NOT be dead in committee. Ramthun’s resolution is calling for the decertification of the corrupt 2020 A.D. election results for USA President Donald John Trump & Vice President Mike Pence in Wisconsin. The assembly voted unanimously to move forward with his resolution to reclaim Wisconsin’s 10 electors for USA President & Vice President who were certified under fraudulent purposes. The bad news is that James Steineke is a Wisconsin real estate agent and RINO politician is planning on NOT passing Timothy S. Ramthun’s resolution. But even though there is a STRONG RINO-type Trump-hater in the Wisconsin Assembly in the way, they STILL need but the rules of the Wisconsin Assembly committee have to see & take into consideration Ramthum’s proposed reclaiming of electors We need to contact Jim Steineke {(608) 266-2418 or (888) 534-0005} & set up a protest across the street from his house after finding out his home address. We need to make sure that Steineke HEARD from EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US that we need to RECLAIM the electors & he is gonna get his butt OUT of the way for us to do it!!!', 'Wisconsin is trying to get rid of the drop boxes before the February 2022 A.D. primary', 'South Carolina Canvassing due this weekend. On 02/05/2022 A.D., South-Carolina will start canvassing like what happened in Arizona & they are EXPECTED to release the information from their canvassing reports on that afternoon', 'GOP Arizona Representative Mark W. Finchem has called for Arizona to end participation in the ERIC {Electronic Registration Information Center} system like Louisiana did. But the problem is that we have Katie Hobbs {D-Arizona}, the bought-&-paid-for George Soros-own state secretary, still there. At least Finchem is running to take her place in the 2022 A.D. midterm elections. If we had a FULL-BLOWN campaign blowing up Hobbs phone & email addresses, then that’s a different story. Arizona joined Louisiana in getting rid of the ERIC system, the tool that the Left use for voter registration drives that is disguised as a voter roll cleanup system. Future Arizona state secretary Mark W. Finchem is calling for the state to END its participation with the ERIC system’s voting registrations. The people in Arizona must contact Katie Hobbs {(602) 542-4285} & get her to STOP continuing to use the ERIC system', 'Donald John Trump is moving in to close RINO Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney’s political escape hatch, preventing crossover primary elections & prevent party switching', 'IT'S OFFICIAL: TRUMP ANNOUNCES HE'S RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT IN 2024- "I won twice I can do it again"! We’ve got to help Donald John Trump win 2024!! Back in 2020 A.D., MANY Republicans were apathetic & sat back & think “yah, we got this”, but the Left couldn’t win this so they figured out a way to STEAL the election. And we CANNOT be cannot with our pants down AGAIN & NEVER WILL!! We conservatives our gonna be watching at the polling stations as polling workers& running for city counsel to make sure that there are NO election theft, secret ballot counting, late-night ballot-stuffing, ballot-harvesting, etc. & be WATCHING LIKE A HAWK in 2022 A.D. & 2024 A.D.', 'The primaries are EXTREMELY important & we need to be looking at who are primary opponents are in our states. We CANNOT be sitting here & praying that the right type of people win, because in True-Earth Prime’s planet earth, the right type of people DON’T win & we’re STUCK with RINOs & Democrats that OBSTRUCT everything we try to do to fix America!! To EVERY Republican primary in Texas ONLY: “If you are refused or suppressed to your right to vote & to a difficult task, you need to FILE A COMPLAINT immediately. If you are in Texas & if you have an issue at all voting in THAT primary, you need to HAVE YOUR VOICES HEARD & file an ethnics complaint IMMEDIATELY by going to the state secretary office of John Scott {(800) 252-8683) & contact attorney general Ken Paxton’s office {(877) 673-6839} & Harris County {(713) 755-6965}.” The bottomline is that we need to stay PSYCHOLOGICALLY / mentally & spiritual AWAKE & understand the Left & the Democrats have NOTHING to offer; they are COMMUNISTS, they are EVIL sad*stic buzzards, they always slip their OWN mother’s throats & drink her blood if they could somehow get power & RETAIN that power!! That’s the mentality of the Left & their allies & friends, they have BLACK hearts & they are ABSOLUTELY BORN evil from Satan’s DNA & blood. So if we don’t match them & don’t punch them back & if we don’t make sure that Republicans aren’t being treated like this & we can go out & vote, then we’re gonna have a RERUN of 2020 A.D. {God forbid} in 2022 A.D.', 'In Arizona, we got voter IDs on the ballot & the Right are working on “no fault” ballots too & getting rid of mail-in voting ALTOGETHER & BY-PASS Congress', 'Republicans want to remove the Democrats’ midnight ballot drop boxes and pass Voter ID laws. Republicans want election integrity without the fraud', 'THESE STATES GET SERIOUS ABOUT VOTER FRAUD! And finally dome good news! Wisconsin held a hearing to discuss Justice Michael J. Gableman 's findings on voter fraud to reclaim the states electors. However, RINO dips*** Robin Vos, {who I (Josh Bernstein) have been calling out as a piece of s*** for almost 2 years} is in the way of progress. He needs to be terrorized and verbally assaulted repeatedly in front of his home at 3 am. If I {Josh Bernstein} lived in Wisconsin I'd do it myself. But the even greater news is Florida just passed legislation that creates a Dept of Election Integrity equipped with 25 people including 10 officers. Plus these increased dramatically the penalties for ballot harvesting. Florida is RERALLY leading America in voter/election integrity, because it’s lawmakers passed a NEW GOP-backed bill to create the 1st ever elections police force, dedicated to election/voter fraud & related crimes. The bill would create an office of election crimes & security, made up of 25 member staff & 10 law enforcement officers to investigate allegations of election-related crimes. It would also make it a felony, rather than a misdemeanor, to collect mail-in ballots & raise the fine that could be given to a 3rd-party voter registration organization, that invades state election laws, for a $1 thousand to $15 thousand! So keep fighting and keep the faith!', 'The Missouri governor signed a bill that requires voter ID & to destroy drop boxes', '#DropBoxWatch WASH STATE PATRIOTS ORGANIZING DROP BOX WATCH TEAMS: HERE IS HOW YOU CAN START ONE TOO! Something I {Josh Bernstein} have been talking about for months might finally become a reality. #DropBoxWatch or to learn more. We need to set up drop box watch teams all over the country! This is our right, and it is legal. What is developing in Washington state, Oregon, Colorado & California right now {to hopefully happen in many other American states} would likely be contestable states & they would be swing state if they didn’t have universal mail-in voting. In a down hill for Democrats, Republicans {real/true republicans & conservatives for that matter} would win if they had the mechanisms to be able to win in stolen states like Washington state & Oregon. What’s happening is that these blue states aren’t run by Democrats anymore, they are run by communists which makes it almost impossible for Republicans to compete in elections in those states. Conservative activists in Washington state have had enough & what they are doing is that they are working on a dropbox watch campaign, in which they go around in the different counties that they know are problematic & they’re putting teams together to watch the dropboxes. We, the Right, need to cook up a plan that is similar to what the Left did in the 2020 A.D. election, through ZOOM & emails in ALL states. We need to have teams of real/true conservative activists that are WATCHING the dropboxes. Some are inside but others aren’t in the states. You stand 50 feet away from the dropboxes & watch them & beat the Left at their OWN games in order to STOP them from stealing the elections!! We need to SCARE the Left & the Democratic mules AWAY from the dropboxes & intimidate them against their abilities to steal. It’s our only chance to make sure that our conservative votes are counted correctly, NOT discounted, & that the Left & politicians {Democrats & RINOs} aren’t stuffing ballot boxes & dropboxes', 'Preventing election interference is legal', 'According to Arizona Revised Status 16-552 Sub Section C, “The county chairman of each political party represented on the ballot, by written appointment addressed to the early election board, may designate party representatives and alternates to act as early ballot challengers for the party. No party may have more than the number of such representatives or alternates that were mutually agreed on by each political party to be present at one time. If such agreement cannot be reached, the number of representatives shall be limited to one for each political party.” According to Arizona Revised Status 16-552 Sub Section D, “An early ballot may be challenged on any grounds set forth in section 16-591. All challenges shall be made in writing with a brief statement of the grounds before the early ballot is placed in the ballot box. A record of all challenges and resulting proceedings shall be kept in substantially the same manner as provided in section 16-594. If an early ballot is challenged, it shall be set aside and retained in the possession of the early election board or other officer in charge of early ballot processing until a time that the early election board sets for determination of the challenge, subject to the procedure in subsection E of this section, at which time the early election board shall hear the grounds for the challenge and shall decide what disposition shall be made of the early ballot by majority vote. If the early ballot is not allowed, it shall be handled pursuant to subsection G of this section.” That is an Arizona law & I just hope & pray that conservative lawsuits are coming AGAINST the county RINOs in order to make sure that we, the Right, are allowed challenge & contest these early ballots & ALL ballots at the counting level in different counties in EACH state!!', 'EMERGENCY ORDER! SUPREME COURT SIDES WITH VOTERS IN FIGHT AGAINST CHALLENGING ELECTIONS! Finally, in an emergency decision, The United States Supreme Court has sided with the American people in the fight against challenging elections. I’ve got all the details, so be sure to stay with me during this important report. The U.S. Supreme Court issued a rare emergency order and sided with voters who challenged Georgia’s system of electing members to the state’s Public Service Commission. The case began when a group of Black leaders sued the state, claiming the Republican-controlled General Assembly approved a redistricting plan last year that dilutes the Black vote in 2 of the 5 PSC districts. Earlier in August 2022 A.D., a judge postponed 2 November elections in Georgia for the Public Service Commission, ruling the electoral structure disenfranchises Black voters. One week after that, an appeals court reversed that decision, pending the state’s appeal of that first ruling. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the elections should not proceed while the appeal continues. Nico Martinez, a partner at Bartlit Beck LLP who represented the challengers, said the Supreme Court’s order was an “important step toward ensuring that this November’s PSC elections are not held using a method that unlawfully dilutes the votes of millions of Black citizens in Georgia.” “We look forward to presenting the merits of our case on appeal and are confident the district court’s well-reasoned decision will ultimately be upheld,” Martinez said in a statement. The Supreme Court order comes as many states are fighting over new congressional maps before the crucial 2022 and 2024 elections', 'What Steve Bannon was talking about, in case redoing the elections & calling the representatives that the election was rigged weren’t enough, was a contingent election which is IN the USA Constitution to fix & solve both voter fraud issues & election integrity issues. And that’s going to the states’ representatives & everyone gets 1 vote, add them all up & Republicans win 26-24 or 27-23. The only way it’s ever gonna happen is to call the representatives & the congress people, telling them that we DON’T agree the 2020 A.D. election’s end result & that’s it’s fraudulent. We CANNOT give up trying to overturn the 2020 A.D. election, nor can we let the Left, the Chinese, Ukrainians & the globalists steal the 2022 A.D. midterm', 'The Arizona Democrats & lobbyist groups are trying to federalize the 2022 A.D. midterm elections with a mini HR1 on a state level, which is impossible & unconstitutional, & try to BAN audits afterwards, but the Arizona Supreme Court SHOT it down thankfully! The Arizona legislature CENSURE the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation} & the patriots are working on REMOVING the offices of the FBI out of Arizona', Stopping Election Yearing {'Call on Warren Kenneth Paxton Jr.’s phone number ([512] 463-2100), file an election/voter fraud/yearing complaint & make sure that Paxton’s folks know that the Beto O’Rouke people are actually not only telling weak/elderly people who to vote for (which is illegal) but also for calling Paxton a scumbag. Paxton has the ability to prosecute, so let’s hope & pray to God that Paxton does his job!!', ''So understand that if Democrats & the Left CAN’T cheat or steal, they can’t win!! If you conservatives are watching JBUShow’s video in whatever current state you’re in, go & volunteer NOW to watch the assisted living facilities!! Make sure that there’s no democrat-aligned maniac in there or even showing up from Democrat campaigns, make sure that there’s NOBODY doing any kind of electioneering or any type of democrat-aligned “get out & vote” operations at these facilities!! Go in & talk to the manager & to the front desk & ASK them “Have you seen anybody from ANY campaigns coming in here trying to solicit votes for these elderly people?!!” Find out!! We, the Right, need to PROTECT the elderly, the unborn, these nursing homes & living facilities because the Left & the democrats (in ANY tight race) are doing whatever it takes to get illegal votes!! We’ve GOT TO STOP THEM!!!!! We’ve gotta go down to the polling stations/facilities, watch the vote-counting rooms & back doors & parking lots, guard the drop boxes, vote LESS than 3 days before election day & make sure that the Left & the Democrats AREN’T stealing the 11/08/2022 A.D. midterm elections. If we CAN’T control the theft, then it’s gonna be a REALLY long election night & a LONG 2 years & we CAN’T let it happen!!!, etc.}, 'We gotta go back to the old election system where paper ballots are number 1 where there are NO election/voting machines that are designed to steal elections. We need to get ALL states to get RID of the ALBERT & ERIC systems & the voting machines. We gotta push state legislators in states that have Republicans that control them to get RID of the voting machines & their touch screens!! We’ve gotta get SERIOUS about our elections & NEVER take it for granted in ANY WAY!! From now on, forget “America First”, Donald John Trump, Ron DeSantis, or anything else, it’s Election Integrity First BEFORE anything else!! And any MAGA candidate that is running for office, “Election Integrity First” is the NUMBER 1 goal in mind, because if we don’t have election integrity, it doesn’t matter about the 1st & 2nd amendments because we’re not gonna be in power to secure them in the future. In January 2023 A.D., we gotta push ALL state legislatures where Republicans are in control to get RID of ALL voting/election machines & touch screens, or they’re gonna be the DEATH of America because they’re gonna get their elections STOLEN from them!!', etc.], Moral Integration, Structural Integrity, 'The integrity of the Word of God', 'exposing/investigating ALL types/kinds of fraud', Character Integrity, 'The leftist radicals in the police department are gone', Health Integrity, Journalistic Integrity ['Josh Bernstein & other integrity-based journalists are more accurate, which is why he covers 5% of all the stories in his videos', etc.], Marriage Integrity, etc.): integrity is priceless & it gives people self-confidences & self-respect & it shouldn't be at stake
    • Vetting (vetting people, vetting politicians, vetting immigrants, 'just because there’s a letter “R” in front of someone’s name & just because they speak the right things & just because they say the right things & just because they run around saying that they’re a fiscal conservative & they’re pro-life & pro-guns & pro-1st-Amendment & all they wonderful things we hope & pray that they actually are doesn’t mean they are! It means that as true conservatives & Republicans & traditional Americans & constitutional conservatives, we’ve got to understand that we CANNOT take these people at face value anymore EVER AGAIN!! And it’s upon to us to vet each & every person that is running in these primaries in 2022 A.D. & in 2024 A.D. moving forward; especially about who donates them & who is endorsing them on their websites & if there are words that describe them as RINOs like “comprehensive”, “Collectively”, & other English-style language of the Left. Because even if they say the right things, it doesn’t mean they’re gonna believe in them. It’s VERY important to read what their positions are & if someone doesn’t have ANY positions, then they are hiding those positions that they truly feel', Vetting Systems, 'Senator Kennedy Charms, Then DESTROYS Biden’s Newest Nominee! Republican Louisiana Sen. John Kennedy charmed tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s nominee for the United States District Judge for the Eastern District of New York Nina Morrison, then repeatedly hit her with the same question on 02/16/2022 A.D. Kennedy asked Morrison whether it is appropriate for district attorneys and prosecutors to refuse to prosecute “an entire line” of criminal cases because they disagree with the state legislator and citizens at the Senate Judiciary hearing. Morrison answered that prosecutors “have the legal option” to be flexible regarding particular criminal charges. After Kennedy repeated the question, the nominee said prosecutors can refuse to take up a case depending on the circ*mstance and rationale. “I’ll stipulate to that, but we have prosecutors who are saying ‘to hell with the legislature and the people we’re not going to prosecute an entire line of cases,'” the Louisiana senator said. “I think my question is pretty straightforward. Do you agree with that or disagree with it?” The nominee declined to give a “categorical” answer since she has never worked as a prosecutor and it would depend on the circ*mstance. Kennedy moved on to questions regarding whether judges should be permitted to dismiss a case brought before the court because they disagree with the legislature and the American people. The senator concluded by doubting that he can vote for Morrison due to her inability to answer a “straightforward” question. She answered she hopes that he would look at her entire record and qualifications. Kennedy is REALLY great in getting REAL answers & exposing the Left & what they are really trying to do! We CANNOT have prosecutors who just IGNORE the law & have judicial nominees who believe that they should do that. He is right to expose Biden nominees over this & their refusal to answer questions. Prosecutors should NOT have a blanket policy of not charging people with crimes in the name of social justice AT ALL!!!', etc.)
    • Meritocracy
    • Stopping/Ending ALL types of Stealing/Cheating ('We, the Right, will NEVER, EVER accept this because, if they steal the 2022 A.D. midterm elections, they’re gonna hear it from ALL of us & we will take those leftist democratic turds OUT!! We WON’T let them take away our right to a free & fair election & NOT let them get away with it again. If someone is retired, he/she better take a golf club & SMACK it on the heads of liberal/leftist schemers/strategists! We must contact our recorders’ offices, mainly local republican office state secretary office, & get another job as an election worker in our cities, especially in the urban areas of where we live! To anyone who wants a 2nd job, Josh Bernstein of JBUShow & I implore you to go to your election officials & become an election work! The only way we’re gonna stop the Left & the Biden regime from what they are planning on doing is if there is ENOUGH of us conservatives & right-leaners out there to watch the polls, to watch the counting centers to make sure that we have taken a nap afther we’ve voted on election day morning & return back to the polling stations & NEVER sleep for 3 days', 'One Million Voters Give MIDDLE FINGER To The Dems! Look What Happened…! More than 1 million voters in the United States switched their registration to Republican in the last year alone. According to the Associated Press, the biggest shift came from highly educated swing voters who voted for Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden in 2020. They are now changing their votes to Republican in mass, as a sign of how upset the population is with Biden’s performance. While Republicans added 1 million new voters to their ranks across the 42 states polled, Democrats only managed to flip 630,000 to their side. That gives Republicans an advantage of almost 400,000. Despite the significant gains, a million new voters is unlikely to shift national elections enough to count for a guaranteed red wave. It does represent a significant shift in sentiment of US voters, who had been registering as Democrat at a faster pace than Republican just 2 years earlier. Prominent Republicans around the country were quick to celebrate the big news. GOP Governor Greg Abbot of Texas bragged about the shift having a significant impact in the Latino-heavy Southern Texas counties. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel also celebrated the results from the Associated Press. She attributed the shift to grassroots outreach efforts from her own organization. The GOP Co-Chair Tommy Hicks also took a victory lap, however he said the shift was the result of overpriced gasoline, supply chain shortages, and record high inflation. Spencer Brown, the managing editor of Town Hall, used the results from the AP to compare it to a discussion from “The View” earlier in the day where they claimed that the Republican Party is about to disappear. But like Josh Bernstein of JBUShow said, we must NEVER allow ourselves to be apathetic, complacent, excited or enthusiastic because the Left & the Biden regime are working BEHIND THE SCENES to steal & federalize our elections & to demoralize us & we CANNOT allow them to do it!! We need to become conservative poll watchers to stop the liberal/leftist mules & election officials & Democrats / RINOs from stealing our elections', 'in order to keep the Democrats from stealing the midterms and all future elections we must remove the tools and mechanisms they use in order to do so. The best way to keep the Left & the Democrats from cheating in the upcoming elections is to REMOVE all of those mechanisms from the equations that allow them to do so in the 1st place. Whether that means to be removing dead voters from the voter rolls, remove voters that moved out of state, get rid of drop boxes, get rid of enactive voters {voters that haven’t voted in the last 4 elections or more}. These are ALL the housekeeping things that need to be done BEFORE the midterm elections, NOT after because it doesn’t help now that those mechanisms are in place & can be used to steal the 2022 A.D. midterm elections!! We’ve gotta make sure that those states are getting OUT of the Left’s system called ERIC {the Fool’s Gold & a PRETEND voter-roll cleanup registration tool. It’s made by the Left & used to CHEAT to make sure that there are more Democrats registered than Republicans, to make sure that there’s more independents than Republicans. That’s why A LOT of the states, at least some of them unfortunately, have a difference in the amount of Republican voters that were on the voter rolls, because these states that are using the ERIC systems are cheating}. If Democrats can’t cheat, they can’t win! It’s simple as that because their polices are TERRIBLE, the American People that are able to think for themselves understand how bad the Democrats & the Left are, & they DON’T want that {they don’t that for their communities, nor for themselves or for their families & kids & future generations}. So the Left & the Democrats have no other choice but to cheat. We, the Right & the American People, need to be proactive by being engaged in the process, we gotta volunteer in our states to work with & make sure that we are the poll watchers & NOT the Democrats or liberals/leftists. There’s a BIG discrepancy in some state where these leftist activists have hired more & MORE Democrat poll watchers than Republican poll watchers. So these are some of the things that are STILL happening right now on the ground & we’re over 40 days away from the 11/08/2022 A.D. midterm elections!! So it’s VERY IMPORTANT that we are proactive & one of the conservative / right-leaning groups that is EXTREMELY proactive is the group founded by Matt Branyard [who is VERY supportive of the J6 prisoners & is working hard to try & set them free} called Look Ahead America, which is taking election integrity VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY!! Not only they are doing some other things to help out with 01/06/2021 A.D. & things like that, but they have been doing preaudit, not post-audits, & what is a better thing to do other than a post-audit. In a post audit, the damage is ALREADY done & the theft has already occurred, now you have to scramble to prove that the election was stolen/rigged & undone the results in 2020 A.D. So there’s a conservative group out that is getting SMART & they’re doing PREAUDITS rather than post-audits, & a preaudit is FAR MORE important than a post-audit. And so, they’re cleaning up voter rolls & making sure that both dead voters, inactive voters & out-of-state voters, voter that moved out-of-state are REMOVED from the voter rolls, they’re pushing state legislatures to get OUT of the ERIC system & to get rid of the dominion machines, they’re doing ALL the things that needed to be done & SHOULD have been done MANY, MANY years & election cycles ago. And so, they are in the process with over 40 days before the 11/08/2022 A.D. midterm elections & doing preaudits in 8 states {Florida, Arizona, Georgia, Ohio, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, & Virginia}. If you wanna help Look Ahead America out in the other states & get representatives to start preaudits in those states, then please contact Ian Camacho at & tell him that JBUShow Josh Bernstein did a story about what Look Ahead America is doing', etc.)
  • Altruism
  • Indulgence
  • Responsibility
  • Usefulness (including Really Useful)
  • Brotherly Love
  • Sisterly Love
  • Brotherhood
  • Real/True Evidence/Information/Narrative/Accusations
  • Real/True Facts/History/Documents/Records
  • Fact ('Logical/Fair Opinion based on Facts', True/Strong Facts, etc.)
  • Real/True Science (including Good Science)
  • Pro-Family (Parenting Mother [Grand Mother], Father [Grand Father], Aunts, Uncles and Children [Brothers, Sisters & Cousins])
  • True Marriage (Husband & Wife)
  • Songs/Symbols of Nationalism/Patriotism (especially National Anthems) (including The Star-Spangled Banner, Betsy Ross Flag, Gadsden flag [a historical American flag with a yellow field depicting a timber rattlesnake coiled and ready to strike. Beneath the rattlesnake are the words: "DONT TREAD ON ME"], etc.)
  • True Constitutionalism (Pro-Constitutional acts/actions/speeches [including the USA Constitution, Constitutional Law & Order, etc])
  • Real/True Witnesses/Judges/Juries/Prophets
  • Good Information
  • Conservative/Christian/Pro-American/Pro-Israeli/Right-Leaning/Pro-Jew/Patriotic/Good/Anti-Establishment/Anti-Evil versions (of Laws, Rules, Remarks, Policies [‘America/Israel First’ policy, anti-destructive policies, ‘Peace through Strength’ policy, red-state politics, 'Title 18 of US Code for assaulting, beating & wounding a passenger during a domestic flight', 'Wendy Rogers, wife of FALSELY arrested Roger Stone is working on A LOT of legislation, & one of them is HOLDING businesses criminally responsible, if they FORCE a vaccine AGAINST a working in Arizona. If that legislation is passed it will go AROUND America. That will put the pressure on small businesses to STAY AWAY from getting woke', 'Arizona is doing good The Arizona senate passes “No Men on Girls’ Sports Teams”, preventing males from competing in women’s sports. Every single Democrat opposed the bill. Senate Bill 1165 in Arizona is to prevent males from competing in women’s sports in public & private schools, & it has passed the Arizona Senate. All Arizona Democrats voted AGAINST this new law to save women’s sports, all because they want to CONTINUE their war / assault on women. The bill will now be transmitted to the Arizona House of Representatives &, if passed in the House, it will be expected to be signed into law. The law will apply from Kindergarden to the 12th grade schools & also in institutions of higher education {colleges & universities}. This is TRULY good news', 'Some Republican lawmakers introduced legislation last week that would bar the federal government from buying and distributing crack pipes while also appearing to take aim at tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s son Hunter with the name of the bill. Titled the ‘‘Halting the Use of Narcotics Through Effective Recovery Act of 2022,’’ the legislation is known as the ‘‘HUNTER Act of 2022.” According to its description, the purpose of the legislation is to “prohibit the use of Federal funds to purchase or support the purchase of, drug paraphernalia.” Reps. Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Dan Bishop of North Carolina said in an exclusive joint interview with Fox News Digital that the Biden regime got caught ‘red-handed’ trying to fund crack pipes as part of a $30 million grant program and that legislation is needed to stop the ‘ridiculous’ proposal', 'Mississippi Just BANNED Leftist Ideology from Schools! The Mississippi legislature, taking a bold step, albeit that all GOP legislatures should have taken long ago, just banned critical race theory from classrooms in the state. They did so by passing SB 2113, the bill that bans the radical ideology, in a landslide vote. The short but sweet text of the bill says that no Mississippi school can teach the radical ideology, providing that: “1} No public institution of higher learning, community/junior college, school district or public school, including public charter schools, shall direct or otherwise compel students to personally affirm, adopt or adhere to any of the following tenants: “(a) That any sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin is inherently superior or inferior; or (b) That individuals should be adversely treated on the basis of their sex, race, ethnicity, religion or national origin.” 2} No public institution of higher learning, community/junior college, school district or public school, including public charter schools, shall make a distinction or classification of students based on account of race, provided that nothing in this subsection shall be construed to prohibit the required collection or reporting of demographic information by such schools or institutions. 3} No public institution of higher learning, community/junior college, school district or public school, including public charter schools, shall teach a course of instruction or unit of study that directs or otherwise compels students to personally affirm, adopt or adhere to any of the tenants identified in subsection (1)(a) and (b) of this section.” The genius of the above sections is that, rather than simply banning “CRT,” it bans the general teachings of CRT, describing them quite broadly so that leftist “educators” can’t get around the ban by claiming that they’re not teaching “CRT” but rather about the pervasiveness of racism, or some similar thing, which they tend to do. By describing the teachings and broadly banning them, the legislature is stopping leftists from doing that and ensuring that CRT isn’t taught in Mississippi, whatever leftists might try to call it. And if any Mississippi school should choose to ignore the legislature and attempt to teach CRT, the bill provides that: “4} No funds shall be expended by the state department of education, any entity under the department of education’s jurisdiction or purview, a school district, public charter school, community/junior college, the Mississippi Community College Board, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning or a public institution of higher learning for any purpose that would violate the provisions of this section.” The bill is now headed to the desk of the governor, Tate Reeves. He, an outspoke critic of CRT, is widely expected to sign the bill and banish the radical ideology from all schools, or at least all government-funded schools in his state', 'Texas Governor Abbott Enacts New Consequences to Prevent Cities from Defunding the Police! Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott announced on 03/07/2022 A.D. that new rules to stop the state’s cities from defunding police have now gone into effect, emphasizing that “we support our law enforcement officers.” Abbott signed the new law HB 1900 in June 2021 A.D. after making the issue to stop cities from defunding police an emergency item during the regular session of the state’s 87th Legislature. “Under House Bill 1900, if the Governor’s PSO {Public Safety Office} determines a city has defunded its police department, the city will be subject to tax rate limitations, lose access to certain tax revenues, and be subject to other budgetary requirements and limitations,” the governor’s office said in a statement. “When the city demonstrates it has reversed the reductions, PSO may reverse its defunding determination and the city will no longer be subject to those limitations, reductions, and requirements—unless it defunds its police again,” the statement added. Abbott also expressed his support of Texas law enforcement, making his view “abundantly clear.” “Texas remains a law-and-order state and we continue to make it abundantly clear that we support our law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line every day to keep communities safe,” Abbott said. “My office’s adoption of these new rules will prevent cities from making reckless and downright dangerous decisions to defund the police, ensuring a safer future for Texans all across the Lone Star State,” he added. Abbott previously celebrated the bill’s passage last May in the Texas House in a Twitter post. Taking away money is a good way to prevent liberal/leftist leaders from enactful awful policies. I hope & pray that Abbott’s plan would work & that the Left FAIL in trying to find a loophole to defund the police anyway', 'the “Don’t Say G** Bill” being pushed by Florida Republicans. The Daily Wire reported last week, the title of that bill is officially known as the Parental Rights in Education bill. what the bill actually does is prohibit instruction on LGBTQ topics for kindergarten through third-graders, provides parents more transparency by requiring schools to notify them of any change in mental, physical, or emotional wellbeing, and allows schools to opt-out of that if there is a “reasonable” fear that notifying a parent would result in abuse: “The legislation prohibits any instruction about sexuality or gender between kindergarten and third grade “or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” It would also guarantee parents access to their children’s education and health records and require that schools notify parents “if there is a change in the student’s services or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being and the school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for the student.” Schools could withhold information from parents if they believed that disclosing it could result in abuse, abandonment or neglect.” After passing Florida’s House in February 2022 A.D., the senate is now expected to vote on the bill in the near future', 'We need legislation that allows us, conservatives / right-leaners & the UNINDOCTRINATED / UNDOCTERED Americans, to go RETROACTIVE & abort ALL types of evil, disgusting, despicable, liberal/leftist politicians & bureaucrats!!', '18 US § 2702 (b) (8) says, “if the provider, in good faith, believes that an emergency involving danger of death or serious physical injury to any person requires disclosure without delay.”', ''It’s been an unwritten rule in this country that you are not allowed to go after political enemies after an election. It’s meant to help maintain order and avoid riots', 'China CAUGHT QUIETLY Invading America, Now Top GOP Leaders Have Sprung into Action to STOP Them COLD! Communist China's holdings of U.S. agricultural land increased from 13,720 acres in 2010 to 352,140 acres in 2020, according to USDA reports. Republicans have raised concerns about Chinese land purchases near U.S. military installations because possible intelligence gathering could occur. Senator Tommy Tuberville {R-Alabama} and Senator Tom Cotton {R-Arkansas} introduced a bill that would prevent members of the Chinese Communist Party from buying land in the U.S. Securing America’s Land from Foreign Interference Act, is in response to a 2020 report issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture suggesting that “foreign persons held an interest in nearly 37.6 million acres of U.S. agricultural land.” “Approximately 14 states have some level of foreign ownership restriction, yet there are no federal restrictions on the amount of private U.S. agricultural land that can be owned,” according to the report. The bill would also set penalties for foreign purchases that do not comply with federal reporting requirements. “We cannot continue giving our top adversary a foot in the door to purchase land in the United States and undermine our national security,” Tuberville said in a statement. According to Cotton’s statement, Chinese investments in U.S. agricultural is subject to provide the CCP with leverage over America’s supply chains and give them access to sensitive information critical to the nation’s national security. “Chinese investments in American farmland put our food security at risk and provide opportunities for Chinese espionage against our military bases and critical infrastructure. Instead of allowing these purchases, the U.S. government must bar the Communist Party from purchasing our land,” Cotton said. According to reports from the USDA, Chinese investors’ holdings of U.S. agricultural land spiked from 13,720 acres in 2010 to 352,140 acres in 2020. “Chinese investors’ holdings of U.S. agricultural land surged from 13,720 acres in 2010 to 352,140 acres in 2020,” Cotton’s statement claims. Republicans have sounded alarms on the issues, saying that Chinese land purchases near U.S. military installations should raise concerns because of possible intelligence gathering', etc.], Bills ['New Jersey Republicans introduced a parents’ rights bill in May 2022 A.D. According to The Daily Wire, Senate Bill 2648 was introduced into the legislative record by New Jersey State Senator Edward Durr. For students in grades K-6, the bill prohibits schools from teaching courses on sex and gender identity. Additionally, students in grades 7-12 must obtain their parents’ permission before receiving such instruction. Earlier in 2022 A.D., Durr co-sponsored two bills authored by Republican State Senators Joe Pennacchio and Mike Testa: one would ban Critical Race Theory from being taught in New Jersey schools; a second would eliminate the requirement for diversity and inclusion classes to be taught in grades K-8 starting in 2022-23 A.D.', 'Lloyd-LaFollette Act, aka, US Code 5-7211: Employees’ right to petition Congress &/or furnish important information to members of both houses of Congress. And that right may NOT be interfered with or denied', etc.], Agendas / Goals [the Trump Agenda & the MAGA agenda], Ads, Principles, Values [family values {meaning not letting the elitists or the Left to take our children away from us}], Mottos [In God We Trust], Movies, Shows, Promises, Control [self-control {take better control of yourself & of your life}, 'people need to take better control of terrible people {the Left} & bad actors', etc.], Ideologies, Humor, Sacred, Cunning/Cleverness, Obedience [obeying ONLY God / Jesus Christ & NOT human or government. Obedience to God is SIMPLY following God's instructions, 'in the mind & spirit, they obey & trust the Law of God', 'Total obedience to God & NOT earthly government {God demands REAL obedience from us & we must keep ALL of Him laws/commands & NOT that of earthly governments controlled by the Left & the elites}, It's the only way to receive massive blessing from Him', 'Obedience to the Word of God', etc.], Spying, Mentorship, Arts, Speaking, Adaptability, Coaching, Persuasive, Flexibility, Events, Taming, Persistence, Communication, Image, Planning, Humor, Persuasive, Worth, Reason, Flexibility, Understanding, Strategy, Presenting, Doctrine/Teaching [Sound Doctrines], Energetic, Initiative, Rhetoric, Logic, Optimism, Authority, Organizations/Organizing, Companies/Businesses, Literacy, Outlets, Values, Civil Rights, Character, Idealism, Rights [including unalienable rights], Defiance, Toughness, Focus, Piety, Majesty, Rejoice, Readiness, Purposefulness, Approval, Caring, Disapproval, Admiration, Resourcefulness, Openness, Industry, Fulfillment, Acts, Support, Imaginative, Desire, Accomplishments, Pleasure, Investigations, News, Devotion, Wrath, Music/Songs, Sympathy, Decision-Making, Problem-Solving, Social-Skills, Law Enforcement, Websites, Endorse, Protect, Progress, Relaxing, Questioning, Spontaneity, Agreement/Disagreement, Armed Security, Ideologs, Watchdogs, Administration, Compassion, Interrogation, Reboots/Remakes, Pity, Deprecation, Subpoena, Networks, Foundations, Movements, Terms, Intelligence, Operations, Happiness, Management, Social Media, Declaring, Love [the love of the Trump Administration, the love of America, the love of God / Jesus Christ, 'God told us to love others MORE than to love ourselves', Loyal Love, etc.], Counties, Immolation, Fun/Funny, Learning, Citizenship, Fury, Politics, Targeting, Counsel, Orderliness, Surveillance, Commercials, Conduct, Bills, Protesting, Force, Down-Playing, Sharing, Treatment, Campaign, Preservation, Free-Press, Cases, Bureaucracy, Tolerance, Documentaries, Crusade, Hiring, Proclamations, Intolerance, Movements, Narratives, Protests, Philosophy, Tactics, Working, Boycotting, Suing, Critics, Editing, Methodology, Force, Cunning / Intellect, Love, Hope, Control, Wrath, Rhythm, Willpower, ‘Do-Something’, Need/Want, Influences, Union, Respect, Diversity, Free [Free Speech, Free Choice, Free Thought/Thinking & Free to Worship God], Mutiny, Opportunity/Opportune, “Law & Order” [the Right's old order], Jobs [Anti-Green Jobs, 'businesses that NEVER support green jobs', 'Jobs that NWEVER go woke or cave to the radical Marxist Left', etc.], Sacrifice [not sacrificing people or nation], Revolution [meaning 'never starting a lawless Democrat-Marxist Revolutionist coup of America', 'the creation of the United States through the American Revolutionary War {1775–1783}', the Spanish American wars of independence {1808–1826}, the European Revolutions of 1989, The Haitian Revolution , Nat Turner's slave rebellion , The American Civil War {a contest between the anti-slavery Republican Party & the pro-slavery Democratic Party. It's more likely a war to END ALL slavery in America}, 'destroy this Marxist culturous cultural revolution', Industry revolution, Taking America Back {meaning making America strong, smarter/sharper & safe like it was back in the Lincoln, Trump, Reagan & Coolidge years}, 'fighting for freedom', 'Covidism is crumbling & many countries are getting ready to stop doing these mandates', etc.], political upheavals [meaning replacing BIG / liberal / leftist governments with small / conservative / right-leaning governments], Leadership, Perfect, Sharing, "Hell-Bent on & upon / Playing Hard Ball", Rebellion ['Rebelling against the Democratic Party', 'rebelling against the Left's tyranny', 'rebelling against big/tyrannical governments', 'Resist the vaccines & the Biden Regime', '2022 A.D. is gonna be the most consequential year in our lifetime, because if we {the Right} don't get control of the House & the Senate with big enough margins to exact REAL change, all bets are off! 2022 is gonna determine what direction America is gonna be going in, but MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of us Americans refuse to give up our medical autonomy & our 2nd-Amendment, refuse to stay silent & refuse to give up our rights. And we will do everything & anything we can to protect & preserve those rights', 'The vaccinator-in-chief says “What’s the big deal?” Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden’s to American’s concern about vaccinations encroaching on their freedoms. The big deal is that he DOESN’T have the right to tell us what to do with our own bodies. He can take his vaccine jabs & shove it STRAIGHT up his butt!!!', '2022 A.D. is gonna be the MOST significant year possibly in American history, certainly of this century. It’s because it is gonna determine SO MANY THINGS, it’s gonna determine whether or not we remain a free & prosperous constitutional Republic or {God forbid} a 1-party totalitarian government. We will NOT allow this to happen, THIS is OUR hill to die on & there is NO higher mountain top out there than this!!! We will resist the Left or the Biden regime & their secretive Marxist theft brigades, we will NEVER obey them, we will NOT comply, we will FIGHT them to the DEATH if we have too!!!!!!! We’ve often heard throughout history & this has been true if you LOOK at real history: the only way you can get out of communism unfortunately is to shoot your way out of it', 'We need new blood & new people in the House of Representatives & the Senate. We need people brave enough, strong, enough, smart/wise enough, bold/tough enough, & well equip enough to CHALLENGE & primary the RINOs {that are BLOCKING subpoenas, audits, stonewalling investigations}, even at the STATE level {Georgia, Arizona, Utah, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada, New-Hampshire}. Every one of these people need to be PRIMARIED', 'Josh Bernstein DID talk about the front-line doctors who are amazing patriots that are BUCKING the system, bucking the medical establishment, bucking the medical tyranny & doing their OWN thing. They already said that they’re planning on opening up a minimum of 7 centers where they’re gonna allow people to have Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, etc. They’re gonna SEPARATE themselves from the medical tyranny. They are also filing lawsuits with the Supreme Court as well. They are asking the Supreme Court for the healthcare workers. America’s frontline doctors asked for a brief in the Supreme Court case to be heard on the COVID-19 vaccine mandates for healthcare workers at facilities receiving federal funding on 01/07/2022 A.D. at 10am. They’re going after the federal funding & calling out the medical establishment tyranny community by saying & using their words AGAINST them, because the medical community said “even when you’re vaccinated, you can STILL catch covid”! These doctors are SMART & THAT’S the angle that they’re going for, & you CANNOT mandate a treatment or a vaccine. This is a GREAT lawsuit & it’s gonna be well done. I hope the Supreme Court & its judges don’t side with OSHA in mandating the vaccines. The “healthcare” establishment & medical deep-state {WHO, NIH, CDC, NAIAD, all of them} KNOW that it’s NOT constitutional & they know that it DOESN’T work, they’ve ADMITTED it. I just hope that we use their words AGAINST them & go back to the USA Constitution & we’ll be ok!!', 'Supreme Court conservative majority appears poised to block Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden’s unconstitutional & illegal vaccine mandates. The US Supreme Court on 11/07/2022 A.D. is considering a halt on Biden’s vaccine mandates that affected 80 million Americans. The highest court in the country began hearing Ural arguments on 2 of Biden’s vaccine. But the Supreme Court judges haven’t made their decisions yet because some judge AREN’T proving to be rock-solid conservatives. They’re gonna look at the 6th-Circuit Court’s decision. At least OSHA DOESN’T have the constitutional authority or power to mandate these POISONOUS experimental vaccines. Let’s hope & pray to God that the USA Constitution is done & interpreted the right way', 'Do you remember 2 months ago that Josh Bernstein did a video on American truckers have ENORMOUS power to stop this Biden regime COLD in its tracks? He talked about truckers basically cutting off Democrat-run cities. He also worked with a bunch of groups that were trucker groups. Remember how Canadian truckers resisting Canadian jab mandates for truckers & decided to block the routes between America & Canadian? Well, THIS is getting better: the truckers are FINALLY waking up & are realizing the power that they have & they are doing incredible things. 50 thousand truckers join Freedom Convoy through Canada, protesting against tyrannical COVID mandates. Massive crowds of Canadians show up in support. The Canadian Freedom Convoy of truckers is pushing BACK against covid mandates, including FORCED vaccinations & government regulations. It began last week & have gained incredible support from the public. It is VERY challenging to put the scale of this grassroots effort into ANY adequate context. The fundraiser for the effort now exceeds $5.5 MILLION & it’s still climbing. It is now estimated that over 50 thousand vehicles are participating in the Convoy effort & the Canadian department of transportation is doing everything possible to stop the block & impede the assemblies. Now only is this gonna be in Canada, but the truckers in Washington state, Oregon, California, New-York state, Virginia, Pennsylvania & other states are ALL now part of this movement here in America & it’s AWESOME. They are raising money & we’re working behind the scenes to get American truckers to show up in Democrat-controlled Washington DC & CUT OFF that capital. It’s the American People & the Right who control what happens in America, & the government exist as long as we allow it to exist. And Thank God that the truckers in America are FINALLY waking up & extorting their power, because they understand that THEY are in control & NOT the politicians {Democrats & RINOs} / bureaucrats or the fraudulent /Biden regime {the fraudulent White House, fraudulent department of transportation or ANY other leftist/Biden idiots in Washington DC}. I just hope & pray to God that this is BIG {at least not big government type of big} on a NATIONAL level & I want to see American truckers on social-media recruit more truckers to join the movement & to stop the ports in Democrat-run cities', 'Apparently, leftist governor Justin Trudeau has given an ultimatum to the Freedom Convoy in Canada, saying “you have until 7 in order to get rid of your trucks & to end this convoy” to which, the convoy folks said “No!!” Convoy protestor near Alberta border crossing unite to face down the police, all leaked arms refuse to budge when officers arrive to being making arrests. Civil disobedience is how you do it! Policing requires public’s compliance to a degree even in Canada. Enough people have risen up to say “Absolutely NOT!!!” Following Trudeau’s panicked announcement that crack downs are looming, the Royal Canadian Mountain Police held a press conference on 02/11/2022 A.D. telling the truckers that the milk river protest site in Alberta to clear out by 1pm or else they would face consequences. Police provided LITTLE information about what the punishment for staying would be, stating that they would only be enforcing the law on anyone who remained in the area. In other words, the RCMP was casting a VAGUE threat of arrests. The 1pm deadline came to pass with absolutely nobody moving but happened next was truly awe-inspiring: a few hours later, when a sudden barrage of officers arrive to move in on the group, the convoy participants gathered together & they LINKED arms forming a line around the trucks behind them as the line of cops stare them down. After 1 minute, the crowd breaks out into a “Lean On Me” to solidify their show of unity. The scene is a site to behold. Then the Canadian government basically said that they were gonna start ARRESTING people, threatening basically to arrest them if they don’t do anything at their 7pm deadline!! The protestors basically told them “you can shove your 7pm deadline up your butt & face”', 'NO SURRENDER! US Freedom Convoy REFUSES To Leave DC After Meeting 2 GOP Senators! The leaders of American trucker convoy against virus-related mandates met with Republican Senators Ron Johnson {R-Wisconsin} and Ted Cruz {R-Texas} on 03/08/2022 A.D. while the protesters continued to stage 90 minutes away in Hagerstown, Maryland. Some truckers conducted a separate convoy around the D.C. beltway, which circles around the nation's capitol through Virginia, Washington, D.C., and Maryland. According to The Washington Post, no immediate action to roll back remaining COVID-19 mandates across the country resulted from the meeting. However, the convoy garnered more media coverage to highlight their efforts. “I got what I was hoping for. I got 2 respectful members of the Senate here,” Brian Brase said after the meeting. “And I got all the media to come in this room and start covering it. That’s a win for me. That’s a win for the People’s Convoy.” During the meeting, Brase said they will continue protesting around the beltway until the restrictions and mandates are finally lifted and for Congress to hold hearings investigating the government’s response to the pandemic. “We're not going anywhere. We're not gonna leave. We're gonna stay put,” Brase explained. “We're gonna keep doing what we're doing until we start getting more meetings like we just had today.” As to the big question if the convoy will enter D.C. city limits, Brase told convoy participants on 03/07/2022 A.D. that was off the table for now due to fear of the federal government conducting an extreme crackdown similar to what happened to protesting Canadian truckers', 'Farmers Seen STICKING The Middle Finger Up to Green Activists with Their Tractors! Conservative people aren’t just protesting in the United States these days. Protests are popping up everywhere, even in the Netherlands. The government of the Netherlands has “mandated reductions in emissions of up to 70% in many places close to protected nature areas and as high as 95% in other places. The government calls it “unavoidable” because over the past few years courts there have not issued permits for housing or infrastructure because the country was not meeting its targets regarding emissions. Recently the government published nationwide targets for reducing emissions which angered farmers and others in the agricultural business because they could lose their livelihoods. Specifically, the government wants to lower emissions of nitrogen oxide and ammonia. With the changes the government is mandating, farmers will have to drastically reduce their number of livestock, maybe even to 0. This is because a large part of the emissions comes from animal feces. To protest this government action, farmers gathered with their tractors near Amsterdam. They plan to drive their tractors across the Netherlands in protest and are already causing traffic jams on major highways. The mandates must be carried out by the provincial governments and the provinces only have a year to develop their plans to meet the newly required targets for emissions. “Farming is a key sector in the Dutch economy, with exports worth nearly 105 billion euros {$110 billion} in 2021 A.D. But it comes at a cost of producing polluting gases, despite farmers taking steps to reduce emissions,” Al Jazeera said. Of course, without farmers, there is no food. One person described what is happening over there as “quite crazy.” They described “Tractors driving against traffic direction on highways, evading road blockades, unscrewing license plates to evade detection, politicians warning protestors to obey the police.” This type of protest is reminiscent of the freedom convoys in both Canada and the United States. Snarling traffic gets everyone’s attention because no one can get anywhere they need to go. I hope & pray that the farmers will be successful in getting some sort of resolution', 'American People & the Right detest & HATE them [the Left, the Biden regime, the globalists, the deep state, communist regimes {like China, etc.}, Satan/devil/demon worshippers, Marxist educators, child rapists/indoctrinators, etc.] all in both parties [Democrat & Republican]; it is We the People vs both the Left & the illegitimate governments of the Biden regime because of what they have done to America & destroyed it in less than 2 years!! So, they & the Left know that, in 3 months’ time, their party is OVER & we, both the Right & the American People, have HAD ENOUGH & AREN’T gonna let them steal the 2022 A.D. midterm elections because, if you see this in the primaries, the MAG Party won everywhere & there was a HUGE presence of patriots & conservatives watching drop boxes & counting centers, volunteering at elections & we’re gonna CONTINUE to do it!!! Both the Left & the people in Washington DC are our ENEMIES!! If you are a politician from either party, you are an enemy combatant of America!! We hate you & distrust you because you are indeed a domestic terrorist!! And that’s how we must you as because you are NOT representing us or the American people, you are NOT representing the best interests of America, & it’s NEVER gonna change!! ATTN WASHINGTON: We are NOT afraid of you demon monsters. There are MORE of us than there are of you. You are our servants and NEVER forget it. Curse the FBI. Curse the DOJ. Curse Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden in his crusty old demented a$$hole. And BLAST You to every politician in Washington from BOTH Parties. We will see you at the Ballot Box in a few months or perhaps at the Battle lines in the near future. We will make sure that there’s no mules, we’ll make sure that EVERY SINGLE drop box is video-taped & recorded from a not-to-far distance!! Josh Bernstein of JBUShow will ALWAYS recruit personally as MANY people as possible to become election workers & poll workers, including his ever-growing large audience. He will work with other Patriots in other states to help them protect the integrity of their elections too. We will make sure that there are SO MANY MORE of us out there than there are of You & you [along with Washington DC & the FBI & DOJ] WILL succumb to us!! And if you steal the 2022 A.D. midterm elections somehow with extra eyeballs & take away the freedom & our right to free, fair & balanced elections from us & from the American People, then you have mistaken the resolve & determination of both the Right & the American People', etc.], Denial ['denying the Left's climate-change theories & fake promises', 'denying Satan's lies & that of the Left', 'A nurse speaks out about following the covid-19 guidelines, saying “If I follow these guideline, I would be participating in TERRORISM!” That’s what he says. A registered nurse, who works in a Virginia medical center, sent out a letter on the reasons for his refusal to comply with the protocols & guidelines set forth for the Veterans Administration. Jerry Blesoe told the Gateway Pundit that the reason he sent out the letter is to provide the best care for his brothers & sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration. Well we ALREADY know what the Left thinks of veterans, hoping that the veterans all die & suffer on the battlefield, so that they need to take care of them. It’s only us conservative & patriots, that understand their sacrifice, that want to take care of the veterans!! Blesoe believes that by participating in the COVID-19 protocols mandated by the hospital, he’ll be intentionally doing harm to those individuals who would be placed in his care, thus preventing him from performing his primary duty of advocacy for his patients! He said “I’m not a social-media person & I have no motives besides providing the best care for my brothers & sisters seeking care in the Veterans Administration. I’m sure that we’ll be terminated for this decision. No one I’ve spoken disagrees with my letter, but everyone is scared to lose their job & their pensions, & there’s nothing that can be done. So far, my admonishment has been for refusing a direct order, knowing no concern whatsoever about the side-affects that I’ve seen PERSONALLY from these vaccinations or my arguments to provide early treatments!” Based on the definitions of terror, terrorism & coersem*nt, as stated in his letter, Blesoe believed that complying with the COVID-19 guidelines he would be PARTICIPATING in terrorism. The guidelines set forth created an environment of fear & terror through faulty PCR testing withholding of a limiting profoactive early treatment, use of HARMFUL medications & inpatient treatment & vaccine mandates to compel or coerce the population into taking experimental jabs. “These is a VIOLATION of the Nerumberg Code, & I believe it to be terrorism”, said Blesoe. GOD BLESS this doctor! We need MORE doctors like him to say “Heck no!! WE are NOT gonna harm these people. We are CERTAINLY NOT gonna inject them with poisons that are designed to kill them!! And what ever happened to the hypocritic oath: “Do NO Harm!!”?”', 'A federal judge blocks Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden’s last vaccine mandate on federal employees. Remember that the Supreme shut down the OSHA mandate last week, but they then left out “the federal mandate stand”. There is NO such thing as a vaccine mandate because of “or”. A southern district court in Texas just protected medical freedom & ruled against a mandated COVID shot for federal workers. Judge Jeffrey Vincent Brown, who was appointed by USA President Donald John Trump in 2019 A.D., upheld a suit from federal workers refusing to get vaccinated against the covid virus. The motion was granted as to executive order 14043: “all the defendants except the president are thus enjoying from implementing or enforcing executive 14043 until this case is resolved on the merits.” The tide is turning because MANY people are waking up to the fact the vaccines are dangerous & the vaccines are killing people. They are turning their backs on blind faith in government', 'OSHA {Occupational Safety and Health Administration} has FINALLY withdraw from the Biden regime’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates. In fact, OSHA should FIRE anyone who dare to side with Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden’s unconstitutional mandates to begin with', 'when someone {mainly patriots} or a country {whether’s it’s Russia, America, Canada, etc.} is threatened whether it’s justified or not, they will pick up arms & fight for the survival of a nation. Americans need to have that SAME fighting attitude because the REAL enemy is the government, especially when it’s controlled & stolen by the Left & the turncoat / career politicians / bureaucrats. They have CREATED the situation that planet earth is in turmoil, they NEVER stopped the Chinese communists or Ukraine or Russia, they WORKED WITH our enemies, they gave MONEY to our enemies, they did HORRIBLE things to our allies!! The CORRUPT American intel community is the TRUE threat, other than just China. This STOLEN regime & illegitimate government & fascist evil buzzards are the WORST hom*o sapiens on the planet, because are RIGHT HERE in America', 'We need more Americans with BRASS BALLS so big that you need a WHEEL BARREL to carry them!! We need to confront the Left & the globalist whackjobs EVERYWHERE they go & use the Left’s tactics & that of Mad Maxine Waters AGAINST them!! We need to INSULT the Left & curse & SCARE them the way God curses those who curse the Bible Abraham & anyone God TRULY blesses', 'Both mask mandates & vaccines mandates are ending, & we are starting to WIN. And hopefully, the Democratic party in 2022 A.D. is going to be SLAUGHTERED to absolute extinction for who they TRULY are & for what they’ve done because they are EVIL, they are corrupt like Ukraine & Russia, they HATE America at their core, they are dangerous & they are the ENEMIES of freedom!! Let’s hope that we WIPE them & the Left & voter fraud thugs OUT in 2022 A.D. & 2024 A.D.', 'There is NO WAY we [the Right, the American People, real/true conservatives & patriots, anti-woke Christians, anti-woke capitalists, constitutionalists, traditionalists, anti-RINO Republicans {what remains of them in fact}, etc.] will EVER comply to the Left or to the globalists & we’re NOT gonna eat fake meat, grass, weeds, metal, plastic, bugs or windmills / wind turbines or drink sewer water, & we will NEVER be forced to comply to the Left’s new liberal world order!! We rather have freedom & prosperity than bondage & slavery', 'Liberals in New York City’s Time Square are not going to be too happy when they look up and see a billboard slamming Joe 'Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet' Biden and the ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ he just signed into law. According to the Washington Examiner, it specifically targets what the campaign claims are tyrant Joe Biden’s broken promises to small businesses in a new ad opposing the Inflation Reduction Act. “Stop Lying to Small Businesses” billboard will be unveiled in Times Square on 08/26/2022 A.D. by Job Creators Network and blast tax increases and the addition of Internal Revenue Service agents. Job Creators Network isn’t the only group calling out the lies and lunacy of the Left. We recently reported that a group named “Citizens for Sanity” put up 3 billboards across the country in order to help secure a red wave in November. One billboard campaign reads, “Protect Pregnant Men from Climate Discrimination” has been put up in the cities of Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit. Another billboard campaign reads, “Open the jails. Open the borders. Close the schools. Vote progressive this November,” has been put up in the cities of Philadelphia and Atlanta. And finally, a third billboard campaign reads, “Violent criminals deserve our compassion and respect. This fall, stand strong for progressive values,” has been installed in the cities of Atlanta, Long Beach, Philadelphia, and Detroit', etc.], The Goldilocks Zone, Encouragement/Encouraging [encouraging voter integrity, 'Discouraging voter fraud schemes / plots / plans', 'Encouraging people to be STRONG in God / Jesus Christ', 'encouraging people to live with the fear of God & NOT with the fear of humans', 'FINALLY!!! 5 MONTHS AGO I {Josh Bernstein} CALLED FOR TRUCKERS IN THE US TO SHUT DOWN BLUE CITIES: I MIGHT GET MY WISH! Back on Sept 1st of 2021 I {Josh Bernstein} called for the Truckers of America to exert their power and shut down Big Blue Cities in order to force the resignation of this fraudulent illegitimate regime & to SQUEEZE OUT the Left. Well, fast forward to Feb 1st 2022 and I just might get my wish....God Bless all the Truckers for standing up against tyranny!!! Not only is it starting to work, but it is GROWING in leaps & bounds by the DAY. After Bernstein called for the American truckers to protest back in 09/01/2021 A.D., he REALLY thought that it was gonna be for America. What surprised him & me was that it DIDN’T take off big like he expected in America like it did in Canada. Bernstein got some emails from the truckers in Pennsylvania & Wisconsin, & then told them to: 1] start on social media & try to do private groups & then share those groups through instant messaging to try to keep them off the radar of the Big Tech platforms; 2] talk to friends & other truckers to get the idea out there & telling them to do the same thing. After that, Bernstein worked with the trucker groups for a couple of weeks & quietly behind the scenes & they started working on social-media campaigns, but it didn’t take off as he hoped it would have in America. But to his surprise, the Canadian truckers & patriots are the ones who took it & ran with it! 3 weeks ago, we started hearing about Canadian truckers basically saying “we’re NOT gonna put up with this Justin Trudeau guy & his vaccine mandates ANYMORE!!! We are DONE, we want our freedoms back, we DON’T wanna be dictated to, we DON’T believe in these vaccines, & we’re NOT gonna take these vaccines & face masks!!!!!” Part of the issue was that in mid-January 2022 A.D., the Canadian government parliament were gonna enact a new rule in which all cross-border Canadian truckers coming in & out of America back-&-forth had to be vaccinated. Well obviously here in America, Joe ‘Stalinite Sock Puppet’ Biden wants to the SAME THING, but he got SHOT DOWN thankfully by the Supreme Court! But in Canada, this wasn’t the case. So we started seeing the Canadian truckers shutting down the freeways & the entrance / exit points in Canada & basically shutting down the roadways & not allowing any trucks to come through. So that was the 1st sign & an original of 800 truckers; now over a HUNDRED-THOUSAND truckers are involved in this!! The trucker convoy has DOUBLED in size in 1 week & the groups organizing it raised about $5 million that week, only to DOUBLE to $10 million this week & it’s getting bigger & BIGGER! The trucker protest is EXPLODING all over planet earth {at least NOT in a globalist fashion}, which is an even BETTER sign, because with all the tyranny that is taking place in other countries, they are having NONE of it too & you now have trucker convoys in Australia, the Netherlands, Brazil, etc.!!! It’s a solidarity movement for FREEDOM!!!! It’s not just the Canadian truckers protesting against jab tyranny, it is also the Canadian farmers who are standing in solidarity with them. The bottomline is that Bernstein wants it to ALL happen here in America as it did in Canada!! This is a cry for FREEDOM & AGAINST medical tyranny. So far, we are hearing 18 states in America having truckers that are gonna be representing as part of this protest in solidarity with Canada, which is JUST amazing. There’s gonna be a HUGE convoy to Washington DC sometime in February 2022 A.D. Many of these groups are organizing this behind the scenes & I can’t wait for them to shut down that Capital & both Bernstein & I want it to happen SO BADLY to show the Left that they will NEVER rule over us!!', 'HOW TO LEGALLY, CONSTITUTIONALLY, AND PEACEFULLY DISSOLVE OUR CURRENT ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT?! This is a GIANT F-CK YOU to our illegitimate government, the medical establishment, the presstitute whor*s who sold their souls for these criminals, to the judges who got on their knees and serviced Democrat and RINOs, to the RINO State Legislatures who collectively did not possess the balls to fight back, to the low life degenerate thugs and hood rats who were paid to steal our votes away and to our weak suck puss*fied woke Military and Intel community. I say to you all....GO F-CK YOURSELVES!!!! Love Bernstein. When will the COWARDS, the TRAITORS, & the REAL insurrectionists who came to power both FRAUDULENTLY & ILLEGALLY?! When will the people who sat back & did absolutely NOTHING, were silent, allowed it to happened?! What are they gonna say now when this Bernstein video comes out? It’s A LOT of information we know, we know that the 2020 A.D. election was STOLEN 100% & we have even MORE proof & the movie is called “2,000 Mules” by Dinesh D’Souza. D’Souza, an Indian who came to America for the promise of freedom & liberty, found that it was suffering under tyranny & radical extreme leftism & he needs to save his adopted country & he's a GREAT pro-America patriot. The bottomline is that we have an ILLEGAL & illegitimate government in Washington DC & THAT is FACT & NOT opinion or hearsay. The people in Washington DC right now are ILLEGITIMATE! They are SURROUNDED by & PROTECTED by likely illegal & illegitimate members of both the senate, congress, many judges & Biden regime cabinet member. These people are ILLEGITIMATE, because they came to power at the same time & under FALSE pretenses under a STOLEN 2020 A.D. election!!! So MANY of them did NOT win their races, many of them are illegitimate too. These illegitimate & illegal politicians are also now SURROUNDED by & prepped up by & protected by MANY people in the corrupt & woke Intel community of the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation}, the injustice department, NSA, CIA, & DHS. MANY of those people are illegitimate! If they were appointed into their positions by the FRAUDULENT illegitimate puppet master, then THEY themselves are also illegitimate!! As we know that MANY of the people in Washington DC have STOLEN their power, they are illegitimate. Military leaders, like Mark ‘Maoist’ Milley & Lloyd Austin, are ALSO illegitimate too!! We, the patriots of America, DON’T fear Washington DC, we DON’T fear ANY government official, & the reason is because we UNDERSTAND that we are the ones with the power & NOT the illegitimate Biden regime / pretendency in Washington DC! Therefore, WE are the ones in control! Washington DC THINKS that it’s a mirage & the Left think that they’re in control & are legitimate, but they have 0 control over us or anyone else!! Any & ALL governments in history in America are ONLY temporarily, whether they are legitimate or NOT, because we the people are IN CONTROL of Washington DC & NOT Washington DC & the government controlling the American people!! What we are seeing today is ALL FAKE & it’s just NOTHING but a mirage & it’s a mirage that is ALLOWED to exist SO LONG as we the people & the Right shall allow it! This illegitimate FAKE government regime only exist so long as we the people & the Right allow it to. There is NOTHING radical or extreme about this statement, because that statement comes DIRECTLY from the USA Constitution! We the People decide to DISSOLVE our CURRENT government that DOESN’T work for We the People: it’s not only OUR right to do so, but it is more importantly OUR duty to do so & it IS in the USA Constitution!! Thomas Jefferson on the right to change one’s government {1776} states, “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.—That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles, and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness… it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.****s for their future security.****” There is NOTHING extreme about what is underlined in Jefferson’s declaration. So how are we gonna DISSOLVE the Left & the Biden regime right now?! Well it starts at the gonna DISSOLVE the Left & the Biden regime right now?! Well it starts at the state level & it’s a 3 or 4-point process: 1} We have to be the voices of America. WE have to TAKE BACK our power, our freedoms, & our voices!! It starts at the state level because ALL governments start at the state & local level & then it goes to the federal government. The states are the MORE powerful government than the federal government, because it was the STATE governments that created the federal government. Therefore the federal government is subservient & submissive to state rights. State rights trump federal rights ALL the time, because WE created the federal government. So by PRESSURING the state legislatures that control & have the power invested in them in the Constitution to oversee our electors & our elections, WE need to PRESSURE those state legislatures to RECLAIM these electors!! The USA Constitutional CLEARLY states “state legislatures have the plenary power to oversee, CHOOSE & withdraw those states’ electors. Afterwards, conjoining resolutions & the state house of representatives & the state senate of EACH & they can vote to decertify that election that was deemed compromised.”; 2} We could get to a point where Pennsylvania, Georgie, Wisconsin & Arizona all reclaim their electors. Then, the ultimate electors that were chosen both LEGALLY & constitutionally, regardless of what the SHAM 01/06/2021 A.D. committee thinks. Those people that are alternate electors are ALLOWED by the USA Constitution to do EXACTLY when they did. So those 7 states that have alternate electors could then be reassigned to the RIGHTFUL winner of the elections, which in this case is USA President Donald John Trump. And at THAT point, if all of this was to occur, then we would plan & organize a PEACEFUL rally & demonstration in FRONT of OUR Whitehouse {NOT the government’s White House}. It would have to be a Robust amount of people {conservatives / right-leaners}, about 25-30 MILLION Americans, in Washington DC & IN FRONT of the Washington DC area & right outside the stolen White House. At that point, we will DEMAND {not ask or suggest} that this fraudulent Biden regime RESIGNS within a 2-day period or LESS. But if they refuse &say “no”, just know that at this point that there will be contingency plans that would take affect. Our goal is a PEACEFUL resolution& a PEACEFUL transition of power & THAT is exactly what the American People want', etc.], Resistance [taking rag state level & it’s a 3 or 4-point process: 1} We have to be the voices of America. WE have to Take BACK our power, our freedoms, & our voices!! It starts at the state level because ALL governments start at the state & local level & then it goes to the federal government. The states are the MORE powerful government than the federal government, because it was the STATE governments that created the federal government. Therefore the federal government is subservient & submissive to state rights. State rights trump federal rights ALL the time, because WE created the federal government. So by PRESSURING the state legislatures that control & have the power invested in them in the Constitution to oversee our electors & our elections, WE need to PRESSURE those state legislatures to RECLAIM these electors!! The USA Constitutional CLEARLY states “state legislatures have the plenary power to oversee, CHOOSE & withdraw those states’ electors. Afterwards, conjoining resolutions & the state house of representatives & the state senate of EACH & they can vote to decertify that election that was deemed compromised.”; 2} We could get to a point where Pennsylvania, Georgie, Wisconsin& Arizona all reclaim their electors. Then, the ultimate electors that were chosen both LEGALLY & constitutionally, regardless of what the SHAM 01/06/2021 A.D. committee thinks. Those people that are alternate electors are ALLOWED by the USA Constitution to do EXACTLY what they did. So those 7 states that have alternate electors could then be reassigned to the RIGHTFUL winner of the elections, which in this case is USA President Donald John Trump. And at THAT point, if all of this was to occur, then we would plan & organize a PEACEFUL rally & demonstration in FRONT of OUR Whitehouse {NOT the government’s White House}. It would have to be a ROBUST amount of people {conservatives / right-leaners}, about 25-30 MILLION Americans, in Washington DC & IN FRONT of the Washington DC area & right outside the stolen White House. At that point, we will DEMAND {not ask or suggest} that this fraudulent Biden regime RESIGNS within a 2-day period or LESS. But if they refuse & say “no”, just know that at this point that there will be contingency plans that would take effect. Our goal is a Peaceful resolution& a Peaceful transition of power & THAT is exactly what the American People want', 'taking rage/attacks& complaints against the totalitarian Left & the anti-America /anti-Israel elites {Democrat, RINO, career politician & bureaucrat}', 'The reason why the American People are saying “F*** Joe Biden!” & “Let’s Go Brandon!” is because they are TICKED OFF that USA President Donald John Trump has been DENIED of his RIGHTFUL victory. Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden must NEVER get our respect, EVER!!!!!', 'Republicans, thankfully, have been in control of the legislative for the most part. They’ve been expanding conservative districts & areas, &have Eliminated the districts that are Democrats', 'WE NEED THETRUCKERSTO STANDUP AGAINSTTHE VACCINE MANDATES & we need to target the Big blue cities & show them that the truckers run America!!!! Soto ALL the truckers in America &NOT the fake ones hired by the Left, “please stand together, get into a BIG giant group, stand up & say “We’re NOT gonna take this anymore. And we’re gonna sit out & demand that these poisonous vaccine mandates are GONE!!””', 'The Supreme Courtin New-York state striking down tyrant Kathleen Courtney Hochul {D-New-York} &her mask mandate for schools & public locations, &told her that she has no authority to do so without a state legislature', 'I hope & pray to God that the USA military {commanders, leaders & soldier} & the national guard all TURN on Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden & his fraudulent administration by FORCE in order for America to do better & survive', 'Californian patriots NEED to wake up & realize that people like Democrats, RINOs, the deep-state &child-indoctrinators need to be CONFRONTED!!!', 'Do you remember 2 months ago that Josh Bernstein did a video on American truckers have ENORMOUS power to stop this Biden regime COLD in its tracks? He talked about truckers basically cutting off Democrat-run cities. He also worked with a bunch of groups that were trucker groups. Remember how Canadian truckers resisting Canadian jab mandates for truckers & decided to block the routes between America & Canadian? Well, THIS is getting better: the truckers are FINALLY waking up& are realizing the power that they have & they are doing incredible things. 50 thousand truckers join the Freedom Convoy through Canada, protesting against tyrannical COVID mandates. Massive crowds of Canadians show up in support. The Canadian Freedom Convoy of truckers is pushing BACK against covid mandates, including FORCED vaccinations & government regulations. It began last week & have gained incredible support from the public. Itis VERY challenging to put the scale of this grassroots effort into ANY adequate context. The fundraiser for the effort now exceeds $5.5 MILLION & it’s still climbing. It is now estimated that over 50 thousand vehicles are participating in the Convoy effort & the Canadian department of transportation is doing everything possible to stop the block & impede the assemblies. Now only is this gonna be in be in Canada, but the truckers in Washington state, Oregon, California, New-York state, Virginia, Pennsylvania & other states are ALL now part of this movement here in America & it’s AWESOME. They are raising money & we’re working behind the scenes to get American truckers to show up in Democrat-controlled Washington DC & CUT OFF that capital. It’s the American People & the Right who control what happens in America, & the government exist as long as we allow it to exist. And Thank God that the truckers in America are FINALLY waking up & extorting their power, because they understand that THEY are in control & NOT the politicians {Democrats & RINOs} / bureaucrats or the fraudulent /Biden regime {the fraudulent White House, fraudulent department of transportation or ANY other leftist/Biden idiots in Washington DC}. I just hope & pray to God that this is BIG (at least not big government type of big) on a NATIONAL level & I want to see American truckers on social-media recruit more truckers to join the movement & to stop the ports in Democrat-run cities', 'We CANNOT allow the globalists, the Left, the Uniparty structure {Democrats, the Biden-Harris regime & republicans (including RINOs & fake Republicans)}, demon / devil worshippers, Nazis / Fascists {climate change Nazis / Fascists, etc.}, the deep-state {Big Pharma, Big Tech, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, government-partnered corporations, etc.} & budding communists / socialists / progressives to build smart cities or to herd us into them!! We {the Right, the American people, anti-woke Christians, anti-woke capitalists, working-class / middle-class families & MAGA / America First supporters} will NOT be sheep or cattle & we will FIGHT them to the DEATH because we have the 2nd-Amendment that tells us that we are allowed to have it to defend ourselves from domestic & foreign enemies {World Economic Forum, the globalist movements & the United Nations}! That is a REAL promise & NOBODY tells the American people what to do, not even the globalists, pro BIG government Smartmatic turds', etc.], Accepting/Acceptance [“Blue {Police} Lives Matter,” “All Lives Matter” and “MAGA” attire, 'caving into the Trump agenda', 'caving in to the Right's agendas, intellect, truths & ideologies', etc.], Boycotting [Boycotting Goodyear for caving into the Black Lives/Lies Matter mobs', 'Boycotting Wal-Mart for selling China-made products', 'Boycotting woke corporations& schools', etc.], Retribution, Loyalty, Legal [If George Soros isn’t be stopped by a legal system brave enough to challenge his treasonous intellectual activities or he & his followers& descendants will continue promoting of installing puppet district attorneys across America, ensuring that EVERY neighborhood in America will soon look like Venezuela or worse', 'We’ve ALREADY seen this DISGUSTING grooming operation known as Disney & they are starting to SUFFER for it. There are MAJOR boycotts out there, there are MAJOR protests out there, both conservative parents & grand-parent AREN’T going to Disney Land & Disney World &families AREN’T going to Disney movies, because they are UNDERSTANDING that Disney is on the WRONG side of this MAJOR issue of the conservative / right-leaning Florida bill that stop child-grooming & they’re gonna SUFFER the consequences from that. It may take a while, even up to 6 months, but you & I are gonna see that their stock is gonna go down, their attendance numbers are gonna start going down at their parks, their shows, programs & movies aren’t gonna be watched, their premiers are gonna be LESS watched & it’s GONNA HAPPEN, because the American people DONOT WANT an organization, school / institute & business attacking & grooming their kids & turning them into sexual beings & little communist dictators, especially WAY BEFORE they even learn anything about sex, gender & all of that!! Not only should we ban & boycott Disney, but we should also to the same to Paramount & OTHER woke Hollywood entertainment studios including the Paramount channels for supporting pro-illegal immigration, anti-ICE ideologies & policies! There is a website called that gives you a list of woke companies, schools, businesses, organizations & entertainment, & their direct email addresses & phone numbers in order for us to boycott & ban the woketacracy', 'American Gas Boycott Coming Soon! Here’s What You Must Know Now! Americans may be about to take matters into their own hands, at least with regards to high gas prices at the pumps. Recently a movement to boycott gas from July 3-5th, 2022 A.D. has grown in momentum on social media. Gas prices have skyrocketed in the United States over the past year. Right now, the average is just under $5.00 per gallon and while that is a slight drop, there’s no expectation for prices to really drop any time soon. Some experts predict prices could hit a $6 a gallon national average by the end of summer 2022 A.D. Organizers of the movement are asking Americans nationwide not to buy gas on these dates as part of an effort to stop price gouging. People are posting their plans to boycott on social media. While a gas boycott will show our government how upset we are at the extreme prices, it may not matter long term. Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at gas tracker site GasBuddy says, “I’ve never seen a gas boycott result in anything. Simply shifting demand 1 day before or after the boycott doesn’t reduce demand enough to make any difference.” Maybe we should do it anyway. Americans have been so divided over the last few years, but 1 thing we can all agree about is that gas prices have gotten out of control. And even if it doesn’t work immediately, it will send a message to Congress and the liar-in-thief that we are fed up and they need to fix this problem or they can look at finding another job in the very near future', 'We need conservative sheriffs to start hiring, training conservatives to form state militias in order to take back our federal government & kick the liberal/leftist activists / politicians / bureaucrats, deep-state [medical, educational, intellectual, etc.] & the fraudulent Biden regime in the teeth, HARDER politically', etc.], Heroism [“Heroism is self-sacrifice, it's not moralizing and lecturing over others when they disagree.” “Heroism is grace, not perpetual outrage.” “Heroism is rebuilding our communities, not destroying them.” “Heroism is renewing faith in the symbols that unite us, not tearing them down.”, 'FIRE BREAKS Out Until Hero Farmer Rolls in and Saves The Day! Because of the heat wave currently affecting Britain, fires have been seen breaking out. In response, brave farmers have stepped in to save the countryside as elsewhere homes are being consumed by the flames. In one particular case, an unidentified farmer driving a tractor-trailer was seen jumping in to stop the fires. On 07/29/2022 A.D., Sky News caught footage of the harrowing fire and the farmers that took it on. The driver then used what looks like a soil aerator to stop the fire almost immediately. The farmer driving the tractor still remains unidentified. A fire engine came to the location later and helped put the fire out. A similar incident happened in June 2022 A.D. when a fire broke out in Kent, England. Another farmer named Bill Alexander cut down the crops in front of the fire to starve it of fuel and stopped it from consuming more. The owner of the farmland, Andy Barr, thanked the farmer for his heroic actions. Thankfully, there were no injuries after the fire. Thankfully, these farmers jumped into action to save the rest of the crops. This is the kind of heroic quick thinking that we need more of in the world. Would you have done this to fight the fire even if you didn’t own the farm?', 'the real police officers of America that are doing their job & are making sure that America’s cities & streets are safe, they’re the REAL heroes', '2 Wheeled Crooks Get BIG Surprise When Good Samaritan Take Matters into His Own Hands – LITERALLY! Not all superheroes wear capes, a good Samaritan stood up for someone when they saw a crime taking place. Crime happens every day, and people like to think what they would do if they saw something happening, yet thankfully most people are never put into that situation. Yet we have a hero who saw a crime being committed and put themselves in harm’s way to help a stranger. A gun-toting robbery crew on wheels struck at least four times in Upper Manhattan Saturday afternoon - until a good Samaritan yanked the guns away. A resident who witnessed the incident stated “It was like something you see out of a movie. How are they going to try to rob someone in broad daylight?” The police are also investigating whether they have any connection to Saturday’s Upper East Side robbery. Two suspects rode up to two women outside the Guggenheim Museum on East 89th Street and tried to steal one woman’s necklace. The suspects fled after her friend fought off the men. Liberal cities often look down on just plain ordinary people trying to protect themselves from the less fortunate robbers. But sane people know that each person has an individual right to safety, and to keep their possessions. New York City has been relaxed on crime, like most major liberal cities, maybe if enough citizens stand up crime will go down', etc.], Fate, Litigate, Positive, 'Greater Good', Revenge, 'Humanly Possible', Philanthropy, Hope, Preparatory, Humanism, Victory/Success [hard-earned victory, honest victory, anti-psychological victory, 'Carthorn Wins Major Legal Battle That’ll Weaken the Left! One reason you hear the leftists continuing to talk about the January 6th, 2021 A.D. trespass as an “insurrection” is that they’re trying to use that term to stop the best and brightest in the conservative wing of the GOP from running in 2022 and 2024. By labeling them “insurrectionists” for daring to question the 2020 vote, the Left hopes to keep them from running for office. They have that hope because of Section Three of the 14th Amendment, which reads: “No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.” The main figure {other than former President Donald John Trump, who they also are clearly hoping to use the 14thAmendment against}, that the leftists are using that “insurrection” claim against is Madison Cawthorne, the young, rock-ribbed conservative congressman from North Carolina. He, like all members of Congress, has to run for re-election in 2022 A.D. and the Left, rather than trying to defeat him at the ballot box, was trying to beat him in the courts, claiming that, WRAL reports, Cawthorne engaged in insurrection by firing up the protesters. Well, Cawthorne filed a motion to dismiss, a motion that the federal district court judge agreed with. According to WRAL: “Chief District Court Judge Richard Myers said he couldn’t allow the challenge, filed by attorneys looking to label the first-term Republican as an insurrectionist who should be legally barred from the ballot, to move forward. The courts, Myers said, must protect the soapbox, the ballot box and the jury box.” Cawthorne was quick to announce the massive victory on Twitter, saying “HUGE VICTORY! The Left’s lawfare tactics have failed. On to re-election!” Cawthorne’s win isn’t just a win for his re-election campaign, but a win for all Republicans involved in the pre-trespass in the Capitol part of the January 6th Stop the Steal rally. Now, those who the Left tries to stop from running by claiming insurrection have a legal ruling to point to; thanks to Judge Myers, they have good cause to argue [quite reasonably] that giving a speech to protesters isn’t insurrection and if Democrats want to kick conservative firebrands out of office, they’ll need to do so at the ballot box, not the courtroom', 'Ohio University to pay HUGE SUM After Professor was PUNISHED for Misgendering Student! A public university in Ohio will pay $400,000 in damages and attorney fees after punishing a professor for declining a male student's demand to be referred to as a female. Nick Meriwether, a philosophy professor at Shawnee State University, responded to a male student's question during a January 2018 political philosophy class by saying "Yes, sir." When the class ended, the student identified to the professor as transgender, & demanded to be referred to as a woman in the future, along with "feminine titles and pronouns," according to the Alliance Defending Freedom, which represented the professor in court. Doing so, Meriwether maintained, would have violated his convictions as a Christian. Meriwether didn't agree to the student's request, and court documents state that the student became belligerent and told the professor that he would be fired. The student filed a complaint with the university, launching an investigation which eventually determined that Meriwether "effectively created a hostile environment" for the student because he would not use the preferred pronouns. Meriwether did offer to call the student by any name requested, but the student did not accept the offer. Shawnee State University would then place a written warning in Meriwether's personnel file, which stated that "further corrective actions" would be taken if a similar incident occurred. The professor sued Shawnee State University, claiming that it violated his "right to free exercise of religion under the First Amendment." In March 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit ruled in favor of Meriwether, reversing a district court’s prior dismissal of the lawsuit and allowing the professor to continue his lawsuit against the university. Alliance Defending Freedom announced on 04/14/2022 A.D. that it reached a $400,000 settlement with Shawnee State University, which will cover damages and attorney fees. Shawnee State University will also rescind the written warning to Meriwether in June 2018. Tyson Langhofer Ofer, senior council for Alliance Defending Freedom, said that Meriwether "defended his freedom to speak." "Dr. Meriwether rightly defended his freedom to speak and stay silent, and not conform to the university’s demand for uniformity of thought. We commend the university for ultimately agreeing to do the right thing, in keeping with its reason for existence as a marketplace of ideas," Langhofer said', '10.3 Million Dollars RETRIBUTION For Workers Fired During Plandemic Not Covered By Media! During the worst part of the covid-19 plandemic, healthcare workers who kept working and trying to save lives were hailed as heroes. Then, after the vaccine came out, the government and some employers turned on some of those heroes who refused to be vaccinated for religious reasons. Those healthcare workers sued and just reached a multi-million-dollar settlement in their favor. More than 500 current and former healthcare workers who were unlawfully discriminated against and denied religious exemptions from the COVID shot mandate at Chicago’s NorthShore University HealthSystem sued their employer. The parties just agreed to a multimillion-dollar settlement, reports The Defender. Last fall, the class action lawsuit was filed against Northshore, after it “ordered all of its 18,000 employees, contractors and volunteers to receive a full dose of an approved Covid-19 vaccine by the end of October 2021, or face termination,” reports the Cook County Record. If the federal Northern District Court of Illinois agrees with the settlement, “NorthShore will pay $10,337,500 to compensate these healthcare employees who were victims of religious discrimination, and who were punished for their religious beliefs against taking an injection associated with aborted fetal cells,” The Defender says. The healthcare workers who refused the vaccine could stand to get $25,000 each and could be eligible to get their jobs back. But the Christians received only $3,000, unfortunately. Attorneys for the plaintiffs, from the nonprofit Liberty Counsel, “said the settlement was ‘the first of its kind in the nation,’ and should stand as a ‘strong warning’ to employers who turn deaf ears to religious objectors to workplace Covid vaccine mandates,” reports the Cook County Record. “This settlement should be a wake-up call to every employer that did not accommodate or exempt employees who opposed the Covid shots for religious reasons,” said Liberty Counsel founder and chairman Mat Staver. As part of the settlement, Northshore will no longer be allowed to discriminate against employees who are unvaccinated due to their religious beliefs. What a great result! It was so obvious that what the government and so many employers did to those heroic healthcare workers was wrong and it’s great that those people stood up against them. It should be noted that this story is nowhere to be found in the mainstream media at the time Next News Network reported it', 'TICK TOCK: Judge Hands Trump HUGE WIN as DOJ Given Affidavit ULTIMATUM! This is big news, folks. The Department of Injustice has just been given one week to submit any proposed redactions before a federal judge potentially hands President Donald John Trump a huge victory in the ongoing witch hunt against him. The Department of Justice/Injustice has been given one week to submit proposed redactions before a federal judge hand Trump a huge win by unsealing the affidavit connected to the raid of his Mar-a-Lago home. According to the Post Millennial, federal Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart, Epstein’s former lawyer, will unseal several documents related to the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation} raid at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence following the hearing on 08/18/2022 A.D. The affidavit would contain the reasoning as to why the government conducted the search on Trump’s home. According to War Room reporter Jayne Zirkle, Reinhart will be unsealing the Department of Injustice’s motion to seal the warrant documents, an order granting the sealing request, and a criminal cover sheet from the warrant application. According to Fox News, the entire affidavit sought in the case will not be sealed, with Judge Reinhart giving federal authorities 1 week to submit proposed redactions. He will then review the document and decide whether or not to release it if he agrees with the redactions or hold a closed meeting with the government if he disagrees. As we previously reported, Trump has called for the unsealing of the affidavit, writing on Truth Social, “There is no way to justify the unannounced RAID of Mar-a-Lago, the home of the 45th President of the United States {who got more votes, by far, than any sitting President in the history of our Country!}, by a very large number of gun-toting FBI Agents, and the Department of ‘Justice.’ But, in the interest of TRANSPARENCY, I call for the immediate release of the completely Unredacted Affidavit pertaining to this horrible and shocking BREAK-IN.” Next week we may finally have some answers as to why exactly why the government conducted the search on Trump’s home', etc.], Winning/Success [winning FAIRLY, 'winning fair & square', honest winning, anti-psychological winning, 'RED TSUNAMI? REPUBLICANS FAR OUTPACING DEMOCRATS IN NEW VOTER REGISTRATIONS IN STATES THAT COUNT! Here is some very encouraging news. Americans are fed up pissed off and ready to do something about it. These numbers from important states are a sign of a potential blowout in the 2022 midterms. The American people are engaged and paying attention which will make it very hard for the Democrats to duplicate their "Theft of the Century" in these upcoming elections. Have faith and keep fighting! We will win in the end... If what transpired in 2020 A.D. happens again in 2022 A.D., more than 100 million ARMED Americans aren’t gonna sit by & watch as their right to a “free & fair” election goes to the ash heap of history!! Just be cautiously optimistic, like Josh Bernstein, that we don’t have to deal with that scenario because of some NEW information that has come out. Republicans {anti-RINO types hopefully} are outpacing Democrats in filling a VERY important position at the state level & that is a precinct committee member that does a lot of different things: they have the right to lobby state legislatures for important legislature, they do voter registration drives, they knock on doors, they make phone calls, they register people & get them ready to voter for the election. So precinct committee members are a VERY important position & they are FAR outpacing Democrats in people being civically active & becoming precinct committee members for the Republican Party in Indiana, Florida, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, Minnesota, Virginia, Ohio, Arizona, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Montana, New-Jersey, South-Carolina, North-Carolina, New-Hampshire, & Maine. They are getting closer {not winning yet} in states that are usually competitive such as Nevada, Colorado, & even in New-Mexico. Although these developments don’t necessarily translate into Republican victories &/or any type of red tsunami or midterm destruction of both the tyrannical Democrats & the radical Marxist Left or anything like that, they DO show that MANY Americans& the Right are ALL fed up, they are getting involved in this process, they saw what happened in 2020 A.D. & they NEVER, EVER want to see that happen again in 2022 A.D. And so, they are volunteering EVEN MORE, they are doing phone-banking, they are registering voters & they are becoming precinct committee members & running for office at the same time at the state& federal level because they understand that America is on THE LINE in 2022 A.D. as it was in 2020 A.D. & 2016 A.D. & as it will be in 2024 A.D. because the Left are NEVER gonna stop threatening our freedom, liberty & prosperity!! This DOESN’T guarantee increase in turn out, but this NEXT development is a VERY good gage of not just civic activism but also the temperature & feel of the national electorate when is comes to how satisfied or dissatisfied they are with they current elected officials. New voter registration for Republicans, people that have NOW decided to register to vote & getting ready for the 2022 A.D. midterms {both the primaries on 05/17/2022 A.D. & the general election on 11/08/2022 A.D.}. The Republicans are FAR OUTPACING the Democrats & the Left on MANY important states, including many swing states like Florida, Pennsylvania, North-Carolina, Iowa, Oklahoma, Texas, Nevada, & in VERY deep-blue states where there is MASSIVE voter fraud & mail-in ballots only {California (where democrats just lost 89,008 registered voters &Republicans gained 130,256 registered voters), Colorado (Republicans gained 12,786 registered voters while Democrats LOST 49,717 registered voters), etc.}. What does this tell us? When Republicans are gaining & doing well in REALLY deep-blue states, that means that they’re doing EVEN BETTER in swing states & even MORE incredible in pretty red states too. It means that the disaster of this fraudulent Biden regime & the theft of Americans’ right to a “free & fair” election & the mandates, Talibanistan, Ukraine, increasing gas & food prices & inflation are what made Americans ticked off & rightfully so & Republicans are engaged in the process. And if Democrats try to cheat this time, it’s gonna be A LOT HARDER to cheat with these types of numbers moving forward & are gonna get EVEN BIGGER the closer we get to the 11/08/2022 A.D. midterm elections', 'On 08/16/2022 A.D., RINO Congresswoman Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney was defeated in her Wyoming primary by Trump-backed candidate Harriet Hageman. According to The Daily Wire, With more than 95% of the votes counted, Hageman secured greater than 66% of the vote while Cheney was only at 28.9%. USA President Donald John Trump reacted to the Wyoming primary in a TRUTH post, writing, “Congratulations to Harriet Hageman on her great and very decisive WIN in Wyoming,” Trump wrote on social media. “This is a wonderful result for America, and a complete rebuke of the Unselect Committee of political Hacks and Thugs. Liz Cheney should be ashamed of herself, the way she acted, and her spiteful, sanctimonious words and actions towards others. Now she can finally disappear into the depths of political oblivion where, I am sure, she will be much happier than she is right now. Thank you, WYOMING!” Executive Producer and Lead Anchor for Next News Network, Gary Franchi, notes that when he and his wife Angie met Harriet Hageman at the Mar-a-Lago Candidate Forum in February 2022 A.D., “we knew she would be a great congresswoman.”', 'YES! Murkowski TERRIFIED After Trump’s Pick Tshibaka Moves Closer to ENDING Her RINO Reign FOREVER! Current-Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski {RINO} will be facing off against Trump-backed candidate Kelly Tshibaka and 2 other candidates in the state’s Senate general election in November 2022 A.D. after 08/16/2022 A.D.’s ranked-choice election. Murkowski had 43.7% of the votes counted compared to Tshibaka’s 40.4%, with 323 of 402 precincts reporting on Tuesday night. In ranked-choice elections, “voters identify a first choice on their ballots, then rank the other candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority of first-choice votes on the first count, the election moves to an instant runoff. The candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated, and ballots cast for that candidate are recast for the voter’s second choice. The process repeats until a candidate reaches a majority.” However, according to NBC News’ Mark Murray, it might take until December to determine a winner due to the state’s voting process. Lead Anchor and Executive Producer for Next News Network, Gary Franchi, notes that he and his wife Angie met Kelly at Mar-A-Lago’s candidate forum in February 2022. “As soon as we met her, we knew she was the candidate who could defeat Lisa Merkowski. As a result, we sponsored a fundraising event for her at Trump Tower Chicago in June 2022 A.D.,” Franchi said', 'UNWOKE WIN: Top Gun: Maverick Sets its sights on Marvel’s Record! The unwoke blockbuster that Hollywood should be taking its cues from, Top Gun: Maverick, continues to be a box office hit, and is closely closing up to one of Marvel Studios top grossing films of all time. Maverick has just overtaken Titanic to become the seventh highest grossing movie of all time with 662 million dollars to-date in sales. Maverick now has his aim trained in onto the next target on the list. In its 12th weekend of release, Paramount's blockbuster "Top Gun: Maverick" surprised most people by placing second. Adding $7.1 million over the weekend, the action sequel has now earned $673.8 million domestically. "Maverick" is roughly $5 million away from dethroning Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War" as the sixth-highest-grossing movie in domestic history. There is a specific reason Maverick is doing so well, and anyone who has seen it knows the answer. Red State writes. There is no doubt that INFINITY WAR was a monumental achievement. In one perfectly executed movie, Walt Disney/Marvel created characters, arranged storylines, and pushed the limits of computer animation. Compared to MAVERICK, it is a humble film, but people are willing to pay for it. The reason for this is that MAVERICK is the diamond in the rough. A rose among thorns. In the midst of a hot, stuffy room, it’s like a breath of fresh air. MAVERICK was a welcome return to normalcy after years of Hollywood pushing “the message” down our throats. There was no preaching or pandering. Great acting and cinematography made this a solid tale. The movie reminded us that movies can be good. It appears that the American people we’re ready for a really good sequel. The movie didn’t try to pander to anything. It stuck to the original storyline and it delivered action-packed scenes and top-notch acting. There were no overt or subtle social inputs from the WOKE mob. They stuck to making a movie and skipped the pandering nonsense', 'SHE'S BACK! Sarah Palin Returns After Jaw-Dropping Race, Advances to House General Election! In Alaska's sole House race, former Republican governor Sarah Palin has advanced to the general election, according to multiple outlets. Along with Democrat Mary Peltola, Republican Nick Begich will also advance to the state's ranked-choice ballot. Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee, has advanced to the general election in the state’s sole House race, multiple outlets have projected. Palin will face Democrat Mary Peltola and two other candidates. Sarah Palin is back, and she might be here to stay! Former Republican Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has advanced to the general election in the state’s sole House race, multiple outlets have projected. Republican Nick Begich and another candidate will also advance along with Democrat Mary Peltola to make the state’s ranked-choice ballot. The House race and special election were placed side by side on 08/16/2022 A.D.’s Alaska ballot as part of a special election to replace the remainder of Rep. Don Young’s term. Young died in March 2022 A.D. at the age of 88. As The Daily Wire previously reported, Young had served in Congress since 1973, making him the longest-serving member of the House. The special election ballot followed a June special election primary that saw 48 contenders for the state’s only House seat. Palin’s battle to return to politics following a 13-year gap led to her becoming one of the final Republicans along with one Democrat to face off in Tuesday’s ranked-choice vote. The winner of the ranked-choice special election is not yet known. Results may not be completed until as late as August 31st, 2022 A.D. The ranked-choice system is a first for the state. Alaska’s voters approved the new method by a ballot measure in 2020. In addition to Palin advancing, both Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski and GOP challenger Kelly Tshibaka are projected to advance to the November ballot. The 2 leaders are among the top 4 that will advance among the race’s 18 primary candidates. Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney is out, and Sarah Palin could be in. We’re seeing Americans discard RINOs for real conservatives and it could be an indicator that the red wave is going to be massive in the 2024 elections', etc.], Open-Mindedness, Mantra ['Reverse ALL of the Left's mantras & that of the elites & Democrats, for they're no better than the romans of pre-Constantine & post-Constantine eras & the days before & after the age of the 5 good emperors', etc.], Legitimacy, Unity, Protocols, Science [protecting the unborn', studying about sex & gender', 'Opposing national lockdowns', 'Nuclear energy', studying about crime & police use-of-force statistics', 'The planet gets warming & cooler BYITSELF, & it has NOTHING to do with humans or machinery or manufacturing; it is ALL natural& it has been happening for BILLIONS of years! America was BUILT on the industrial revolution, it STARTED everything & grew everything {from the trains, to the planes, to the cars & combustible engines, to equipment, to trucking} & that’s what built America into the powerhouse. There is NO such thing as global warming & the Left know that & they called it “climate change”, which DOESN’T make any sense EITHER. The bottomline is that global warming & global cooling are NATURAL & NOT man-made!!', etc.], Religion [Thanksgiving & Christmas are the holidays to give thanks to God for the blessings that He has done & given you. Christmas is celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. These 2 holidays revolve around our faith. Love God instead of loving power], 'Get away with it', Diktat, Inquiry, Softness [having a soft heart, but always getting SUPER tough on ALL crime, including organized crime], Diversity [Telling America's schools that you & I want Diversity of Thought in education', Diversity of citizenship, etc.], Freedom/Liberty, Honor/Honorable, Willfulness/Willingness, Gentrification, "right time, right place & right person", Punitive, Moral Compass [traditional Western & Judeo-Christian categories of good & evil', 'evaluating people and nations on the basis of right and wrong or good and evil' & 'judging people’s actions by the same moral yardstick–that of good & evil], Coincidence, Friendship [friendship with God & Heaven], Dependence / Reliability [depended on God /Jesus Christ & NOT government', 'relying on God & not people', 'You cannot live without God & you cannot live independently of God', 'If we abide in God / Jesus Christ & make Him our sufficiency, we will never struggle to be fruitful', etc.], Independence [independence from tyranny & governments {especially tyrannical/ socialist /communist governments /countries}', Energy Independence, etc.], Traditions/Culture [traditionally festive Christmas& Thanksgiving holidays], Boldness/Daring/Guts, 50-50 [when it comes to splitting the money for an equal amount of money to share, fair & square in fact], Desire, Trust [trusting in God & not your own feelings/emotions], Reset [resetting America back to the way the Right & the Founding Fathers want', 'FORCING the Washington DC politicians to listen to us {the Right & the American People}', 'defying ALL of these unconstitutional edicts & orders from liberal/leftist/Democratic governors/mayors’, ‘There are many things that the military should be focusing on instead of trying to become woke: how about getting REAL Americans back who are abandoned behind enemy line in Afghanistan?! Not to mention getting RID of the lack of focus!! Our military is supposed to be about protecting us Americans & NOT becoming a social experiment', etc.], Populace, Normalcy, 'Force of Good/Will, Shadow Government, Coup/Conspiracy, Science, Mathematics, 25th-Amendment, Benefit, Control [keeping government from getting out of the Right’s control', 'I wish that God /Jesus Christ has better, STRONGER, GREATER control over mankind than Satan/Lucifer& earthly rogue/tyrannical/out-of-control/corrupt governments ever would', 'All the member from& all branches of the military, that refuse to take the covid shots, should all go back to their respected states & start militias, find people & TRAIN them, because what we need is a ROBUST militias ready & able to do what needs to be done if & when the time comes', 'Democrats can NEVER be in power, because they can NEVER be trusted in power, they will be nothing but lie, cheat, steal & abuse that power, they are the TRUE insurrectionists in America,& they need to be DEMOLISHED, DESTROYED & DEFEATED POLITICALLY so that they can NEVER, EVER remain in power!! And so We’ve gotta BREAK that, we’ve gotta show everybody that we can survive & move on without being locked down, without being muzzled, without being vaccinated against our will, we will continue to fight back. If they are to remain in power past 2022 A.D., they will then pass UNIVERSAL main-in voting in ALL the other states!! So far, California is now the 8th state that has this. The bottom line is that it MUST BE DEFEATED: that means MAGA supporters, Trump-supporters, America-Firsters, libertarians, Constitutionalists, True Conservatives, and limited Government patriots are the ones that need to work the elections. We are the ones that need to be running for these positions. We’re the ones that have to be in control, because if they’re in control then our freedom is gonna suffer', etc.], Infiltration [We, the Right, have to infiltrate the same way the Left have done to us as PAYBACK!!', 'We must take America BACK from the Left', 'LET'S DO A TEST RUN: HOW TO STOPTHE DEMOCRATIC PARTY FROM CHEATING IN ELECTIONS...JOIN THEM! Democrats have been recruiting other Democrats to run as Republicans, win & then try to GOVERN as Democrats. How can we, the Right, get both Democrats &RINOs a piece of their OWN medicine? If you allow too much of a majority in the House & Senate, & the state legislature, we need a TEST MARKET {perhaps in California, New-York, Oregon, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, Washington state, Nevada & other blue states that we know are NEVER gonna turn red, even if I pray to God for that to happen because there are TOO MANY liberals & too dominate by Democrats & RINOs}, go to the blue states that we conservatives will NEVER win, & tell Republicans in the state party to run Republicans as Democrats; also known as operation DINO {Democrat in Name Only}. Instead of Democrats & liberal/leftists running Democrats as Republicans, why don’t we run Republicans as Democrats? Perhaps, it would STOP the stealing of elections & stop Democrats from cheating, because they’ve been DOING THIS operation RINO {Republican in Name Only} for DECADES & NUMEROUS election cycles!! This is how they TAINTED the Republican Party & sabotaged the conservative wings of the Republican Party!! We’ve GOT to PUSH THEM BACK HARDER & FASTER!! If you’re in California or New-York or ANY other blue state & part of the Republican Party, START RECRUITING Republicans to run as Democrats because democrats & leftist & other evil humans of True-Earth Prime’s planet earth ALL stick together!! Why don’t we elect FAKE Democrats that are actually real/true conservatives / Republicans & then governor as conservatives Because there is NO OTHER WAY to stop the Left’s culture of “running Democrats as Republicans & governing as Democrats”!!', etc.], First Amendment, Life, Choice/Decision [making tough/hard decisions, 'Days After Roe Overturned, SCOTUS Drops Bombshell Decision! The Supreme Court has issued another decision, this one involving the right of a football coach to pray after a public school sporting event. This decision promises to re-ignite the debate between religious freedom and the separation of church and state. Joseph Kennedy, a former Washington state high school football coach in the Bremerton School District sued the district after he was told he could not pray on the field after football games. At the end of each game, he had been taking a knee at the 50-yard line to pray with any interested members of both teams. The school district told him he was not allowed to do that, and he complied for a while. Ultimately he decided it was something he had to fight, and he ultimately lost his job because of it, by not reapplying after the 2015 season amid poor performance evaluations. He ended up taking his fight all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States. And he won. Central issues in the case were “whether a public-school employee who says a brief, quiet prayer by himself while at school and visible to students is engaged in government speech that lacks any First Amendment protection” and “whether, assuming that such religious expression is private and protected by the Free Speech and Free Exercise Clauses, the Establishment Clause nevertheless compels public schools to prohibit it.” The school district argued that students on the football team looked up to their coach and felt coerced into doing as he did, reports NBC News. They said that the coach’s actions amounted to government action. The lower courts ruled that the coach was acting in his official capacity as a public school employee so his actions were not protected free speech. They cited Supreme Court precedent that said “when public employees act in their official capacities, they are speaking more for the government than for themselves,” NBC News said. The Supreme Court, in a rather scathing opinion, criticized the lower court’s decision saying it was “egregiously wrong and squarely conflicts with this court’s precedents.” The High Court said that what Coach Kennedy did in prayer was not part of his duties as a school employee and coach of the football team, at which time his right to free speech would have had restrictions. It explained that “…Kennedy’s prayer, involved taking a few moments for brief, personal expression at a time when all manner of other brief, personal activities were permissible. Those acts of personal devotion were manifestly not part of Kennedy’s duties as a coach, any more than if Kennedy had taken those same roughly 30 seconds to “call home or make a reservation for dinner at a local restaurant.” In a nutshell, the Supreme Court held 6-3 that Coach Kennedy had the right to do as he did, and pray after the school game', etc.], Words, Testimonies, Congregation, Timing, Calculating, Understanding, Interpretation, Incitement, Punishment [the punishment for ALL sin is death', 'The punishment for gossiping & tell lies is suffering', etc.], 'being anti-racism', Perspective, Truth, Good Intentions, Game Plan, Human Rights, Reconciliation, Justice, Humanity, Inclusion, Equity, Words/Definitions, Neutrality [meaning 'keeping the supreme court & Washington DC neutral in both God's eyes & that of the Right', & 'keeping the Intel community, medical community, scientific community & academia community anti-woke, anti-crime, etc.' for example], Session [We, the Right, need to have a virtual session because the TRUE racists are the Left & the Democratic Party; THOSE are the true racists & they are ALL racist, & it’s DISGUSTING & ABHORANT!! What EVER happen to treating everybody the same?!! The Left want to be DIVISIVE & it’s THEM doing it & class warfare!!! And NOW that they have the corporations HELPING them do it, it’s SICK where we’re at as a country! These people DON’T want to bargain with, they don’t want to be bipartisan, & they don’t want to share their values with us or share America with us, because our values are SO different from the FAR Extremist Radical Left & we CAN’T LIVE with them anymore. They TURNED the United-States of America into the DIVIDED States of America & THIS is the Left’s making, not the Right’s! They want communism, socialism & Marxism; while we want freedom, liberty & prosperity!! This whole “love your enemies” thing coming from Jesus Christ TRULY is nothing but an UNGODLY CRUEL & SICKLYTWISTED JOKE/FARCE!!!', 'Here are some good news! Are you ready for a nationwide Virtual Secession movement? America’s amazing, incredible, patriotic, God-loving, ‘do no harm’, American frontline doctors, the GREATEST doctors the world has ever seen, vowed to open up clinics & invite medical staff & pharmacists to join them. According to their news letter, “the AFLDS is opening its1st medical clinic in the coming months with many more planned shortly thereafter. Across our great nation, doctors, nurses, & pharmacists who have their rights STRIPPED away by corrupt state & government actors were here to stand up for your rights to practice to safe & affective medicines & service your patients. The time is now to band together to take action & defense of our USA Constitutional medical rights. AFLDS is opening its 1st medical clinic in the coming months with many more planned & it’s in Florida. Join us to practice medicine & nursing, both ethically & honorably. Protect your patients community & your country. Pharmacists, you are the sacred gatekeepers between doctor & patient. If practicing good medicine means MORE to you than bowing to corporate Big Pharma mandates, join the wait list now!” We DON’T want to live under the Left’s tyranny & that of Big Pharma', etc.], Healing, Orthodoxy, Libertarianism, Truism [a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new], Indictment, Goodness, Wisdom [NEVER outsmarting God {who created the WHOLE universe/omniverse} or the Right, but ALWAYS trust God {ONLY} & obey him, 'siding with & trusting the wisdoms of God & NOT that of the world {True-Earth Prime's planet earth}', etc.], Context, like-mindedness, Saints, Right Time/Place, 'awarding/rewarding people', curriculum, Language, Guidance/Leadership, Conversations / Communications, Bipartisanship, "See something, say something", Insight, Inspiration, Persistence [with the power of God, remain persistent AGAINST the persistence/attacks of Satan], 'going green / saving the planet', 'saving/restoring/preserving wildlife & animals', Generosity/Charity, the Light/Life, Reforming, Patriotic/Constitutional Duty, Infrastructure, Engineering, Passion/Compassion, Emotion, Bipartisan, Saving, Appearance, Abolition [abolishing abortion, abolishing slavery, abolishing voter fraud, abolishing mail-in-voting, abolishing deception, abolishing propaganda, abolishing indoctrination {including critical race theory, critical pace theory, 'self-hatred', etc.}, abolishing Kangaroo Courts {including the 2-teir/3-teir justice system}, abolishing the fear of man/government, abolishing Satanism & idolatry, abolishing the evil {including fear, lust, ignorance, etc.}, abolishing Anti-Semitism, 'getting politics & race & wokeness out of sports, science, issues, schools, corporations, etc.', Abolishing the ATF {Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives}, 'We need to call Dish Network, Com Cast, DirecTV, etc. to DROP Disney Channel, Disney Plus, & Disney Jr. & to get RID of all the Disney movies/shows', '‘DEFUND THE FBI’: GOP Unleashes on the DOJ after Mar-a-Lago Raid! After former President Trump's Mar-a-Lago home in Florida was raided by FBI agents, Republicans are slamming the Biden regime and accusing the Department of Injustice of "political weaponization," while Democrats are lauding the agency for holding Trump accountable for "wrongdoing." Multiple sources tell Fox News the FBI's raid of Mar-a-Lago is related to the materials Trump allegedly brought to his private residence after his presidency concluded. That matter was referred to the Injustice Department by the National Archives and Records Administration, which said it found classified material in 15 boxes at the residence. House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy {the RINO of California} issued a warning to Attorney General Merrick Garland that extensive oversight by Republicans in Congress will be heading his way. South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem blasted Biden's FBI, calling the agency's actions "un-American" in a statement posted to Twitter in the evening of 08/08/2022 A.D. Congressional Republicans also took to Twitter, criticizing the FBI's "unprecedented" raid. GOP Rep. Jim Banks of Indiana mentioned the $739 billion Manchin-Schumer bill that just passed the senate, which expanded the IRS, in his rebuke of the FBI's action. Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel called the raid "outrageous."', ''Rand Paul Wants to Repeal the Espionage Act… Here’s Why That Matters! Sen. Rand Paul has long been an outspoken critic of the Espionage Act, and he is now calling for its repeal.” The Espionage Act was passed in 1917, in the midst of World War I, and it criminalized the sharing of information that could be used to interfere with the war effort. The act was later amended to include a provision that made it a crime to “conspire” to violate the act, which has led to its use in prosecuting whistleblowers and others who have spoken out against government actions. Paul argues that the Espionage Act violates Americans’ First Amendment rights and should be repealed. He also points to the fact that some of the most famous whistleblowers in American history, including Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden, have been prosecuted under the act. The Justice/Injustice Department is claiming Trump “violated” the Espionage Act after Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland approved a raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. Sen. Rand Paul wants the Espionage Act repealed, claiming it has been abused since WWI to jail dissenters. Paul said it’s “long past time to repeal this egregious affront to the 1st Amendment.” In addition, Paul linked to an article by former Libertarian Party presidential candidate Jacob Hornberger, who called the Espionage Act a “tyrannical law.” The senator has been a longtime Trump supporter, repeatedly hitting back at Democrats. Several infamous spies have been prosecuted under the Espionage Act, including Robert Hanssen and used for the criminal indictment of Journalist Julian Assange. Espionage Act charges have been the subject of countless disapprovals, with many claiming that a defense is nearly impossible. Gov. Larry Hogan, meanwhile, called the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation} search “politically motivated.” As Trump is expected to announce his presidential campaign in a few weeks, this could be a potential win for him. Trump also made a statement about the alleged documents. According to Fox News, Trump said on Truth Social that the documents taken by federal agents were “all declassified.” “Number one, it was all declassified. Number two, they didn’t need to ‘seize’ anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request…” Trump said. “They could have had it anytime they wanted—and that includes LONG ago. ALL THEY HAD TO DO WAS ASK. The bigger problem is, what are they going to do with the 33 million pages of documents, many of which are classified, that tyrant Obama took to Chicago?” While Paul’s call for reform is unlikely to gain much traction in the current political climate, his argument underscores the need for a more balanced approach to national security, and an end to the countless abuses of this law, especially now if they plan to use this against former President Donald Trump', 'A bill to disarm & abolish the Internal Revenue Service was introduced on July 1st, 2022 A.D. by GOP Congressman Matt Gaetz. According to Gaetz, the IRS purchases ammunition worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Rep. Jeff Duncan {R-South-Carolina} cosponsored the Disarm the IRS Act, and he also tweeted that the IRS has ammunition stockpiled', 'conservatives calling for the complete shutdown of the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation}', etc.], "In the Name of”, Requests, Deforming [deforming America & its cities & systems/foundations/institutions of both crime & sin {including liberalism, leftism, stupidity, egotism, socialism, communism, lying, deception, voter-fraud, indoctrination, mind-control, infiltration, plotting/scheming, etc.}], Preparedness [like 'being prepared to meet God & the second coming of Jesus Christ. God takes the things that humans & spiritual beings watch VERY SERIOUSLY. Your works WILL be tested by fire & your secret/hidden actions/thoughts WILL be brought to the limelight. It'll be disastrous to meet God & his judgement unprepared', etc.], Service, 'Weapons of Choice', Pure [meaning pure goodness/light, pure godliness, etc.], Positivity, Negativity [saying things negative about the vaccines & the mask mandates], Celebrations, Choices / Decisions, Personality [like the personality of both God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit], Truce, the system, Charisma, Apostasy [abandoning the Left's own religious / political belief, while NOT abandoning God or the Right's religious / political belief], hard work, Good/Goodness, Natural, Expectations, Worldview, Happiness, Benefits, Benefitting / Profiting, Immunity [Herd Immunity, 'trying to be immune to evil & being deceived', 'trying not to be bought & paid-for', Ignorance Immunity, & Natural Immunity], Ministry, 'Being Good at Things', News Coverage, Unbias, Subordination [submitting ONLY to God / Jesus Christ], Insubordination [resisting both Satan & the tyrannical / Marxist Left & corrupt / 2-faced politicians / bureaucrats], Thankfulness, Gratitude, Dogma, Publishing / Publications, Committees, semantics, Science [looking at the real data from REAL scientists & not from fake science or fake scientists], Worship [worshipping God & nor government or fake science], Espionage Act, Belief [believe the Holy Bible & nothing but the Holy Bible], Emboldening, Attitudes, Gender [there is ONLY 2 genders, nothing more. Gender is NOT emotional, nor psychological. It is BIOLOGICAL], Bail Laws, New Bloods, Policing, Viewing, Credentials / Diplomas / Endorsem*nts, Christmas Spirit, Nationalization, Privilege, Actively, Conservation, Overcoming, Compliance, 'the best', investigations, Incentives, 'making sure', Preserving, Union, 'the right way/path/door', contentment, Elections/Voting, compassion, open-mindedness, level-headedness, Rulings ['General Electric has SUSPENDED vaccine requirements or testing requirements on 01/14/2022 A.D. after the Supreme Court struck down Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden’s OSHA mandates', 'KEEP FIGHTING: WE BEAT THEM IN COURT AND IF WE BEAT THEM IN CONGRESS WE WILL BEAT THEM IN 2022 A.D.! As I predicted as early as October 2021 A.D. and as recent as Jan 8th, 2022 A.D.'s Livestream the Supreme Court blocked the OSHA Mandate. However, in a somewhat more surprising move they let stand the mandate or test for Federal Workers? But this might be a blessing in disguise. The good news is that as Josh Bernstein predicted back in 01/08/2022 A.D., the Supreme Court would follow the 6th Circuit Court’s decision & SHOOT DOWN the OSHA {Occupational Safety and Health Administration} mandate. But he was quite surprised that they held the federal mandate for federal workers, which was kind a strange because John Robert & Brett Michael Kavanaugh AREN’T conservatives. Thankfully, Amy Coney Barrett was someone who DID THE RIGHT THING because she was “the big unknown” & she hasn’t been on the court for very long. But did they REALLY uphold the federal mandate for federal workers? NOT REALLY, because they know that it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL because of a 2-letter word called “or”!! So what does this mean for the 2 million federal workers?? I guess it depends on the individual worker to be quite honest on how much they want to be annoyed as of whether or not they’re gonna continue working for the federal government, because they DON’T have to be vaccinated & there are many federal workers that understand the dangers of these jabs &, therefore, they’re NOT gonna do it under any circ*mstances, & God Bless them for making that decision. But they’re gonna be ANNOYED & harassed with these STUPID TESTS, because these stupid tests DON’T WORK anyway! My hope is that these federal workers decide “you know what?! I don’t wanna do this anymore, I’m done, I’m clearing out my desk, I’m QUITTING the federal government, I’m not working for it anymore, I’m NOT gonna be dictated by the federal government!! And instead, I’m gonna join the private sector where they STILL believe in freedom!” And anytime we can SHRINK the bureaucracy & get rid of the size & bloated amount of people that work FOR the federal government, I’m happy! For this could work out in a POSITIVE way, because this could end up SHRINKING the federal government', 'Mideast Group Member Trying To Get Into US Just Got Bad News From the SCOTUS! The U.S. Supreme Court has refused to hear the appeal of a woman who left home in Alabama to join the Islamic State terror group called ISIS, but then decided she wanted to return to the United States. The justices declined without comment on 01/10/2022 A.D. to consider the appeal of Hoda Muthana, who was born in New Jersey in October 1994 A.D. to a diplomat from Yemen and grew up in Alabama near Birmingham. Muthana left the U.S. to join the Islamic State in 2014, apparently after becoming radicalized online. While she was overseas the government determined she was not a U.S. citizen and revoked her passport, citing her father’s status as a diplomat at the time of her birth. Her family sued to enable her return to the United States. A federal judge ruled in 2019 that the U.S. government correctly determined Muthana wasn’t a U.S. citizen despite her birth in the country. Children of diplomats aren’t entitled to birthright citizenship. The family’s lawyers appealed, arguing that her father’s status as a diplomat assigned to the U.N. had ended before her birth, making her automatically a citizen. Muthana surrendered to U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces as Islamic State fighters were losing the last of their self-declared caliphate in Iraq and Syria and going to refugee camps. Muthana said she regretted her decision to join the group and wanted to return to the U.S. with her toddler child, the son of a man she met while living with the group. The man later died. The decision to revoke her passport was made under former tyrant Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama. The case gained widespread attention as former President Donald John Trump tweeted about it, saying he had directed the secretary of state not to allow her back into the country. So if you decide to join radical Islamic terrorist groups or liberal/leftist groups, you’ve decided to reject America', 'Seconds After Judge Strikes Mask Mandate Airlines Move Quickly To CELEBRATE! 4 major U.S. airlines are ditching mask requirements after a federal judge in Florida on 04/18/2022 A.D. struck down the Biden regime's mask mandate for air passengers and others mass travelers. Several airlines, including United Airlines, Delta, Southwest Airlines and American Airlines announced that they were dropping the mask requirements for passengers and employees', 'URGENT: Supreme Court Hands Down Landmark Ruling That Has Liberals Angry! Parents have a lot of choices to make when it comes to their children’s education. Many prefer the public school system, but some prefer, and can afford, private school. Then, of course, there are private religious versus private secular schools. Because of a new Supreme Court decision, private religious schools could become more affordable. The Supreme Court has released another ruling, this one regarding the case of Carson v. Makin. That case involved a Maine law that blocked religious schools from receiving state tuition assistance allocated for private institutions. In its decision, the Court said the law “penalizes the free exercise” of religion in the state.” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote the majority opinion in the case, which was decided 6-3. He wrote that “Maine’s tuition scholarship program — which pays for some students to attend “nonsectarian” private schools when there are no public schools in their communities — ‘operates to identify and exclude otherwise eligible schools on the basis of their religious exercise,'” reports The New York Post. One person likes the ruling, tweeting: “A big win for children, in a 6 – 3 ruling the Supreme Court strikes down a Maine law which prohibited parents from selecting a faith based school when exercising the state ‘school choice program’.” And they received this reply: “And then, Sonia Maria Sotomayor cried and began whining about separation of church from state. This country was founded on principles that originated in the biblical beliefs our forefathers held deeply.” The 1st US Circuit Court of Appeals had upheld Maine’s law, holding that the state did not violate the Constitution by refusing to allow taxpayer money to be used for private religious education. The majority on the Supreme Court disagreed. The ruling is only relevant to one other state, Vermont, at this time. But it could cause religious groups in rural areas to ask their legislators to implement similar tuition assistance programs in their states. This will serve to give parents more choice as to where they want their children educated. This ruling will allow parents freer choice as to where their children receive their education. If the religious private school provides a better education than the secular private school, parents can choose the better school', 'Supreme Court STRIKES Down Law That’ll Have Democrats Angry! The Supreme Court of New York struck down a New York City law that allowed non-citizens to vote. The Court ruled that the new law violated New York State election law and the Municipal Home Rule, saying it would require a referendum to pass something that would shift voting so significantly. The law was voted into place by the New York City Council in December 2021 A.D. and would have allowed any legal resident, including green card holders, in the city to vote in city elections if they have been there for 30 days. It would have gone into effect in 2023 and would have added roughly 800,000 new voters to the rolls. They would still not have been allowed to vote in state or federal elections. Following the vote, the Republican National Committee along with the New York Republican party and a large group of City Council members who voted against the legislation sued to have it canceled. This week the NY Supreme Court ruled in their favor. “Today’s decision validates those of us who can read the plain English words of our state constitution and state statutes: Noncitizen voting in New York is illegal, and shame on those who thought they could skirt the law for political gain. Opposition to this measure was bipartisan and cut across countless neighborhood and ethnic lines, yet progressives chose to ignore both our constitution and public sentiment in order to suit their aims. I commend the court in recognizing reality and reminding New York’s professional protestor class that the rule of law matters” said GOP City Council minority leader Joseph Borelli in a statement. New York City is the first major metropolis in the United States to try and allow noncitizens to vote, although over a dozen communities across the country have successfully passed similar laws. Some states like Alabama, Arizona, Colorado and Florida have passed their own laws to prevent cities from making similar moves', etc.], Better, Democracy, Republic, Sympathy, Foundation, Proclamation, Cleanup, Brazen, Contributing, Libertarianism, Emergency, Emergency Authority/Power, Termination, Sovereignty, Qualification [Based on their ability to do the job & NOT based on the skin color & the gender', etc.], Cultivating, Finest, 'having the balls', Thoughts, Dignity, Administering, expectations, milestones, Red-Flagging ['red-flagging liberals/leftist & known criminals'], Hashtags [#StopTheTrucksWorldwide, etc.], Symbiotic Relationships, Non-Partisan, Training, tough-process, 'Saving Lives', Appealing, Character, Proof/Evidence, Sophistication, Judgment, Fashion, Openess, Protectionism, Messages ['‘THIRD WORLD WAR’: Jon Voight HORRIFIES Hollywood with Message That Will Stun the Swamp! Hollywood actor and staunch conservative, Jon Voight, recently released another one of his signature videos on Twitter that will have Hollywood horrified and the swamp in panic mode. In a new, 2-minute video, actor Jon Voight condemned the FBI {Fascist Bureau of Intimidation} raid on President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home and warned that the abuse of power coming from our government will lead to a third world war. On Twitter, conservatives praised Voight for his comments. One user wrote, “Make this land great again! Thank you, Jon. May God bless America again, may He bless you @jonvoight, and God bless Donald J. Trump!” Another said, “Love you Brother. You are a man of integrity.” And this person tweeted, “You are a National Treasure!!!!!” Voight has a long-standing history of supporting our former President Donald Trump. For example, just recently, we reported that Voight called on the American people to pray for President Trump and his political future just days after the unannounced FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. Voight is a true conservative patriot. Despite the many hits he has taken in his career over his political beliefs, he refuses to back down. Some Republican lawmakers could learn a thing or 2 from him. God bless Mr. Voight', 'a Campaign ad that every single Republican Candidate should be running as an equalizer to Big Tech censorship. But what do I know? There is the BEST campaign ad out there by far of the 2022 A.D. midterm elections. It’s an ad against Chuck Schumer {D-New-York}. So to ALL people in New-York state, IGNORE Schumer & insert the word “Democrats.” Every Republican needs to take that ad & to run it in EVERY SINGLE district in EVERY SINGLE race & start IMMEDIATELY & run it against the Democrats & RINOs all the way up to 11/08/2022 A.D. And republicans are STUPID if they don’t talk that ad & run this in every single state & every single district & race for the House & Senate', 'Don’t vote early. Vote on election day morning & then return to double check to see if your vote is counted. Keep a watchful eye out on the polling stations, drop boxes, election county offices & the parking lots {to make sure that there are NO cars the out-of-state license plates} & make sure that nobody’s doing backdoor delivers of fake / early / mail-in ballots! We, the Right & the American people, have GOT to be vigilant!!', etc.], etc.)
  • Works of Mercy:
    • Doing Good[27]
    • Visiting the Sick and Prisoners[27]
    • Feeding and Clothing People[27]
    • Earning, Saving, Giving All One Can[27]
    • Opposition against Slavery[27]
    • Corporal Works of Mercy:
      • To feed the hungry.
      • To give water to the thirsty.
      • To clothe the naked.
      • To shelter the homeless.
      • To visit the sick.
      • To visit the imprisoned, or ransom the captive.[20]
      • To bury the dead.
      • To care for creation.
    • Spiritual Works of Mercy:
      • To instruct the ignorant.
      • To counsel the doubtful.
      • To admonish the sinners.
      • To bear patiently those who wrong us.
      • To forgive offenses.
      • To comfort the afflicted.
      • To pray for the living and the dead.
      • To contemplate God’s creation.
  • Transparency
  • Wholeness/Wholesomeness
  • Anti-Temptation
  • Diversity (of thought, speech & ideas) (including Sexual Diversity, etc.)
  • Non-Attachment
  • Sobriety
  • Authenticity
  • Counsel
  • Non-Governmental control/acts
  • Fear of the Lord God (including His Son Jesus Christ) / Not Fearing Humans
  • Worthiness
  • Jesuism
  • Politeness
  • Grace/Graciousness (including Social Grace, 'the Favor/Grace of God', etc.): it is the grace of God that gets us through the door & it's that that keeps us in His kingdom. God saved you & me with His Love & Grace. An we CANNOT take credit for this!
  • Good-Manners/Behavior
  • Morality (including National Morality, Sexual Morality, Fund the Children, Not the Schools: Words from Corey DeAngelis, National Director of Research at the American Federation for Children [‘Why is it that parents have so little control over where their children go to school? Unless you homeschool or send your child to a private school, you’re at the mercy of the government and the Teachers Unions. That needs to change’, ‘Fund the children, not the schools. If ever an idea’s time has come, it’s this one. What does it mean? It means parents decide where to send their children to school, not the government. A radical idea? Hardly’, ‘The federal government already gives money to college students in the form of Pell Grants. The student decides which college he or she wants to go to, not the government. The same is true with the GI Bill. The veteran decides which school he wants to give his scholarship money to, not the government. Taxpayer-funded pre-K programs such as Head Start follow the same model. Parents decide—not the government—which pre-school they want their child to attend. We don’t force low-income families to spend their food stamp dollars at government-run grocery stores. They can go anywhere they want: Walmart, Target, Safeway, or any other similar store. The time has come to apply the same logic to K through 12 education. It’s hard to believe that we haven’t done it before now. Fund the children, not the schools. The money is there’, ‘Data from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates that public schools spent about $16,000 per student in 2019. For some perspective, data from Private School Review shows that the average private school tuition is about $12,000 per student each year. So, why is K through 12 education the outlier? As we have seen, in virtually every other area of life, people choose how to spend their money—even when the money comes from the government. But for some reason, parents aren’t allowed to decide the best K through 12 school for their children. Choice is the norm for pre-K and higher education. Why not for K through 12? Well, there is a reason: It threatens a special interest. A very powerful one. The teachers’ unions. The unions argue that giving educational funds to parents “steals money” from public schools. But where did the idea come from that the funding “belongs” to the public schools in the first place? That’s right: the teachers’ unions’, ‘The truth is the opposite: public schools “steal” money from families. School choice initiatives just return the money to the hands of the intended beneficiaries of the funding—students and their parents. Allowing families to choose their grocery store doesn’t “steal” money from Safeway. Allowing families to choose their school doesn’t “steal” money from public schools. Ironically, the argument by public school advocates that school choice would “defund” public schools is an admission of failure. Given a choice, a vast number of Americans would prefer almost any other school to their local public school. But right now, there are few options for parents to express that dissatisfaction. Homeschooling is an option, but many parents believe—rightly or wrongly—that they can’t do it. A private school can be another option, but it may not be financially feasible. This gives the unions tremendous leverage. We saw how they use that leverage during the Covid crisis. After a school year of lockdowns, most private schools fought to return to in-person learning. The teachers’ unions did the opposite: they fought to stay out of the classroom’, ‘If parents had the power to say, “Bye-bye, I’m taking my child’s education dollars elsewhere,” the situation would have been much different. The teachers’ unions know this, which is why they scream bloody murder every time the word “choice” is even mentioned. Here’s the irony—you might even say tragedy. When faced with competition, public schools do, in fact, up their game. 25 of 27 studies—and the latest peer-reviewed meta-analysis on the topic—find that private school choice competition leads to better outcomes in public schools. For example, a study published in May 2021 A.D. reveals that increase competition from expanding private school choice in Florida improved academic & behavioral outcomes in nearly public schools. This is NOT advanced calculus’, ‘In every area of life & commerce, competition invariably leads to better product. Satisfied customers return while unsatified customers don’t. One silver lining of the China-originated COVID crisis is that conservative families have seen the light – the light being the need for REAL choice. A recent nationwide survey from RealClear Opinion Research found a 10-percentage point jump in support for school choice – from 64% support in April 2020 A.D. to 74% in June 2021 A.D. It’s worth nothing that support increased 11% among Democrats – 59% to 70%. How many public policy ideas have this level of support?’, ‘And here’s 1 more irony, the teachers’ unions get a BIGGER share of the credit. They overplayed their hands. In doing so, they have awakened a sleeping giant: conservative / right-leaning parents. There’s NO turning back now. Parents are demanding MORE & they deserve more. So do the kids. Fund the children, NOT the schools!!!!’], 'If you were born with a moral compass & compassion like Josh Bernstein has, then you would agree with him & the majority of the Right in America & around planet earth that the 2 most vulnerable people in ANY society that we have to take care of & to ensure that they are safe & secure are both the elderly & our kids. And when someone on the Left comes after any either of those groups or both, we as Americans & conservative parents get VERY upset & furious about that & we do something about it; we fight BACK & fight back HARD!!', 'The Alabama legislature passed legislation on 04/07/2022 A.D. criminalizing gender reassignment and other related procedures for minors, including puberty blockers and hormone treatments, with a threat of up to 10 years imprisonment', 'It is illegal in the United States to employ children. Children can start working at the age of 14 but there are a lot of restrictions surrounding hours', 'we should be focusing on 3 Common Sense reforms: 1] reduce college tuition & availability of student loan funds going forward. We have to break the vicious cycle of both ever increasing tuition & ever-increasing government loans to pay for it; 2] We should target limited relief to lower & middle class Americans who’ve been sold a bill of goods about the value of an expensive university degree, not the lawyers, accountants & bureaucrats who’ve already benefitted from the system; 3] relief should come from rich universities & NOT middle class taxpayers. Yale, for example, has a $42-billion endowment. Universities have taken an advantage of the problem & it’s time for them to contribute to the solution', 'People should have voted for the most conservative in the PRIMARIES & vote for the party from the inside-looking-out', etc.)
    • Israel: What Would You Do?: Words from David Brog (‘The first responsibility of every government is to keep its citizens safe from invasion, violence and terror. So why is it that when Israel defends itself, much of the world [controlled by the Left & the globalists] sees it as the villain?’, ‘“What would you do?” That can be a very useful question. It can be both clarifying and humbling when evaluating complex situations. To illustrate this, let’s apply it to a real-world example. In May 2021, Israel and Hamas fought a brief war in Gaza. Nearly everyone knows that Hamas started the conflict. Firing rockets into a neighboring country is the very definition of “aggression.” And Israel responded as any country under attack would. Yet many on the Left blamed Israel, not Hamas, for the violence. People on the Left are certainly entitled to criticize the Jewish state—even when it defends itself. But before you do so, ask yourself a question, the one I posed at the opening. What would you do?’, ‘So, congratulations! You have just been made Prime Minister of Israel. And Mr. [or Madam] Prime Minister, we’ve got a problem. Hamas is firing hundreds of rockets at our cities. Yes, our missile defense system is stopping most of these from hitting their targets. But many are getting through. In recent days, Hamas missiles killed an Arab-Israeli citizen and his daughter as well as a 5-year-old Jewish boy. Millions of your people have been forced into bomb shelters. The economy is shut down. Your citizens—Jews and Muslims alike—are terrified and demanding action. What are you going to do? You have 2 options: Option 1 [Do nothing. Israel is stronger than Hamas. And, therefore, people who dislike Israel will portray you as a bully if you respond. This leads to a lot of bad press. So, to avoid a PR disaster, tell your citizens to stay in their bomb shelters and hope that Hamas will run out of missiles soon] or Option 2 [Defend yourself. Use your powerful military to stop the missile fire so that your people can go back to their lives]. If you choose to defend yourself, then you’re doing what Israel does. The first responsibility of every government is to keep its citizens safe from invasion, violence, and terror’, ‘So, you’ve given the order to stop the missile fire. But wait. There’s a big problem. Hamas operates in the heart of Gaza’s densely populated cities. It stores its missiles in apartment buildings, hospitals, and schools. And it fires its missiles from residential neighborhoods. They don’t care that using civilians as human shields like this is a war crime. So stopping the missile fire will require you to strike Hamas in the heart of Gaza’s population centers. If you want to protect your citizens, you risk harming Palestinian civilians. What are you going to do? You have 2 options: Option 1 [Do nothing. The terrorists have outsmarted you by using your own morality against you; you’re trapped by your own decency. Tell your citizens to stay in their bomb shelters and hope that Hamas will run out of missiles soon] or Option 2 [Do everything possible to stop the missiles while protecting Palestinian civilians. How? Before you conduct an operation, drop thousands of leaflets warning that you’re coming. Create safe corridors for civilians to flee. And before you strike a particular building, warn every person in that building that you’re coming. Call and text their cell phones. And then make sure they've actually left]. If you chose option 2, you’re doing what Israel does. Yes, you’re giving up the element of surprise. Yes, the terrorists will most likely take their missiles and flee along with the civilians. And yes, by letting the terrorists escape to fight another day you’re endangering your own people. But this is what Israel insists upon doing in order to protect Palestinians’, ‘Unfortunately, not every country is as moral as Israel. When countries are stronger than their adversaries, they actually have a third option. Indiscriminate bombing. So you could simply BOMB Gaza without trying to limit civilian casualties. That would provide maximum protection to your soldiers & civilians & crush Hamas for a foreseeable future. That’s what Russia basically did to Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, when that Muslim province sought independence in the 1990s A.D. That’s what Hamas tries to do when it fires THOUSANDS of missile sat Israeli cities. But that choice is IMMORAL!! Israel has never & will NEVER do something like this. Nor should you Mr. [or Madam] Prime Minister’, ‘Those who make light of Hamas rockets have clearly NEVER experienced the terror of running to bomb shelters, hearing bombs bursting around you, & then frantically calling loved ones to see if they’re okay. All nations / countries have not only a right but an obligation to defend their citizens from such attacks. And the best of these nations do so while taking difficult & dangerous steps to protect innocent civilians on the other side. This is what Israel does. I hope you do the same, because the other options – such as behaving like Hamas – are simply NOT acceptable’)
    • 3 Ways to Fix America: Words from Dave Rubin, the author of “Don’t Burn This Country” (‘Something ain’t right and we all know it. Are we just gonna give up on the greatest country in the history of the world? Or are we gonna fight for freedom and a thriving future? They always tell us we’re at a once-in-a-lifetime pivotal moment. But this time, they're actually right. You know it. I know it. You know that I know it. I know that you know it. And they know that we all know it. So, what are we going to do about it?’, ‘Well, I’ve got a few ideas… 1] Be an individualist [‘The American Heritage Dictionary defines an individualist as “one that asserts individuality by independence of thought and action.” If that sounds self-centered, it is. But why is that bad? Everything in your life starts with you—our attitude, how you project yourself to the world, whether you take responsibility for your own actions. The Founders of America sought to create a government whose primary purpose was to protect the freedom of the individual. After that, as far as George Washington, Ben Franklin, and Tom Jefferson were concerned, you were on your own’, ‘Nobody saw this more clearly than the 19th-century French writer, Alexis de Tocqueville. He came to America to see what all the commotion was about and was absolutely blown away. This new American democracy—what he called, “the equality of conditions”—was not merely a new way to govern, he realized, but a new way to live. For de Tocqueville, American individualism was not about being self-centered, but about being self-reliant’, ‘Government can’t guarantee your happiness, but it should guarantee your right to pursue it. This is the only way to make progress on a national level and still be authentically inclusive. Because where true freedom exists there will be individualism, and where individualism exists there will be true freedom. But being an individualist is just the start’]; 2] You must also… Be a Family [‘There are lots of ways to measure the strength of a society. But family has to be at the top of the list. This hit me very deeply 1 night during Jordan Peterson’s worldwide lecture tour in 2019 which I hosted. Jordan and I were leaving the theatre after our show in Dublin, Ireland. 2 men ran toward us. Wiping tears from their eyes, they told us their story. They were a father and son. Several years ago, they had a huge falling out. On their own personal timelines, they had both bought Jordan’s book, “12 Rules for Life”, and began fixing up their lives’, ‘Separately, they had attended the show. As thousands of people exited the theater, they saw each other in the crowd, and—right then and there, after so much time and so much heartache—they embraced and made amends. The family bond was restored’, ‘So how important is family? According to a 2019 American Enterprise Institute survey, which asked participants to rank attributes of the American Dream, a good family life ranked number 2, right behind freedom of choice. It’s no surprise. It’s within the nurturing bonds of family we learn to deal with the world. Once you have your head screwed on straight and you’ve made things right with your family, then you’re ready to move on to the next level of real social improvement….’]; 3] Be a Community [‘There are all kinds of communities. It’s your church or synagogue. It’s your neighbors. It’s the girls you meet for brunch or the guys you play basketball with. It’s the group of people that know you and care about you. And you care about them’, ‘Next to breathing and maybe a few other things, I don’t know what’s more essential than that. When George Bailey’s brother toasts George at the end of the classic movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life”, “to the richest man in town,” we know exactly what he’s talking about—George’s community’]’, ‘Are you catching the theme here? When individuals are healthier, the family is healthier, and in turn, so is society. It’s obvious... We know it. Which is why those on the Left oppose all of it—every piece. They HATE the free-thinking individual; they denigrate the family; & they have no true understanding of community’, ‘For the Left, your identity group – your skin color, your sexual preference – determines who you are & how you think. Defy this identity at your peril. If you’re black & conservative, well, as 1 elderly man named Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden put it, “you ain’t black”. Before they scrubbed it from their website, Black Lives/Lies Matter [or should they be Beelzebub, Lucifer & Mephistopheles] bragged that they were all about deconstructing the “nuclear family” – you know, mom, dad, & the kids. As for community, it’s too independent & too traditional. The Left demands you to be apart of the collective – hive mind where everyone thinks the same. Anyone outside the hive mind must be shouted down, harassed or canceled. Is THAT the planet earth you want to be part of?’, ‘How about this instead: be an individualist, be a member of a family, & be part of a community. That’s sounds like America’)
  • Inexcusable Version of National Security
  • Confidence
  • Industriousness/Hardworking
  • Courtesy/Courteousness
  • Sagacity
  • Practical
  • Maturity
  • Well-Meaning
  • Calm-Natured
  • Quaint
  • Smoothness
  • Gentleness
  • Piety
  • Empathy
  • Cautiousness / Carefulness / Safety
  • Good Reason (including Anti-Political Reasons)
  • Lawful Conduct
  • Godliness/Holiness (including keeping the Holy Bible & removing the Quran)
  • Real/True Witnesses/Judges/Juries/Prophets
  • Law-Abiding
  • Being Under the Law/Code/Rule
  • Religious Principles
  • Bringing God / Jesus Christ Back in America/Israel
  • Glory (including the Glory of God)
  • Anti-Misjudgment
  • Selfless-Serving
  • Growth (including Job Growth, Economic Growth, etc.)
  • Sovereignty (including Sovereign Nations)
  • Political Incorrectness / Anti-Political Correctness
  • History/Document/Records-Preserving/Saving/Recording
  • Exorcism
  • Teamwork/Togetherness
  • Citizenship (including American Citizenship, Israeli Citizenship & entering the country legally)
  • Trustworthiness
  • Inclusion
  • The Rule of Law
  • Believing/Belief (especially believing in God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Ghost/Spirit; not believing the lies but believing in truth)
  • Flag-Preserving/Saving (National Flags, Christian Flag & the American Flag)
  • Jolly/Jolliness
  • Prowess
  • Well-Being
  • Franchise/Accountability
  • Strength
  • Strong Leadership
  • Strong Work Ethics
  • Flawlessness
  • Gallantry
  • Overcome Failure
  • Hospitality
  • Spirituality
  • Chivalry / Chivalric Code
  • Independence (including Independent Journalists, Independent thinking/speaking, thinking/speaking freely, etc.)
  • Thorough (being Thorough or Slow to Judgment)
  • Optimism/Optimistic
  • Good-half of Dependence/Dependability(ONLY on God & NOT on government or its handouts)
  • Good-side of Curiosity
  • Good-side of Selling/Buying/Spending
  • Upliftness
  • Freshness
  • Fast-Walk / Fast-Rolling
  • Proper Listening
  • Proper Hearing
  • Animal-Life / Human-Life Preserving/Protecting/Serving (this includes child saving, Protect School Kids, etc.)
  • Obedience (to God & Jesus Christ & the true Founding Fathers of America) (including obeying the 10 Commandments, obeying/following the USA Constitution & the Declaration of Independence, obeying the 13 Principles of Jews Faith)
  • De-brainwashing
  • Conservation (also Anti-Wastefulness)
  • Closed-Borders / Pro-Border Wall (meaning caring about the safety & security of the nation & its people; including Closed-Border policies, etc.)
  • White/Light/Good Magic (including White Arts & Mysticism)
  • USAConstitution & its Amendments:
    • Bill of Rights:
      • 1: Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press & Expression; Peaceful Assembly (including Free-Speech, Free-Thought, Free-Thinking, Free-Choice, Free-Expression, Free-Press, etc.) & Redress of Grievances; Never censor conservative / right-leaning views & version of Free-Speech/Thought. ('BREAKING: Elon Musk Just Made HUGE MOVE Targeted Right At Twitter Then This Happened! Elon Musk offered to buy Twitter for $54.20 a share in a filing published on 04/14/2022 A.D., saying the social media company needs to be transformed privately, a little over a week after first revealing a 9.2% stake in the company. Musk's offer values Twitter at about $43 billion. According to Musk, the social media company needs to go private because it can "neither thrive nor serve" free speech in its current state. Musk tapped Morgan Stanley as a financial advisor, according to the filing. "The Twitter Board of Directors will carefully review the proposal to determine the course of action that it believes is in the best interest of the Company and all Twitter stockholders," the company said in a statement on 04/14/2022 A.D. in response to the offer. CNBC's David Faber reported on "Squawk on the Street" that Twitter's board will meet at 10 a.m. to evaluate the bid, per people familiar', 'Media Bias Expert SLAMS CNN and Brian Stelter Right to Their Faces! CNN's media critic Brian Stelter was stunned when an expert brought on his network to discuss bias at Fox News also criticized CNN for left-wing bias. Stelter interviewed 2 researchers from the University of California at Berkeley, who conducted a study where Fox News viewers were paid to watch CNN and their reactions were documented and analyzed. “Basically, you’re proving what we’ve sensed for a while, which is, Fox viewers are in the dark about bad news for the GOP," Stelter said to Professor Joshua Kalla, one of the researchers. “That’s right. Fox and CNN cover different issues, and Fox News predominantly covers issues that make the GOP look good, and make Democrats look bad. On the flip side, CNN engages in this partisan coverage filtering as well, we find," Kalla responded. He added that most people want to watch the news media that will make them feel good and that all news outlets need to do a better job of presenting both sides fairly in order to educate the public completely', 'a Texas law [HB 20] that was signed into law by GOP Governor Greg Abbot which would have PROHIBITED these Big Tech tyrants & scumbags from Silicon Valley from censoring us conservatives & our conservative viewpoints', 'TIMES UP FOR TIK TOK: FCC FINALLY DECLARES APP A NATIONAL SECURITY THREAT! On Feb 9th of 2019, I [Josh Bernstein] called the APP Tik Tok a National Security Threat. I explained how the parent company Byte Dance was run by the former Information Technology Specialist for the Chinese Communist Party. I also called it a full fledged surveillance tool for the CCP. Fast forward to today, June 29th 2022 and FINALLY our Government is realizing that Tik Tok is a Nat'l Security Threat. Better late than never. In 02/19/20219 A.D., Josh Bernstein talked about the app called TikTok. And in that time, he explained who OWNS TikTok which is ByteDance that is run by a former technology specialist who is a member of the CCP & developed the social credit scoring system that communist China is using right now to spy its OWN people. In 2019 A.D., Bernstein called TikTok a national security THREAT! At least it wasn’t Bernstein only who called out TikTok, there were a few others & one of them was Donald John Trump who understood the national security threat that TikTok poses to America & decided to BAN both TikTok & WeChat through his executive order. On 06/29/2022 A.D., the USA government [though fraudulent government under the disgraced Biden regime] is FINALLY catching up with the times & finally understand the GRAVE THREAT to America’s national security that the TikTok app presents! The US Federal Communications Commission requests Apple & Google to ban TikTok app due to national security risks. In a letter dating back to 06/24/2022 A.D., FCC commissioner Brendam Carr told the Apple & Google to remove the TikTok app from their app store IMMEDIATELY!! It’s great to see the communications director of the FCC understanding the evil behind the CCP, TikTok & ByteDance! They are FINALLY understanding after ALL THIS TIME that TikTok functions as the CCP’s sophisticated surveillance tool & harvests extensive amounts of both personal data & sensitive information from search & browsing history to keystroke pattern identifications, biometric identifiers, recognition technology & voice recognition!! Never forget the Trump was right, SMART & intelligence & understood the “wolf in sheep’s clothing” the CCP were & what they’re doing & how all of the servers for TikTok [& its parent company, ByteDance] & WeChat in Beijing & Shanghai, & the CCP controls ALL OF IT!! Trump BANNED TikTok & WeChat in 2020 A.D. which is one fo the last things he did before the end of his 1st term, & then Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden came along & signed an executive order to REVERSE the ban & it proves once again that the Democrats are DANGEROUS when it comes to national security!! At least the TikTok app is going away thanks to FCC commissioner Carr', etc.)
      • 2: Right to Keep & Bear Arms (including Pro-Guns & Pro-Knives). Never abolish the 1st & 2nd-Amendments. Included in the Bill Of Rights, the Constitution of United States of America 1789 A.D. – Amendment II, the founders added a further guarantee that the citizenry could arm themselves to defer a tyrannical government from infringing on their rights. It says “A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” ('Wow! A Small District In Texas Has Allowed Teachers to Carry Firearms! A small Texas school district with an enrollment of roughly 1200 is now permitting some of the teachers to carry firearms to protect the students. The Grand Saline Independent School District, east of Dallas, started permitting the teachers to carry firearms in late February 2022 A.D. Superintendent Micah Lewis told The New York Post, “Every time there was a school shooting, me and the board talked about it again. If some crazy came in here, could we minimize the damage by being armed?” He added, “We’re educators. I hate that we have to do that, but again, you weigh it out. Do you take this student down if he’s mowing people down? It’s an easy answer. You take one to save many.” Lewis said that district employees who want to carry the firearms must have a license to carry and apply for the program to enter screening and training with the Texas Department of Public Safety, entailing 40 initial hours of training initially and further training on a continuous basis. The staffers must also have a license to carry. “The guardian keeps possession of the firearm at all times and the weapons are not stored on campus,” The Post noted', 'Alabama Gives Democrats WORST News With New Strong Stance On The 2nd Amendment! Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey {R-Alabama} has signed into law a bill which eliminates the requirement of residents in the state to obtain a permit in order to carry a concealed pistol. “Unlike states who are doing everything in their power to make it harder for law-abiding citizens, Alabama is reaffirming our commitment to defending our Second Amendment rights,” Ivey said in a statement after she signed the measure on 03/10/2022 A.D. “I have always stood up for the rights of law-abiding gun owners, and I am proud to do that again today.” The measure, House Bill 272, was sponsored by Republican state Rep. Shane Stringer and eliminates the need for gun owners in the state to obtain a permit from a county sheriff’s office in order to legally carry a concealed firearm in the state. The legislation was passed in February 2022 A.D. by the Alabama House of Representatives and a variation of the bill made its way successfully through the Senate last week. Echoing her statement released through her office, Ivey celebrated the signing of the bill on Twitter, writing through her campaign's account: "Here in Alabama, we dare defend our rights. And we will ALWAYS defend the right of Alabamians to keep and bear arms. Alabama Free. Alabama Strong." With Alabama included, there are now 22 "constitutional carry" states in America. Most recently, Iowa and Texas implemented similar measures. Last month, a Georgia Senate committee approved a bill that would allow gun owners to carry their firearms in public without a permit. We will NEVER allow Democrats & their liberal / leftist / woke allies tample our guns & freedom', 'WHAT Just Happened In Ohio Will Have 2A Supporters Jumping For Joy! GOP Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine on 03/14/2022 A.D. signed a bill that allows people in the state to carry a concealed handgun without a permit. Senate Bill 215 allows anyone aged 21 or older to carry a concealed firearm unless they are prohibited from possessing a gun under state or federal law. Earlier in March 2022 A.D., the Ohio House passed Senate Bill 215 by a vote of 57-35. The decision by DeWine makes Ohio the 23rd constitutional carry state, according to the National Rifle Association’s Institute for Legislative Action. "NRA thanks Gov. DeWine for signing this critical bill that upholds the Second Amendment in Ohio, for the benefit of law-abiding citizens," the lobbying arm of the NRA stated. Supporters of the bill argued that law-abiding citizens have a right to carry concealed weapons under the Second Amendment unless there is a compelling reason to stop them from carrying. They argued the decision empowers those citizens to exercise their right to carry without having to go through government red tape and delays', '.” To ALL the gloablists scumbags & even to the Left in America, “In America, we believe in the 2nd-Amendment & we will EXERCISE OUR 2nd-Amendment as an ENTIRE COUNTRY to prevent ANYONE on both the Left & the gloablists from forcing us to do something against OUR WILL. Our 2nd-Amendment is not just for hunting or for sport, it is there for PROTECTION against tyrannical overreaching domestic enemies & foreign enemies. So let it be CLEAR to ALL the globalists planet out there, “you are NOT gonna force us Americans & the Right to do ANYTHING against our will!!! And if you try [both psychically & technologically], it will be the LAST THINGS you’ll EVER try to do””', 'SCOTUS Makes Major Decision That Will Make 2A Supporters Proud… This Is Major! It wasn’t the decision the entire country was waiting on, but the SCOTUS issued another controversial ruling this week, regarding a New York law that restricted the right to carry a handgun. Second Amendment supporters should like the decision. In another 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court overturned a century-old New York law that required New Yorkers to be able to show “proper cause” to carry a handgun. The New York law stated that it is a “crime to possess a firearm without a license, whether inside or outside the home. An individual who wants to carry a firearm outside his home may obtain an unrestricted license to ‘have and carry’ a concealed ‘pistol or revolver’ if he can prove that ‘proper cause exists’ for doing so. N. Y. Penal Law Ann. §400.00[2][f ]. An applicant satisfies the ‘proper cause’ requirement only if he can ‘demonstrate a special need for self-protection distinguishable from that of the general community.’” Associate Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the majority opinion for the Court. Thomas wrote “New York’s proper-cause requirement violates the Fourteenth Amendment in that it prevents law-abiding citizens with ordinary self-defense needs from exercising their right to keep and bear arms.” This Twitter user put it quite well: “My proper cause is the Second Amendment New York. Also the Fourteenth Amendment.”', 'RINO Senator Trying To Pass Gun Control Gets RED LETTER That Could Ruin Him! Missouri lawmakers have sent a letter to RINO Missouri Senator Roy Blunt, expressing their displeasure at what they believe is currently being discussed in the bipartisan group. “In the letter, they noted that most versions of red flag laws authorize courts to seize guns from someone considered dangerous without requiring a criminal conviction and, in many cases, without the targeted person in court,” reports the Missouri Independent. ‘The proposal in question seeks to allow Congress to deflect responsibility for enacting such horrid laws by essentially punting to the states,’ the letter states. ‘Knowing that forcing such immoral and unconstitutional provisions nationwide would not garner enough votes to overcome a filibuster, Senator Chris Murphy [D-Connecticut] instead proposes to bribe states with their own tax money to do his dirty work for him.'” The letter goes on: “You may believe your vote on this proposed bill comes at little risk, as Missouri has demonstrated time and again that our General Assembly would not vote to pass such laws. While that may be true, many other states will not have such resolve. If this measure comes to fruition, a vote for it will directly enable the spread of confiscation laws throughout the country, and further normalize support for the eventual disarmament of this nation. It’s reasonable to conclude that not all aspects of Senator Murphy’s proposal are objectionable, and bipartisan discussion surrounding any legislation is a healthy part of the process. However, under no circ*mstances should you allow any bill to advance that contains gun control or firearm confiscation of any kind, no matter how small or indirect it may seem.” The Missouri letter makes a lot of sense. Many states will not have the respect for the Second Amendment that Missouri does, and that will lead to states being able to confiscate guns under the guise of “red flag laws.” Do you feel comfortable allowing your state to determine if someone is mentally healthy enough to possess a firearm?', 'In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court struck down New-York state’s unconstitutional & unfair “concealed carry” law. The liberals in New-York basically gave the power to a licensing officer who would look at different things like criminal history & mental illness while they get to decision who gets to carry & conceal guns. But the most DSITURBING part is that they also based on what they called “sound & moral character”, because that is OBJECTIVE & some leftist who HATES us conservatives [including people of faith {not faith in government}, people that are pro-life, people that are hunters] & then has decided to go through their social media platforms & saying “Denied! You can’t carry & conceal your guns in New-York state because I hate you for not being of sound or moral character”. But thank God that it is OUT the window, the Supreme Court said “Sorry! You’re NOT gonna be able to pick & choose, you cannot say “these people get the right to conceal & carry & these people can’t””. The Court basically ruled that law-abiding citizens can NOW carry a loaded gun in New-York state in public WITHOUT any restrictions, without any showing or need of proper causes, & without any type of personal judgment from a leftist licensing officer. I just hope that Los-Angeles, Chicago, Boston, Seattle, Houston, Portland, etc. will follow suit with New-York City in order for American society to get even safer', 'The Libertarian Party of Rhode Island opposes the gun control bills recently signed into law by Governor Dan McKee [D-Rhode-Island]. We oppose any law that infringes on individuals' right to bear arms. Second Amendment advocates have vowed to fight the law in court. One argument is that the ban on high-capacity magazines, without compensation, is an illegal “taking” under the U.S. Constitution', '80-Year-Old Takes Down 4 Armed Thugs with 1 Shotgun, Saves His Store! It really is true what they say. A good guy with a gun is the only one who can stop a bad guy with a gun. And it clearly doesn’t matter how old that good guy is or how young and athletic the bad guy is, as long as they know what they are doing. An 80-year-old man in Southern California has been hailed as a hero after he defended his small business with a shotgun from a team of 4 armed robbers in their 20s carrying assault rifles. Craig Cope, 80, was working inside his Norco Market & Liquor shop in Norco, California at 3AM in the morning of 07/31/2022 A.D. when he noticed the group of robbers pulling up outside, planning to rob his store. Craig was smart, though, and went straight for the shotgun that he kept near the register in case of such an event. One of the robbers then busted in with his assault rifle, threatening the staff and looking menacing but the old shop owner didn’t stand down. He pointed that shotgun straight at the bad guy and blasted him away. While the criminal was not killed by the blast, you can clearly see him fleeing from the scene of the crime while screaming “He shot my arm off.” The 4 thugs in their 20s fled the scene only to be arrested by police officers a short time later. 3 of them were booked with attempted armed robbery while the 4th who was shot was taken to the hospital in critical condition but is said to be recovering. Unfortunately, however, the entire incident was too much for Mr. Cope at the time who suffered a heart attack after defending his store. He survived and is expected to make a full recovery. The Left hates stories like this when a good guy who knows how to handle his firearm stops a dangerous criminal and saves his own life and the lives of others. Do you think more store owners should keep weapons on the premises?', 'LOCK AND LOAD: What This School Did Will Make Libs Furious And Active Shooters Think Twice! People react differently to mass shootings. Some march to get rid of all guns, while some push for more guns and ammunition for protection. One North Carolina County took the second path. Let’s see what they did. Schools in North Carolina are beefing up security with guns. A North Carolina sheriff’s office has placed locked-up AR-15 rifles on a school district’s 6 campuses as an added security measure for the coming school year in response to the Uvalde, Texas, mass school shooting. “Hopefully we’ll never need it, but I want my guys to be as prepared as prepared can be,” Madison County Sheriff Buddy Harwood said. If an active-shooter situation occurs, the sheriff’s office has stored semi-automatic weapons in locked safes at each Madison County school. The safes also contain extra magazines, ammunition, and breaching tools, Harwood said. “In the event we have someone barricaded in a door, we won’t have to wait on the fire department,” he added. “We’ll have those tools to be able to breach that door if needed. I do not want to have to run back out to the car to grab an AR, because that’s time lost.” There are certain to be plenty of people opposed to this idea. Of course, of critical importance is that no one ever gets the key to any of those locked gun safes that is not supposed to have it. Just having those weapons inside those schools could deter anyone from ever trying a mass shooting there. I think putting AR15s inside schools is a good idea', 'Woman are packing heat at incredible clips and outpacing men in recent firearm purchases. Here's a new one certain to get the ladies attention. It’s 6 or 7 times more & this is great. This means that MORE American woman are arming themselves because they understand the dangers of open borders & they’re not safe & there’s a defunding of police in MANY of the major liberal cities, & they also understand that they cannot rely on local law enforcement or on government to protect them!', 'BOOM! Supreme Court Strikes Down New York Gun Law. The second amendment is an extremely important freedom in our country. It gives every American citizen the right to protect themselves from harm and to protect their communities. New York state is trying to take away that freedom and 1 conservative group is pushing back. Gun Owner groups are pushing back against the New York government’s attempt to take away their gun rights. Gun Owners of America asked a federal judge on 08/23/2022 A.D. to block a New York state law that forbids concealed carry permit holders from carrying firearms at “sensitive” locations. In June 2022 A.D., the US Supreme Court struck down a New York law that required concealed carry permit applicants to demonstrate a need to carry a firearm. 'Our right to bear arms is a sacred right and must be constantly fought for in order to protect it. Groups like the Gun Owners of America are at the forefront of that fight and should make all Americans proud. Keep up the good work!, etc.)
      • 3: Quartering of Soldiers
      • 4: Search & Seizure
      • 5: Trial & Punishment, Compensation for Takings; Never Rat on Yourself or your friends & families; Rights of the American People.Miranda rights
      • 6: Righty to Speedy Trial, Confrontation of Witnesses; Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecution
      • 7: Trial by Jury in Civil Cases; Civil Trials
      • 8: Cruel & Unusual Punishment; Further Guarantees in Criminal Cases
      • 9: Construction of Constitution; Unenumerated Rights
      • 10: Powers of the State & People; Reserved Powers
    • 11: Judicial Limits; Suits Against States
    • 12: Choosing the Right President & Vice President; Election of USA President
    • Reconstruction Amendments:
      • 13: Slavery, Involuntary, Manipulation (especially on reality), Brain-washing / Mind-Control & Bank/Tax Fraud/Increase Abolished
      • 14: Citizenship Rights; Rights Guaranteed: Privileges & Immunities of Citizenship, Due Process & Equal Protection
      • 15: Race No Bar to Vote (never force people of race, religion & nationality to vote evil; And never do ballot-vote/election/data-harvesting); Rights of Citizens to Vote
    • 16: Status of Income Tax Clarified; Congress shouldn’t be taxing Americans in any high levels nor raise our taxes
    • 17: Senators Elected by Popular Vote; Popular Elections of Senators
    • 18: Liquor/Alcohol, Drugs, system/agency-rigging, corruption/evil & Voter/Election/Tax Fraud/Meddling Abolished
    • 19: Women’s Suffrage (Never rape anyone); Women’s Suffrage Rights
    • 20: Presidential, Congressional Terms; Terms of Presidents, Vice Presidents, Members of Congress: Presidential Vacancy
    • 21: Protect & Preserve Human Life (including the life of the unborn) & never do Abortions & NEVER be pro-choice
    • 22: Presidential Term Limits; Presidential Tenure
    • 23: Presidential Vote for Washington DC (District of Columbia); Presidential Electors for Washington DC
    • 24: Poll Tax Barred; Abolish of the Poll Tax Qualifications, bribes, taxations, illegal votes & Illegal Immigration in Federal Elections
    • 25: Presidential Disability & Succession; Presidential Vacancy, Disability & Inability
    • 26: Voting age set to only at 21 Years of Age or older; And abolish both visa lottery, early voting, mail-in voting, ballot harvesting, out-of-state / out-of-nation voting & chain migration. But 18-year-olds should NOT be allowed to vote & that we should RAISE the voting age to 21 or 25. keeping people under the age of 21 or 25 from voting, no matter what color their skin is
    • 27: Limiting Changes to Congressional Pay; Congressional Pay Limitations
  • Self-Control / Sternness
  • Decency
  • Common-Sense
  • Anti-Taxation (including Tax-Decrease, Tax Cuts, & Expense Decrease)
  • Bible Reading/Studying/Recording
  • Pro-Jews
  • Cures / Anti-Illness / Anti-Sickness / Anti-Disease Organizations
  • Red State/Waves
  • Happy Beginnings/Endings
  • Manhood (including Manliness)
  • Vigilance (including Eternal Vigilance) (The Price of Liberty)
  • Womanhood
  • Anti-Suppression
  • Anti-Oppression
  • Healthiness
  • Fore-Thought
  • Calmness/Sober/Tranquility
  • Good side of Sympathy
  • Positivity
  • Conservative/Christian Voices
  • Insight
  • Detachment
  • Zeal
  • Restrain/Restraint
  • Resourcefulness
  • Sensitivity
  • Purposefulness
  • Vitality
  • Tranquility
  • Thankfulness
  • Resisting the Devil
  • Desiring Virtuous Ways
  • Authenticy
  • Excellence
  • Commitment
  • Tact/Tactfulness
  • Contentment
  • Assertiveness
  • Adaptability
  • Acceptance
  • Randomness
  • Confidence
  • Consideration
  • Determination
  • Devotion
  • Discernment
  • Asceticism/Discipline (including Self-Discipline)
  • Forbearance
  • Frugality
  • Impartiality
  • Magnanimity
  • Meekness
  • Tolerance
  • Moderation
  • Punctuality
  • Simplicity
  • Thrift
  • Encouragement
  • Hating Evil
  • Hearing/Following/Loving/Desiring/Speaking Good
  • Repenting
  • Beauty
  • Consideration
  • Passionate
  • Preparedness
  • Cooperation/Cooperativeness
  • Tenacity/Tenacious/Tenaciousness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Anti-Political Motivation
  • Temperate
  • Visionary
  • Pro-America / Pro-Israeli Principles (Conservative / Right-leaning / Christian)
  • Conservative / Right-leaning / Christian News/Stories/Narratives
  • Giving more than you or I/you can take
  • Anti-Conspiracy / Positive News/Stories/Coverage
  • Veracity
  • Salvation (through Jesus Christ)
  • Magnificence
  • Magnanimity
  • Right-leaning Judgment
  • Gravity
  • Dutifulness
  • Good Temper
  • Contentment
  • Continence/Continency
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Unpretentiousness
  • Autonomy
  • Conscientiousness
  • Discernment
  • Endurance
  • Fidelity
  • Helpfulness
  • Impartiality
  • Individualism (Individual countries, Individual Freedom, Individual governments, etc.)
  • Intuition
  • Inventiveness
  • Mindfulness
  • Nonviolence
  • Philomathy
  • Potential
  • Remembrance
  • Resilience
  • Reliance (including Self-Reliance)
  • Solidarity
  • Stability (including National Stability, etc.)
  • Subsidiary
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Selfless Assistance
  • Authority (including Spiritual Authority)
  • Real Note-Taking
  • Privacy Protection
  • Ownership
  • Right View
  • Right Mindedness
  • Right Concentration
  • Relief
  • Acquiescence
  • Apprehension
  • Wariness/Awareness
  • Delight
  • Sentimentality
  • Perfectionism
  • Religious Cleansing
  • True Baptism (especially being baptize while/after believing in Jesus Christ)
  • Protecting God’s Children (along with other opposites of the ones on the article about the 7 Deadly Sins)
  • Self-Defense / Selfless Defense
  • Anti-Excuses
  • Selfless Importance
  • Anti-Omnibus
  • Charming
  • Seriousness
  • Play Fairly (never lie nor cheat)
  • Fox News Channel/Radio
  • Fox Business Channel/Radio
  • Conservative/Right-leaning Talk Radio/TV
  • Comfort
  • Republic (including American Republic & Constitutional Republic)
  • Democracy (including American Democracy)
  • Civility(including Right-leaning Civility, etc.)
  • Permission
  • Consent
  • Mildness
  • Benignity
  • Longanimity
  • Strong Laws & Rules
  • Transcendence
  • Vitality
  • Self-Regulations
  • Learning more
  • Perceptiveness
  • Anti-Obstructionism
  • Upstanding
  • Concern
  • Earnest
  • Leniency
  • Propriety
  • Probity
  • Impartiality
  • Orderliness/Organizing
  • Being Nice
  • Anti-Political / De-Politicizing
  • Brain-Growing
  • True Heartfulness
  • Uncovering/Digging-up Real/True Stories
  • Love (including True Love, Affection, Anti-LGBTQ, Anti-Inbreeding, Loving America, Unselfish Love, etc.)
  • De-Poisoning / Anti-Venom
  • Anti-Discrimination
  • Legal Voting/Supporting/Endorsing
  • Strong Immigration System/Laws (including Merit-based immigration, etc.)
  • Voting Trump/Reagan style Republican/Conservative & not voting Democrat/RHINO/Liberal
  • Pushing to the Right directions/choices (especially nations, etc.)
  • Capitalism / Pro-MAGA / Pro-MAKA / Pro-MIGA / Pro-KIGA (including American Capitalism, European Capitalism, ‘destroying all social welfare programs’, Anti-Woke Capitalism, Free-Market Capitalism, Anti-Vulture Capitalism, Venture Capitalism, etc.): The pursuit of profits has fueled many of mankind's greatest innovations and greatest companies. It led Elon Musk to build electric cars, Andy Grove to design computer chips, and Reed Hastings to develop the world's most popular streaming service. Everything from aspirin to commercial airplanes, to yes, solar panels and wind turbines came about because of the desire for profit. Profit is why you have a job, clothes, a house, food, and every other necessity, not to mention luxuries. It's the reason why you can live in Phoenix and stay cool, or live in Buffalo and stay warm. The genius of capitalism is that it requires businesses to do good things for society to make a profit. Think about it: “If you want to start a business—whether it's a dog hotel or a shoe factory—you'll have to create a product or service that helps others—at a price they can afford. If you want to hire employees, you'll have to offer attractive wages and safe working conditions. Otherwise, nobody will work for you. If you want customers, not only will you have to make a good product, but you'll need to cultivate a good reputation. That means treating those customers well and offering competitive prices. In a free enterprise system, you can't make money without providing a social good. Capitalism is, by its very nature, conscientious. It turns out, then, that profit isn't selfish—it motivates us to contribute our talents to help others”. In capitalism, there is a simple metric to determine success: how much money you're making.
  • MAGA (Make America Great Again / Make American Government Accountable)
  • Enhanced Interrogation Methods
  • Anti-Socialism
  • Free-Market (the market that’s not controlled by the government)
  • Anti-Regime / Anti-Appeasem*nt / Anti-Dictatorship Organizations
  • Pro-American Expansionism (including the true documents, Values & teachings)
  • Pro-Israeli Expansionism
  • Anti-Corruption / Anti-Bias Organizations
  • Anti-Criminal / Anti-Taintedness Organizations
  • Anti-Soros / Anti-Alinsky / Anti-Clinton / Anti-Obama Organizations
  • Anti-Scandal / Anti-Scam Organizations
  • ICE (Immigration & Consumer Enforcement)
  • Anti-Media / Anti-MMFA
  • Christmas/Easter Music
  • Pro-Coal / Pro-Oil / Pro-Nuclear Energy Organizations/Companies
  • Remembering all the time
  • Anti-Rigged Communities
  • Anti-Rigged Systems (School, Judiciary, Election, etc.)
  • Anti-Rigged Biography/History
  • First Respondents
  • Harding SchoolSecurity
  • Properly Good Trade Deals
  • Anti-Abuse
  • Anti-Liberalism / Anti-Leftism Organizations/Values
  • Anti-Terrorism Organizations
  • Real American/Christian Holidays
  • Anti-RINO / Anti-Democrat Organizations/Values
  • Anti-Gang Organizations
  • Real/True Interpretation/Representation
  • True/Real Security
  • Inspiration
  • Anti-Leaks
  • Anti-Propaganda / Anti-Redaction Organization
  • Anti-Murder
  • Quick-Thinking
  • Anti-Kneeling (Only take a knee after the playing of the games just to prayer to God & Jesus Christ)
  • Anti-Bestiary
  • True-Gender (Male & Female)
  • Anti-Sharia Laws
  • Anti-Heinous
  • The 3 Proper Rs (Reading, Writing & Arithmetic)
  • Good Deeds (including Anti-Misdeeds, Heroic deeds, etc.)
  • Anti-Manipulation
  • Anti-Spin / Anti-Twistedness
  • True Oaths
  • Submitting to God / Jesus Christ & not to Lucifer/Satan
  • Anti-Activist / Pro-Constitutional Judges/Juries/Politicians
  • Anti-Hacked / Anti-Rigged Websites/Internets/Organizations
  • Sanity
  • Calling Evil Evil, & Calling Good Good
  • Good Purposes (including Conservative Purposes, Anti-Political Purposes, etc.)
  • Anti-Political / Anti-Smear Campaigns/Machines
  • Anti-Gossip
  • Pro-NRA
  • Anti-IRS
  • Anti-Vandalism
  • Anti-Atheism
  • Anti-Islam
  • Anti-Redaction
  • Anti-Malpractice
  • Anti-Injury / Anti-Pain
  • Protecting Monuments/Memorials (including Confederate/Union Monuments & Memorials of fallen American Heroes)
  • Spirits of America’s True Founding Fathers
  • Worshipping God / Jesus Christ & Not Worshipping Humans, demons, or government
  • Anti-Plagiarism
  • Anti-p*rno
  • Pro-Veterans / Pro-Military
  • Good/Clean/Clear-Mindedness
  • Waking Up(psychically & spiritually waking up & staying awake. We got to wake up conservatives & tell them to STOP using as many WOKE companies as possible, even if it means using the Left's Human Rights Campaign AGAINST them)
  • Good Medicine
  • Declassify
  • Opened-Door Meetings
  • Right/Good-Doing
  • Receiving the Mark of God & not the mark of the beast (that takes on many shapes, sizes, forms, & languages)
  • Cool/Level-Headedness
  • True American/Israeli Way
  • Anti-Deformity
  • Good/Fair Trade Deals
  • Good Luck / True Fortune
  • Anti-Bigotry
  • Not Taking Anything for Granted
  • Protecting/Saving True Childhood Memories
  • Anti-Violations
  • Dictionary/Thesaurus
  • Less-Regulations
  • Anti-Brat
  • Anti-Cannibalism
  • Clean/Fair/Honest/Good Negotiation
  • Equal Protection Under the Law
  • Anti-Sanctuary Cities/States
  • Entering the Countries Legally
  • Sovereign Nations (United-States of America & Israel)
  • Not Switching Arguments
  • Act out of Faith
  • Good Weather
  • Better/Good Decision-Making
  • Smooth Skin
  • Swallowing things the Right Way
  • Not Taking a Knee
  • Being Paid Equally
  • True Ancestry
  • Child-Caring
  • Anti-Pimple
  • Standing for the American/Israeli Flag & National Anthem & during the Pledging of Allegiance to the USA Flag
  • Answering Questions Correctly
  • Answering Real/Tough Questions while Not Answering Wrong Questions
  • Anti-Hippy
  • Anti-Radical
  • Anti-Sham / Anti-Rig / Anti-Hoax
  • Working Class
  • Doing the Right/Correct Job (especially in the True American Way)
  • Not Bring Politics into Anything (sports, entertainment, music, etc.)
  • 13 Principles of Jewish Faith:
    • Belief in the existence of the Creator, who is perfect in every manner of existence and is the Primary Cause of all that exists.
    • The belief inGod's absolute and unparalleled unity.
    • The belief in God's non-corporeality, nor that He will be affected by any physical occurrences, such as movement, or rest, or dwelling.
    • The belief in God's eternity.
    • The imperative to worship God exclusively and no foreign false gods.
    • The belief that God communicates with man through prophecy.
    • The belief in the primacy of the prophecy ofMosesour teacher.
    • The belief in the divine origin of the Torah.
    • The belief in the immutability of the Torah.
    • The belief in God's omniscience and providence.
    • The belief in divine reward and retribution.
    • The belief in the arrival of theMessiah, Jesus Christ,and the messianic era.
    • The belief in the resurrection of the dead.
  • The Love of God & Country
  • Lifting our Hearts & Prayer
  • Making our voices heard
  • Standing up & defending what’s really Right
  • The Law of Love & Liberty
  • Turning backs upon the Left
  • Declaration of Independence
  • Human Rights
  • One Nation/Empire Under God & Jesus Christ
  • Correct/Right
  • Setting the Record Straight / Correcting the Record
  • Originalism (including Originalist judges/juries, 'let us, the Right, do the script: “the Enterprise decides to go back in time to 2024 A.D. because is under attack by the Chinese Communists & the North-Koreans invading Los-Angeles, but this is a NEW Los-Angeles [where there are no more homelessness or pooping & peeing on the streets. You have no more drug-addicts being given drugs treatment, & free needles. Also Donald John Trump’s border wall has been completed both at the USA-Mexico border & at the USA-Canada border. And the brand-new 2nd-amendment now requires anyone over the age of 18 to own a gun]. So they invade Los-Angeles, the star fleet Enterprise hears about it, they go back in time to 2024 A.D. & they help ARMED-Americans to ABSOLUTELY destroy the communist Chinese & Noth-Koreans! What happens after that is that they destroy them, vaporized them & America is saved by the 2nd-Amendment & patriots, & the citizens are now free to roam about & do what they what [as long as it’s not evil or criminal or political or indoctrinable] because they’re armed & because they took care of the threat.” That would be Josh Bernstein’s episode & Americans would love to see something pro-America that shows America in a GOOD light & shows the TRUE enemies of America as they’re supposed to be & NOT flipping the script & saying “people that want to protect America’s borders & deport illegal immigrants are now somehow being vilified!”', etc.)
  • Textualism
  • Constitutionalism
  • 0 Crime
  • Anti-Appeasem*nt
  • Anti-Monetization
  • Justifying Real Good & Never Justifying Evil
  • Anti-Plantation
  • Anti-Hitlerism / Anti-Stalinism
  • Never Mouth-Pieces
  • All Action & No Talk
  • Anti-Weaponization of Everything (Intelligence, Justice System, Legal systems, 'Russia is MORE FREE right now than America, because Russia is NOT mandating these poisonous vaccines. Russia is a country that is NOT for NATO, they are AGAINST globalism, they are nationalists for Russia & NOT for anyone else, & they are a Christian nation', etc.)
  • True Holidays (Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Hanukkah, Valentine’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day, Columbus Day, The Feast of St. Nicholas, Passover, Independence Day [Most Americans enjoy celebrating the 4th of July, or Independence Day. It’s a day to celebrate our American freedom and it’s also a holiday for many. There are parades and fireworks and food, what could be better?], etc.)
  • Anti-Meddling
  • Anti-Puppetness
  • Melted-Heartedness
  • Following our Hearts & staying true to them
  • Never take away the fruits of other people’s labor
  • Preserving/Keeping Real/True History (Pro-America / Pro-Israel) / Religious (Christian) Books/Films/Documents while burning fake ones
  • Real/True Proclamations/Policies
  • Anti-Cabals
  • Need
  • Enjoying the Real Fruits of Our Real Labor
  • Anti-Pestilent
  • Anti-Pestering
  • Pure Mindedness/Heartedness
  • American Expectionalism
  • Israeli Expectionalism
  • Flawless/Limitless Godly Cunning/Wisdom/Intellect
  • Anti-Toxic Masculinity
  • Conservative/Right-leaning/Capitalist/Constitutionalist Tactics
  • Anti-Smuggling
  • Constitutionalist Party
  • Republican/Constitutionalist Votes
  • Saving/Preserving America & Israel (especially from the inside & outside)
  • Anti-Loopholes
  • Calling Right ‘Right’ & Wrong ‘Wrong’
  • Stronger Merit-based Immigration Systems / Extreme Vetting (Stopping Illegals of all types from entering America & Israel)
  • Anti-Sophistry
  • Anti-Complicity
  • Philanthropy
  • Skepticism
  • Perfection (Perfect Life & Perfect Humans in the sight of God & Jesus Christ)
  • Positive Headlines
  • Waking-up Early
  • Anti-Totalitarianism
  • Anti-Veganism
  • Putting God & Jesus Christ back into everything America & Israel are all about
  • The Seal of God: 777
  • The Seal of Jesus Christ: 888
  • Real/True Information (Anti-Misinformation & Anti-Disinformation)
  • The Law of Moses / The 613 Commandments
  • Judging based on merit/character, deeds/actions & the color of our hearts & souls
  • Anti-Authoritarianism
  • Incorruptible Seeds
  • Anti-Utopia / Anti-Utopianism
  • Getting Apolitical / Nonpolitical / Anti-Political
  • Unredactions / Anti-Redactions
  • Broad-Mindedness / Big-Mindedness
  • Not Taking Things for Granted
  • Small Governments
  • Small Tech
  • Legal Immigration (including closing up all loopholes, being border walls, ending illegal immigration, ending chain-migration & VISA lottery, 'Law and order, border control, and American industry would be best served by shutting down border crossings and kicking out each and every illegal immigrant. Wages would rise for American workers, law breakers would see that crime isn’t rewarded here, and those thinking about crossing the border would see that there’s no upside in doing so', etc.)
  • Electoral College
  • Goodness/Sanctity
  • Balance/Reasonable
  • Anti-Dystopia / Anti-Dystopianism
  • Industrialism (excluding abortion & smuggling/trafficking)
  • Being Fair & Balanced
  • Anti-Cartalism
  • Humaneness
  • Benignity
  • Kind-Heartedness/Tender-Heartedness
  • Thoughtfulness
  • Good Behavior
  • Good Deeds/Works
  • Works with Faith & Faith with Works
  • Do-Something
  • Fair-&-Square
  • Nondiscriminatory/Anti-Discrimination
  • Equitable
  • Unprejudiced
  • Hard Labor
  • Nonpartisan/Nonpartisanship
  • Fossil Fuels (including coal, oil & gasoline)
  • Free & Open Society
  • The Golden Rule: (In Matthew's gospel, Jesus Christ [the true Son of God] summarizes the whole of the Old Testament in a single phrase: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” This maxim, known as “the golden rule” of ethics, is sometimes portrayed as an exclusively Christian concept)
    • One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself (positive or directive form)
    • One should not treat others in ways that one would not like to be treated (negative or prohibitive form)
    • What you wish upon others, you wish upon yourself (empathic or responsive form)
    • Treat others the way you want/need them to treat you, because you are ALL (created) equal
  • Right is Right & Wrong is Wrong
  • God / Jesus Christ killing the satan pantheon / 7 rulers of Hell (led by Lucifer / Satan) & all the demons, devils, fallen-angels, evil/demonic ghosts/entities, evil/dark ones/entities & anti-gods at a moment’s time
  • Defending the borders or the USA Constitution. Caring more about the fate of America & Israel. Make America a better place & keeping America great. Protecting America, standing for justice & protecting innocent lives
  • Never caring about power, money, manipulation or politics
  • Powerful/Infinite Good/Virtue/Light/Purification
  • Good or Anti-Evil Cunning-Intellect / Cunning-Intellectual Good / Good Intellectual-Cunning / Intellectual-Cunning Good / Good Sapience / Sapient Good / Sentient Good / Good Sentience
  • Never living in a Fantasy Land / Upside-Down World
  • Good Mortality (including Morality viewing, 'if you stop looking into sexual sin, you can control & overcome lust', 'our moral values [traditional American moral values & Judeo-Christian traditions]', etc.)
  • Desegregation
  • Fossil-Fuel & Logging Industries
  • Ethical Landlord
  • Omniscience (Good / Anti-Evil / Anti-Ignorance version)
  • Superego
  • High/Higher/Increased-IQ
  • Good/Right/Smart/Anti-Evil Choices/Decisions
  • Not spying on real American Citizens or real Israeli Citizens
  • Good Thing
  • Purifying / De-poisoning / Uncorrupting the hearts, minds, souls/spirits, bodies/strengths, personalities & intellect of all sapient / sentient / intelligent species/beings (both mortal & immortal)
  • Never Let Your Guard Down
  • Never Put God to The Test
  • Living by Every Word that God & Jesus Christ Speak
  • Good Customer/Community Service
  • Compliment
  • Physical / Spiritual / Psionic / Psychological (including psychic, emotional, mental, etc.) Good
  • Good Sportsmanship
  • Frankness
  • Anti-Connive
  • Humans Following God’s Definitions of Good & Evil
  • The Worship of God & Jesus Christ
  • Strong-Mindedness
  • Strong-Heartedness
  • Pure/Strong Soul
  • Undistorted Words/Reality
  • Anti-Woke
  • Individualism
  • Never Justifying Evil
  • Appealing to the Best
  • Spreading God’s Goodness
  • Abundance/Prosperity
  • Anti-Coups
  • State Success
  • Anti-Sheepale / Anti-Sheeple (people who are very smart & not meant to be manipulated or lied to)
  • Never Lacking Knowledge (physical, spiritual, psychological, intellectual & mental [emotional, psionic, & psychic]) & Don’t be Ignorant
  • Real Religion/Worship (especially ‘Worshiping God, even through Jesus Christ’, ‘never worshipping slavery or power’, etc.)
  • Creative Anti-Destruction / Anti-Destructive Creation
  • Seeds of Goodness being planted/embedded & Seeds of Evil being removed/destroyed
  • Anti-Evil Inheritance / Inherently Anti-Evil
  • Anti-Political Intimidation
  • Poison Immunity / Venom Immunity
  • Clear Thinking
  • Thatcherism
  • Anti-Political Opportunism
  • Conformity
  • Humaneness
  • Anti-Stupidity / Anti-Ignorance (Fast-Thinking, 'anti-Idiocy', Quick-Wittiness, etc.)
  • Private Section Business
  • Anti-Recession
  • Anti-Secession
  • Good version of Deflation (governmental deflation, bureaucratic deflation, etc.)
  • Anti-Mandation (anti-mandated vaccines, etc.)
  • The Word of God
  • Child of God(psychologically/mentally/psychically, spiritually/supernaturally, physically, biologically& inherently)
  • Tamed Tongue/Tone(it should be used to bring glory to God, to preach the gospel & to teach God's Word. It should be used to encourage & exhort believers. But the Untamed Tongue/Tone doesn't do that & even if it does, it will quickly slander, gossip, curse & tear down & even lie. And lying is one of the main sins that grieves the Holy Spirit. We must bring that small member of our body into subjection to God if we ought to take forward strides with God)
  • Anti-Sicknesses / Anti-Diseases (Physical, Psychological/Mental, Spiritual/Supernatural, & Biological)
    • Anti-Deafness ('Americans can CLEARLY see the ones who are paying attention & are NOT brainwashed by Black Lives/Lies Matter BS. They can CLEARLY see that night after night, the violence is started by the Left, PERPETRATED by the Left & is CONTINUING by the Left & these Antifa / BLM thugs!! We’re gonna find out whether or not the American People truly want the police defunded & their neighborhoods to resemble every single s***hole city run by Democrats in America. I hope that they speak LOUD & CLEAR & want something that is the opposite of the Left’s ideologies/agendas', etc.)
      • Putting on Listening ears & a listening body
    • Not wearing masks all the time (except when you go to a surgery room) because it can weaken you immune system
    • Hydroxychloroquine: the cure for malaria & COVID-19, AKA, the China-originated coronavirus.
    • Herd Immunity
    • The Mind/Thoughts of Jesus Christ: It's the mind that attacks ALL negative thoughts/thinking & sinfulness. It even helps us renew our relationship with God & Jesus Christ.
    • No Vaccines ('Please STAY AWAY from the vaccines [especially covid vaccines], don’t worry about your job. Fight back & resist at ALL COSTS because the REAL problem is the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated. The vaccinated are the ones that are gonna the REAL problems because they’ve been injected with experimental drugs that they don’t know what the side-affects are & there are gonna be millions upon millions of dead. So DON’T compromise', etc.)
    • Constitutionalism/Republican Mentality
    • Good Health
    • Healthiness
    • Anti-Degeneration (Conservative / Right-leaning DNA, etc.)
    • Pry-Opening the psychological/spiritual eyes & hears of human hearts & minds to make people see, hear & believe the REAL truth, especially the truth that comes from both God & the Right
    • Having a Calm body/soul
    • Fighting/Battling/Killing the demons/evils from within
    • STOP letting fear control your life & stop fear take over your faith (NOT faith in government but faith in God / Jesus Christ / the Holy Spirit of God)
    • Anti-Derangement
    • Good Diet / Not Eating Badly
    • Anti Mental Disorders
      • Anti-Malfunctioning Minds
        • Flawless Memory: remember God who took us through our past
        • Always guards your heart & mind
      • Fighting Narcissism
      • Stray from the worship of governments
      • Don't live your life in sin or the "Adam & Eve" Syndrome
    • Seeing in the spirit & not in the flesh
    • Avoiding/Destroying the urge to do Bad/Evil & stupidity/ignorance
    • Using indoor voice indoors & not behaving like a wild/crazy person
    • Being tested negative of any disease
    • The Cure for the "Adam & Eve" Syndrome: Take responsibility for yourself & NOT point the finger at others for the fruit of YOUR choices. We must learn to take responsibility for OUR actions & our OWN people/children, not just for those times when we are right but also for when we are wrong. He must follow the examples of Jesus Christ & give NO more to the "Adam & Eve" Syndrome. NEVER allow Satan to fool you, especially in a way that he fooled Eve. Honor YOUR commitment, because ALL choices have consequences & at monumental proportions. Keep your eyes of Jesus.
    • Living/Anti-Seared Conscious/Conscience: NOT allowing sin or the planet to shape their conscious. Have your conscious be shaped by the Word of God.
    • Ivermectin
    • REAL Good Medicines/Drugs ('FU BIG PHARMA:NEW STUDY FINDS THESE SAFE OVER THE COUNTER DRUGS STOP 99% OF COVID VIRUS REPLICATIONS! First it was Hydroxychloroquine, then it was Ivermectin, now it is over the counter cold medicine? What a BS racket Big Pharma is! And to think of how many stupid, naïve, and brainless world citizens just blindly trusted their governments? Not me. Not you. Nope we can think for ourselves and we know the stuff they are pushing is nothing but poison. Here's more proof of that. Two common over-the-counter compounds reduced COVID-19 virus replication by 99% in early testing. The combination of Ivermectin & Milk can prevent COVID from swelling & expanding in human & monkey lung cells. The findings from Dr. David Obstrove published this information: “We found out why certain drugs are actives against the virus that causes coronavirus. Once we were able to establish that, we then were able to indentify 2 kinds of compounds that put together our anti-viral treatment that is not only affective but is also economical & with a long history of safety”. SO just to stuck it in Big Pharma’s butt & break it off, there are names of the produces that have these sustenance: Benadryl, Nytol, Milk, lacfoferrin, etc.', ZINC, 'Here’s alittle something about the flu vaccines: “1] At least the flu vaccine DOESN’T alter or change people’s DNA; 2] the flu shots, as disgusting as the ingredients are that are INSIDE it, typically keeps you from getting sick & from getting the flu most of the time. It is considered a TRUE vaccine”', monoclonal antibody treatments, 'Dandelion Extract can help with weight loss, get rid of cancer, get rid of liver damage, repair cells, boost immunity health, kill spike proteins, etc.', 'A REAL CURE FOR CANCER? NEW DRUG USED TO TREAT CANCER SHOWS A 100% CURE RATE AND 0 SIDE EFFECTS! Researchers at the world famous Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center have conducted a trial on 18 patients with advanced stage rectal cancer. For the first time in medical recorded history ALL 18 patients went into remission! This is an incredible and very promising development in the treatment and race to cure cancer. It’s a good thing that not every doctor, clinologist, researcher, biologist, & virologist is out just to make money & go against their hypocratic oath “To Do No Harm”, & there have been many braver & anti Big Pharma doctors out there throughout history that have come up with cures & treatment for certain things & some of them were MURDERED & censored for it & their work have been either stolen or destroyed! Some brave researchers in the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center because of a potential very good miracle drug for cancer treatments so far has resulted in every single patientadministered this drug in this trial & every single one of the 18 patients has ben CURED & 100% cure rate, meaning they show no signs of any side effect. The doctors at the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center were working on these trial with these patients & they ought to be applauded, praised & we better pray for those doctors & for their safety because they’re gonna be a 100% target from Big Pharma because Big Pharma has A LOT of money to protect their OWN interests (& that interest is making money on their drugs & to protect their profits). There has been HUNDREDS of Holistic Doctors that have ended up dead & in fake suicides & freak accidents by Big Pharma’s PAID assassination teams to take conservative / right-leaning doctors out that come up with cures. So these studies by these brave Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center doctors were conducted on 18 patients that were diagnosed with advanced rectal cancer. Incredibly, all of those patients saw their tumors shrink & disappear & there are NO signs of ANY remaining tumors after these patients were given physical exams, catscans, MRIs, etc. & the best part yet is NO PAIN & no treatments that are painful treatments & NO chemotherapy! This is actually the 1st time in medical recorded history in which a clinical trial has resulted a 100% success rate. But we need to be cautiously optimistic because there are 2 reasons: 1] it was a very small sample size & it was only 18 patients, but the same researchers & scientists are already conducting a study right now with well over 500 people. So let’s hope & pray that they get the same results 2] we also need to be cautiously optimistic of is that this cure may actually work to cure certain cancers including rectal cancer, but these doctors are gonna be a TARGET by Big Pharma. Big Pharma is gonna SABATAGE & destroy their work or pay / threaten them off to come up with fake results! Big Pharma & its assassinations teams are WILLING to KILL to protect their profits!! We need to PRAY to God for the safety of these brave anti Big Pharma / anti “profits over people” doctors & researchers who has the courage to stand up against the medical establishment & say “You know what, it’s NOT meant to be profits over people. It’s meant to be people over profits!!”', etc.)
    • Natural Immunity ('New CDC [Center for Disinformation Control] study proves once again Natural Immunity is more effective than the poison Russian Roulette shots. Natural Immunity proves MORE effective that vaccines!! A new report was released that unvaccinated people who recover from COVID-19 more are BETTER PROTECTED than those who are vaccinated & not previously infected during the recent delta surge. The research evaluated the data from 1.1 million COVID-19 cases among adults in California & New-York, which account 18% of the USA population from 05/30/2021 A.D. to 11/20/2021 A.D. The study was divided into 4 groups of adults, age 18 & above: 1] unvaccinated with no previous laboratory confirm COVID-19 diagnosis; 2] unvaccinated with a previous COVID-19 diagnosis; 3] vaccinaterd within 14 days with no previous COVID-19 diagnosis; 4] vaccinated with a PREVIOUS COVID-19 diagnosis. According to the study from May to November of 2021 A.D., case & hospitalization rates were HIGHEST among many individuals were unvaccinated without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis. Before delta became a prominant variant in June 2021 A.D., case rates were higher among people who survived a previous infection than people who were vaccinated alone. By early October 2021 A.D., people who survived a previous infection had LOWER case rates than people who were vaccinated alone. In the pre-delta period in 06/26/2021 A.D., samples compared with hospitalization rates among unvaccinated folks without a previous COVID-19 diagnosis , when looking at the summer & autumn of 2021 A.D. when delta became prominent in America, surviving from a previous COVID-19 diagnosis now provide a GREATER protection for the unvaccinated. Natural Immunity required through previous infections of COIVD is more influential than experimental vaccines', etc.)
  • Good / Anti-Evil Practices
  • Worry-Free
  • Uncovering Sin
  • Stop Sinning
  • Good Will
  • Impartiality
  • Self Control
  • Be Serious
  • Positive & Anti-Destructive Qualities: those are the thing we need to enter into our personalities. We've got to keep a sharp eye on the negative & destructive qualities & do everything we can to stop the spirit of pride from getting a foothold & a grip into our personalities
  • Ways To Defeat/Destroy The Devil:
    • Protecting the Human Mind:
      • God will protect the human heart & human mind. So guard you minds from satanic intrusions the same way Job did
      • Cleansing our minds & hearts from evil thoughts with the blood of Jesus Christ
      • We need to identify between an open door from God & a snare from Satan/Lucifer. We need to also get acquainted with God's ways & how we operate. Every good things comes from God, but not everything that looks good is from God or of God. Some of the supposed good things are Satan's beautifully embellished & wrapped gifts that put on godly appearances. The Devil IS the deceiver & will aim to deceive you in your live. That is why need to be spiritually alert & discerning to be able to truly recognize God's gifts when they come our way. Take time to see God's face & He'll answer your prayers & give you the RIGHT directions.
      • We must Diligently guard our hearts & minds from the lies & deceptions of Satan the devil king
      • Seeking God while He may still be found meaning repent of your wicked ways & letting go ANYTHING that God hates by stopping to have anything to do with it.
      • In order to stop Satan the devil king from entering our lives, we must close ALL 5 spiritual doors that he gains access to
        • Run away from sin & Satan
        • NEVER seek alternatives (bad/liberal/leftist ones): never separate yourself from God's love & NEVER go to the ways of evil to get things done
      • Guard your heart & mind from Satan in the same way Job & Jesus Christ do
      • You must NEVER eat with sin, play with sin, laugh with sin or escape the death that comes with sin. Stay the heck AWAY from being naïve, because sin isn't a joke or something that you can stroll into & then stroll out of. Always run from sin, no matter how far strong it is.
    • Here are 4 ways to recognize whether those gifts & open doors are from God / Jesus Christ or not:
      • 1) We can know if a door is opened from God & not from the Devil-king through spiritual discernment
      • 2) Through ensuring that the door doesn't oppose God's word
      • 3) The door provides us peace (meaning REAL peace & "peace through strength" & NOT "peace through tyranny") through God's grace
      • 4) The door is a channel so that your light may shine
    • Stick with Christianity/Judaism & Stay Away from Practicing Evil & Other Religions
    • Resist him & his temptations
    • When the devil puts thoughts & lies into your head & ears, Hang up on him. Talk with God / Jess Christ 7 Lucifer/Satan will flee
    • Never fall for him tactics (especially for false messiahs/prophets that will perform signs & wonders of miracles to deceive you)
    • Understand that you must be armed with the FULL spiritual/psychological Holy Armor of God at all times & be resolute against Lucifer/Satan the devil king whenever he surfaces.
    • Block out Satan's lies, but NEVER block your prayers or God's Words/Blessings.
    • To Stop Resisting The Holy Spirit of God:
      • We need to razor-sharpen our ability to hear the voice of God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit
      • We need to RESIST the spirits of pride, stubbornness, boast & proud. God resists the proud but never resists the humble. God ALONE is worthy of receiving honor, glory & praise, but pride attempts to STEAL the glory of God. Pride (the 1st sin ever to be committed) has NO place in our lives!!!
      • NOT Grieving the Holy Spirit
      • Quiet your mind & God will speak to your spirit
    • Putting on the FULL psychological/spiritual Armor of God in order to stand AGAINST the wiles/lies of Satan/Lucifer:
      • loins girt with truth (belt of truth)
      • breastplate of righteousness
      • shoes with the preparation of the gospel of peace (peace through strength)
      • shield of faith
      • helmet of salvation
      • sword/gun of the spirit/word/will of God, which is the Knowledge of the Word of God
      • Shield of the Trinity
      • Knowledge of God's Word/Will
      • Word of God: a manifestation of the mind and will of God; the sacred writings of the Christian religions; "he went to carry the Word to the heathen"; the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It helps counterattack ALL plans/lies & deceptions
    • We need to have a CLEAR relationship with God's Holy Spirit
    • True Judeo-Christian Teachers/Prophets
    • NEVER let Satan take a foothold in your lives
    • Worship God in both spirit & truth. God wants those who tell the truth, those who are IN truth & NOT those who tell lies. While Satan is the father of lies, Jesus Christ is the father of truth. Truth is the ONLY way to God. God & Jesus Christ want you to REJECT the family/children of the devil & come into the truth of Christ. So STOP LYING!! We must prevent ourselves from becoming like the children/family of the devil.
    • God wants you to get INTO the light of Jesus Christ & leave this darkness that is covering True-Earth Prime's planet earth.
    • Develop a strong mind & you'll have a strong life
    • Safe guard your spirit from Satan/Lucifer, for he's like a roaring that seeks to devour. Safe guard your spirit & mind from his fiery darts. Stand AGAINST the works of the devil king & prevent him from gaining access to your heart, mind & spirit. There are 6 Things That you can avoid & protect Your Spirit
      • STOP continuing in sin, even after being redeemed by Jesus Christ. If we want to flourish in our walk with God, we CANNOT continue to live in the terrible state from which God saved us.
      • NEVER speak evil of one another, because he who speaks evil of a brother speaks evil of the law & judges the law.
      • Do NOT love True-Earth Prime's planet earth or the things of this planet. We have been called into a lifestyle that is different from the patterns of True-Earth Prime's planet earth. We have been raised up together with Jesus Christ, for our things should be focused on things above & not things on this planet
      • Spiritual Exercise in the goodness & perfect will & word of God
      • There is NO relationship between light & darkness
      • Remain discipline in God in order to maintain your walk with God. Even as you trust the Holy Spirit to help you, you must make conscious decisions to stay away from people, things & circ*mstances that can affect you relationship with God. Discipline your body to ris eup & pray, study. Discipline yourself to say no to the advertisem*nts of Satan the devil king
      • DO NOT quench the spirit. NEVER ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit or neglect His instructions, for He has emotions & personality. You NEED Him
    • The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. Although God doesn;t hate the sinners, He hates ALL sin. You must repent & have a good relationship with God.
    • Overcome sin before it overcomes you. REMOVE the barriers of sin in order to have fellowship of God. Practice the truth & walk in the light. Confess your sins & NEVER deceive yourself
    • The children of God must be obedient to God & NOT earthly government. They must keep His commandments to have their prayers answered. What He requires for us is to live a sinless life.
    • NEVER trust every angel because Satan disguises himself in ANY form (like the seprent & as an angel of light) & he is DECEPTIVE!! It's time to open your mind of understanding & tell God to help your to avoid EVERY path of Satan so that you'll never become prey to Satan. Don't believe every spirit, but TEST the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world of True-Earth Prime's (the universe & reality that you & I are TRULY in) planet earth
    • Stay awake (both psychically, psychologically, spiritually & mentally) & be ready to rebuke Satan the devil king at ANY point in time. We shouldn't sit back & wait til he disguises & knock at our doors. We need to grow UP in Christianity & NOT remain like infants. We need to start seeing things from a PROPER angle, we need to give ourselves to God's Holy Spirit, & we need to be about to know the truth & know what is not true. You need to stay AWAKE all the time. STOP sleeping in the spirit
    • Pray for your families & friends & pray for the people around you. DON'T isolate yourself just Satan can use ANYONE. You must pray that God / Jesus Christ will shield them from Satan/Lucifer & that you never fall for Satan's temptations. Our prayer life is a DIRECT reflection of our commitment to God
    • 5 Things That You Should NEVER do to The Holy Spirit:
      • 1) Do NOT resist the Holy Spirit, but ALWAYS resist Satan the devil king who deceives & kills
      • 2) Do NOT grieve the Holy Spirit & DON'T make Him sad
      • 3) Do NOT quench the Holy Spirit or you'll lose the guidance of God
        • Applying the Word of God in your life. Be the doers of the Words of God & NEVER deceive yourselves
        • NEVER disobey God or His Word
        • Allowing the Holy Spirit to lead & ALWAYS ask Him for help
      • 4) NEVER lie to God or the Holy Spirit & NEVER play games with them
      • 5) NEVER blaspheme/curse or speak ungodly things about the Holy Spirit
    • Don't play games with God, but ALWAYS resist Satan the devil king who deceives & kills
    • The Holy Bible DOESN'T tell us not to plan because we believe Jesus Christ will take the wheel. In fact, the Bible recommends GOOD planning. He asked us to plan, plan against the plans of both the Devil & the Left. Never overthink!
    • Stop allowing the Devil king to dictate your life & don't let him call the shots in your life. Stand your ground & protect your friends & family from all unclean spirits.
    • WE must NEVER be weary because Satan is NEVER tired. We must GIRD ourselves with the WHOLE armor of God for us to survive to the end. The war is being waged in the spiritual dimension & it's manifesting in the physical / True-Earth Prime dimension. WE must NEVER cease praying to God & Jesus Christ!! God FIGHTS battles in both the physician & spiritual dimensions of True-Earth Prime (the universe & reality that you & I are in) for us WITHOUT us knowing. WE need to be CONSTANTLY thankful for all the things God does for us. NEVER take ANYTHING for granted, but always have a thanksgiving attitude. Pray in the spirit even harder against the works & plans/plots/schemes of the devil king & the Left.
    • STOP Blocking the Favor of God. The Favor of God is like a shield that can shield you from the attacks & tactics of Satan the devil king.
    • Living a humble life as the head, NOT the tail. And don't let sin block your face from God. Hold on to the Hand of God, the place of safety.
    • NEVER cover your sins, but ALWAYS forsake your sins & ask Him to him you in any areas of your weakness & watch Him take over your weakness.
    • Repent of ANY known sin in your life & be ready to let go of your sins, no matter how little they are. Run away from ALL sin before they consume you. Run away from ANY corruption that doesn't permit us.
    • Praying Properly: Asking God for different things for right reasons. Clean your heart, purify your soul & God will answer you. Worship God in spirit & in truth & in the beauty of His Holiness.
    • Do NOT let pride & ALL negative & destructive things/qualities in your personalities.
    • Stay away from being the Enemy of God & listen to the words of Jesus Christ.
    • NEVER being friend of both God & the world of planet earth, AKA, Hell, at the same time. You cannot have foot in Heaven & have a foot Hell at the same time. There is NO such thing as spiritual neutrality.
    • There are many things that God LOVES:
      • People having a calm body/mind. Stay away from thinking of ungodly things & STOP imagining to do immoral things, especially with other people. Get RID of ALL evil thoughts.
      • Hating people who are disgusting, degenerate & don’t deserve to be in America & Israel
      • Hating just how demoralized & how quickly & easily fooled humans of True-Earth Prime’s planet earth REALLY are in many ways
      • Offend planet earth & be it's enemy
      • Hating potty-mouths
      • Us controlling ourselves, our emotions (including anger) & staying calm. We must ALWAYS remember the dangers of unrighteous anger & NEVER act in haste. Recheck your life now & know if you're on the right path to righteousness
      • Turning to God / Jesus Christ / Holy Spirit & the RIGHT people for help
      • NOT Scoffing/Mocking God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit
      • Ears (in the heart, mind, body, gut & soul/spirit) that physically / spiritual / psychically / intellectually / attentive hear & eyes (in the heart, mind, body, gut & soul/spirit) that physically / spiritual / psychically / intellectually / attentive see the Truth/Voice/Word of God, especially through ALL deceptions/lies, & act on God's warning. We must take HEED for the warnings & truths coming from God / Jesus Christ & the Right. Be obedient of God & NOT to Satan/Lucifer or to earthly/corrupt governments / politicians / bureaucrats & the wrong people (the Left), so that you can receive the spiritual mysteries of God's kingdom.
      • NOT bargaining with Satan the devil king
      • Clean/Righteous/Holy Hands & Pure/White/Clean Hearts/Souls/Minds: you must keep your heart clean & pure. Flee from ALL sexual immorality & flee from ALL the damages of evil
      • Hands that are Holy without doubting or wrath. Control your hands & NOT shed blood of the innocent with/on your hands nor steal anything. Be honest with your hands.
      • Using feet to take you to places so that you can spread the gospel. Prevent you feet from rushing to do evil & DON'T go to places that are filled with immorality or to places where God hates
      • The behavior & characteristics of the Children of God. DON'T behave like the children/occults of Satan the devil king or ANY of his traits, including lies/deceit. Obey ONLY God & shun the ways of darkness. Always tell the truth in all that you do, in whatever situations you find yourself in.
      • Trying to be immune to the lusts/temptations of both the human eyes/flesh
      • Retaining God in knowledge
      • Soft-Heartedness
      • Not playing with Darkness: Jesus Christ didn't bring/rescue mankind of the darkness for them to go back to darkness or to carry out Satan's traditions. We must identify ALL satanic acts & make sure that we DON'T go into them. Form a covenant with God & the blood of Jesus Christ
      • Control your eyes in order not to sin against God & to stop being so lustful, & to stop committing sexual immorality
      • Do NOT speak idle words & stay the heck away from lying to both people & yourself. Stop speak evil & ungodly things. Know how to listen instead of speaking all the time.
      • Spiritual Eyes arew created by God for people to see only as the gospel of Jesus Christ are preached & the Holy Spirit touches their minds
      • Hearts truly connected with God: do the right thing & run back to God. Eject Satan the devil king from your hearts, resist the infinite kingdoms of darkness in your life & focus on God. Stop honoring God with words & your mouth alone. Let your heart & life agree with you & let your life testify on your behalf & let God dwell in your heart. God's kingdom is avaible to everyone if they can open their hearts & minds to God & NOT to Satan/Lucifer. The way to purify your heart & mind is to let the Word of God settle in it. Read the Word of God & keep it in your heart. Protect your heart & mind from ALL evil & from sinning against God
      • Running FAR AWAY from sin
      • Doing the Will of God: there's a difference between "going to church", calling yourself a Christian & doing the Will of God. Doing the Will of God is obeying all He has told you to do & diligently doing all that He has told you. if you're relaly doing what God (& not government or liberal/leftist/evil humans) has told you to do, it shows that you love God. The Will of God for you is running away from sin at ALL times & repent so that He can heal you & move you from the broad way that leads to destruction to the narrow way that leads to life
      • Offending the world (True-Earth Prime's planet earth & its humans) & being at peace with God
      • NOT living in the "here & now" & NOT focusing on the "things of planet earth" or the "fleshy things of life"
      • Not downplaying the Word of God
      • Whole/Focused Heart & Mind
    • Believe in God's power to save & walk in perfect sinlessness as King Hezekiah did
    • Spiritual/Psychological/Mental/Supernatural Weapons of God / Jesus Christ: ones that DON'T allow the weapons/plans of Satan to prosper. The weakness & foolishness of God is STRONGER than that of humans
    • Stay away from the things that can attract the arrows of the devils & remain spiritually/psychologically awake
    • Quiet Your Mind And God Will Speak To Your Spirit
    • Don't let Satan & his demons & devils drag you back into the darkness of planet earth
    • Protect YOUR Family & Home From Evil Spirits. We have to make the Holy Spirit the head of our home. The true Spirit of God is profitable for everything that concerns our life & living. He will lead us & guide us on what is God's & what represents Satan the devil king. We need to fire ourselves up & take away whatever attracts Satan into our home & life. Spiritually cleanse the house/building of any/all satanic/demonic activities & darkness/evilness. Allow the incorruptible spirit of God into your home, for it's the spirit of truth in God's presence. Don't use music that attracts Satan.
    • What makes you MORE powerful than Satan/Lucifer the devil king is God through Jesus Christ!!!!
    • Always guard you heart, mind & soul/spirit from ALL smart/cunning demons/devils & unclean spirits, & reject them ALL, expecially in churches. NEVER deny the powers of God / Jesus Christ & don't live a prayerless life. Let the Holy Spirit of God remind inside the human body & EXCLUDE demons & wicked spirits.
    • DON'T weak your spirit
    • God has given us a Sound Mind & NOT the spirit of fear. Keep or eyes on the greatness of God.
    • We need to find & connect to the community of conservative / right-leaning like-minded people, people who desire & thirst for righteousness, people who are hungry to win souls for Jesus Christ
    • We must makes resolves in our hearts & minds NOT to let Satan penetrate them & NOT let sin easily ensnare us. We need to stand our ground & understand that God plans your our lives is GREATER than our present sufferings. We need to lean over MORE onto God's Words for victory & breakthrough!
    • How to CONTROL Your OWN Human Body & Stay AWAY from Sinning, Especially Before the Judgement of God:
      • So don't EVER side with what is evil in His eyes & DON'T EVER lust in your eyes {meaning remove your eyes from evil & CONTROL them}, no matter what sinners (mainly our earthly enemies, the Left) say or do
      • Don't say anything evil/ungodly or deceitful/manipulative. Take control of your mouth & saying truthfully/honestly. ALWAYS know how to listen before speaking all the time
      • Do NOT shed the blood of innocent people (especially if it's someone on the Right) & NEVER use hands & thoughts to commit evil!! Use your hands to worship God
      • Control you feet & NEVER let them rush/run to do evil!! Never go to places of inequity/immorality
      • In the human mind & heart, DON'T let Satan have ANY opportunity to enter the mind/heart. NEVER think of ungodly/immoral things, especially with / without other people. Think of heavenly/pure things only & GET RID of ALL evil thoughts
      • Never take liberties with sin & NEVER entertain it!! Have confidence in the Word of God (the antidote to rid the tight grip/sting of sin OUT of the heart) & remain both Holy & blameless in life (both inner & outer)
      • Don't speak out against God's Holy Spirit or even mentioning Him. Don't reject the power of God's Holy Spirit
      • Stop attributing the work that Jesus Christ has done (through the power of God's Holy Spirit) to the powers of demons/devils. Don't see the work of Jesus Christ as evil, EVER!!!
      • Be Spiritually-Minded
    • To Avoid ALL of the Satanic Packages:
      • Make your life right in God's Eyes because Satan the devil king is getting DESPARATE & ultra smart in ALL of his tactics before he gets casted into the seas of Hell's fire, but he DOERSN'T want to go there alone because he wants as MANY people to be cast in there with him. Stay on the RIGHT path (God's right path) & stand your ground & pray without stopping
      • Reject ALL earthly things, be alert & on guard (physically, psychologically/mentally/psychically & spiritually). Christians must WAKE UP & stop being victims of evil spirits. Reject ALL sinful things & stand for truth, no matter how many times or being persecuted. Stand against ALL evil & fight
      • Make time & talk with God / Jesus Christ, & REPENT of your evil/wicked ways by letting go everything (including ALL secret sins) that God hates.
      • Stay away from ALL secret/evil groups/societies & the circles of evil people, & NEVER tell them about your life. Keep on praying to God & NEVER let your guard down. We need God to open our eyes to the TRUTHFUL people & the EVIL people around us so that we know who we can avoid. Talk to God before you can talk to humans & let Him direct you & teach you what to do
      • DON'T be afraid of the evils (whether they be human our spiritual/demonic/divine) & their king, Satan/Lucifer. Be strong today & trust in God / Jesus Christ
      • Reject the demonic persistence, including that of Satan & the Left, & guard yourself & NEVER let your guard down. NEVER let any form of struggling get the better of you. Don't ever give up, especially when you overcome temptations of satan the devil king, & NEVER sleep/rest (not even spiritually or psychically). Always be close to Jesus Christ
      • Be VERY careful on which church you go to & stay the HECK AWAY from be a victim to false doctrines of the many antichrist spirits. Do NOT be deceived. Don't judge by ANY preachers physical appearance, but by their fruits.
      • Keep your hearts, minds & souls AWAY from the evils of planet earth & away from the preparedness of the antichrists. Do NOT join the multitudes of prevailing evils. War against both sin & the Left & everything that has to do with them. Stay the heck away from giving in to material things of planet earth & from lovers of both pleasure & themselves
    • Anti-Evil / Anti-Demonic Spirits: spirits that are of God
      • How to Avoid & Overcome/Destroy evil spirits:
        • The way to stop seducing spirits from leading you away from God is to know God & His word for yourself. Always compare to what the Holy Bible says & speaks AGAINST both false teachings, seducing spirits & the doctrines of devils. We must break ourselves FREE from EVERY seducing spirit. God doesn't want us to give heed to the spirits of seduction because they will ALSO make us loose our way. It's good hunger & thirst for God in the spirit, but you must be careful that you're NOT fed with poison & NOT be seduced into drinking poison. DON'T joke the seduction spirits
        • You need to know the WiOd of God for yourself & DON'T rely/believe everything that everyone says
        • Stray AWAY from ALL Satacin/Devilish Acts: Jesus Christ DIDN'T bring us out the darkness just to carry darkness everywhere we go & He DIDN'T rescue us from the hands of the devil king for us to carry Satan's traditions in us. We must identify these satanic acts & make sure that we DON'T go into them. If we've been involved in these acts, there is a need for us to BREAK them AWAY from our lives, because the truth is that MANY of these satanic acts attract curses into people's lives. You need to ask God for knowledge/wisdom & to open your eyes (physical, spiritual & psychological) to see & open your mind to know things. There are MANY satanic things out there that people (mainly the Left the elitists [Democrats, RINOs, career politicians, bureaucrats, Hollywood elitists, abortionists, etc.]) engage in but there are 5 of them which cover the LARGER percentage of these satanic things & we must avoid ALL of them in our lives
          • Stay away from ALL evil covenants, a blood/demonic/denominate covenants in fact which are NOT recognized by God as the Blood of Jesus Christ but one that summons demons. If you entered it one before, you need DELIVERANCE & to pray OUT of it. Just stay CLEAR of blood covenants & occult groups!
          • Stop sowing discord amongst Christians & DON'T let Satan use you to cause separation in the body of Christ. Stay away from false prophets, false teachers in the Bible, false pastors, & false teachings/doctrines. Do NOT promoting false doctrines amongst Christians & NEVER tell anyone to believe what isn't biblical or what isn't true
          • Be the TRUE Child of God WITH the qualities of the Child of God. ALWAYS tell the truth (which Jesus Christ is the father of) & NEVER choose the paths of Satan!! Allow truth to flow in you & RUN from deceit/lies
          • NEVER tempt God / Jesus Christ. You must pray HARD to break yourself AWAY from satanic things & have a renewed mind & buld a strong relationship with god
          • Focus on God's Promises & NOT Satan's lies
        • Test/Exam EVERY spirit (especially spirit that can take the form of the Holy Spirit or the angel of light) & confirm where they came from, & become Christ-like in order to glorify God & NOT Satan/Lucifer
        • Walk in the anti-evil / anti-demonic spirit & you will NEVER fulfil the lust of the flesh
        • Run away from ALL appearance of both sin & evil, anything that will cage us, anything that is ungodly that will make us become a slave we must run. DON'T entertain it or check it out because those are the things that flesh loves to do. Do NOT allow ANYONE (in the physical/human dimension & the spiritual/supernatural dimension) to destroy your relationship with God. AVOID ALL poison/venom & addiction, & DON'T open the door (physical, spiritual & psychological/mental) that allows evil spirits to enter your house/body. Do NOT be misled, because BAD company corrupts good character; come back to your good senses & STOP sinning & stop being ignorant of God. Remember that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is MORE powerful than sin & demons/devils. Always run from sin as if you're a runaway slave.
        • Devils, Devils evil spirits & fallen angels are ALWAYS more intelligent than us humans & they have been around ALOT longer than we have, using trials & errors that work & don't work. You must NEVER invite them into your life & NEVER fall into their paranormal traps. Attack ALL demons & ghosts & cast them ALL OUT. NEVER summon spirits
        • Tell the spirit of condemnation that there's NO place for condemnation in those who have Jesus Christ in their life & on their side. Jesus has the power to cancel out condemnation in your life
        • Stay away from the Negative effects of an Unforgiving Spirit. But we, the Right, never forgive/love the Left & their evil allies (China / CCP [Chinese Communist Party], Democrats, RINOs [Republican In Name Only], the establishment, the elitists, the Marxists [especially cultural Marxists, good, Marxists, etc.], fake/woke Christians, idolaters, demon/Satan worshippers, woke / cancel culture mobs, radical Islamic terrorists [Taliban, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, etc.], the Biden regime, the Obama regime, BLM [Black Lives/Lies Matter; or should they be Beelzebub, Lucifer & Mephistopheles], Antifa [Anti 1st Amendment], socialists, communists, abortionists, indoctrinators, fornicators, the "experts" [liberal/leftist people who pretend to be experts but are actually fakers], Never-Trumpers, liberals/leftists, election thieves / voter frauders, activist/progressive judges/juries, the deep-state [woke intel committee, woke health committee, woke education / academia committee, sports, corporations, etc.], the Woke, poachers, illegal traders / dealers, smugglers / traffickers, evil / liberal / leftist intellectuals / schemers, etc.) for what they've done unless they TRULY repent & change their ways, especially when they're STILL the blind / unreasonable children of Satan the devil king. Never underestimate / overestimate them at all!!
        • Recognize the Satan/cursed objects/invitations/people & stay the heck away from them. Protect your home & family from them. Don't get involved in occultic practices. Invite ONLY God & Jesus Christ / Holy Spirit into your home. Pray for God's protection & fight in the place of prayer
        • Don't choose to align with the ways of planet earth's earthly Left at the expense of God's Will, or you're boosting the ego & authority of the antichrist
        • Stay the heck away from the demonic/divine forces of darkness & evil, especially the ones on planet earth
      • Spirit of Hope
      • The Holy Spirit of God
      • Spirits of helping mankind become IMMUNE to the evil spirits (seen on Seven Deadly Sins)
      • Spirts of Deception/Seduction Immunity
      • Spirit of Seeing through ALL Deceptions/Lies/Seductions & manipulated realities
      • The Divine Wrath of God
      • The Divine/Holy & Anti-Satanic Trinity (God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son & the Holy Spirit who directs people to worship God & Jesus Christ)
      • Spirit of Truth
      • Spirit of Discernment
      • Many others
    • 6-7 Ways To Break Free Of The Evil One
      • Part 1
        • 1. We reign through knowledge
        • 2. Continue to seek knowledge
        • 3. We must think things through
        • 4. Instead of worry meditate
        • 5. We must take spiritual responsibility
        • 6. Always ensure that you stand in righteousness
        • 7. Fight the good fight of the faith
      • Part 2
        • 1. Look at the nature of the attack
        • 2. Find out what the God says
        • 3. Do what the word says concerning the situation
        • 4. Pray and lose yourself from the stronghold.
        • 5. Starve every negative habit that you cultivated
        • 6. Make studying God's a part of the routine.
        • 7. Stay away from people who drag you down.
    • Don't let Satan-influenced people influence you & DON'T fall for the ploys of the devil king. You just need be influenced by the Holy Spirit ONLY!! Don't allow someone in your life to influence you & your eternity & DON'T give in to them. NEVER stop serving God / Jesus Christ. Allow Christ to be the one that influences you & follow his path. Let the Word of God influence you.
    • DON'T sell your souls to Satan the devil king of True-Earth Prime's planet earth & NEVER let greed/avarice tempt you or take control of you. Reject all earthly gifts that will lead to greed/avarice & never let money become god.
    • Stop making ALL excuses, for God DOESN'T want to hear excuses. Receive the Blessing of God & LEAVE excuses alone
    • Reject Passive & Weak Christianity. Don't let lust into eyes.
    • Stay away from doing/engaging in paranormal activities (especially the game called "Charlie, Charlie") & ungodly pronunciations. And NEVER find power elsewhere when Jesus Christ has given us power & NEVER experiment with what He doesn't allow. Never remove yourself from the shadow of the Almighty God!!! Educate families about the spiritual/supernatural dimension of True-Earth Prime that cannot be explained scientifically
    • Always be a stubborn/powerful threat to the kingdoms/governments (including planet earth) of darkness, Hell, demons/devils dark/evil ones/spirits & liberals/leftists. Take it SERIOUSLY like how Jesus Christ (God in human form) did & DON'T be a victim/scapegoat (ones that are tormented in the kingdoms of darkness). Pray with FIRE in you & KNOW God while NOT being afraid of Satan/Lucifer the devil king!!!
    • Pursue peace (not peace through tyranny) with ALL people & holiness, that way you'll see the face of God
    • Stop overwhelming & stop overthinking everything. Resist ALL forms of procrastination & laziness
    • Don't be idle & don't be like the idle people (the Left). Never enjoy sin or any of the Left's versions of the virtues
    • Stay spiritually/mentally awake & pray HARD to God / Jesus Christ, & DON'T sleep in the mind/spirit while praying AGINST both evil people & the devil king's seeds of evil. Pray that evil will NEVER win your heart
    • Don't repay evil with evil. Do good things to others & DON'T let evil in your hearts
    • Softening one's heart for God & make the DELIBERATE choice to follow God / Jesus Christ in order to stay AWAY from Hell & go to Heaven
    • Guard Your Heart, Thought & Mind With All Your Strength - Create A Healthy Heart. Glorify God in your body & spirit, & don't let planet earth lead you astray. Resist the wiles of Satan the devil king & close ALL loopholes in order to prevent him from launching attacks in your minds
    • Creative Forces of Christ
    • Stop believing that Jesus Christ cannot forgive because of what they've done
    • Never lack self-control & you'll never be a slave to emotions, flesh (your own bodily flesh), etc. Never view sin or sinful behavior as acceptable or as a culture. NEVER justify sin!!!
    • Avoid ALL Satanic doors & NEVER open them. Reject ALL the goods stuff or the flashy things of life that Satan offers you & avoid the ways of both government, the Left & Satan the devil king. Stay the heck AWAY from be conformed by planet earth, because Satan the devil king is the TRUE god of this planet. Always watch & pray to NEVER be falling into temptations because the planet earth WILL influence you.
    • Flee from ALL sexual sin/immorality & stay away from the strongholds of both Satan & the Left
    • Ask for the Voice of God's Holy Spirit & hear His voices. NEVER replace it with the voice of fear
    • Eject Satan & all of the demons/devils & fallen angels from your hearts, minds & souls/spirits. Resist the kingdoms of darkness in your life & focus on God / Jesus Christ dwelling in your hearts.
    • Stop covering/hiding your sin. Anyone confesses their sin & forsake them will prosper & have mercy
    • Avoid the Human Flesh: Prevent the flesh from blocking your prayers to God, but don't underestimate the power of prayer. Take prayer VERY seriously & pray more! Don't let anybody (including the Left & the Marxists) deceive you & don't live in an exposed life. Don't fall asleep (physically / materially, spiritually & psychically / mentally / psychologically), just wake up (physically / materially, spiritually & psychically / mentally / psychologically) (open your spiritual/psychological eyes & stand) & stay the heck away from letting your guard down. Rise now & STRENGTHEN your spirit with God's shining light & glory, for prayer is something you must never forget in your life. Never pray in the human flesh or by the leading of the human flesh & never appear to God in the flesh. God is NOT a lustful god & He's NOT a lust enabler. The Eyes of Gods are too pure (purely good) to even look at sin or its appearances. So pray in the spirit & truth at all times & make sure that it's NOT the human flesh that is controlling you. Let God's Holy Spirit lead you in prayer & tell the human flesh that we're not in its control. Always walk in the spirit (not in the evil spirit) & never fulfill the lusts of the flesh. Allow Jesus Christ to wash you clean in His blood.
    • Wake up & focus on the one who can spiritually & psychologically save one, Jesus Christ. Don't listen to your feelings & don't listen to your guilt. Listen to the Word of God & have faith in it. When you ask God for forgiveness, believe that you've been forgiven. You need to believe that you've been saved/forgiven & start a new life (not the life of the Left or the Democrats/liberals of True-Earth Prime's planet earth). Have faith that God can forgive you of the sins you've committed. Stay away from having negative views of God & stay away from listening to the voices of Satan the devil king.
    • Don't become like the world (planet earth), because it thinks it's self-sufficient (meaning independently of God)
    • People have been asking: how much power does Satan have & what can he do & not do? It's important to highlight that Satan IS very powerful (though not all-powerful & only has LIMITED access to God) & both you & I must NEVER underestimate his power. Satan was created by God as an angel until he was consumed with pride & treachery & lusted over God's authority. If Satan wasn't limited, he he would have done UNLIMITED evil to all of mankind of True-Earth Prime's planet earth. The powers of Satan the devil king are LIMITED & he will never be able to do anything in the life of a true believer of God / Jesus Christ, unless he is permitted by God. If you are a true believer of Jesus Christ, there is no way Satan or his children (the radical/Marxist Left, the Democrats/RINOs & the CCP/globalists) the real enemies of America & Israel can have power over you. God has the ultimate plans & He knows the way out for you. It will also take the words of a non-fallen angel to rebuke Satan & to take God to cone down & slaughter Satan & all the other demons, devils, fallen angels, ancient evils, demon kings, transcendent demons, fallen transcendent angels, antichrists & false prophets to absolute extinction. Rebuking the devil king is as easy as submitting to God
    • Stopping ignoring the Voice of God
  • 5 Ways to Stop Destructive Behavior:
    • Break the Cycle of Shame: Shame is a negative feeling directed at yourself, such as saying, “I’m a bad person” instead of “I did a bad thing.” Shame often drives self-destructive behaviors in an attempt to ease that pain. Engaging in those behaviors perpetuates the shame and leads to more self-destructive behaviors. This can be a difficult cycle to break. Start by replacing little harmful behaviors with those that are healthy and which foster pride, the antithesis of shame. For example, instead of telling a white lie, tell the truth. Take responsibility for your little messes, andmake positive lifestyle choicesthat promote good physical and mental health. Improving your self-image will help you let go of the shame, and you’ll be less likely to want to engage in the behaviors that bring it back.
    • Don't Believe the Negative Self-Talk: It’s not easy to break a self-destructive habit, and negative self-talk only makes it harder. Telling yourself that you’re weak or stupid is not only destructive in itself, but it’s also not true. Identifying and changing harmful ways of thinking can go a long way toward curbing self-destructive ways of behaving. Next time you have a negative thought about yourself, stop, think and re-phrase it in a more positive way. For example, instead of saying, “I’m weak,” say, “I feel weak right now, but I know I can do this.”
    • Get Support: Overcome Evil with Good! The power of support from friends, family and peers can’t be underestimated. If you’re trying to break a bad habit, encouragement and input from others is invaluable. Tell a supportive friend, family member, or support group member what behaviors you’re trying to change. Ask them for encouragement and help with holding yourself accountable. Supportive friends and loved ones can empower you, cheer you on, and offer wisdom when you’re having a hard time.
    • Use Failure to Learn: You probably won’t be able to change all of your self-destructive behaviors overnight, but you can use your failures to learn better ways of curbing them next time. Think about what made you choose to engage in a self-destructive behavior against your better judgment, then think about ways to circumnavigate that roadblock next time. The attitude with which youmeet a failurehelps to determine the ultimate outcome. For example, if you use drugs or alcohol once you’re in recovery and you beat yourself up about it and engage in negative self-talk, you’re more likely to experience a full-blown relapse than if you assess the situation, learn what you can from it to help you better cope next time,forgive yourself and move on.
    • Prepare Ahead of Time Against the Left: Becoming aware of whattriggers unhealthy habitscan help you forestall engaging in them. For instance, if you’re trying to quit smoking, plan ahead for situations that make you want to smoke and work out a strategy to cope with the discomfort. Once you’re in the tricky situation, stay mindful of your thoughts, feelings and attitudes and try out your coping strategy. If it fails, use your failure to learn what you might do differently next time.
    • Stop becoming a mean, hateful & nasty person at all cost
  • Rejecting/Resisting "the Urge to do Bad": those who hate evil/sin & refuse to worship Satan, government & the Antichrist
  • Anti-Elistism, Anti-Establishmentism, Anti-Politicianism & Anti-Bureaucratism ('the conservative Right's vision of planet earth is where people & individuals have rights & freedoms & the ability to control their OWN destinies & these individual countries have the ability to control their own borders, their own sovereignties, their own currencies & their own futures. And those countries will be elected OWN by the people of those countries. We [like the conservative Right] ALL want the time of real/true conservative/patriot presidents [Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, the Father Founders, Donald John Trump, Dwight David "Ike" Eisenhower, John. F Kennedy, Teddy Roosevelt & Calvin Coolidge]. We must NOT allow the Left [including the radical Marxist Left, the globalists, the Chinese Communists, the Hitlerists, corrupt/career politicians/bureaucrats] to be successful in adding America into the globalist realm / 1-world government, hopefully, because we have a ROBUST 2nd-Amendment of the USA Constitution & over a 100 million gun-owners that have over 300 million guns in their hands, & we DON’T take dictation/tyranny or to be told what to do & we don’t take well with being bossed around & being controlled by anyone on the Left & the globalist realms!! We are Americans & real/true conservative Christians who WILL fight back & remain free because, if it comes to it, it’s gonna be them to die because there are MILLIONS upon MILLIONS of ARMED Americans that are gonna say “Hell No!! We are NOT gonna be a 1-world government & not gonna be a globalist society”!! The globalist indoctrinate movements have been forming & evolving for more than a century, which is proven why evil people, including the Left & the globalists, are ALWAYS the most reincarnated humans more than good people like us the Right & we need to DESTROY them by educating as MANY people as humanly possible about what the globalists’ intentions are!!', 'the side of liberty & freedom & prosperity & smaller/limited government & law & order & our moral foundings & principles & the USA Constitution', 'TOP Young Youtube Star SHREDS Joe Biden Over What He’s Done To Ruin America! When Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama was tyrant, Democrats were considered cool with the internet kids. Now that Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden is in charge, even YouTube star Jake Paul is coming after him for his failures. Jake Paul, who boasts 20.4 million YouTube Subscribers and another 20 million on Instagram, made the rare political criticism to his fans over the weekend. Paul posted a list of “Biden accomplishments” including: 1] Highest gas prices; 2] Worst Inflation; 3] Plummeting crypto prices; 4] Highest ever rent prices; & 5] Created new incomprehensible language. Presumably #5 refers to Biden’s frequent “gaffes” where he often misspeaks or tells outright lies about people who sometimes never even existed. The other 4 are all critiques on the US economy under Joe Biden, which has suffered 40-year high inflation on top of the other things Paul mentioned. He closed his tweet out with a very poignant statement that was sure to rile up some of his more liberal fans, “If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it then you are the American problem.” Jake Paul always loves creating controversy and weighing into it whenever possible. Still, his opinions absolutely have weight with such a large, loyal, and young fan base like his. I appreciate him speaking up against Joe Biden', 'SHOCKING THING That Happened In LA Is Bad For Liberals And Good For us Americans! A petition to initiate a recall vote against liberal District Attorney George Gascon has reportedly received enough signatures to move forward. The Recall DA George Gascón campaign put out a statement celebrating their 566,857 vote, equaling the 10% of registered voters in the city. According to the release, the recall has now received “the most signatures ever collected in Los Angeles County for any petition.” While celebrating the major milestone, the group behind the petition said their overall goal was to reach between 650,000 and 700,000 signatures by the July 6th, 2022 A.D. deadline. The campaign said, “We are officially within striking distance of initiating a recall against George Gascon, but the urgency for signature collection in these final days will be greater than ever. Simply clearing the required threshold is not enough – we must build the necessary cushion for signatures that are inevitably invalidated.” “We are urging every registered voter in Los Angeles County to mail in their petition by no later than June 24th, 2022 A.D. to ensure they arrive on time, or alternatively, drop them off at one of our permanent signing locations by June 30th, 2022 A.D. The only thing that can stop us at this point is complacency.” If the signatures are accepted by the deadline, the recall will appear on the November 08th, 2022 A.D. ballot. As crime has increased across the city, much of the blame has landed at D.A. Gascon’s feet thanks to his liberal policies including no cash bail and reduced sentencing for repeat offenders, and refusing to charge juveniles as adults. This will be the second time that Gascon has faced a recall vote since stealing office in December, 2020. Gascon was also blamed after 2 police officers were murdered by a repeat offender who was released. The major voting landmark is still only half the battle. To actually remove Gascon, the campaign will still need to round up over 50% of the vote against him', '602 926 5874 CALL KAREN FANN & DEMAND A J24 COMMITTEE TO EXPOSE THOSE BEHIND AZ CAPITOL INSURRECTION! If the RINOs in Washington, DC can have a Jan 6th committee for a fake insurrection, then the AZ Legislation can hold a REAL Committee to hold accountable REAL insurrectionists. The groups behind the violent insurrection at the AZ Capitol must be held criminally responsible and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Please call AZ Senate President Karen Fann at [602] 926-5874 and demand she call for a J24 Committee. We need to be active & contact Fann without letting the “I’m too busy worrying about my job & my family to be a conservative activist” mentality taking control of us. We need to have a special session & we need to hold these disgusting, abhorrent liberal/leftist groups/organizations & ALL the pre-planners on the radical extremist Marxist Left CRIMINALLY accountable for what they have done on 06/24/2022 A.D. & for what they’re CONTINUING to do!! We need to criminally, financially & civilly SHUT DOWN these liberal/leftist organizations & their allies & label them all as TERRORIST organizations', 'it is time to change the laws around it in this country so that congresspeople can’t enrich themselves while in office', etc.)
    • Real / Unbroken / Anti-Failed / Successful Promises (‘outlaw vaccine mandates’, ‘arrest teachers that teach the WRONG problems’, ‘arresting teachers that teach critical race theory’, ‘investigating the elections’, ‘investigating the January 6th Committee’, 'State electors, State representatives & state legislators have the plenary powers in the USA Constitution to oversee elections & that means giving electors & taking them back!!', etc.): God never fails in His promises, even though they take TOO LONG for us humans of True-earth Prime (our universe & reality) to be fulfilled.
    • Donald-Trumpism (including the Trump Agenda/Movement)
    • Ronald-Reaganism (including the Reagan Agenda/Movement)
    • Abraham-Lincolnism
    • Republicanism ('That element is comprised of America-first Trump conservatives and constitutionalists who want to preserve the best parts of our founding:Realequality; maximum liberty; guaranteed freedoms; small government; opportunity for all; self-determination; responsibility; and self-government. After all, unlike the Republican Party, the Democrat Party has been hijacked by Left-wing extremists, abject communists, socialists, and Marxists who hate republicanism and seek to impose a brand their brand of groupthink tyranny on all. USA President Donald John Trump and a handful of Republicans are all that stand in their way. There are UNFORTUNATELY a few anti-weak / anti-woke / anti-RINO Republicans in the House & Senate left that have the balls', 'In A Surprising Moment, CNN Anchor Strikes Down Biden White House Lackey’s Talking Points! GOP Talking Head Scott Jennings called out the Biden regime on CNN for begging anti-American regimes for oil instead of drilling here at home. The Biden lackey on CNN in the morning of 03/13/2022 A.D. insisted that Americans are willing to purchase $4.34 per gallon gasoline cuz of Putin. Jennings stopped his nonsense cold. Jennings added this for good measure', 'This Tennessee Rep Just Gave A BIG Middle Finger To The Democrat Party! With Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden in charge of the presidency and such…distasteful people as Chuck Schumer [D-New-York] and Nancy ‘Legosi’ Pelosi [D-California] running the Democratic-controlled legislature, is the Democratic Caucus doing well at rallying public support and showing how great it is? Not quite. In fact, it’s doing so poorly that even Democrats are predicting massive losses come midterms and are so desperate that they’re rallying to Biden, the rotting eggplant with 2 remaining brain cells, to save them from those “big losses.” From the skyrocketing inflation to high gas prices, disaster in Afghanistan to Russian invasion of the Ukraine, hordes migrating across the border to crime wave in America, Democrats have proven to be a disaster in nearly every issue they’ve touched, with things getting far, far worse under Democrat rule. In particular, the massive increase in the cost of gas and the Left’s decision to try an buy oil from Iran and Venezuela rather than allow Americans to produce it has infuriated many Americans, Americans who would rather see Texans pump crude and frackers make fortunes than see US dollars flow to enemy regimes like Iran and Venezuela that would be on their last legs if it weren’t for Democrat support or insouciance. So, Rep. Chuck Fleischmann [R-Tennessee], appeared on Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria” to tell host Maria Bartiromo that what the Democrats are pushing represents their state as a “dying party.” In his words: “Basically, ideologically, [the radical Democrats] are wrong. They just don’t get it. The Democratic Party ran on this. They believe it inherently, but they are inherently wrong. Their entire left-wing scenario when they are dealing with supply and demand, they don’t understand that. They don’t respect free-market capitalism. They don’t want American entrepreneurs to do well. They want big, bloated government to do well, and basically, they are stuck with an ideology that is not working in the 21st century. It’s antiquated, it’s wrong, and it’s old, it doesn’t fit, and they are afraid to break from it because their party has moved so far Left — we see this time and time again. We saw it this week on the House floor where progressives revolted against Pelosi and the STOLEN White House. They didn’t know what to do. They just stopped for hours at a time. So, they have got to revamp. The Democratic Party has got to revamp. I don’t think they can. I think they are a dying party. The Republican Party has got the ideas to move this great country forward.” He has a point; nothing the Democrats are pushing is new, or even particularly interesting. The climate change craziness is rooted in the hippie era, the CRT nonsense is a cross of the Civil Rights Era and Marxism, and the gender stuff is newer, but utterly repulsive to the average American. So, as a result, the Democratic Party is dying, It’s unpopular policies have scared off or pissed off many average Americans and, as a result, it’s looking like many Democrats are on their way out of office. Let’s hope Rep. Fleischmann is right', 'MUST SEE: Watch Sen Hawley RIP The Mask Off Biden’s Appointee For The WHOLE World To See! Senate confirmation hearings for Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s liberal / leftist Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson began in the morning of 03/21/2022 A.D. On 03/16/2022 A.D., Josh Hawley posted a Twitter thread based on Jackson’s record as a federal judge and as a member of the U.S. Sentencing Commission that showed Jackson consistently sympathized with and sentenced child p*rn offenders to sentences well below those in the sentencing guidelines. Hawley confronted Judge Jackson to her face during the hearing and ran through 7 cases where she was lenient on pedophiles. “It’s difficult…to argue that the sentencing guidelines are too harsh or outmoded, or that we should be somehow treating child p*** offenders more humanely,” Hawley said', 'Palin Is Back! Look What She Is Running For Now! Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin [R] announced in the evening of April Fools’ Day 2022 A.D. that she intends to run for Congress, reentering politics over a dozen years after resigning as Alaska’s governor. Palin announced her intention to run for the late Rep. Don Young’s [R-Alaska] congressional seat. Young died in March 2022 A.D. at the age of 88 after having first been elected to the seat in 1973', 'Boebert Says People Should Make Gender Identity Decisions At THIS Specific Age! Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert, from Colorado, said that children should be required to reach a certain age before they make life-altering decisions regarding sexual orientation and gender identity. “We require people to be 21 to purchase alcohol beverages, and 21 to purchase tobacco products,” Boebert wrote on Twitter. “Why is it so unreasonable to require people to reach a certain level of maturity before making life-altering decisions about their sexuality and identity?” On 03/31/2022 A.D., both the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Population Affairs and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's National Child Traumatic Stress Network released documents on “Transgender Day of Visibility” promoting “gender-affirming” healthcare for minors. The day before, Arizona GOP Gov. Doug Ducey signed a series of bills, one of which, Senate Bill 1138, prohibits minors from underdoing sex reassignment surgey, as Townhall covered. Senate Bill 1138 states that “a physician or other health care professional may not provide gender transition procedures to any individual under 18 years of age." In a letter to Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs [D-Arizona], Ducey explained that this type of surgery is irreversible and has a lasting impact on a person’s life. “S.B. 1138 delays and irreversible gender reassignment surgery until the age of 18. The reason is simple, and common sense – this is a decision that will dramatically affect the rest of an individual’s life, including the ability of that individual to become a biological parent later in life,” Ducey wrote. Lawmakers in Idaho also created legislation that would outlaw “gender-affirming health care” for minors', 'THIS old Grandmother is tough as nails and if every Republican was as brave and tough as her this country would be so much better off for it. Who is Governor Kate Ivy [R-Alabama]? She is a pretty awesome governor of Alabama & she’s kicking butt & taking names. She may not look like a fire-breathing hardcore conservative, but she is a sweet-hearted grandmother who is just getting ready to knit the next sweater for her grandkids rather than getting ready for the next political battle. Looks CAN be deceiving & this is another case of that because she’s fierce, she’s telling the TRUTH, & we need MORE GOP governors like her. If we have MORE governors with the balls like Kate Ivy has, America would be in much, MUCH better shape', 'Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot WRECKED By Reporter Who Calls Her Out Bad! Bill Kelly is a hard-hitting reporter who loves his hometown of Chicago. He knows that Lori ‘Lightweight’ Lightfoot's [D-Illinois] liberal policies are destroying his city and has no problem calling her out for it. Let's see how he humiliated her this time. After remarks to Chicago's elite at the City Club of Chicago that the city's economy is booming, reporter William J. Kelly, once again, held Mayor Lightfoot's feet to the Chicago fire. "You say that Chicago's economy is booming but you've turned Michigan Avenue into a Mile of Fear. The owners of Water Tower Place have thrown their keys back at the lender. They don't want to do business in Chicago anymore," Kelly said. "Real Chicagoans are asking me how you could possibly think you deserve re-election.”', 'THANK GOD! Republicans’ New Plan Could SAVE Our Schools! It’s frustrating to think that there’s money sitting around not being put to good use, when there are so many problems in this country. Now, some Republican Senators want to put some unused money to work to keep our children safe by hardening schools. Republican lawmakers say there’s $150 million of covid-19 relief money, meant for schools, that hasn’t been spent. Several of them want to put it to good use as soon as possible, “hardening” America’s schools. “Sen. Roger Marshall [R-Kansas] has partnered with Sen. Chuck Grassley [R-Iowa], Sen. Rick Scott [R-Florida], Sen. Tim Scott [R-South-Carolina], Sen. Steve Daines [R-Montana] and Sen. Todd Young [R-Indiana], Sen. Mike Braun [R-Indiana], and Sen. Jerry Moran [R-Kansas] in pushing forward a new bill, the “Safe Schools Act,’ Rep. Mike Garcia [R-California], is introducing a companion bill in the House,” reports Fox News. School hardening means different things to different people. Basically, it means making a physical school building safer. That could mean live video feed to the police, panic buttons, requiring a card to enter the building, more fencing and more. “While we made some progress in previous legislation to make our schools stronger, harder, and safer, certainly there is more that can and must be done immediately to protect kids. What happened in Uvalde was a horrific tragedy. While many have been quick to play politics, 1 thing we can all agree on is that Congress must act to harden schools. For these reasons, I am introducing this legislation that allows the abundance of unused COVID relief dollars to be diverted to secure schools in Kansas and throughout the nation,” Marshall told Fox News Digital. Unbelievably there is one person who does not “believe in” school hardening. Biden’s Press Secretary & chief propagandist said, after the Uvalde tragedy, “there’s been conversation about hardening schools, that is not something that he believes in.” The “he” she was referring to is Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden. Regardless of what Joe Biden “believes,” the Republican led bill would make unused covid-19 relief money available for schools to purchase “locks, panic buttons, individual room security systems, video surveillance” and hire armed school resource officers, reports Fox News. The bill doesn’t stop there. It would also make it possible for schools to take actions such as installing metal detectors “and other deterrent measures and emergency notification” systems. The bill would allow funding for student violence prevention training, and to better equip law enforcement and school administrators for the unimaginable which has become all too imaginable. Security measures could include an “anonymous reporting system for threats of school violence, including a mobile telephone application, hotline, or internet website.” This is an urgent matter and there is no time for delay, regardless of Joe Biden’s “beliefs” on the matter. We must act now to keep America’s kids safe at school', 'Newly Elected Mayra Flores ISSUES 3 Words That’ll Destroy Kamala Harris! Earlier this week, Mayra Flores [R-Texas] defeated Democratic candidate Dan Sanchez in a special election in Texas. She flipped a traditionally blue seat for the first time in 150 years. In November 8th, 2022 A.D., she will have to run again, in a redrawn district, against Democratic Representative Vincente Gonzalez. The liberal hosts of ABC’s The View didn’t want to admit that Flores’ win signals a red wave is coming. Recently, Vice tyrant Kamala ‘Phony Horse Face’ Harris said that the Biden regime is making “progress” at the border. This caused Flores to respond vehemently saying, “She’s honestly useless. I don’t know why she’s in that position. She hasn’t been here in south Texas to see what their policies are creating, the mess that they’re creating in our country, and that their policies are hurting real people.” Twitter agrees, with one user tweeting: “Kamala Harris: ‘Extreme progress’ has been made at the border. Border Patrol: 911% spike in illegals on trains in Del Rio Sector. Choose who you want to believe.” Here’s another tweet: “Yes the clown ‘Kamala Harris’ said we’re making progress at the border!” One twitter user even thinks Harris is on something: “@VP ‘extreme progress at the border’ you must be back smoking weed again. #gigglesisuseless” Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden appointed Harris as “border czar” in March 2021. The last event, Harris held regarding immigration and border issues was a January 2022 A.D. meeting with Honduran president Xiomara Castro. At the meeting they discussed the “root causes” of immigration, reports The Daily Caller. There is a reason that Flores was able to flip a seat that had been held so long by Democrats. Mayra Flores knows exactly how Biden’s open door border policies have impacted south Texas. Biden’s policies are hurting the people near the border, and Kamala Harris clearly just doesn’t care. Biden would have allowed Title 42 to expire, if a Court hadn’t stopped him, and things would have gotten even worse than they already are. I hope & pray to God & Jesus Christ that more seats will flip red in the 2022 A.D. midterms', 'On June 21, freshly elected GOP Rep. Mayra Flores accused House Speaker Nancy ‘Legosi’ Pelosi [D-California] of “pushing” her child daughter during her swearing-in ceremony last week after her historic Special Election victory in Texas. Rep. Mayra Flores was being sworn in with her family, including her 2 young daughters, when conservatives online pointed out that Pelosi “elbowed” her daughter. “No child should be pushed to the side for a photo op. PERIOD!!” Flores wrote above a post on the video. She also praised her daughter for her reaction: “I am so proud of my strong, beautiful daughter for not allowing this to faze her. She continued to smile and pose for the picture like a Queen.” Flores made national headlines for becoming the first Mexican-born member of Congress after winning her special election earlier in June 2022 A.D. in Texas. During the swearing in, Pelosi told Flores, “Thank you, Congresswoman Flores, for your courage to run for office and best wishes for your success. It’s an honor to work with you.” Flores will face reelection in November. She is running against Democrat nominee Vicente Gonzalez. She was born in Burgos Tamualipas, Mexico, and immigrated to the United States at 6 years-old. She since became a naturalized citizen and spent most of her life living in Texas', 'NEW HOUSE LEADER? Matt Gaetz Eyes Top Liberty Republican to take down McCarthy! GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz wants GOP Rep. Jim Jordan to run for speaker of the House of Representatives if Republicans win back the majority & defeat Kevin McCarthy [the RINO of California]. Gaetz [R-Florida] said the Ohio Republican is not only trusted by the conservative grassroots but could also unite the disparate factions within the House GOP', 'Despite the fact that he's a RINO idiot, the crowning achievement of Mitch McConnell's entire political career was denying Communist thug Merrick Garland an appointment on to the Supreme Court', 'Top Senator Enlists SECRET WEAPON To Get to the TRUTH Behind FBI Raid on Mar-A-Lago! The fallout from the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] raid on Donald John Trump continues. Conservatives everywhere are upset, and more and more are coming out to speak against the agency. This time its Senator Ron Johnson and he is not happy. Johnson [R-Wisconsin] urged honest FBI and DOJ [department of injustice] officials to come forward with information on the FBI-DOJ raid on President Trump’s home this week. This comes after the unprecedented move by the Biden regime to storm Mar-a-Lago in the hopes of extending their mission to indict President Donald Trump. The Democrats know they can’t beat him. So, they must eliminate him. Johnson said, “You literally have the weaponization of the law enforcement against the Democrats’ last political opponents. And that’s what we’re seeing in the raid they conducted against President Trump for the last 6 years. Let’s face it, the entire Russia collusion hoax, the exoneration of Hillary Rodham ‘Ham Hock’ Clinton before that, the fact that the FBI knew the Steele dossier contained Russian disinformation. They didn’t tell anybody. They actually redacted that information in the FISA report… This is scandalous, it’s corruption. We’ve had operations run against me and Senator Grassley.” Johnson called on honest FBI agents to have the courage to step forward and speak out against the wicked Marxists running the organization. The Daily Caller reported: “Republican Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson sent a letter Wednesday to the Federal Bureau of Investigations and the Department of Justice calling for information related to the raid of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. Johnson said any FBI or DOJ employee who has witnessed wrongdoing should reach out to his office immediately. In the letter, first obtained by the Daily Caller, Johnson called the raid “deeply concerning” and “unprecedented.” Johnson also said he understands that other members of Congress have requested the two agencies provide a full explanation for the raid at Mar-a-Lago and that he is also requesting that information. However, Johnson added that due to the FBI and DOJ’s “history of lack of transparency and obstruction” of his investigations, he is not confident that their explanation for the raid will be honest.”', 'LET’S GO! FBI and DOJ Rot in House Republicans' crosshairs after Mar-a-Lago raid! A Republican-led House will "leave no stone unturned" when it comes to tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden's "weaponization" of the DOJ [department of injustice] and FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] against Donald John Trump, whom she identified as Biden's most likely opponent in 2024. Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York has emerged as a conservative leader in recent months. She is now promising that House Republicans will conduct a thorough investigation of the political rot at the FBI and the Department of Injustice, following the raid on Trump’s Florida home. She had better be serious about this. Millions of Americans are positively outraged about what is happening in this country right now. Breitbart News reports: “Stefanik and other top Republicans made it clear this week that they are committed to an immediate investigation into the “weaponization” of the Department of Justice and FBI in targeting former President Donald Trump following the recent raid of his Mar-a-Lago home. During a press conference 08/12/2022 A.D., Stefanik made it clear that a Republican-led House will “leave no stone unturned” when it comes to tyrant Biden’s “weaponization” of the DOJ and FBI against Trump, whom she identified as tyrant Biden’s most likely 2024 political opponent. “Republicans are committed to immediate oversight, accountability, and a fulsome investigation to provide needed transparency and answers to the American people regarding Joe Biden and his regime’s weaponization of the Department of Justice and FBI against Joe Biden’s political opponents,” Stefanik said. “President Donald Trump is Joe Biden’s most likely political opponent in 2024. And this is less than 100 days from critical midterm elections. The FBI raid of President Trump is a complete abuse and overreach of its authority,” she said, noting that it is the same agency that protected Hillary Rodham ‘Ham Hock’ Clinton, James Comey, and continues to protect Hunter ‘Crackhead’ Biden.” This needs to happen and Republicans need to get the job done', 'WHO WILL BE NEXT HOUSE SPEAKER? WATCH REP. MCCARTHY'S CONFIDENT ANSWER! Kevin ‘Money Man’ McCarthy [the RINO of California] was interviewed in Wyoming this week while campaigning against Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney [RINO]. The GOP leader was asked who he thought would be the next GOPleader and his answer was confident! You don’t have to keep wondering, McCarthy just told us who he thinks will be the next Speaker. In an exclusive interview with Fox News on 08/15/2022 A.D., House RINO Leader Kevin McCarthy said he believes he will be the next speaker. The near certain defeat of Rep. Liz Cheney in Tuesday’s GOP primary can be seen as a “referendum” about the Democrat-dominated unselect committee investigating former President Donald John Trump’s perceived role at the US Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. In Wyoming, McCarthy teamed up with Harriet Hageman, Cheney’s top Republican challenger. In an effort to oust Cheney, the leader of the House Republican Party endorsed Hageman earlier this year. Listen to what the GOP leader had to say about Cheney. During this summer’s GOP congressional primary, Cheney’s campaign urged Wyoming Democrats to cross party lines and vote, McCarthy argued, “This is a really desperate aspect of Cheney’s campaign.” While McCarthy seems confident, he will be speaker, other members of the GOP are campaigning for new leadership. The most prominent of these voices is Florida Representative Matt Gaetz. According to Fox News, Rep. Matt Gaetz wants GOP Rep. Jim Jordan to run for speaker of the House if Republicans regain the majority in November 2022 A.D. Gaetz said the Ohio Republican is not only trusted by conservative grass roots, but also can unite disparate factions within the Republican Party. In the early 2010s, Jordan was a leading opponent of the Republican leadership under Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee. Despite Jordan’s support, Gaetz said he was unsold on McCarthy as speaker of the House. Gaetz seems adamant about his support of Jim Jordan for the Speaker of the House position but with no response yet from Jordan, McCarthy may be a shoe in for the spot. It’s still unclear if Jordan has support from other members of the GOP but only time will tell. If he does gain support, it’s going to be an interesting battle', 'RED WAVE: Georgia Senate Race Poised to Flip the State! With things all tied up in the Senate in D.C. This election could help get the Republicans the majority in the Senate. The senate election in Georgia has favored Democrats up until recently, and it seems that the Republican candidate Herschel Walker is starting to pick up some steam. But the competition is fierce, and both sides are sending in tons of money and support in order to win this seat. The November 8th, 2022 A.D. midterm elections are just 3 months away, and one of the races to watch is the Georgia Senate race between Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock and Republican Herschel Walker. According to the Phillips Academy Poll released on 08/15/2022 A.D., Walker now has 45.2% support over Warnock, compared to 43.6% for Warnock. Walker is a first-time general election candidate, and he has had some stumbling blocks along the way. But he is a fighter, and the Republicans are sending in support. The GOP has responded to Walker’s stumbles by bringing in experienced aides and sending national operatives to the state. Walker aides said the coming weeks will focus on various policy themes, with a focus on Warnock. It’s not so much a campaign reset as it is when campaigns ratchet up in mid- to late summer, the aides said. It’s clearly an attempt to change the narrative surrounding the matchup. Agriculture was the first salvo. The next step is public safety and crime. As a result, the economy will follow. Walker himself has spoken of “listening sessions” centered around policy issues. As a result of those sessions, he kept returning to Warnock, Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden, and the economy in most any discussion. “Terrible, terrible leadership,” he said, adding that working-class Georgians “know it’s wrong.” After the debacle of the last runoff election in Georgia, we’re hoping that we can get the Republican senator out of this cycle. Right now in Washington DC it is 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats with Kamala Harris being the deciding vote. We need this win', 'LET’S GO! FBI and DOJ Rot in House Republicans' crosshairs after Mar-a-Lago raid! A Republican-led House will "leave no stone unturned" when it comes to tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden's "weaponization" of the DOJ [department of injustice] and FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] against Donald John Trump, whom she identified as Biden's most likely opponent in 2024. Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik of New York has emerged as a conservative leader in recent months. She is now promising that House Republicans will conduct a thorough investigation of the political rot at the FBI and the Department of Injustice, following the raid on Trump’s Florida home. She had better be serious about this. Millions of Americans are positively outraged about what is happening in this country right now. Breitbart News reports: “Stefanik and other top Republicans made it clear this week that they are committed to an immediate investigation into the “weaponization” of the Department of Justice and FBI in targeting former President Donald John Trump following the recent raid of his Mar-a-Lago home. During a press conference 08/12/2022 A.D., Stefanik made it clear that a Republican-led House will “leave no stone unturned” when it comes to tyrant Biden’s “weaponization” of the DOJ and FBI against Trump, whom she identified as tyrant Biden’s most likely 2024 political opponent. “Republicans are committed to immediate oversight, accountability, and a fulsome investigation to provide needed transparency and answers to the American people regarding Joe Biden and his regime’s weaponization of the Department of Justice and FBI against Joe Biden’s political opponents,” Stefanik said. “President Donald Trump is Joe Biden’s most likely political opponent in 2024. And this is less than 100 days from critical midterm elections. The FBI raid of President Trump is a complete abuse and overreach of its authority,” she said, noting that it is the same agency that protected Hillary Rodham ‘Ham Hock’ Clinton, James Comey, and continues to protect Hunter ‘Crackhead’ Biden.” This needs to happen and Republicans need to get the job done', 'historically Republicans ended slavery, ended Jim Crow, ended segregation and many, many other liberal/leftist segregation policies', etc.): Constitutional Republic in fact.
      • The Good side of Trumpism ('FORCING TRUMP TO LEGALLY APPOINT RUDY GIULIANI AS SPECIAL PROSECUTOR W/SUBPEONA & INDICTMENT POWER TO STOP STEAL. Force USA President Donald John Trump to listen to the RIGHT people in his cabinet & make him use the Insurrection Act, Martial Law & any other of the constitutional/presidential tools that he has including seizing the dominion voting machines. Appointing the RIGHT electors for President Trump. Telling ALL of the politicians [Democrats & RINO {Republicans who DON'T have the balls}] that we have had enough!! Snapping people AWAY from fear & herd mentality. Wanting the BRUTAL TRUTH everyday have the balls & wanting the lies, the Left & the Democrats to be STRIPPED of their balls. Shutting down the government & NOT the nation. Prevent Trump from listening to the Wrong people he selected in his cabinet/administration & make him listen to the RIGHT people like Giuliani. Donald John Trump would be a BETTER speaker of the House of Representatives in order to impeach Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden & Kamala ‘Head Board’ Harris in order for Trump to be in office for the next 2 years', 'Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley Tells Why Russian Invasion Never Happened Under Trump! Former South Carolina governor and UN ambassador Nikki Haley appeared on Meet the Press this weekend and was asked about the situation in Ukraine. Host Chuck Todd tried to goad her into badmouthing Donald John Trump but she got the better of him. She correctly pointed out that this would not have happened on Trump’s watch. Townhall reports: “Former South Carolina governor and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said in an interview on 03/06/2022 A.D. that Russian President Vladimir Putin’s full-scale invasion into Ukraine “never would have happened” under former President Donald Trump. Haley made the remarks on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” In the interview, Haley described Putin as an “evil tyrant”. “What I will tell you about President Trump is as much as everybody wants to talk about what he says, what I look at is what he did. He sanctioned Russia. He expelled diplomats. He shut off Nord Stream 2, which is all Putin ever wanted. He built up our military and he made us energy independent. All of those things countered Putin and countered Russia. This never would have happened under Trump. What we have to look at now is how we make sure this doesn’t go further under Biden,” Haley said in the segment. Haley continued, calling Russia’s invasion into Ukraine a “terrible mistake” that started with our disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan. “We’ve done nothing but show weakness,” Haley added. “We have got to show strength.Haley makes the point extremely well. You have to look at Trump’s actions. Unlike Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden, he did all the right things with Russia', 'Trump WRECKS Kamala Harris With Deadly Accurate Insult! Former President Donald John Trump wrecked cackling Kamala ‘Head Board’ Harris over the weekend in the funniest way possible: he went after her cackle, which is by far the most absurd and intolerable part of her already unfortunate personality. That comment came during a Trump appearance on Hannity in which he mainly discussed Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s handling of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and described the regime as incompetent. The laughing to which Trump refers comes from Kamala’s joint press conference with the president of Poland. During that press conference, Kamala started cackling when asked a question about Ukrainian refugees fleeing into Poland. As you can hear, she just says “A friend in need is a friend indeed” and then starts cackling, which probably wasn’t the response the Polish president, whose country is struggling under the weight of over 1.5 million Ukrainian refugees, was hoping for. And that really puts Trump’s comments in perspective. Under him, not only was America’s economy thriving while gas costs remained low, but we also didn’t have utterly incompetent politicians like Kamala running around and making fools of themselves on the international stage. Putin didn’t invade because instead of some vapid veep like Kamala, he had Donald Trump to deal with, and Trump would do a whole lot more than cackle if crossed, which Putin knew', 'Associated Press’ Matt Lee pointed out that under the administration of former President Donald John Trump, the United States sanctioned some ICC staff over attempts to investigate alleged war crimes in Afghanistan, and that the U.S. has repeatedly warned the ICC not to investigate Israel. He also raised that in order for the ICC to investigate a non-party state, it would require a vote to do so by the United Nations Security Council, a vote Russia would certainly veto', 'Roger Stone put out a story & it was REALLY unbelievable: it was talking about a reasonable & constitutional plan on how we can restore USA President Donald John Trump to the White House!! “Despite the fact that there are MASSIVE evidence of irregularities, anomalies & voter fraud in the swing states in the 2020 election, it is clear that no state, no federal court, no state official, no federal legislative body & no regulatory agency is gonna have the balls to examine & evaluate the massive fraud!! Those who believe that the results of the 2020 elections should be overturned & that Trump should be reinstated as USA President need to recognize that between “the corporately-own fake news media insisted that no voter fraud exist” & the “unwillingness of any of these establishment-controlled fake Republicans, AKA, RINOs [that are ALL Democrats recruit DECADES ago by Democrats & the Left to run as Republicans] are willing to examine the bogus results too”, & because of the entire lack of ANY legal presentment, Trump won’t be restored to his rightful place in the White House by ANY court or state body & decertification of electors in any state, regardless of how exposed the voter fraud is could be unlikely!! There IS a perfectly legal & viable way for Trump’s return to the White House: while others suggested that perhaps of the lack of political experience, they have FAILED to recognize peddleness to success! Trump should be selected as House Speaker if Republicans snag a majority both in the body & in the 2022 A.D. midterm elections. Who get elected in 2022 A.D. [besides a Fake Republican who is a Democrat & liberal/leftist] will determine the viability of this route back to the back of the USA President!! Current & illegitimate tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden would either succumb to his obvious mental illness based on the actions on the January table [something which we DON’T wish upon for him] or he will be removed under the 25th-Amendment. Once Biden is FULLY judged as mentally not confident, vice tyrant Kamala ‘Head Board’ Harris succeeds in the pretendency only to be impeached for VERY OBVIOUS crimes by a Republican senate & House Speaker Trump would be next in line for the presidency.” Bottom line is that Trump needs to be working out a deal with Kevin McCarthy [the RINO of California] & he needs to do something to tell McCarthy to get the HECK way of the way or the American People that support Trump need to start a “Never McCarthy” campaign & to contact Congress member & tell them that they need Trump as Speaker of the House when the real/true Republicans win back the House of Representatives & the Senate!! We need to win back BOTH houses in order for Trump to become House Speaker & to impeach both Biden & Harris!! Rogers is a VERY smart guy, but do the Republicans & RINOs have ANY will to do it? It’s because the REAL money men are both George Soros & Kevin McCarthy, & everything McCarthy says is what republicans are gonna do!! We’ve got to figure way a public pressure campaign to stop that', 'Trump SLAPS Biden With Ultimate Revenge After He Fell From His Bike… OUCH! On 06/18/2022 A.D., USA President Donald John Trump shared an edited video of him striking Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden in the head with a golf ball and causing him to fall off his bike. It recalls the actual video of Biden crashing his bike while stopped that was recorded near his beach home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The video was posted to Truth Social on Saturday and was created by a user on Twitter named @NautPoso and reposted by the President. Conservative commentator, Benny Johnson, then put it on Twitter with the caption, “BREAKING: Donald Trump has responded to the Biden Bike video on Truth Social.” Next News Network reported earlier about when Biden fell off his bike that morning and the reaction online to it. It didn’t include Trump’s reaction on Truth Social. The original video was posted by @nautposo on Twitter in response to Catturd’s post reading, “Let the memes begin.” At the time, the president, 79, was biking with Secret Service agents. When he stopped, his foot got caught in his pedal cage and he fell to the ground while trying to dismount. He landed on his right side and rolled onto his back. In that video, Biden went down faster than his poll numbers. Joe and Jill Biden went up a hill and Joe came tumbling back down off his bike. It’s becoming more obvious that Joe Biden doesn’t have the stamina to be President. That’s why many Americans are coming out to vote against his policies in the 2022 midterms. Do you think Trump was right to post that video of Biden?', 'Trump Wins Again! Dems Don’t Want To Talk About What He Did In Alabama! There were primaries and run-off elections this week, in states like Alabama and Minnesota. The results were interesting and possibly telling about the future. In Alabama, a run-off election took place between RINO Mo Brooks and Katie Britt. Initially, Mo Brooks had Donald John Trump’s endorsem*nt, but Trump pulled his endorsem*nt when Brooks said he wanted to move forward from 2020. Trump was no longer happy with Brooks, and he threw his endorsem*nt behind Brooks’ challenger, Katie Britt. Britt is a former Chief of Staff to the Senator, Richard Shelby, who is retiring from the seat the two were both running for. Shelby also threw his support behind Britt. Britt won the run-off election. Upon winning she tweeted: “THANK YOU, Alabama! My family and I are truly grateful. Words cannot express our thanks. The future of our great state is bright!” Trump called Britt “a fearless America First Warrior.” Britt told Fox News Digital in an interview that she was “excited and grateful” to have Trump’s support as “people are ready for new blood.” Katie Britt hopes to become Alabama’s first female Senator in November 8th, 2022 A.D. She will face Democrat Will Boyd in the midterm elections. The last time a Democrat won a Senate seat in Alabama was in 1992, and that Senator changed parties 2 years later. That Senator is Richard Shelby [R-Alabama]. Odds are that Britt will become the next Senator in Alabama since Alabama is quite a red state. She won’t likely need Trump’s endorsem*nt to win the general election. But his endorsem*nt helped her win the run-off', 'The Trump-era policy said that migrants seeking entry into the US had to remain in Mexico until their scheduled hearings in the US. They were transported across the border when their hearing came. It kept overall immigration down from immigrants that did not have a legitimate claim to enter the United States', 'TRUMP WINS BIG: Tuesday’s Election Results Prove How Popular He Is! Either Donald John Trump has a way of picking who he endorses, or voters vote for who he endorses. Either way, his record is amazing. Let’s see just how well his picks did. Breitbart reports: “Candidates backed by former President Donald J. Trump are now 172-10 in statewide and federal races in 2022 after a perfect night in Kansas, Michigan, and Missouri. His candidates are undefeated so far in Arizona – but results are still pending in the gubernatorial race – while he also has 2 candidates in Washington state whose races are still awaiting results. All 5 of the 45th president’s picks in Kansas officially secured their nominations on the night of 08/01/2022 A.D., according to the Associated Press election results compiled by the New York Times/Slimes. Sen. Jerry Moran [R-KS] handily beat out his primary challenger Joan Farr [RINO], while Attorney General Derek Schmidt blew out his opponent Arlyn Briggs in the contest for the gubernatorial nomination. Reps. Tracey Mann [R-KS], Jake LaTurner [R-KS], and Ron Estes [R-KS] officially clinched their nominations as well. It was a similar story in Michigan, where all 8 candidates with Trump’s backing advanced to the general election. Trump-backed gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake has taken an over 11,000 vote lead with 80% of the vote reported in her contest against Karrin Taylor Robson [the RINO of Arizona], who is backed by former Vice President Mike Pence.” Democrats want to believe that Donald Trump is a goner and will be in prison for what happened on January 6th, 2021 A.D., before he can attain the presidency again. They thought that with the Russia witch hunt too, and we see how that worked out for them. Do you think Trump’s record on endorsem*nts equals a win for him if he runs in 2024?', 'Hopefully, Donald John Trump expected what was gonna happen because he’s NOT stupid because the documents that the deep-state have been looking for in pertaining to Crossfire Hurricane would not only NOT present at Mar-A-Lago, but they were removed months ago to an undisclosed location & in the hands of an undisclosed person / people that are conservatively trustworthy & are close to USA President Trump. That’s why Josh Bernstein & I CURSE the FBI, DOJ, & the CIA because they are a bunch of TURDS, they are enemy combatants against America, they are domestic terrorist & we, the Right & the American People, need to ABOLISH & DEFUND them ALL [including the 2-teir / 3-tier justice/judiciary system] & throw them all in a prison cell. The best suggestion that Bernstein has to bring honor & integrity to the intel communities is that we need to have not only whistleblowers but also to have real/true conservative / right-leaning inspector generals appointed by the conservatives & are appointed liaisons to the FBI & injustice department, & the IRS, & NOTHING gets passed, ordered, or done without the knowledge of these inspector generals! It would be wonderful to see one of them raid thew FBI & the injustice department & find out what they have', 'Something GREAT Has Come Out of the FBI Raid - Trump Will be CELEBRATING! The FBI executed a search warrant on Trump’s Florida residence Mar-a-Lago Monday night and Americans are up in arms over the political overreach. And the people are fighting back. In this video, we're going to take a look at how Trump shattered all fundraising records after Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden's FBI raid of Mar-a-Lago. This is some pretty big news and it looks like Trump’s war chest is now exploding ahead of the 2024 election. CNN commentator Alyssa Farah Griffin said on 08/09/2022 A.D. that the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] raid on former President Donald John Trump’s Florida residence may aid a potential 2024 presidential run. The former White House director of strategic communications under Trump appeared on CNN’s “New Day” panel discussing the political impacts of the unannounced raid. “This, I’m hoping, goes beyond simply not complying with some archiving laws or [the Department of Injustice] just handed Donald Trump the Republican nominee and potentially the presidency,” Griffin said on the panel. “If it’s seen as some sort of massive overreach and not something incredibly serious this is a very good day for Donald Trump,” she added, also stating that the former president “knows how to play this up in this favor” since he broke the news himself', 'Trump Wins Big: CPAC 2022 shows great numbers for Upcoming election! At the Conservative Political Action Conference 3-day gathering in Texas, former President Donald John Trump won the straw poll for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024. Trump, who’s repeatedly teased making another presidential run in 2024 to try and return to the White House, captured 69% of ballots cast in the anonymous online straw poll, according to results announced by CPAC on 08/06/2022 A.D. The support for the former president, who remains the most popular and influential politician in the Republican Party and continues to play a kingmaker's role in GOP primaries, is up from his 59% showing in the anonymous online straw poll at the CPAC gathering in Orlando, Florida in February 2022 A.D. GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis came in second on the 2024 presidential nomination question, at 24%, down from his 28% showing at CPAC in Orlando 5 months ago. DeSantis has seen his popularity surge among Republican voters in his state and around the nation over the past 2½ years, thanks in large part to his relentless pushback against COVID-19 restrictions amid the coronavirus pandemic as well as his aggressive actions in the culture wars. While DeSantis has repeatedly deflected talk of a potential run for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, political pundits view him as a potential White House contender. The CPAC Texas straw poll results were released just ahead of the confab's keynote speech by Trump. DeSantis, who appeared at the Orlando conference earlier in 2022 A.D., did not attend the Texas gathering. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, who spoke on 08/05/2022 A.D. at the conference, grabbed 2% support on the straw poll ballot. No one else among the 21 names listed on the ballot topped 1%. "President Trump remains the most dominant force in American politics, and as yet another poll shows, it’s a reality that will propel the growth and success of the Republican Party through the 2022 A.D. Midterms and beyond," Trump spokesman Taylor Budowich told Fox News after the results were released. The 2024 straw poll also included a second list without Trump. His name was replaced by his eldest son, Donald Trump Jr. DeSantis topped the second 2024 ballot, at 65%. Donald Trump Jr. grabbed 8% support, with Cruz at 6% and former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo at 5%. No one else topped 2% on the second ballot question. The former president’s strong performance on the unscientific survey comes as no surprise. CPAC, long the largest and most influential gathering of conservative leaders and activists, has become a Trumpfest since his 2016 presidential election victory. In a separate question on whom CPAC attendees would like to see as Trump's running mate in 2024 if he launches a campaign, DeSantis grabbed 43% support, with South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem at 9%, and Pompeo at 7%. No one else topped 4% on the running mate ballot question. Voting on the CPAC Texas straw poll ballot was only open to attendees of the confab, with voting once again conducted through the CPAC app. Matt Schlapp, chairman of the American Conservative Union, which runs CPAC, said "there's an unbreakable bond between President Tump and the conservative movement. He simply did the things he promised to do and for that they are grateful." Veteran Republican pollster Jim McLaughlin told Fox News the CPAC straw poll ballot is "the ultimate barometer of what’s going on in the conservative movement." McLaughlin and Associates, which conducted polling for Trump's successful 2016 election and unsuccessful 2020 re-election bid, once again oversaw the CPAC straw poll. McLaughlin, who’s been attending CPAC for decades, said that "just like back in the old days when Ronald Reagan defined and was setting the tone for the conservative movement, it’s the same thing right now with Donald Trump."', 'Trump Drops Truth Bomb About FBI Raid That Spells DOOM For Democrat Any 2022 Victories! The FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] made a huge mistake when they raided USA President Donald John Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. A new report shows that the American people are not happy with the raid and the figures reflect it, wait until you see what they show. Trump is rightly furious with FBI, and it seems the American people are as well. Donald Trump has responded with fury to an FBI raid on his home in Palm Beach, Florida, in terms that suggest he will use it to whip up his supporters. The decision to authorize the operation will have been taken directly by the Biden Attorney General and indicates the Department of Injustice is stepping up its attempts to use the full force of the legal system against Trump as he considers whether or not to run again in 2024. Trump supporters are likely to be galvanized by this latest development. If it encourages him to run again, and raise money to fight legal cases, it could even backfire and make him more popular with his fans. That’s what a new report is showing, and the numbers are startling. According to a Nationwide Issues Survey by The Trafalgar Group, most Americans think that the FBI raid was perpetrated by Trump’s political enemies. Overall the survey shows 47.9% think Trump’s enemies were behind the raid, 39.7% believe it was the impartial justice system and 12.4% were unsure. Among the GOP 76.7% think it was Trump’s political enemies as opposed to 11.9% of Democrats. Donald Trump took to Truth Social where he posted these results. Trump’s fundraising efforts mirror these numbers as his fundraising efforts in the aftermath of the raid have been some of his best he’s ever had. Eric Trump stated publicly that “ is shattering all fundraising records and has raised more money in the past 24 hours than ever before in recent history! The American people are ticked!” The FBI made a huge mistake when they raided President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. This new report shows that the American people are not happy with the raid and the figures reflect it. The raid was clearly conducted as an act of political aggression and an abuse of power. The FBI has lost the trust of the American people, and this will have serious consequences for our country. The raid on Mar-a-Lago was a gross abuse of power and a complete violation of the President’s constitutional rights. It is clear that the FBI is out of control and needs to be reined in. We call on Congress to investigate this matter and hold those responsible accountable', 'CHECKMATE: Trump Makes Next BIG Move Against FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] After Raid at Mar-a-Lago! On TRUTH Social, USA President Donald John Trump announced he will file a Fourth Amendment unlawful search and seizure motion over the FBI’s “illegal” raid on his Mar-a-Lago home. Trump wrote on TRUTH,” A major motion pertaining to the Fourth Amendment will soon be filed concerning the illegal Break-In of my home, Mar-a-Lago, right before the ever-important 2022 A.D. Midterm Elections. My rights, together with the rights of all Americans, have been violated at a level rarely seen before in our Country. Remember, they even spied on my campaign. The greatest Witch Hunt in USA history has been going on for 6 years, with no consequences to the scammers. It should not be allowed to continue!” In the wake of the Mar-a-Lago raid earlier in August 2022 A.D., Trump is poised to file a Fourth Amendment motion, according to Breitbart. In addition, Trump may release the footage of the raid, according to his son Eric Trump, who told Sean Hannity it would be released “at the right time.” As a consequence of the raid, Breitbart also reports, more Americans are now convinced that Biden is using the FBI as his “personal Gestapo.” According to a Rasmussen poll, 53% of Americans agree that the FBI is being used as Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s personal Gestapo by a group of politicized thugs at the top', 'HUGE TRUMP 2024 BOMBSHELL ANNOUNCEMENT LEAKED - GET READY! As our nation crumbles, the hearts of many who are watching our decline are starting to wake up to their massive failure – to make the right choice in 2022. But no worries as Donald John Trump will be making his move to save America again. Joe Concha Dropped a Trump 2024 bombshell and citing, as evidence for it, the elite’s hatred of him, his willingness to stand up to them in high-profile ways, and his holding numerous rallies recently. A major conservative player stated she wants to be Trump’s running mate. GOP Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has been one of Donald Trump’s most loyal supporters. And Donald Trump loves loyalty. Of her, Trump has said, she’s “a warrior in Congress,” adding “She doesn’t back down, she doesn’t give up, and she has ALWAYS been with ‘Trump.” Greene is such a loyal Trump supporter, she recently said she would “be honored” to be Trump’s running mate in 2024, reports Business Insider. America’s been in a constant state of decline since Trump left office in 2020. We all know that he’s a fighter, and we all know that he is not done trying to fix the country he loves. Here’s to Trump 2024, baby', 'How Truth Social Changed After the Mar-a-Lago Raid - Spoiler Alert: IT’S EPIC! The FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Residence may have inadvertently helped the President. The public backlash against the FBI isn’t the only benefit Donald John Trump received, wait until you see what else happened. Trump just received great news about one of his companies. The American Lookout reports, Trump’s Truth Social just got a boost from the raid on Mar-A-Lago. Trump’s Truth Social app has been downloaded around 3 million times since the raid – an increase of around 550%. Upon hearing the story, Trump blasted the media for referring to the social media platform as “a little-used site with a few people watching.” The President posted on Truth social, “It’s amazing, I’ve had 2 stories—one in Politico, one in the Fake New York Times/Slimes, where in the midst of the story, they say that I put my message out on Truth Social, a “little-used” site with “few” people watching. More Fake News. They know it’s now one of the hottest sites in the world, but they will never admit it, that’s why I call them the Fake News. Everyone is watching.” In addition to truth social getting a boost from this raid, so did the Republican party. A recent poll found Republican voter enthusiasm growing after the Mar-A-Lago raid. According to two recent YouGov polls, voter enthusiasm has grown by 6 points after the FBI raided former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home. 51% of Republicans said they were more enthusiastic about voting in 2022 A.D.’s election than in the previous congressional election year, in a survey of 1500 adults conducted from August 13 to 16th, 2022 A.D. Since the YouGov poll from August 7 to 9, enthusiasm has increased by six points. According to a survey conducted from August 7 to 9, only 45% of respondents were more enthusiastic about voting this year than last. There was barely any increase in enthusiasm about voting with Democrats and independents. Both Democrats and independents increased by one point, with Democrats increasing from 35 to 36% and independents increasing from 24 to 25%. The FBI made a huge mistake when they went after Trump. American citizens are waking up to the FBI’s corruption and Republicans are more energized than ever! Next time they’ll think before coming after conservatives', 'TRUMP WINNING! Biden DOJ Just Dealt DEVASTATING Blow After Judge Rules with the Donald! Judge Bruce Reinhart admitted 08/22/2022 A.D. that the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] raid on former President Donald John Trump's Mar-a-Lago home was unprecedented and rejected the Injustice Department's argument to keep the affidavit leading to the search under seal, as the search was of "intense public and historical interest." Reinhart, in a filing Monday morning, said he rejects "the Government’s argument that the present record justifies keeping the entire Affidavit under seal." "The Government argues that even requiring it to redact portions of the Affidavit that could not reveal agent identities or investigative sources and methods imposes an undue burden on its resources and sets a precedent that could be disruptive and burdensome in future cases," Reinhart wrote. "I do not need to reach the question of whether, in some other case, these concerns could justify denying public access; they very well might." Reinhart said he has given the Justice Department an "opportunity to propose redaction," something he granted last week, giving the government a deadline of Thursday, Aug. 25th, 2022 A.D. at noon', 'Donald John Trump filed a civil lawsuit over the raid on 08/22/2022 A.D. Trump asked U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon of the Southern District of Florida, who Trump nominated to the bench in 2020, to appoint a special master to oversee the FBI audit of the materials seized during the raid. He also asked for the court to force the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] to return any documents that were seized that fall outside the scope of the warrant', 'You Won't Believe What Trump's PAC Just Paid for At The Smithsonian! And Libs Will Be TICKED! The Smithsonian Museum has just announced that Donald John Trump’s presidential portrait will be unlike any other in the museum’s history. And in a GENIUS MOVE President Trump’s PAC is paying for the portrait to block any liberals from painting him in a negative light. Donald Trump is set to finally have his presidential portrait completed and to be on display at the Smithsonian Museum. What is shocking is that Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney [the RINO of Wyoming] and crew has not filed some motion in congress to block that from happening. Yet in order to ensure that a proper painting is done, the painting will be funded from Trump’s own sources. There will be no other presidential portrait like Trump's in the Smithsonian's history. Unlike former tyrant Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama, Trump's political action committee will foot most of the bill for the portraits. Smithsonian spokeswoman Linda St. Thomas said the museum received a $650,000 donation from the Save America PAC. This is the first time in Smithsonian history that a political campaign will fund a president’s portrait. Save America PAC’s $650,000 donation last month was unprecedented, as no other political action committee has funded a presidential portrait before. A third $100,000 was donated by an undisclosed donor to support the portraits, according to Smithsonian spokesperson Linda St. Thomas. Given how much the left and establishment officials do not like President Trump, it is no surprise that the PAC would be paying for the portrait to be made for him. Otherwise the “official” portrait would be literally painting him in a negative light', 'LANDSLIDE! Trump Backed Candidates Win BIG! See who they are! Donald John Trump just doesn’t miss! Trump endorsed a slew of candidates for the midterm elections, and they exceeded expectations. Wait until you see who they are. Trump took to Truth Social this week to celebrate his winning candidates. Trump celebrated "ALL WINS" in primary races on Tuesday evening - a tongue-in-cheek statement that may have included his sarcastic endorsem*nts of Democrats. On his social platform, the former president gushed about the wins he endorsed in the 2022 midterm election. Trump wrote in the evening of 08/23/2022 A.D., “Looks like a fantastic evening of ALL WINS – Great Candidates!!!” He later added: “26 and 0 tonight, turning numerous tight races into big and easy wins. Overall for the last 4 years, 98.4% on Endorsem*nts!” Trump had jokingly endorsed Democratic candidates such as Dan Goldman, who won his New York primary on Tuesday night. “It is my great honor to Strongly Endorse him,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post last week. Matt Gaetz, who is endorsed by Trump, defeated former FedEx executive Mark Lombardo in a Republican primary on Tuesday night. The Republican primary runoff election for Oklahoma’s U.S. Senate seat went to Oklahoma representative Markwayne Mullin who beat banking executive TW Shannon. Earlier in 2022 A.D., incumbent Jim Inhofe announced he was retiring. Mullin will serve the remaining 4 years of Inhofe’s term if he wins in November 2022 A.D. On Tuesday night, Trump’s Florida endorsees swept the primary — Kat Cammack, John Rutherford, Marco Rubio, Gus Bilirakis, Neal Dunn, Anna Paulina Luna. Also noteworthy is who Trump did not endorse – Gov. Ron DeSantis. In 2024, he may run against Trump, but neither candidate has made an official announcement. From current speculation and polling, Ron Desantis or Trump will be taking on the Democrat nominee for President in November 2022 A.D. Only time will tell. One thing’s for sure though and that is Donald Trump’s endorsem*nts carry heavy weight. His 98.4% success rating on his endorsem*nts don’t lie. Who do you think Trump will endorse in the 2024 elections?', 'Trump Issues Statement NUKING Mitch McConnell Back to the Hell He Came From! It looks like Trump has had it with the Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell [the RINO of Kentucky]. In a blistering statement issued on 08/24/2022 A.D., the president squarely laid the blame for the Democrat legislative agenda at McConnell’s feet, and he lamented that Senate Republicans need to find someone else to get things done in Washington DC. Ouch! Looks like their feud is only going to get worse from here. Former President Donald John Trump accused Sen. Mitch McConnell of being a “pawn for the Democrats” on Wednesday and called on Republicans to remove him as Senate minority leader “immediately.” In a post on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump shared an article alleging McConnell and his wife, former Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, have problematic ties to China, and cited McConnell’s failure to stop the Inflation Reduction / Induction Act as reasons for his immediate removal. In his post, Trump complained that McConnell didn’t do more to stop the passage of the Inflation Reduction / Induction Act earlier in August 2022 A.D., including using the “Debt Ceiling Card.” “Mitch McConnell is not an opposition leader, he is a pawn for the Democrats,” Trump said. “His fear of the Democrats prevents him from taking action. A new Republican Leader in the Senate should be picked immediately!” Trump’s social media platform provides a direct way for him to communicate with his supporters, and it was clear from this post that many people agree with him about ousting McConnell', 'Trump Goes in for the KILL Shot After Biden Launches WAR on MAGA Republicans! On 09/01/2022 A.D., Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden gave a primetime address to the nation which lasted for about 25 minutes. During his address, he labeled the MAGA Republicans’ brand of politics as an “extreme ideology.” Throughout his speech, Biden coughed and cleared his throat repeatedly as he claimed that those who are MAGA Republicans are extremists and a threat to our country. In response, the MAGA King himself, President Donald John Trump, responded on Truth Social to Biden’s full-blown attack. First, Trump wrote, “Someone should explain to Joe Biden, slowly but passionately, that MAGA means, as powerfully as mere words can get, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! If he doesn’t want to Make America Great Again, which through words, action, and thought, he doesn’t, then he certainly should not be representing the United States of America!” Trump also added, “If you look at the words and meaning of the awkward and angry Biden speech tonight, he threatened America, including with the possible use of military force. He must be insane or suffering from late stage dementia!” And, Trump also shared a side-by-side photo of Biden gesturing during his Thursday speech and himself embracing and kissing the American flag after a 2020 speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference', etc.)
      • DeSantisism ('DeSantis Tells CPAC How To STOP The Radical Left’s Woke Society! GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, appearing at CPAC for a speech, decided to hit on one of the biggest issues facing America today: the mind virus of wokeness that has taken over everything from corporate America to the military, destroying whatever it touches in the process. Speaking on that, he started off strong, blasting the woke radicals for their attacks on the Founding Fathers, attacks on this great nation’s heritage and history. In his words: “Woke is the new religion of the Left and this is what they have in mind. That’s why they want CRT because they want to divide the country. That’s why they remove statues of Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt and take George Washington’s name off schools because they want to erase that history. They want to delegitimize our founding institutions and they want to replace that with their left wing ideology as the foundational principles of our modern day society.” But more than just wanting to punish those who haven’t kept up with the times on account of being dead, the woke want to rip apart the society that does exist now and replace it with some twisted, demented version of society that is utterly un-American. DeSantis exposed that too, next saying: “Woke-ism is a form of cultural Marxism. It is not just about raising taxes or bad economic policy. It’s about tearing at the fabric of our society and trying to replace it with something that will be much, much more sinister. And the problem that we face as conservatives is a lot of major institutions in our country have become infected with this woke virus.” Indeed they have. The military has gone woke. The bureaucracy has gone woke. The corporations have gone woke. Everything has. But, of course, the rich woke don’t like living under their own policies. So, they destroy states like New York then flee to red states like Florida. DeSantis exposed that too, blasting “lockdowners” and saying that “They criticize Florida, and the first chance they get, what do they do? They escaped to freedom in the state of Florida.” Finally, after defending Florida and highlighting its successes in light of the many failures of blue states and Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden, DeSantis went on to emphasize one of the many ways that Florida is standing up to the insane Left, saying: “We are in the process of getting money from the legislature so that if Biden is dumping illegal aliens into Florida from the southern border, I’m rerouting them to Delaware. We’ll do some in DC and Hollywood as well.” That’s a reference to his plan to ship illegal immigrants to Biden’s home state, a plan that would stick a major thumb in Brandon’s eye. Overall, DeSantis’ speech was excellent and shows just what conservatives, especially elected conservatives, need to do: they can’t just identify the problem, as he did at the beginning of the speech. Though necessary, that must come alongside actual attacks on the system of evil identified, which DeSantis is doing too. Talk must be paired with action if the Left is to be defeated, and DeSantis’ speech gave the GOP a template for doing that', 'DeSantis Shuts Down Reporter After He Tried To Twist The Narrative! GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis pushed back on a reporter who was using a controversial nickname created by activists for legislation that would block discussions of “gender identity” and sexual orientation with young students. While questioning the governor about the bill, the reporter used the nickname created by opponents, prompting condemnation from DeSantis. “I’m just curious, you call it that, I’ve not seen that in any of these bills. Where is that coming from?” DeSantis asked the reporter. “The question is — you’re in the news business — does the truth matter or not? Is that in any of the bills, yes or no? I understand what you’re doing.” The governor blasted the media for spinning a narrative about the bill and not being honest about what it actually says. “You have a responsibility to be honest about it,” he continued. “Yeah, you can create a false narrative, you can stage a protest, you can do all those things. But you’re not telling the truth about what’s actually there. … There’s this massive gulf between what the bill actually says with respect to these very young kids versus what some of these protests at the capitol are about.” The bill reads, “a school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.” If a parent believes a school district has violated the policy, they will be permitted to take legal action. The bill will also ban policies in schools that might lead to withholding information about a child’s mental, emotional or physical health from their parents — unless there is a reasonable belief that the information could lead to abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The bill has passed the Florida House on February 24th, 2022 A.D. To become law, the bill just needs to be signed by DeSantis, who has signaled his support for it. In February 2022 A.D., the governor told reporters that it is “entirely inappropriate” for teachers to be discussing gender identities with students, according to a report from The Hill. “Schools need to be teaching kids to read, to write,” DeSantis said. “They need to teach them science, history. We need more civics and understanding of the U.S. Constitution, what makes our country unique, all those basic things.” “You have politicians saying parents have no role in the education of their kids. Give me a break,” he said. “We want parents to be able to have access to what’s going on in the classroom. And certainly, it is inappropriate to be hiding these things from parents.” “We’ve seen instances of students being told by different folks in school, ‘Oh, well, don’t worry, don’t pick your gender yet, do all this other stuff.’ They won’t tell the parents about these discussions that are happening. That is entirely inappropriate,” DeSantis said', 'Disney CEO Tells DeSantis To Oppose Parent Rights Bill; Governor Had This 1-Word Answer! Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis received a phone call this week from Bob Chapek, the Woke CEO of Disney. Chapek asked DeSantis to veto the Parental Rights in Education bill, which bars teachers from instructing children under the age of 8 about sex. “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards,” the bill states. DeSantis took the call from Chapek and then firmly stood his ground in support of the legislation. "Here's what I can tell you, in the state of Florida, we are not going to allow them to inject transgenderism into kindergarten. First graders shouldn't have woke gender ideology imposed in their curriculum and that is what we're standing for because we're standing for the kids and we're standing for the parents," DeSantis said to a group of parents in the afternoon of 03/10/2022 A.D. Disney is the largest corporation in the state, where Disney World is located, and DeSantis didn't budge. He also called the corporation out for their business in China. "How do they possibly explain lining their pockets with their relationship from the Communist Party of China? Because that’s what they do, and they make a fortune, and they don’t say a word about the really brutal practices at the hands of the CCP [Chinese Communist Party]," he continued. The praise is rolling in for the move', 'Desantis Gives Middle Finger To Federal GOV. And Salutes Parents In New Move! The current legislative session in Florida has come to an end for the year, with GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis touting a number of new measures aimed at further empowering parental choice. Declaring the 2022 session “The Year of the Parent,” DeSantis responded to one reporter’s question by noting that “we want our kids to be kids.” The Daily Wire notes: “The 2-month session was marked with high-profile legislation, including a new bill passed in the Florida legislature that would ban the teaching of sexual orientation or gender identity in grades K-3. DeSantis was asked by a reporter during the question-and-answer session how businesses would respond to the newly passed bill.” In recent weeks, the bill gained notoriety thanks to national media coverage, with left-wing pundits dubbing it the “Don’t Say G**” legislation. Since then, DeSantis has regularly pushed back on that characterization, including during a viral exchange with a reporter last week. Reporter Evan Donovan shared a video of the exchange to Twitter, where he asked DeSantis if he supported the legislation. After Donovan noted that critics have renamed it the “Don’t Say G**” bill, DeSantis went scorched earth', 'DeSantis Shows NO MERCY On Bidenflation! Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis slammed tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden this week over inflation, arguing that the rising costs of rent and gasoline are likely only going to get worse in 2022 A.D. While speaking to reporters about rising rent in Florida, DeSantis tore into Biden over rising inflation — which DeSantis dubbed as “Bidenflation.” Responding to a question about rising rents in Florida, DeSantis said “general inflation is causing” rents to spike, and noted of the Centers for Disease / Disinformation Control and Prevention moratorium on evictions. The governor noted that people from across the nation are moving to Florida because they’re “fed up” with liberal policies. “This is kind of the center of the universe right now,” he said. DeSantis highlighted massive spending bills heightening inflation, too. “We warned about this inflation in 2021 A.D. They came in and did the massive spending; the Fed has printed trillions and trillions of dollars, the biggest increase in the money supple that we’ve seen in quite some time. Of course you’re going to have inflation when that happens.” “That’s what’s happened, and I don’t see it ebbing anytime soon,” DeSantis predicated. “I think this is likely to be something that we’re going to have to contend with.”', 'DeSantis TORCHES Congress With A Brutal Threat! Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis supports term limits — at all levels. At an event for a bill signing to put progress monitoring assessments into state law, DeSantis said he is in favor of term limits for politicians and school board members. When asked about House Bill 1467, which sets a 12-year term limit for school board members, the Republican governor took it 1 step further. “The term limits for school board — I’m a big believer in term limits. I think it should be 8 years, 2 terms. They did 3 terms, which, you know, I mean, that’s — that’s — that’s fine, and I wouldn’t veto the bill just over that, but if it were a standalone measure I would have insisted on — on just 2 terms for school board members because I think that that’s enough time for you to go, serve, get stuff done,” DeSantis began. “I mean honestly, you know, you mentioned losing some of these legislators, I’m a huge believer in term limits. I think what term limits do is, you know, it tells these legislators your time is limited, you come in — leave a legacy. Instead, in Washington, where they don’t have term limits, what is the incentive to do?” he asked. “The incentive for them is to get elected and stay there as long as they can and to stay there for decades, create these little fiefdoms, and it’s all about just going back in. And I think, like someone like [indecipherable] knew he was going to be the speaker for 2 years, he built up a legislative portfolio leading into that and he knew he had to get the big things he wanted to accomplish done,” he added. “He wasn’t going to have — he wasn’t going to be able to be the speaker for 10 years or 15 years. I think that’s good because what it does is it — it puts more of a focus on substantive achievements rather than posturing for the next election. So I’m a big believer in term limits. I think the 8 years in the House is good, the eight years in the Senate in Florida is good. I would like to have seen that in school board as well. Look is the 12 the worst thing in the world?” he asked. “Maybe it could be good. Because we do have some in this state that has been really entrenched for a long time. I think you go in, achieve some things and then — and then go. And so that’s really the model that I’d like to do. And I could tell you, people sometimes ask me, like, you know, Florida’s run so much better than D.C., what — what could D.C. do? And — and one of the things I said that if I could wave a magic wand there’s a number of things I would do, but one of them is term limits for members of Congress,” DeSantis continued. “If we could term limit members of Congress you would be able to bring in blood, you’d be able to bring in new ideas, people would have an incentive to go and say I may only have 3 terms in the U.S. House, I want to get something done, instead of kind of doing what they’ve really gone into a — a big morass just in terms of how they do business,” he said. “And so — so that provision is something that you know, I think, would have been better with, I know — I think Chris wanted it today. I think the Senate wanted to, but they have the compromise, but nevertheless, that’s — that’s that,” he concluded', 'Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the “Parental Rights in Education” bill into law 03/28/2022 A.D., which prohibits instruction surrounding sexual orientation and gender identity in K-3 classrooms and requires school districts to notify parents about any changes to their child’s physical, mental and emotional health, except in cases of child abuse. DeSantis warned on April Fool’s Day 2022 A.D. that Disney’s “wokeness” will “destroy the country” following the release of a leaked video showcasing the company’s plan to incorporate more “queer leads” in their films. The Florida governor announced his intention to strip “special privileges” given to Disney under the 1967 Reedy Creek Improvement Act, which made land owned by the company a “special taxing district.”', 'GAME OVER: DeSantis Just Gave The Middle Finger To Disney Down In The Florida Swamp! GOP Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said on 04/19/2022 A.D. he will formally seek to strip the woke Walt Disney Co. of its self-governing status after it publicly bashed the Sunshine State’s so-called “Don’t Say G**” law. DeSantis, seen as a potential front-runner for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, said lawmakers will be “considering termination of all special districts that were announced in Florida prior to 1968 — and that includes the Reedy Creek Improvement District.”', 'DeSantis BEATS Trump Again For Second Year In A Row In Poll, Here’s How Badly! GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is very popular among conservatives, not only in Florida but throughout the United States. One new straw poll indicates he is so popular he could beat Donald John Trump in the next Presidential election. For the second year in a row, Ron DeSantis has beat out Donald Trump in a straw poll conducted at a conservative conference in Colorado, called the Western Conservative Summit. This year, when asked about the 2024 Presidential election, attendees at the conference approved of a DeSantis Presidency 71% over Donald Trump, who got 67% of the vote. Other options the attendees could choose from this year were Senator Ted Cruz [R-Texas] who received 29%, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson who got 24% and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who got 18% support. Lagging behind were Tim Scott at 17%, Mike Pompeo with 17%, Donald Trump, Jr. with 16%, Nikki Haley with 15% and coming in last, Mike Pence with 14%. DeSantis beat out Trump last year as well, with a vote of 74% to 71% among attendees at the same conference. Voters were allowed to choose more than one potential candidate, using the approval method, so the numbers total more than 100%. The poll conductor, Frank Attwood, said the approval voting method “minimizes spoilers and sabotage and gives viability and visibility to minor candidates,” reports Newsweek. The Centennial Institute website states that among its goals is to “impact our culture in support of traditional family values, sanctity of life, compassion for the poor, Biblical view of human nature, limited government, personal freedom, free markets, natural law, original intent of the Constitution and Western civilization.” It also says it hopes to “be seekers of truth and to debunk ‘spent ideas’ and those who traffic in them.” Also interesting at 2022 A.D.’s summit is that Tulsi Gabbard, 2020 Democratic Party candidate for President gave a keynote speech. While the summit says it always invites all major political leaders, regardless of affiliation, to speak, Tulsi Gabbard is only the second Democrat to accept its invitation', 'BIG MOVE: DeSantis Signs Law AIMED Right At Biden’s Illegal Migration Busses! GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed a new bill that will make it illegal for the Federal Government to bus illegal immigrants into Florida. The new bill, which Governor DeSantis signed into law on 06/17/2022 A.D., will require federal enforcement agencies to “enter into a written agreement with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to participate in the program.” These 287 agreements will allow local law enforcement officers some immigration enforcement authorities. It allows groups of sheriff and police departments to enforce approved ICE policies as though they were the federal government. The bill also makes it illegal for the Biden regime to bus or fly illegal immigrants into and out of Florida. It states that carrier companies will be charged legally for “willfully providing any service in furtherance of transporting” to anyone that they know are here illegally unless it’s for deportation or detention purposes. The Florida Governor defended his new legislation as more than just political fodder. “People will say ‘Well, let Texas worry about that or Arizona or whatever,’” DeSantis declared. “Let me tell you, people coming illegally, a lot of them are trying to get here in the state of Florida, OK? And so this is something that absolutely affects us.” Governor DeSantis had previously signed legislation back in 2019 making “sanctuary cities” illegal in Florida as well. These are cities who refuse to comply with federal immigration laws. Ron DeSantis has been floated as one of the top names as a potential 2024 Presidential candidate. He has made a name for himself by publicly fighting back against federal policies he disagrees with. Do you think his new immigration bill helps him if he wants to run for the White House?', 'DeSantis DROPS Gauntlet on communist China for What They Did in Florida! GOP Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke out against communist China for buying up large amounts of land in his home state. Governor DeSantis, who is viewed as a favorite for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, railed against the Chinese Communist Party over major purchases of farmland and other properties in the Sunshine state. “I don’t think they should be able to do it,” DeSantis declared. “I think the problem is these companies have ties to the CCP, and it’s not always apparent on the face of whatever a company is doing – but I think it’s a huge problem.” Because of the major landgrabs in Florida and other states, DeSantis is calling for a federal ban on such purchases that create “undue influence from rogue states” like China. The Governor added, “We’re also probably going to do legislation next legislative session about our pension investments, with things that may be linked to the CCP. We don’t necessarily have a lot of it, but we want to make sure that we’re cutting ties so that we’re not funding our number-1 adversary.” This is not the first time that Florida has taken action against Chinese investment in their state. The popular southern state already banned what are known as “Confucius Institutes”, special CCP funded educational programs meant to “educate” the American public about China in a positive light. DeSantis’ administration also famously tied Disney’s opposition of the so-called “Don’t Say G**” laws in Florida schools to their surrender to the Chinese Communist Party. “Disney has actively endorsed the CCP’s mistreatment of ethnic and religious minorities,” DeSantis’ spokeswoman, Christina Pushaw, told FOX Business. “Disney’s live-action film “Mulan” [2020] [one of the Worst Liberal Movies] was filmed in Xinjiang, with Uyghur internment camps edited out of the background. Disney actually thanked Xinjiang CCP officials in the credits of the movie,” she added. While Ron DeSantis is actively looking for major national issues to weigh in on as he builds his own presidential profile, the issue of Chinese land buys has become a national crisis. Last week China was called out for buying up a large chunk of “farmland” near a major US military base in North Dakota, giving them significant strategic access to the base', 'DeSantis ANGERS Every Lib in America with New Surgical Strike! GOP Governor Ron DeSantis has become America’s governor in recent months by taking the Biden regime on full steam ahead. Now, he’s going after doctors that push transgender treatments on young children and in a bold way. “They wanna castrate these young boys – that’s wrong … I think these doctors need to get sued for what’s happening,” said DeSantis. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ administration on 08/04/2022 A.D. asked the state board regulating doctors to essentially ban transition-related care for transgender minors. The state Health Department made the request hours after another state agency issued a 46-page report to justify banning Medicaid coverage for transgender people of any age who want puberty blockers, hormone therapies or gender-reassignment surgery. The 2-pronged effort, which ensures DeSantis can act quickly and without the need for legislative approval, drew instant opposition from activists and medical professionals. They have increasingly clashed with DeSantis, a Republican, as he seeks re-election and builds a national brand as a culture warrior and potential 2024 White House contender. This follows efforts by the Governor’s office to ignore federal guidelines about gender identity. Saying federal guidelines aimed at preventing discrimination against students based on such things as gender identity would “vastly expand the application” of Title IX, Florida Education Commissioner Manny Diaz, Jr. [R] has told school officials to ignore them. Title IX is a federal law that was enacted more than 50 years ago to prohibit sex-based discrimination in educational institutions. The U.S. Department of Education in July 2022 A.D. released a proposal that it said would “provide greater clarity regarding the scope” of sex discrimination. The guidelines would extend protections under the law to include schools’ “obligations not to discriminate based on sex stereotypes, sex characteristics, pregnancy or related conditions, sexual orientation and gender identity.” DeSantis is taking no crap from the federal government and it’s awesome. This is the kind of leadership that we need from our elected officials. They stand up for their voters and are fighting for common sense solutions to the craziness coming out of Washington D.C. under Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden. It’s going to take more action like this for sure to fight what they are trying to do to children. Is DeSantis one of your favorite governors?', 'Desantis is doing it right: New survey show Americans favor Florida! According to a Rasmussen Reports survey report released on 08/04/2022 A.D., Americans believe Florida is a more desirable place to live than blue states such as New York or California. The survey found respondents relatively split when it comes to their preferences on an area to live when choosing between urban (18%), suburban (31%), and rural (22%) areas or a small town (26%). Most respondents, 57%, said they lived in a state other than California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, or Illinois. Respondents were then asked to choose which state they would move to if they had the choice. Options included California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, and Illinois, as well as “some other state.” Florida received the highest percentage of all the specific states listed, as 18% said they would move to the Sunshine State. California followed seven points behind with 11% choosing the Golden State, followed by New York (10%), Texas (9%), Pennsylvania (6%), and Illinois (4%). Over one-third, 37%, said “some other state.” Florida is also the leading choice of the specific states listed for Republicans (26%) and independents (15%) and tied for second choice with Democrats (14%): “Given a chance to relocate, 31% of Pennsylvanians, 20% of Illinois residents and 16% of New Yorkers would choose Florida. There is very little reciprocation by Floridians, just 7% of whom would rather live in New York, 4% would prefer Pennsylvania and none of whom (0%) would move to Illinois if given the chance. If given the choice to live in any state, 26% of Republicans would choose Florida, as would 14% of Democrats and 15% of those unaffiliated with either major party. 14% of Democrats would pick California, but just 9% of Republicans and 11% of the unaffiliated share that preference. And while 16% of Democrats say they’d rather live in New York, only 5% of Republicans and 8% of unaffiliateds would prefer to be New Yorkers if they could live in any state they wanted. Florida is the preferred state of 24% of blacks, 15% of whites and 21% of other minorities. Given the choice, 10% of whites and blacks and 15% of other minorities would move to California. Only 8% of whites, but 13% of blacks and other minorities, would rather live in New York.” The survey follows Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) continually thrusting the Sunshine State into the national spotlight due to his relentless pursuit of what have been dubbed freedom first policies — from standing up against vaccine mandates to halting woke indoctrination of children in classrooms. Most recently, DeSantis made waves after suspending woke State Attorney Andrew Warren (D) for refusing to enforce the laws', 'DeSantis Announces Location of Graveyard for Wokeness - Guess Where?! Ron DeSantis has implemented a number of policies to stop wokeness dead in its tracks and now we know where they are buried. As we all know Ron DeSantis has not been scared to take on the liberal agenda. whether he's fighting George Soros, Disney, or the liberal mobs, everything he's doing is to try to keep his state safe. Earlier this year, DeSantis signed legislation banning classroom discussions about sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to third grade – a move opposed by Disney. During his tenure as governor, DeSantis repeatedly vowed that Disney would “never run this state” and signed legislation eliminating the Reedy Creek Improvement District, a special governing and taxing district that hosts Disney World. As a result of social unrest during the summer of 2020, Critical Race/Racist Theory and radical gender ideology infiltrated government education at a rapid pace. As part of a press conference about the upcoming school year, Governor DeSantis pledged to continue opposing such trends. Desantis has been stomping on woke policies ever since he took office and has 0 intentions of stopping. But when it comes to the safety of his citizens, Desantis has no issues making the hard decisions. On August 4th, 2022 A.D., Governor Ron DeSantis removed Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren [D-Florida] from office. DeSantis cited Warren’s disregard for his duty to enforce state laws, including his pledge not to prosecute those undergoing abortions or their doctors. In accordance with the state Constitution, DeSantis suspended Warren, effectively firing him. Governor DeSantis is a true leader. He takes the necessary steps he feels necessary to in order to protect our kids, and to secure our American way of life. He battles the “woke” agenda daily and sets an example for the rest of the Governors', 'DESANTIS ANNOUNCES PLAN TO RECRUIT VETERANS & FIRST RESPONDERS - HERE'S HOW YOU CAN APPLY! A great idea for education and public schools has been proposed by Florida’s GOP governor, Ron DeSantis. Wait until you hear what it is. Desantis just came up with a brilliant idea for Florida’s education system. His plan would recruit veterans, retired police officers, paramedics, and other first responders to become teachers. Take a look at his statement, “In Florida, we believe veterans have a wealth of knowledge and experience they can bring to the classroom, so we created a new program to help veterans become teachers. We stand by our veterans and want them in our classrooms.” This would be a great solution to the woke-agenda parents and students have at so many schools. America needs more teachers with real-world experience. The plan is extensive and brilliant in its details. Among the proposals are a recruitment campaign aimed at bringing retired veterans and first responders to the classroom by waiving fees and offering bonuses; an apprenticeship program that rewards teachers for mentoring aspiring teachers with an associate’s degree; and a scholarship program for K-12 teachers who wish to teach dual enrollment courses at high schools. Police officers, military members, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters will receive financial bonuses for teaching children at schools in the state under this strategy. Additionally, Gov. DeSantis stressed the importance of workforce education. According to him, some approaches to university may not be ideal for all students. Additionally, Gov. DeSantis discussed how the state is combating the emergence of woke ideology around the world. DeSantis is truly paving the way for the future of the Republican party and more conservative leaders should take note. This is another incredibly smart move by the Florida Governor and it’s going to be amazing to see how this plan unfolds', 'MUST WATCH: DESANTIS' PLAYBOOK FOR FREEDOM IS HERE! Ron DeSantis [R-Florida] has launched a new website to offer guidance on how he plans to continue being a great Governor for Florida, and outlines on how others can follow his leadership. DeSantis is up for election this November in Florida. DeSantis has been making major headlines over the last few years when it comes to fighting “Woke” culture and promoting conservative values. Recently DeSantis has made statements saying that “Florida is where woke goes to die”. DeSantis has also terminated a liberal district attorney who refused to enforce the law. Now DeSantis is reaching out to candidates across the country offering them aid, and guidance. On 08/18/2022 A.D., Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and his re-election campaign launched “The DeSantis Playbook” website that listed the highlights of his “Freedom Agenda.” Many GOP have found success in seizing on DeSantis’ footsteps and the governor’s popularity has translated to helping other Republican candidates. DeSantis has no fear when it comes to fighting the good fight, and he is even helping other candidates across the country. Despite fierce criticism from leftists, the GOP governor’s policies, particularly those dealing with sexualization and gender ideology in education, such as the Parents Rights in Education Act, are receiving praise from conservatives. It is great to see that other elected officials and candidates want to model themselves after the leadership DeSantis offers. I urge everyone to check out DeSantis’ playbook website and try to urge your local leaders to make a stand', 'Ron DeSantis [R-Florida] continues to impress. His latest dig at the diminutive Falsey was priceless. DeSantis is one America’s few favorite GOP governors because he has kept his promises & has does INCREDIBLE things for Florida! If he continues to make comments about running for USA President or for VP, he’s gonna give Donald John Trump a run for his money. He is someone who is REALLY gonna investigate & prosecute Anthony ‘Falsey Monster’ Fauci & Kevin McCarthy [the RINO of California] for their crimes!!', 'BOOM! Left in Full Meltdown After DeSantis Punts Dr. Fauci with One TRIGGERING Line! Ron DeSantis [R-Florida] just took one of the funniest jabs at Dr. Fauci we’ve ever heard. However, the Left is melting down, right on cue, due to his comments. On 08/24/2022 A.D., Florida Governor Ron DeSantis said that he was "sick of seeing" Dr. Anthony ‘Falsey Monster’ Fauci and that "someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac." DeSantis made the remark about the retiring Fauci during a "Keep Florida Free" GOP event in Seminole County. The 81-year-old infectious disease expert and chief medical adviser to tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden has been a frequent target of the popular Florida governor. “I'm just sick of seeing him. I know he says he's going to retire. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac,” the governor said. Fauci announced Monday that he would be stepping down in December from his positions as the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, the chief of the NIAID's Laboratory of Immunoregulation, and as the chief medical adviser to the liar-in-thief. Fauci has been a political lightning rod since he became the face of the government's attempts to manage the COVID-19 pandemic. DeSantis and many other Republicans have decried Fauci's pandemic-era policy advice. In a January campaign ad, DeSantis ripped Fauci, alleging his persistent flip-flopping has come at the expense of freedom in the United States. DeSantis also sells "Fauci Can Pound Sand" flip-flops and "Don't Fauci my Florida" Koozies on his campaign website', 'You’ll Die Laughing after Learning Who Newsom’s In-Laws Donated to! Gavin ‘Gruesome’ Newsom’s [D-California] mother and father in-law have donated to Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign. According to contribution records on the Friends of Ron DeSantis PAC website reviewed by FOX News, the Siebel Family Revocable Trust made a $5,000 contribution on April 6, 2022. That trust is run by Kenneth F. Siebel Jr. and Judith A. Siebel, the parents of Governor Newsom’s wife, Jennifer Siebel. According to Federal Election Commission filings, Newsom’s father-in-law Kenneth Siebel has contributed to Republican candidates in the past. Donations to Republican Sens. Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, and Josh Hawley are among his most recent contributions. Outkick Founder Clay Travis appeared on FOX News and mocked Newsom over the development, saying that the Governor doesn’t have the support of his entire family. As noted by SkyNews, ‘Thanksgiving is going to be awkward’ when it comes to Newsom’s family in 2022 A.D. Maybe he’ll try to shut down his entire state again and restrict gatherings just to avoid this conversation', etc.)
      • Abbottism ('GAME ON! Texas To Build Wall And Biden is Mad They Used This Trick To Get Trump’s Unused Material! The state of Texas is going to pick up where Donald John Trump left off building the border wall. Months ago, a shocking report showed unused sections of border wall rusting in the sun in a field after Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden halted the project. Governor Greg Abbott [R-Texas] managed to acquire many of those wall panels and is going to resume wall construction in Texas. Breitbart News reports: “The State acquired a large quantity of 30-foot wall panels from the Biden regime to utilize in the construction of a border wall. The materials came from federal contracts cancelled in January 2021 A.D. “Texas is the first state ever to build a border wall,” Governor Abbott began in an exclusive interview. “A lot of the border wall is being built by border wall material that there was a contract for, Texas bought it from contractors who built the wall for President Donald John Trump. We’re building the exact same wall.” “In addition, a lot of people saw on TV a lot of these border wall components like this that were just laying on the ground, that taxpayers had paid for,” the governor added. “Biden chose not to build the wall.” “We found a way, by going through the surplus program of the federal government where Texas would be able to obtain these border wall panels and we obtained as much as we could, until Biden found out about it,” Abbott explained. “He put a stop to Texas being able to get it. There may be some other ways that we will be able to get more.” The stacks of panels appeared to cover more than an acre of the land. The governor explained the first parts of the Texas project were built on state-owned land. The new sections are scheduled to be built on parcels provided by ranch owners.This is really a job for the president, but tyrant Biden certainly isn’t doing to do it', 'IT’S HAPPENING! 23 People Just Proved Texas’ Governor Ain’t Playin’ When It Comes to Border Security! Staying true to his word, GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott is following through on his plan to send illegal immigrants apprehended in his state to the nation's capital where an influx of unlawful border crossers can't be as easily ignored by the Biden regime and Democrats in Congress. "To help local officials whose communities are being overwhelmed by hordes of illegal immigrants who are being dropped off by the Biden regime, Texas is providing charter buses to send these illegal immigrants who have been dropped off by the Biden regime to Washington D.C.," Abbott said of his plan to transport illegal immigrants to the nation's capital. Sure enough, just after 8:00am on 04/06/2022 A.D., the first bus from Texas arrived in Washington between the U.S. Capitol and Union Station transit hub. As cameras for Fox News captured, the door swung open and 23 illegal immigrants began exiting, some with backpacks and all carrying manila envelopes. After they appeared to have wristbands scanned and then cut off their arms, the individuals were free to walk off into the D.C. morning. According to Lucas Tomlinson, the bus originated in Del Rio, Texas, where Julio has reported on the influx of illegal immigrants since Biden took office in 2021. The buses and drivers were contracted by Texas officials, according to Tomlinson's on-air reporting, and they drove straight through from Texas to Washington DC, a 1700+ mile journey that takes more than 25 hours to complete. As Katie reported last week, the Biden regime did not take Gov. Abbott seriously when he announced his plan to send some of the illegal immigrants flooding his state to D.C. and now it seems Abbott has called the Biden White House's bluff. As Katie pointed out, Abbott's now in-progress plan to send illegal immigrants to D.C. is little different from the Biden regime's flights of illegal immigrants around the country under the cover of nightfall. And while "Biden officials are perfectly fine with sending them to your neighborhood, but loudly object when sent to theirs." More buses and some flights to D.C. are also planned by Abbott in the days ahead as officials in Texas and other border states brace for an even larger surge of illegal immigrants when the Biden regime allows Title 42 to expire in May 2022 A.D.', 'What Texas Just Did Will Stick Biden's Open Border Policy Rap Right Back In His Face! A second bus from Texas arrived near the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., just before 4:30 a.m. on 04/14/2022 A.D., transporting more than a dozen illegal immigrants as part of GOP Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's new plan to counter federal immigration policies during an ongoing border crisis. Abbott announced last week that he was directing the Texas Division of Emergency Management to transport migrants released from federal custody in Texas to the nation’s capital and other locations outside his state. 14 migrants stepped off the bus a block from Union Station on First Street. The migrants are from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Colombia, 1 man said. Capitol Police arrived at around 4:45 a.m. to ask questions. Members of a Catholic charity arrived, waiting for the migrants, who began to walk to Union Station at around 4:47 a.m. Thursday's arrival follows that of the first bus, which arrived in the nation's capital in the morning of 04/13/2022 A.D. That bus also carried immigrants from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Colombia. Fox News learned that they had come from the Del Rio sector in Texas. According to TDEM, Abbott’s plan is already working. The agency told Fox News on 04/11/2022 A.D. that many of the communities that originally reached out for support – from the Rio Grande Valley to Terrell County – say the federal government stopped dropping immigrants in their towns since Abbott's announcement on April 6th, 2022 A.D. Abbott insists that the federal government is failing to adequately address the situation. “Texans demand and deserve an aggressive, comprehensive strategy to secure our border—not tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden's lackluster leadership,” Abbott said in a statement. “As the federal government continues to roll back commonsense policies that once kept our communities safe, our local law enforcement has stepped up to protect Texans from dangerous criminals, deadly drugs, and illegal contraband flooding into the Lone Star State.”', 'Gov Abbott is About To Send Biden An ILLEGAL Gift Right To His Home That He Won’t Like 1 Bit! On 04/18/2022 A.D.’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott [R] stated that Texas will continue busing migrants to Washington, D.C., and if D.C. runs out of room, “Delaware looks like a great location.” Abbott said, “Texas is taking unprecedented action. As we’re speaking right now, Sean, the seventh bus is en route from Texas to Washington, D.C. This busing process is going to continue. I want you and the audience to know exactly why we’re doing what we’re doing. The Biden regime, they were dropping off illegal immigrants just into small towns on the border. And I said, we’re not going to allow that to happen. The people in local communities were overrun by the people they had dumped off in these local communities and they were grappling with how to deal with it, and I said, well, we’re just going to bus them to Washington, D.C.” Later, host Sean Hannity asked, “Will you send every illegal immigrant that you find in the state of Texas to Washington, D.C.?” Abbott responded, “We’re going to load them up and send them into Washington, D.C. If we run out of room there, Delaware looks like a great location.”', etc.)
      • Youngkinism ('Governor Youngkin Just Gave a HUGE GIFT To Law Enforcement! How blessed the Old Dominion is to have GOP Gov. Glenn Allen Youngkin as governor rather than some far-left loon of the sort it might have had were it not for the Left’s complete and total meltdown in favor of all those aspects of the culture war that make parents detest the Left! While Gov. Youngkin is perhaps best known for his stance on schools and his unrepentant, unending war on critical race theory and leftist propaganda in Virginia’s schools, particularly that propaganda having to do with transgenderism, he’s also pro-police, again unlike the Democrats that might otherwise be in control. He recently showed his pro-police stance by donating his first-quarter salary to a law enforcement initiative, as his office announced in a press conference, saying: “Governor Glenn Youngkin today announced that he will donate his first-quarter salary to the Virginia Law Enforcement Assistance Program, an organization dedicated to helping law enforcement officers and first responders who have undergone traumatic critical incidents in the line of duty or in their personal lives. During his 2021 campaign, the Governor pledged to donate his gubernatorial salary. Today, he announced the donation of $43,750 at VALEAP’s Post Critical Incident Seminar in Harrisonburg, Va.” According to the link provided by the Governor’s office in the press statement, VALEAP has VALEAP has served “more than 500 officers from over 60 Virginia agencies and trained over 150 law enforcement peers to date” since it was founded in 2008. In doing that, Governor Youngkin is emulating former President Donald John Trump, who famously donated his salary to worthy causes rather than keep taxpayer money. He donated all $1.6 million that he received during his 4 years in office, money that didn’t mean much to someone of his financial level but was undoubtedly helpful to the charities he donated it to. Further, his refusal to accept a check, like Youngkin’s similar refusal to do so, showed that he was intent on serving the people rather than profiting off the presidency', 'National Security Crisis: VA Lt. Governor Issues URGENT Warning About Your Kid’s Education! Winsome Sears is taking a stand against the decline of our education system and made a bold statement on Fox News. Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears said Sunday that education is a “national security crisis.” During a Fox News interview with Maria Bartiromo, Sears said the U.S. is lagging behind its global adversaries because of declining education standards. According to Sears, public education in America has reached the level of a national security issue. In her opening remarks, Bartiromo noted that Sears and Governor Youngkin prioritize fighting CRT in schools. During the 2022 midterms, Sears urged voters to push for change and make their voices heard. This isn’t the first time Sears has blasted the current state of the education system. Earlier this year she and Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin took a stand against CRT in the classrooms. It’s refreshing to see that some of our leaders are taking a stand and fighting for the future of our country. The education system is quite possibly one of the most important pillars of our society and if we lose that, we lose our children and our country', etc.)
      • Tshibakaism ('Here’s Trump's SECRET WEAPON To End Lisa Murkowski Once And For All! Kelly Tshibaka received the endorsem*nt of former President Donald John Trump in November 2021 A.D. to run as the candidate against incumbent RINO Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski. I should point out Murkowski is backed by Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnel [the RINO of Kentucky]. So the stakes could never be higher in this proxy war between Trump and McConnell. “Lisa Murkowski has forgotten us because she cares more about being popular with her friends in Washington, D.C.,” said Tshibaka, when she announced her campaign. Tshibaka has previously criticized Murkowski for helping tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden when she voted to confirm Marxist pedo-lover Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. She also attacks the Senator’s credentials for not backing 2 of Trump’s nominees, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. Murkowski voted “present” on Kavanaugh, and originally said she would not vote during the Barrett proceedings – but eventually did. The embattled Senator previously drew the ire of Trump back on June 4, 2020 when he tweeted, “Get any candidate ready, good or bad, I don’t care, I’m endorsing. If you have a pulse, I’m with you!” “Few people know where they’ll be in 2 years from now, but I do, in the Great State of Alaska [which I love] campaigning against Senator Lisa Murkowski. She voted against HealthCare, Justice Kavanaugh, and much else…” continued Trump. Tshibaka has also been endorsed by the Alaskan GOP back in summer of 2021 A.D. She also says that Murkowski consistently votes against Republican interests. She recently voted for Biden’s Interior Secretary Deb Haaland. “These are not the votes that a senator from Alaska should be casting,” Tshibaka said. “Murkowski has made poor decisions like this over and over, and we, the people of Alaska, continue to pay the price for her popularity in Washington, D.C.” Tshibaka has experience in government as well. She is the former commissioner of the Alaska Department of Administration. She’s worked in the office of the inspector general for the U.S. Postal Service, the Federal Trade Commission, and the Department of Justice. She most recently worked in the administration of her home state for GOP Governor Mike Dunleavy. Murkowski, who has been a Senator since 2002, was asked by reporters about losing the coveted Trump endorsem*nt to Tshibaka. There are “plenty of people on the outside who will be gunning for me, who will suggest that I am not right for Alaskans. I would put that directly to the people of this state,” responded Murkowski. The RINO Senator voted to convict Trump in his second impeachment and called for his resignation after January 6th, 2021 A.D. Alaska now has a jungle primary system where the top 4 voter choices in August 2022 A.D. will advance to the general election in November 2022 A.D. There are 10 other candidates in the race currently. Tshibaka seems to be a great option for conservatives to take on the Trump-hated Murkowski. She’s got a strong fighting spirit and is the best bet to defeat Murkowski. If she lived in your state, would you vote for her?', etc.)
      • Gaetzism ('FINALLY: Matt Gaetz Gives HUGE GIFT To Military Men And Women Dismissed For Jabs! US Congressman Matt Gaetz [R-Florida] called on the US military to begin reinstating service members who were dismissed during the pandemic for refusing to take the jab. Rep Gaetz plans to introduce a new amendment to the upcoming National Defense Authorization Act that would both protect current members of the military who refuse the jabs, reinstate members who were previously dismissed for refusing to take it with restored rank and grade, and providing full back pay for members who did lose their jobs during this period. As a member of the House Armed Services Committee, Gaetz is positioned perfectly to take up this cause for the unemployed veterans, which he views as essential to restaffing our military. “I see the impact on our readiness from these mandates,” the Congressman said during a Tuesday phone call with The Daily Wire. “We are hundreds of pilots short in the Air Force and we’ve lost a number of pilots as a consequence of these mandates.” Despite his enthusiasm for his bill, Representative Gaetz noted that it still is a long way for it to even pass his committee, especially since the head Republican Rep Mike Rogers [R-Alabama] has expressed support in the past for the jab mandates. Rogers has previously said, “I hope that number [of vaccinated service members] reaches 100% quickly.” Despite potential opposition from within his own party on the Committee, Gaetz feels strongly that Republicans as a whole will back his initiative, telling Daily Wire “That is not my view and I doubt that’s the view of a majority of Republicans.”', 'Both Josh Bernstein & I hope & pray that Matt Gaetz [R-Ohio] becomes Speaker of the House of Representatives & pushes Kevin McCarthy [the RINO of California] out. We need someone with REAL balls & toughness We need someone who knows how to handle the liberal/leftist media/press & can them out when they NEEDED to be called out. Geatz does a TREMENDOUS job with it when he talked about those pro-abortion wackjobs!!', ''Furious Gaetz and Clyde completely ANNIHILATE the Democrat's arguments on economics! The liberals are at it again, trying to tax and spend their way to a better society. But this time they've met their match with Representative Matt Gaetz [R-Florida] and Andrew Clyde [R-Georgia] standing up to them and destroying their arguments. With inflation skyrocketing and the lack of common sense among Democrat leadership in D.C. it is good to have some people with sound minds out there to bring the liberals back to reality. The economy is in crisis and a recession is fast approaching, if it isn’t already here. The idea of passing new taxes, hiring thousands of IRS agents to audit average Americans, and spending money on nonsense hardly seems like a good idea, especially since one of those taxes will fall on petroleum producers at a time when gas prices are already sky high. However, Democrats are doing exactly that. Apparently, AOC [Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez] [D-New-York] was asleep when she earned her economic degree. Clyde argued that Democrats are either so stupid they don’t understand basic economics or that they are just using the “Inflation Reduction Act” as a smokescreen to push through their green energy plans, because they are taxing and spending at a time when the economy is on the verge of collapse. Clyde Stated, “When you inject $740 billion, almost 3-quarters of a trillion dollars, into the economy, you’re going to increase inflation. That’s just the way Economics 101 works. I mean, the Democrats obviously don’t understand economics.” Gaetz was on the attack also this week when it comes to government spending, and the IRS. Gaetz went after the IRS for spending $700,000 on ammunition. Gaetz has also gone after Biden and Democrats for a tax and spend culture, that is spending us into oblivion. It’s good to see Andrew Clyde and Matt Gaetz really hitting home on the point when it comes to the government’s tax and spend culture, etc.)
      • The RED Wave ('anticommunist type of red wave', 'RED WAVE: Historic Shift Expected in Oregon - University Predicts a Democrat BLOODBATH! It’s looking good for Republicans. More and more elections look to be favoring the GOP even in historically blue states. The states that might flip might surprise you. Republicans are going to be happy when they hear this news. According to The Daily Wire, the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics moved its Crystal Ball rating for the Oregon gubernatorial race from “Leans Democratic” to “Toss-Up,” suggesting a Republican victory. Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Kansas, and most recently, Oregon, have toss-up governorships. As Drazan Communications Director John Burke told The Daily Wire, “Oregon’s gubernatorial race is the best pickup opportunity for Republicans in the country in 2022 A.D. because Christine Drazan is the best candidate.” Christine is well positioned to win and make history on November 8th, 2022 A.D., as evidenced by this rating change and the multiple polls showing her leading both of her Democrat opponents.” In Oregon, Republicans have not won a gubernatorial election since 1982, according to the Center. Tina Kotek, the Democratic candidate, served as Speaker of the House, Christine Drazan, the Republican candidate, served as Minority Leader, and Betsy Johnson, the unaffiliated candidate, previously served as a Democrat. Nike co-founder Phil Knight supports Johnson, who leans more conservative than most Democrats. There could be a chance for a new perspective to come in and gain support since Democratic Governor Kate Brown is leaving. According to the group, “there is just enough uncertainty here to make the race look like a toss-up for now.” Drazan, a Republican, was recently endorsed by a prominent Democrat in the state who ran for the Democratic nomination in the gubernatorial race earlier in 2022 A.D. George Carrillo is a veteran of the Marine Corps and a former deputy sheriff. Carrillo said he endorses Drazan because “she’s the real deal.” It’s looking good for conservatives but who is surprised? The Left is completely out of control these days and people have finally had enough. Maybe they’ll get back in touch with everyday Americans once they realize their seats are on the chopping block', 'WATCH: Merrick Garland gets absolutely destroyed by GOP governor over Mar-A-Lago raid! The FBI’s recent raid on President Donald John Trump’s private home, Mar-A-Lago has ignited a fuse of anger and resentment. This week it was GOP Governor Chris Sununu who pulled the pin to unleash his truth grenade against 3 letter agency, calling them morons, and absolute fools on LIVE TV. The heat just keeps turning up for the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] and they’re not going to like this one. Sununu called tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden and Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland "morons" for not responding to Republican outrage over the FBI's search of former President Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago estate, according to the Washington Examiner. During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Sununu was asked what he made of the fierce backlash from his party to the unprecedented FBI raid earlier in August 2022 A.D. The governor, who has emerged as somewhat of a Trump critic in recent months, called the lack of transparency surrounding the need for such a search of a former president’s home “infuriating” while scolding Biden and Garland for not having a plan to keep the investigation from appearing so politicized. In the wake of the raid, Sununu agreed with former Vice President Mike Pence in blasting fellow Republicans who had called for defunding the FBI. According to Pence, such a message is “just as wrong as calls to defund the police.” The FBI searched Trump’s Florida home for boxes of documents he brought there after leaving office. An investigation into the handling of White House documents is underway, but Trump has not been charged. Whether Trump is charged or not, the incident has united many Republicans around the belief that the FBI treats political figures of different parties differently. In fact a new poll shows just that… that the raid may have directly boosted Republican enthusiasm for the upcoming election cycle. YouGov polls show voter enthusiasm has increased by six points after the FBI raided former president Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. A survey of 1500 adults conducted between August 13 and 16th, 2022 A.D. found that 51% of Republicans were more enthusiastic about voting in 2022 A.D.’s election than in the previous election. Democrat and independent enthusiasm for voting barely increased. If Joe Biden’s FBI knew how bad the fallout would be from their raid, maybe they would have thought twice about executing it. The Mar-A-Lago raid shows that the American people are finally paying attention to corruption in their government. The FBI’s actions were met with widespread criticism, especially from elected officials who called out the hypocrisy of going after Trump while letting Hunter Biden continue to smoke crack, bang hookers, and cut multi-billion dollar deals on his father’s name without consequences. The recent events have shown us how much we need accountability if we want this country to be restored. Hopefully, this is just the beginning, and the FBI will be in the spotlight after the Red WAVE', etc.)
    • MAGA Movement/Party ('There are 80-90 million of populist nationalist Americans out there & it's time to BURY the Republican/RINO Party [the former party of anti-slavery & anti-tyranny] & Democratic/Demonrat Party [the party of tyranny, enslavement & Satan] like the WIGS they are!!', 'USA President Donald John Trump needs to IMMEDIATELY [like tomorrow or the next day] say "you know what, I've decided to take ALL of my supporters [80 to 90 + million of them]. And with MY money & everything else, I'm gonna open up the MAGA Party [WAY STRONGER & SMARTER & more ahead than the Democratic & Republican parties COMBINED] & I want all to join!!" & EVERYBODY who voted FOR him would AUTOMATICALLY DROP the Republican Party & see them SCARED crudless because the Republicans NEVER represented us or our values anymore', 'We can STILL fight back against BOTH the Democrats/Demonrats & Republicans / RINOs at the local & state levels. Let's not be passive watchers of the Josh Bernstein Show & be ACTIVE watchers, because we have to be pro-active [meaning having to do email campaigns, reach out to folks on the phone & do whatever we can] & very, VERY active, even if it means being a TRULY committee member!!', 'We need to get EVERYBODY [legal & NOT illegal] registered to vote & ready for the next elections. NEVER be too old to have your voices heard & run for state/senate/representative seats & for city council!! We NEED to get the people who are TRULY populist nationalists like us conservatives & the Right that SUPPORT USA President Trump & get them into positions of power on the local & state levels, & PRIMARY both the Democrats & RINOs & then CHANGE the election laws [ONLY for the greater good of the Right & America] in order to take America BACK!!!', 'We need populist nationalists to run for office ALL AROUND America, start at the local level. Trump should create Trump TV & Trump Social-Media so that we can have what Barack Hussein 'Insano' Obama did, & that's a shadow government that is not only CONSTANTLY keeping an eye on those communist actors & what they're planning on doing, but more importantly showing them that there's ANOTHER shadow government that's gonna DISRUPT them at EVERY SINGLE turn!!!', 'Stop identifying your voter-registration as a Republican/Democrat & change it to an independent, although some states don't allow independents to vote. The MAGA would be STRONGER & smarter because there's MORE of us than there are of them', “Run as a CONSERVATIVE & win as a CONSERVATIVE, just like Donald John Trump did in 2016 A.D. & 2020 A.D.!!! DO NOT DEVIATE FROM THAT”, 'we the Right will expose EVERY SINGLE RINO from 2022 A.D. to 2024 A.D. in the Republican Party & we will make sure that there is a GIGANTIC target directly on their heads!! We’re gonna go RINO-hunting & make sure that our aim is EXACTLY precise!!', 'There are A LOT of MAGA supporters & MAGA “America First” candidates running around ALL OVER America, but in the states that count the most, the ones that are contested & the ones that are STOLEN from Donald John Trump. We have Kari Lake who is running for Arizona governor & is running against this absolute demonic Democrat Golden Grave Digger Karrin Taylor Robson', 'real/true conservative or someone that is gonna uphold America’s values & voter integrity', 'America First / MAGA candidates', 'KILL THE GOP: ONLY WAY TO REFORM THE REPUBLICAN PARTY [the party of inaction] IS TO PERMANENTLY DESTROY IT AND REPLACE IT, along with the RINO & Democrats who are pretending to be Republicans for siding with the Democrats & for holding on to the STOLEN 2020 A.D. election!!! This is not a new idea. If Trump was smart [which unfortunately he isn't] & seriously wanted to move forward into 2024 with power & structure, he would start a new party called the Patriot / MAGA Party RIGHT NOW & BURY the Republican / RINO Party after the 2022 A.D. midterms!!', 'Real/True MAGA-supporting Republicans', 'Kari Lake has indeed won the AZ Primary after the establishment realized there were not enough votes to steal. Why did they, the establishment & the politicians, did what they did, which is waiting SO LONG to give us the results that Kari Lake won the primary? Because [with Blake Gate Masters in the Senate & Mark W. Finchem as state secretary, Eli Crane in the House of Representatives, other people in the House] we [the conservative Arizonans] got rid of Mark Brnovich & Rusty Bowers & all the liberal/leftist RINOs that have been causing us REAL pain. The reason that they did this is VERY simple: Because Kathleen Marie Hobbs cannot beat Lake & she KNOWS it. So, they were trying to figure out ways to “where are we gonna find votes, how can we steal votes & deny people’s right to vote”, because voter suppression comes in A LOT of different forms [sharpie forms “running out of ballots” forms, etc.]. They were looking & looking & looking, but the numbers were NEVER gonna be there. Lake won EVERY SINGLE county in Arizona, & all the MAGA folks that were endorsed by Donald John Trump not only win but they also won in huge, HUGE margins!! Remember that 80.0% of EVERY SINGLE ballot requested on election day was for a Republican & 23.4% were for Democrats, even though Independents are allowed to choose whether to vote for Democrat or Republican ballot. I’m glad that the conservatives overcame the algorithms, the rigged election machines & the fraud, but they have got to vote in BIGGER numbers than they ever did in the primaries in order to secure the 2022 A.D. midterm elections & make sure that all of these “America First” candidates end up in power so we can FINALLY be able to change things on the state &, eventually, on the federal level', 'Rusty Bowers, Stephen Richer [the fake Republican county recorder] & Mark Brnovich are gone. A couple of county officials have been resigned because they ran out of ballots & it was an absolute disaster too. We [the Arizona conservatives] are cleaning up these elections of fraud. There are a BUNCH of great MAGA candidates winning in many states, but we [the Right & the American people] have to be engaged in this & be fighting like everything is on the line', 'Hageman DESTROYS “Pretend Rancher” Kevin Costner for Endorsing Liz Cheney! Conservatives don’t have a lot of media to watch other than the news now. That’s why it was such a breath of fresh air when the show “Yellowstone” came out, not pushing a woke agenda. However, that may all be about to disappear as a pro-Trump candidate ripped into the show’s star Kevin Costner for endorsing her opponent, current Congresswoman Liz ‘Lizard’ Cheney [the RINO of Wyoming]. Harriet Hageman, who is running for Cheney’s congressional seat in Wyoming, spoke to the newspaper following the announcement of Costner’s endorsem*nt, which Cheney bragged about online. “Yellowstone is a good show, but Kevin Costner is a pretend rancher in a Hollywood production shot mostly in Montana, not Wyoming,” Hageman said. “And I’d bet that if he had to work a real ranch for a day, he’d call his agent to get him out of there.” She added, “I’ll take the support of the people of Wyoming any day of the week over a liberal actor who voted for Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden.” And it looks like Hageman may be right about receiving the support of the people of Wyoming over the minority ranking member of the January 6th Unselect Committee. According to polls from the end of July 2022 A.D., the Trump-endorsed candidate was leading Cheney by 20% or more', 'Wayne Allyn Root is a Jewish conservative, he’s a MAGA supporter, & he’s VERY intelligent. He would NEVER mislead anybody, nor lie. And he may be right that if Donald John Trump moved to either New Jersey or Nevada without the need to pay mortgage tax, there would be a good chance for a Trump-DeSantis 2024 A.D. ticket & to prevent the Democrats’ fraudulent lawsuits from getting into the 2024 A.D. election', 'Biden BLINDSIDED When Americans Give Him New Nickname after Primetime Speech! On Twitter, many people took issue not only with Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s hateful rhetoric towards Republicans, but the scene in which Biden spoke. In response to his speech, Twitter users gave Biden the nickname, Pedo Hitler, which trended on Twitter in the morning of 09/02/2022 A.D. One Twitter user wrote, “As a Jew, this imagery from the #BidenSpeech actually scares me, and makes me fear the future. What’s the definition of terrorism again? Oh yeah, making people so scared they don’t want to live their normal lives. #PedoHitler” Another Twitter user shared a photo with the caption, “I am The Government”- Joe Biden #PedoHitler” as a reference to Emperor Palpatine in Star Wars. Another Twitter user wrote, “Evil no longer hides itself. #pedohitler” And This person tweeted, “Why does #PedoHitler hate America so much? America has given Joe Biden everything. He’s lived off of American taxpayers his whole life. But he has so much hate in his heart towards our nation & our wonderful people. Biden is a sick, evil, & satanic man. He must be impeached.”', etc.)
    • Trump/Reagan Machine
    • Pro-Working / Anti-Political Class
    • Anti-Elitist Mentality
    • Less Regulations / Never Too Much Regulations
      • Giving the people power / Giving the government less power & less control / Taking power away from the government & give it to the people
      • Most members of Congress go to Washington DC to serve themselves, not their Constituents. But there are a few who actually serve the best interest of the people.
      • Not Changing/Rigging/Bending the Rules/Systems: Changing the election rules in the Right's favor
      • Less Laws/Rules (including 'NO MORE dystopian laws', 'NO governmental involvement in society', less government, 'Oil Workers Blow Biden's Big Lie Out Of The Water With Truth About The Pipeline! A group of laid-off Keystone XL Pipeline workers came out swinging against Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden in an interview with Fox News on 03/13/2022 A.D. Furious over his terrible policy decisions and his outright lies about the current decimated state of American energy production, the group of laid-off workers did not hold back with their criticism of Biden and placed the blame for the gas crisis squarely on his shoulders. As Benny Johnson puts it, these guys just told Biden “to go frack himself.” The current situation has nothing to do with Vladimir Putin, according to the workers. Instead, they explained, it was Biden’s focus on green energy and his decision to shut down the Keystone XL Pipeline, that landed us in this energy crisis. When asked point-blank whether Putin was responsible for the skyrocketing gas and energy prices, 1 worker replied: “Absolutely not.” So much for Biden’s pathetic “Putin’s price hike” line – everyone who’s paying attention knows the inflation crisis started the day the Biden regime STOLE over. Now, thanks to several poor decisions, the US has been backed into a corner due to its reliance on foreign oil, which is something that “shouldn’t even be in the question, according to 1 ex-Keystone employee: “We should be able to sustain ourselves and not depend on other nations raising their price and then affect us. That shouldn’t even be in the question,” one worker told Fox News. The solution to the skyrocketing gas prices is a simple one, the workers explained – Just open up the American Oil sector again – like it was under Donald john Trump. The move would also solve more than just the gas prices because more production would affect everything that is transported, they added: “Put us to work right now. And you will see not only the fuel prices go down, but you will see the price of everything else go down with it. He’s [Biden] pushing for solar and wind power, but it’s been proven over and over, that’s just not as efficient as burning natural gas, refining crude.” In complete agreement, another worked chimed in, adding: “We are sick of hearing, ‘this is Putin’s price hike.'” Ain’t that the truth…The Fox News reporter then follows up by asking about the Biden regime’s other ridiculous claim, in which Jen Psaki and Biden have pointed to the 9,000 unused oil drilling permits that have been granted to energy companies. Unsurprisingly, the workers immediately debunked that claim too', etc.)
    • Anti-Government (meaning small government, limited government, ‘NO governmental/bureaucratic control’, Anti Government-run businesses, Anti-global government, far-right government, 'Never wanting absolute power', 'Never wanting to grab power, control & money', Individual governments, self-government, 'Shutting down government', "Government OF the people, BY the people & FOR the people", 'Never/Against 1-world government', 'Preventing government from going out-of-control', Anti-Tyrannical Governments, 'keeping government from getting out of the Right's control', Constitutional Republic, Federal Republic, Republican form of government, 'NOT trusting government', 'not mandating anything', 'the Republicans try to go LESS government & less spending', 'Tell Israel to not working with the US government or the Biden regime because it is an anti-Israel government that wants to cut off all ties with Israel. It's an anti-allies government & a communist regime that doesn't care about anything other than protecting Iran, working with North-Korea & working with China. Our government, this fraudulent government, is the ENEMY of the American People', 'IT'S TIME WE REVIVE STATE DEFENSE FORCES TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE FED GOVT & SHOW THEM WHO’S BOSS! FED GOVT, This message is directed from Josh Bernstein to you: “YOU are OUR B****. YOU are submissive and subserviant to State Rights. WE tell you what to do. If we tell you to jump you ask us how high? YOU only exist so long as WE allow you to. And everything I just stated is in the Constitution. So FED GOVT it is time you received a F-cking Reality Check...F-ck with the People and you will see what happens. WE THE PEOPLE will TAKE BACK our Country and ARREST all you mother f-ckers who trampled on our rights.”', 'Everyone STUNNED When Elon Musk Reveals Unexpected Lethal Move Against Twitter! Elon Musk is back and this time he’s tapping his lawyers to call former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey to take the stand. He wants him on the stand because Dorsey knows where the bodies are buried. This is a big development as Musk’s legal team is ramping up their efforts to acquire twitter and coming for all their heads. Wait until you hear why. Elon Musk is taking no prisoners. The legal team for Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk subpoenaed former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey amid the ongoing battle over the social media platform. As reported by The Verge, Musk has subpoenaed former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, who stepped down last year and was replaced by Twitter CTO Parag Agrawal, for documents relating to Twitter’s use of mDAU as a key metric and the impact of false or spam accounts on Twitter’s business and operations. The legal team representing Musk — who desired to purchase Twitter for the purpose of increasing its commitment to free speech — has argued that the company repeatedly failed to provide accurate information about its user base, precluding the possibility of a complete deal. Recently a whistleblower came forward and claimed that Twitter was in fact misleading Musk about the number of bots on the platform. Musk is nevertheless required to complete the deal, according to Twitter’s lawsuit it states, “Musk refuses to honor his obligations to Twitter and its stockholders because the deal he signed no longer serves his personal interests.” If the Twitter deal does not come to fruition, Elon Musk floated the idea of starting his own social media platform. Musk explained that he is avoiding an “emergency sale” of Tesla stock in the “hopefully unlikely” event Twitter forces him to sell. Musk replied with a link to “” when asked whether he would start his own social media platform if the deal is terminated. It is scheduled for October that the trial will determine the outcome of the acquisition deal. Calling Dorsey to the stand is a GENIUS move that I’m sure the hacks at twitter never saw coming. If Musk is successful in acquiring Twitter, it would be a major victory for him and could potentially give him even more influence and power than he already has. Only time will tell how this situation plays out, but one thing is for sure: Elon Musk is not going to let the bots win this fight', etc.): Most members of Congress go to Washington DC to serve themselves, not their Constituents. We should get rid of the federal government, the secretary of commerce, the secretary of education, the secretary of farming, the Pentegon, the DHS ALL OF THEM. We should have the Executive Branch, the anti-woke military, anti-woke Congress, state education person, state farming person & state commerce person in order to get back to a Constitutional Republic. Stop the federal government's expansion of power/influence
    • Good Politics
    • Filibuster
    • Anti-Establishment: when you’re USA President, you need to FIRE EVERY SINGLE person that you CAN’T trust, whether it’s a RINO, a deep-state operative. You can NEVER have a situation where you want to reach out to the other side because they’re gonna hire FAR-LEFT radicals. We need term limits for both politicians, Washington DC & government officials that are PART of the deep-state & the permanent status of the establishment in Washington DC!! We need to EXTERMINATE all those people, & all of their jobs should be ON THE HOOK after EVERY single inauguration!! Whoever is elected USA President, those people that worked for the former administration have their jobs for 60 days, & at that point, they have to be reconfirmed by the new administration, otherwise they are ALL automatically terminated! That is how you get RID of spies, that’s how you get RID of people that you cannot trust in your administration. That is how you get RID of spies, that’s how you get RID of people that you cannot trust in your administration. We need a contract for big government & a HUGE pledge for America because we CANNOT the decay, we’ve gotta actually make change! We gotta need pressure on Democrtas & Republicans too, because Republicans NEED TO BE BOLD & not a bunch of puss*es
    • Using power/leadership & intelligence/wisdom in a good & smart way/fashion. That's how the Right & the anti-RINO Republicans & USA President Donald John Trump do. If you want to beat the Left, you've got to join them & use their tactics AGAINST them
    • The True America (Trump's America, Lincoln's America, Reagan's America, Coolidge America, George Washington's America, JFK's America, & Red-State America)
    • Conservative/Right-leaning/Capitalist Administrations (Trump Administration, Reagan Administration, Coolidge Administration, Theodore Roosevelt Administration, Eisenhower Administration & Lincoln Administration)
    • Being a Powerful/Prayerful/Strong Christian (a Christian who stands up & is voicing out & taking action)
    • Red State
    • Nation-Building
    • Humans rejecting absolute/unlimited power/control
    • Decreasing taxes & the minimum/worker wages
    • Changing the rules/laws for the Right's version of greater good
    • Having a stronger/smarter/braver/tougher/serious country/nation & hiring real alphas (someone who TRULY has grit, power, tenacity & might)
    • Condemning the sin that they committed & correct the sinner with love
    • Conservative/right-leaning/good pronouncements
    • Stopping/Undoing the Left's radicalism, renormalizations & infiltrations
    • Not mandating anything that comes from the Left
    • Antitrust
    • Making government yield power to the people (but not people on the Left & the 3rd-Party)
    • Never negotiate God's Laws
    • Never be dependent on government
    • Having a more SERIOUS country
    • Keeping liberals/leftists, Marxists (especially cultural Marxists & good Marxists), socialists, communists, progressives, globalists, authoritarians, totalitarians, draconians, egomaniacs, power/money/control mongers/lusters, rapists, thieves, murderers, demon/devil worshippers, Satan worshippers, dark/black magic users, Islamists, megalomaniacs & the religion of Self FAR AWAY from elections, higher authority & from America/Israel
    • Red Transplants
    • America needs strong leadership to get us back on track. I’m glad that people are attacking the fake outrage by the liberal/leftist media & the pressitutes like Jake 'Turd' Tapper.
    • 3 Percenters
    • Smaller anti-woke courts
    • Perversing/Raising the Filibuster / Not Twisting/Lowering the Filibuster / Not Getting Rid of The Filibuster ('I hope & pray that the Supreme Court are gonna do the right thing. And as long as we defeat HR 1 [the horrific “For the Democratic Party’s Act to destroy the Republican Party”], then it means that we have DEFEATED the Left in every MAJOR thing that they’ve tried to do!! And at that point, we can take America backing 2022 A.D. But (God forbid) if the Democrats & their RINO friends ever succeed in lowering the filibuster to have a simple majority where they can pass HR 1, then it’s OVER for America!!! The Democrats’ attack on Joe Manchin [D-West-Virginia] & Kyrsten Sinema [D-Arizona] so far has failed. Manchin killed the Build Back Better/Broke Plan in its CURRENT form. The Biden White House lashed out at him, but they’re NOT done fighting!! Now you’ve got Oprah Gail Winfrey, Bill ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton, & Barack Hussein ‘Insano’ Obama who have ALL secretly called Manchin behind the scenes & they are LOBBYING him to change his stance on the Senate filibuster!! West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin is getting pressure from powerful corners of the Democratic Party to change his stance on the Senate filibuster to pass voting reforms. In addition to regular talks with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer [D-New-York] and other fellow Democratic senators, Manchin has heard from past presidents and celebrities alike. This means that they’re gonna do a FULL COURT press on Manchin & they’re gonna do EVERYTHING they can [primary him, promising him the planet earth, who knows] for him. You may even have Beyounce & Shawn Corey Carter, known professionally as Jay-Z, doing “For the People’s Act” concerts. They’re gonna BLOW this up on telefonts & everything else. That’s way we need to BOMBARD Manchin’s office & tell him “Look. You need to NOT lower the filibuster & you must NEVER pass HR 1”. Because if they do pas that end bill, it’s the end. It’s VERY important for us, the Right, to call Manchin [office {(304) 342-5855} & his cell phone {(202) 224-3954}] & when you DO call, be respectful & say “this is a message for the senator. We just want to let you know that we appreciate you standing up for the American People of both West-Virginia & the rest of America. And we expect you to NOT vote to lower the filibuster, which would then allow the Left & the Democrats to pass the HR 1 [which is NOT “For the People’s Act”, it’s “For the Democratic Party’s Act & the Destruction of the Republican Party Act”].” We need to show that we have STRENGTH in numbers by the MILLIONS & we need to let Manchin know that you CANNOT cave-in to this pressure. We have to win in 2022 A.D. as long as everyone is NOT buying into the “never vote again” / “too scare to go out & vote in-person” mentality & decided to go out to vote on election day ONLY & working AT the polling stations & making sure that their there OVERNIGHT at the counting stations', 'Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden right now is on the ropes & is STILL stumbling up the stairs. That also means that the Democrats are sunk & are TOAST & they KNOW IT!! This means that as long as we DEFEAT their ABSOLUTELY despicable attempt to get rid of the filibuster, then we have a chance kick their butts on ALL sides in the 2022 A.D. midterm elections! THANK GOD for Kyrsten Lea Sinema! But we’re STILL not out of the weeds yet, we are FAR from it! The Left are gonna figure out some other campaign, they’re gonna show up at their front door, they’re gonna do ALL kinds of these campaigns against Sinema & Joe Manchin. You’re gonna have people from Hollywood probably doing concerts. Who KNOWS what these idiots are capable of doing, anything to gain & keep power!! That’s what they’re about!! They’re NOT about solutions or policies, they’re about POWER & THAT’S IT!! There are PURE communists & they need to be defeated & DESTROYED at all costs!! Always contact both Manchin [{202} 224-3954 & his local office {(304) 342-5855}] & Sinema [{202} 224-4521 & her local office {(602) 598-3727}] & go to because they need to hear from us CONSTANTLY because the minute we let up, maybe they’ll have a change of heart or maybe they’ll be PRESSURED or offered some type of future position, who know what they’ll do. The Left & the Democrats are EVIL, & they’ll do ANYTHING to try to hold on to this power, & it’s gonna be OUR JOB to make sure that they DON’T!!! If you want to contact the conservative / right-leaning news organizations, contact Fox News [{888} 369-4762], OANN [One American News Network [{858} 270-6900], Newsmax TV [{800} 485-4350] & Blaze [{866} 304-4978], & tell them & PRESSURE them to continue to talk about what the Left are trying to do, which is lower the 60-vote threshold for the filibuster, & tell these hosts to tell the audience members to CONTACT their congress members so that we have ANOTHER layer out there!! We’ve got to prevent Manchin & Sinema from WAVERING in these decisions, because they are pretty much holding civilization, freedom & everything we know as Americans in the palm of their hands!!!! It’s our best chance to kick the Left’s butts in 2022 A.D.!!!', 'Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden was talking about getting rid of the filibuster so they can codify Roe & ignore the Supreme Court. Thankfully, both Joe Manchin [the DINO of West-Virginia] & Kyrsten Lea Sinema [the DINO of Arizona] signaled that they are NOT to kill the filibuster or to codify Roe', etc.)
    • Defiance ('The word “Defiance” is what HELPED create America. “Defiance” is want kept us FREE from evil, & “Defiance” is what is gonna CONTINUE to keep us free from evil, tyranny & enslavement!! Because if you’re NOT defiant against those that oppress you & instead you are “compliant”, then you have LOST the battle. And when you give those who want to CONTROL & oppress you, any control whatsoever & give them an INCH, they will take a foot, a yard, & a MILE. And they will NEVER stop until they have CONSUMED you. That is why the Left & the Democrats & RINOs are oppressing us. And that is why SO MANY PEOPLE are walking around with face masks on & stand around in the cold for HOURS trying to to get their 3rd or 4th booster shot. “Defiance” is what makes Josh Bernstein who he is, “Defiance” is why people like me still watch him EVERY day, because you & I know that he will never, EVER stop & he will never, EVER comply!!! If you’re NOT defiant against the Left & their god Satan the devil king, then you are compliant. Complacency & Compliance to those who rule over you, whether it be illegal or not, take AWAY your freedoms. You have SURRENDERED your control over who you are as an individual!! Do NOT choose Complacency & Compliance over “Defiance”, always defy the Left & their god Satan the devil king, but just don’t defy God who is AGAINST complying with them!! We make America better, more freer & more prosperous when the demented old SOCKPUPPET named Joe ‘Stalin’ Biden is no longer in the White House that he STOLE!! If we get rid of him, then THAT is the “supply & demand” because the demand to have him & the Democrats & RINOs removed is SO high & the American People will do much, MUCH better. We make more money, they take care of themselves & their families', 'Incensed Father's School Board Rant Goes Viral! Are you a parent of a kid forced to deal with constant, tyrannical mandates pushed on them by the pearl-clutching and pill-pushing Karens that run many of America’s schools? And, if so, are you infuriated with tyrannical nonsense? Well, if so, you’re not alone. Other parents are tired of the school mask mandates, tired of the school shutdowns, and tired of the f*ckless bureaucrats running the school boards. One such parent is Jeff Perrine, a California dad who has had it with the Lincoln, CA school system and whose epic confrontation with the Lincoln, CA school board just went viral. Then, later, he goes for the jugular, attacking the “beta males” on the school board and saying: “These women right here, it’s sad you beta males let these women lead by example, let me tell you right now you sad little betas, you are seen as weak minuscule men and I tell my [unintelligible] men like you, those aren’t men, you understand? You are being weak, minuscule men the rest of your lives, and I’m not going to let you influence the boys in this community to be little cucks, you understand? This is a city of men, not betas, not gender-identified people you understand?” There are men and there are women and there are betas and there are alphas and this omicron crap is a joke, take the mask off, take a deep breath, go do some yoga…. … this is psychological damage and I know you’re looking at me bro cause you know what I’m saying is truth. You know it, you’re going to go home and sleep on this and it’s going to bother you, and I’ll be back in 2 weeks, bro, I’ll be back every 2 weeks cause I own my own business, I homeschool my kids, and I can do that because no one else signs my checks you understand?.” Finally, to put the board on notice that their jobs might not be so secure, saying: “We sign their checks and you best bet that I’m going to run a boatload of people against you guys, there ain’t gonna be no easy peasy election next time. … you guys are toast. I don’t care what you did in your community because this is enough. You can go do all the good you want but when you poison my kids’ mind, it’s done, you’ve crossed the line so I’m letting you know, we’re ticked and it’s enough.” What an epic takedown of these f*ckless, hysteric bureaucrats!', 'To all the law-enforcement folks in Washington state; “DO NOT, under any circ*mstances, comply with the UNCONSTITUTIONAL illegal mandates, purposal, etc. Do NOT do it!! Because if you DO, it’s NEVER gonna end will & we DON’T want to see anyone get injured or hurt. But there are MILLIONS of people in Washington state & elsewhere in America that will NOT, under any circ*mstances, go quietly if someone tries to FORCEFULLY remove them from their homes!! You NEED to understand that the “I’m just following orders” line DOESN’T cut it!! DON’T, under any circ*mstances, side with the Left’s orders!!”', 'KEEP FIGHTING: WE BEAT THEM IN COURT AND IF WE BEAT THEM IN CONGRESS WE WILL BEAT THEM IN 2022 A.D.! As I predicted as early as October 2021 A.D. and as recent as Jan 8th, 2022 A.D.'s Livestream the Supreme Court blocked the OSHA Mandate. However, in a somewhat more surprising move they let stand the mandate or test for Federal Workers? But this might be a blessing in disguise. The good news is that as Josh Bernstein predicted back in 01/08/2022 A.D., the Supreme Court would follow the 6th Circuit Court’s decision & SHOOT DOWN the OSHA [Occupational Safety and Health Administration] mandate. But he was quite surprised that they held the federal mandate for federal workers, which was kind a strange because John Robert & Brett Michael Kavanaugh AREN’T conservatives. Thankfully, Amy Coney Barrett was someone who DID THE RIGHT THING because she was “the big unknown” & she hasn’t been on the court for very long. But did they REALLY uphold the federal mandate for federal workers? NOT REALLY, because they know that it’s UNCONSTITUTIONAL because of a 2-letter word called “or”!! So what does this mean for the 2 million federal workers?? I guess it depends on the individual worker to be quite honest on how much they want to be annoyed as of whether or not they’re gonna continue working for the federal government, because they DON’T have to be vaccinated & there are many federal workers that understand the dangers of these jabs &, therefore, they’re NOT gonna do it under any circ*mstances, & God Bless them for making that decision. But they’re gonna be ANNOYED & harassed with these STUPID TESTS, because these stupid tests DON’T WORK anyway! My hope is that these federal workers decide “you know what?! I don’t wanna do this anymore, I’m done, I’m clearing out my desk, I’m QUITTING the federal government, I’m not working for it anymore, I’m NOT gonna be dictated by the federal government!! And instead, I’m gonna join the private sector where they STILL believe in freedom!” And anytime we can SHRINK the bureaucracy & get rid of the size & bloated amount of people that work FOR the federal government, I’m happy! For this could work out in a POSITIVE way, because this could end up SHRINKING the federal government', 'Barr Tells Fox News His Thoughts On How To Prevent Potential Nuclear War! Former Attorney General Bill Barr said the United States cannot allow Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine "to escalate into a nuclear war," warning that now is the time "for prudence" and to avoid any "direct conflict" with Russia. In an interview with Fox News Digital about his new memoir, "One Damn Thing After Another," in which he details long-term national security challenges facing the U.S., Barr said he agreed with the Biden regime's moves to reject Poland's proposal to send MiG-29 planes to the Ukrainian military. The Pentagon this week said Poland's proposal raised concerns regarding the deployment of warplanes from a U.S. base in a NATO-allied nation to combat Russian forces. Ukraine has been pleading with Western allies to send military aid and implement a no-fly zone over the country. The U.S. and its NATO allies have repeatedly said a no-fly zone over Ukraine could bring about a direct conflict with Russia. Putin launched Russia’s multi-front war against Ukraine on Feb. 24thm, 2022 A.D. His brutal invasion of the country is continuing for a 15th day, and Barr warned that there could be a long road ahead. Meanwhile, Barr said he does not think Russia has "the military power" to move into neighboring countries after the invasion of Ukraine', 'NEVER GONNA HAPPEN: WHY BIDEN, GLOBALISTS AND THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM WILL NEVER RESET AMERICA?! Not on my watch. Not on the watch of 100 million plus supporters of the second amendment either. If this fake administration, corrupt intel community and a bunch of unelected 90 year old billionaires think they are going to take control of our country they better get their fricking heads examined. The resolve, the fight, and the resistance of millions of die hard American patriots will never let this happen. America will not be dictated to nor will we ever surrender to a 1-world government. EVER... This is a message from Josh Bernstein to the World Economic Forum, the Soros, Bilderbergs, the Rockefellers, the Rothchilds, Dovos & ALL of these globalist scumbags & leaders that THINKS that they’re gonna reset America: “THINK AGAIN because, unlike European or Oceanic countries that DON’T even have a 2nd-Amendment as robust as America does, because you leftists & globalists in America are NEVER gonna succeed [or in a psychological/spiritual success] in reseting America!! We have MORE than 100 million gun-owners & the American People, as a whole, will NEVER be dictated to by liberal/leftist UNELECTED bureaucrats billionares from around planet earth. We will NOT be controlled by the Left & the globalists & we will take EVERY SINGLE ACTION necessary to make sure that we defend our right to be a free-nation. And collectively as America, we WILL use our 2nd-Amendment to defeat & destroy ALL enemies [both foreign & domestic]”', 'If you go to, you can fill out information to whoever your state senator is in whatever state you’re TRULY in & do this RIGHT AWAY because the confirmation process has STARTED & it’s gonna go on for the NEXT 2 weeks! So we’ve got to put the PRESSURE campaign AGAINST the nomination of Ketanji Brown Jackson & tell the state senators on that there is NO WAY & NO legal basis whatsoever to install someone who HATES America, hates America’s REAL history & findings because she’s a supporter of the FAKE historic 1619 project which is a BUNCK of bullcrud, & someone who ids SOFT on both crime, child-predators & pedophiles!!! If the American People knew who this rathood thuggish idiot scumbag REALLY / TRULY is, if the Democrats were to ALLOW her record to come out, they would ALL be blowing up their phones & emails because Ketanji Brown Jackson is an EXTREMELY DANGEROUS woman especially to KIDS!! Also, contact the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee who is Dick ‘Sicko’ Durbin [{202} 224-2152] & tell him to release the 48 thousand documents on Ketanji Brown Jackson IMMEDIATELY to the FULL Senate Republicans so they & the American public could them & be aware of her decisions & cases', 'OVER IT! Pilots FIGHT BACK By Suing To Stop Mask Mandate! A number of pilots are suing over the extension of the Biden Transportation Security Administration's ongoing mask mandate for air travel. “In court paperwork, the 10 commercial airline pilots – who work for American JetBlue and Southwest – argued that the CDC [Center for Disinformation Center] issued an order 'Requirement for Persons to Wear Masks While on Conveyances & at Transportation Hubs' on Feb. 1, 2020 'without providing public notice or soliciting comment,'” Fox Business reports. “The pilots are asking the court to "vacate worldwide the FTMM [federal transportation mask mandate' " calling the move an 'illegal and unconstitutional exercise of executive authority.'” The pilots also argue the mandate is being justified despite studies showing masks don't work to protect against Wuhan coronavirus. In early 2020 and before mask mandates, public health officials told Americans it was nearly impossible to contract Wuhan coronavirus on an airplane', 'Beverly Hills Mayor DEFECTS: Refuses to Enforce Democrat Mandate! The Democrat/DINO mayor of Beverly Hills is staging her own protest against the return of the democrat-supported mask mandate to LA County. 3-term mayor Lili Bosse went on FOX News to blast her fellow liberals, insisting that her county will refuse to enforce the mandate when it is put back into place. Mayor Bosse was clearly discontent with the new posed mandate, telling FOX, “We have more important issues to enforce, in my opinion and in the council’s opinion, regarding mental wellness checks for the unhoused, keeping the streets in the parks safe.” “Basically there’s no judgment. If somebody wants to wear a mask, wear a mask. If you feel vulnerable wear a mask and if you don’t want to wear a mask, don’t wear a mask,” she continued. Bosse added that while they may be part of LA county, they don’t have to use city resources to enforce something they disagree with, “Beverly Hills is under LA county public health rules, but we in Beverly Hills don’t have to use our enforcement to enforce it. So if LA County puts downs this mandate, we felt they can go out and enforce it.” Los Angeles announced earlier in July 2022 A.D. that they were preparing to reinstate the unpopular mandate if they continued to record a rise in new Coronavirus cases. According to LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer [D-California], if the county sees “a high level” of cases continue for 2 straight weeks, the mask mandate will automatically be put back in place. A ‘high’ level is defined as at least 10 new weekly coronavirus-positive hospitalizations for every 100,000 residents. Ferrer defended the decision, saying, “It is my fervent hope that this current surge will abate soon, but, in the meantime, I ask everyone to be cautious and take care of each other, and I thank the many who are doing all they can do to slow the spread.” The fact that a major Democrat mayor is rebelling against her own party and their obsession over masks could spell bad news for the party. Do you think that more mayors will follow suit if they try to push masks nationwide again?', 'LA Defies Dems “Defund the Police” Cries - Here’s what they did to Infuriate the Left! To address a rise in crime in Hollywood, Los Angeles City Council members approved funding for more police patrols on 08/10/2022 A.D. As compared to 2021 A.D., Hollywood has seen a 75% increase in homicides and a more than 35% increase in shots fired in 2022 A.D. Los Angeles City Council members on Wednesday approved funding for more police patrols in Hollywood to address a rise in crime. Hollywood, which is a neighborhood of Los Angeles, has seen a 75% increase in homicides and a more than 35% increase in shots fired this year compared with last year. Robbery and theft, meanwhile, has jumped by nearly 20% and 25%, respectively. The council on Wednesday signed off on a motion by Councilman Mitch O’Farrell [D-California] to give an additional $216,000 to the Los Angeles Police Department’s Hollywood Division to add additional officers. "Today's unanimous approval of enhanced safety measures in Hollywood will make a world of difference for residents, workers and visitors impacted by crime," O'Farrell said in a statement, City News Service reported. "We're investing in a holistic approach to public safety — one that brings unarmed service providers, residents, businesses and LAPD to the table so that we can create safer neighborhoods and communities." According to O’Farrell’s motion, the demand for public safety has exceeded the available resources in Hollywood. "We’re thankful to Council Member O’Farrell for these additional resources and look forward to quickly putting them to use to prevent, deter and address crime," Blake Chow, LAPD deputy chief, said in a statement to City News Service', 'According to WDRB News. The Kentucky Attorney General urged the Jefferson County Board of Education to drop its mask mandate “immediately” in a letter sent 08/16/2022 A.D. In the letter, Cameron, who is also running for the Republican nomination for governor in 2023, said his office is also investigating whether a mask mandate could be imposed at Jefferson County Public Schools. “While my Office continues to review whether JCPS has the authority to impose such health policies, I write to urge the Board to terminate its mask mandate immediately. The mandate harms children, unduly burdens teachers, and is bad public policy,” the Attorney General’s letter partially states', 'NONPROFIT ROARS: Just Dropped a MASSIVE Attack on Dems with Billboards and TV Ads! This conservative group is dedicated to fighting for conservative values. And now, they’re launching a massive attack campaign. The non-profit organization known as “Citizens for Sanity” is on to something that will have a huge impact come November 8th, 2022 A.D. Over the past few weeks, the group has put up billboards in strategic locations and even released a TV ad meant to help the Democrats lose the upcoming midterm election in November. According to their website, Citizens for Sanity’s mission is “to return common sense to America, to highlight the importance of logic and reason, and to defeat “wokeism” and anti-critical thinking ideologies that have permeated every sector of our country and threaten the very freedoms that are foundational to the American Dream.” In order to help wokeism go to die, as GOP FL Governor Ron Desantis recently put it, Citizens for Sanity recently put up 3 billboards across the country. One billboard campaign that reads, “Protect Pregnant Men from Climate Discrimination” has been put up in the cities of Philadelphia, Chicago and Detroit. Another billboard campaign that reads, “Open the jails. Open the borders. Close the schools. Vote progressive this November,” has been put up in the cities of Philadelphia and Atlanta. And finally, a third billboard campaign reading, “Violent criminals deserve our compassion and respect. This fall, stand strong for progressive values,” has been installed in the cities of Atlanta, Long Beach, Philadelphia, and Detroit. As noted by POLITICO, the commercial portrays a transgender athlete competing in a women’s track meet and “handily defeating the competition.” “Unfortunately, this competition was over before it even began,” the ad’s narrator says, calling out “Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden and his radical allies.” The ad continues, with the narrator saying, “Woke left-wing politicians are destroying girls’ sports.” “The woke ideology of sheltered white liberals is a mortal threat to American liberty, security and prosperity,” Ian Prior, a strategic consultant to the nonprofit group said in a statement to POLITICO. “Citizens for Sanity is not an ideological organization: we stand for reason, common sense, objectivity, equality, the neutral rule of law, and open scientific inquiry — everything the radical Left now stands implacably against,” he added. “And we are using these messaging campaigns to alert Americans to the urgent need to defeat and repudiate woke insanity before it destroys America.” We need more groups like Citizens for Sanity to help the GOP win the midterm elections of 2022 A.D. and take back the House and Senate. With billboards towering over the busiest streets and expressways, people who have never voted before or have no intentions to vote may be inspired by the messaging and feel obligated to have their voice heard at the ballot box', 'It is time for moms and dads to push back against the leftist classroom agenda. Our children are not pawns to be used in a social experiment, they are our future. We need to demand that our schools provide a safe and productive environment for them to learn in. This means protecting them from violence, teaching them traditional values, and giving them the best education possible. Join me in standing up for our children by speaking out against the Left’s indoctrination in our schools', 'We need to honor our founders despite their flaws because they birthed a great nation that has been a light unto other nations. Let us remember them and teach future generations about what they did to make America the greatest country in the world… not ERASE them from the pages of History', etc.)
      • Using the Left's Plans/Schemes & Strategies/Tactics Against Them ('How was the 2020 A.D. election stolen?! It was stolen on ZOOM! As soon as Donald John Trump made the HORRIBLE decision to shut down the USA economy, it was a sigh of relief for the Left. He was SO stupid to believe in the lies of Anthony ‘Falsey Monster’ Fauci that he actually shut down America because cares about the American People [even though he was duped into shutting down the country], unlike the Left!! In reality, it was the most HORRIFIC mistake Trump has EVER made in his entire life; because the minute he shut down the economy & America, that was his fatal mistake to never serve another term because the Left are the gods of Rahm Emanuel’s quote “never let a good crisis go to waste”!! The 2020 A.D. election was stolen on ZOOM on Tuesday nights & Thursday nights between 300 to 500 liberal/leftist activists in MANY American states. We, the Right, need to cook up a plan that is similar to what the Left did in the 2020 A.D. election, through ZOOM & emails in ALL states. We need to have teams of real/true conservative activists that are WATCHING the dropboxes. Some are inside but others aren’t in the states. You stand 50 feet away from the dropboxes & watch them & beat the Left at their OWN games in order to STOP them from stealing the elections!! We need to SCARE the Left & the Democratic mules AWAY from the dropboxes & intimidate them against their abilities to steal. It’s our only chance to make sure that our conservative votes are counted correctly, NOT discounted, & that the Left & politicians [Democrats & RINOs] aren’t stuffing ballot boxes & dropboxes', '#DropBoxWatch WASH STATE PATRIOTS ORGANIZING DROP BOX WATCH TEAMS: HERE IS HOW YOU CAN START ONE TOO! Something I [Josh Bernstein] have been talking about for months might finally become a reality. #DropBoxWatch or to learn more. We need to set up drop box watch teams all over the country! This is our right, and it is legal. What is developing in Washington state, Oregon, Colorado & California right now [to hopefully happen in many other American states] would likely be contestable states & they would be swing state if they didn’t have universal mail-in voting. In a down hill for Democrats, Republicans [real/true republicans & conservatives for that matter] would win if they had the mechanisms to be able to win in stolen states like Washington state & Oregon. What’s happening is that these blue states aren’t run by Democrats anymore, they are run by communists which makes it almost impossible for Republicans to compete in elections in those states. Conservative activists in Washington state have had enough & what they are doing is that they are working on a dropbox watch campaign, in which they go around in the different counties that they know are problematic & they’re putting teams together to watch the dropboxes. We, the Right, need to cook up a plan that is similar to what the Left did in the 2020 A.D. election, through ZOOM & emails in ALL states. We need to have teams of real/true conservative activists that are WATCHING the dropboxes. Some are inside but others aren’t in the states. You stand 50 feet away from the dropboxes & watch them & beat the Left at their OWN games in order to STOP them from stealing the elections!! We need to SCARE the Left & the Democratic mules AWAY from the dropboxes & intimidate them against their abilities to steal. It’s our only chance to make sure that our conservative votes are counted correctly, NOT discounted, & that the Left & politicians [Democrats & RINOs] aren’t stuffing ballot boxes & dropboxes', 'DEMS ARE DOOOOMED!!! MSNBC Data Guru Give Grim Outlook for Party! One of the top data analysts in the nation delivered a series of results to MSNBC this week that is likely to devastate Democrats come November 2022 A.D. It turns out that Hispanic voters are not too happy with the way they have been handling policy these last few years. Data scientist Steve Kornacki joined the notoriously liberal network in the evening of 08/01/2022 A.D. to deliver the bad news. According to him, the Left has been consistently losing the support of this key voting bloc ever since 2016, when Hillary Rodham ‘Ham Hock’ Clinton was running. Not only have these recent presidential candidates clearly been costing the Democrats non-white votes, but Republicans just managed to seat the first ever Mexican-born woman in the US Congress when Rep Mayra Flores [R] won a special election in a Hispanic majority district this year that has historically voted exclusively for Democrats. What the MSNBC data analyst said is very intriguing and goes along with other trends showing minority voters becoming more and more upset with the Democrats for not proving them any value', 'NOBAMA! Michelle Obama Gets HORRIBLE News About Her New TV Show! Talk about canceled. This is 1 type of canceling that I really don’t have a problem with. Not that cancel culture is a good thing. It sucks, really. But sometimes you get to see the canceller getting canceled. Think Harvey Weinstein and Al Franken. Now, former First Lady Michelle Obama joins the list. According to a report from Deadline News: “Showtime will not be picking up a second season of one-hour drama anthology series The First Lady. The star-studded Season 1 of the anthology, set in the East Wing of the White House and focused on telling the stories of America’s charismatic, complex and dynamic first ladies, centered on Eleanor Roosevelt (Gillian Anderson), Betty Ford (Michelle Pfeiffer)\ and Michelle Obama (Viola Davis), with Davis also serving as executive producer. Showtime can confirm that the anthology series The First Lady will not be moving forward with another season,” a spokesperson for the network said in a statement to Deadline. “We would like to applaud the artistry and commitment of our showrunner Cathy Schulman, director Susanne Bier, their fellow executive producers, our amazing cast — led by executive producer Viola Davis, Michelle Pfeiffer and Gillian Anderson — and our studio partner Lionsgate for their dedicated work in telling the unique stories of 3 remarkable leaders. The First Lady, which received a lukewarm reception from critics, hailed from writer Aaron Cooley, Davis and Julius Tennon’s JuVee Productions; Cathy Schulman’s Welle Entertainment (Otherhood); and Jeff Gaspin’s Gaspin Media. Cooley executive produced along with Davis and Tennon via their JuVee Productions, Schulman via Welle Entertainment, Gaspin via Gaspin Media and Brad Kaplan via Link Entertainment. Susanne Bier was director/exec producer. Showtime and Lionsgate TV co-produced the series. At TCA in February, Schulman and Bier shared that they were exploring potential future installments that they said could feature Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis, Hillary Clinton, Dolly Madison, Edith Wilson, Martha Washington, Rosalynn Carter or Melania Trump.” This is the second time she’s been canceled recently too. They lost another deal from Spotify in April. According to a report from New York Post: “One of the sticking points in negotiations with Spotify was the Swedish company’s insistence on an exclusive licensing deal. Even if the Obamas produce podcasts for another company, those shows will in all likelihood make their way to Spotify anyway. Streaming services want the Obamas to make more frequent appearances themselves in order to generate more buzz for their company’s content, but the former first couple is reportedly willing to commit to no more than an 8-episode program. Higher Ground was paid a reported $25 million after signing with Spotify in 2019.” While canceling isn’t good, I can only imagine that we dodged a bullet with this one. There is no way that they would have been remotely objective when talking about Melania Trump. And God help us all if the Hillary video came out since you know she’d just use it to push her own run for President…again! Showtime made the right decision to cancel Michelle', 'MERRICK GARLAND IMPEACHMENT: Here's what you need to know! Georgia Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene filed Articles of Impeachment against Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland on 08/12/2022 A.D. House Resolution 1318 would “impeach Merrick Brian Garland, Attorney General of the United States, for endangering, compromising, and undermining the justice system of the United States by facilitating the persecution of tyrant Joseph R. Biden, Jr.’s, political rival, Donald J. Trump, the 45th President of the United States.” Rep. Greene’s resolution claims that the attorney general’s “personal approval to seek a search warrant for the raid on the home of the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, constitutes a blatant attempt to persecute a political opponent,” according to the Hill. President Trump has said that the documents found were not classified, and he has claimed presidential authority to classify and declassify documents. “Number 1, it was all declassified. Number 2, they didn’t need to “seize” anything. They could have had it anytime they wanted without playing politics and breaking into Mar-a-Lago. It was in secured storage, with an additional lock put on as per their request,” Trump wrote on TRUTH Social. Trump has also accused the FBI [Fascist Bureau of Intimidation] of planting evidence against him', 'DEMOCRATS Freaking Out Over Massive Influx of Migrants Bused to their Cities! Democrats never seem to care about illegal immigration, most likely because the border is so far away, and they don’t have to deal with the consequences. Well Greg Abbott [R-Texas] decided he had enough and shipped the illegal border crossers to Democrat cities to give them a taste of their own policies. Now they’re mad! Illegal Immigrants are overrunning these Democrat cities and their leaders are starting to get upset. As Texas continues to send buses full of migrants to sanctuary cities such as New York and Washington, DC, those cities have become overwhelmed. Texas and Arizona have both sent thousands of migrants to the 2 Democrat-run cities, according to Axios. As “sanctuaries” that restrict local law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration agencies, both cities have pledged to protect illegal immigrants from deportation. Washington, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser [D] reaffirmed the city’s sanctuary status after the 2016 election, saying “We celebrate our diversity and respect all DC residents.” Governor Greg Abbott announced on Friday that Texas has sent over 7,000 migrants to Washington since April 2022 A.D., and at least 900 to New York since August 5th, 2022 A.D. The migrants have been called a “burden” on New Yorkers by Eric Adams [D-New-York]. After previously being denied help from the National Guard, DC Mayor Muriel Bowser said the city has reached a “tipping point” in its efforts to aid migrants. As part of her request to the Biden regime, the progressive mayor also revealed that migrants should be treated equally to war refugees. Additionally, Mayor Eric Adams requested aid from the federal government, asking for “money, technical assistance, and more.” He also alleged that Abbott “used innocent people as political pawns.” More than 800,000 aliens were permitted to vote in local elections under Adams’ noncitizen voting bill in January 2022 A.D. Although officials in liberal cities call the bussing unethical, Valeria Wheeler, executive director of Mission: Border Hope, a non-profit organization that serves Eagle Pass’ border community, says “They want to take the buses.” “No one is being pressured.” It seems like New York has finally reached a tipping point. It’s unfortunate that Greg Abbott had to send illegal immigrants to New York to get his point across about the border crisis, but now maybe Democrats will step up and help secure the border', 'HA-HA! Leftist Newsman INSULTS Trump on Live TV Then IMMEDIATELY Regrets It When His Boss Calls! A political analyst was in for a rude awakening after trying to smear USA President Donald John Trump on live TV with the Left’s favorite insult of him. People watching WSB-TV in Georgia this week may have been stunned listening to certain comments from political analyst Bill Crane, but they can sleep soundly tonight knowing what the station’s general manager and vice president did to resolve the situation. After claiming former President Donald Trump had an “orange face” on television, a political analyst and commentator from a Georgia news station was fired on 08/22/2022 A.D. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that Crane made his comment on Trump on WSB-TV on Sunday while discussing the investigation the Fulton County District Attorney’s office is conducting regarding the 2020 election results in Georgia. In response to Crane’s remarks, Ray Carter, Vice President and General Manager of WSB-TV, issued a statement announcing Crane’s termination, saying, “During Sunday evening’s Channel 2 Action News at 6:00, Bill Crane, a frequent guest as an outside third-party political analyst, uttered remarks about former President Donald Trump that are not aligned with our commitment to fair and unbiased reporting and analysis. As a result, we’re ending our relationship with Mr. Crane, effective immediately.” Crane apologized on social media, but did not apologize for his analysis, saying “perhaps in my verbiage I certainly could have been a bit more PC.” He also said that his goal as a commentator is to “call the hard balls and strikes on either side, and attempt to do so with a bit of humor, sarcasm, the occasional pun and tongue in cheek.” This analyst should have known better than to try and use the left’s favorite insult against President Trump on live TV. Not only did he come across looking foolish, but he also demonstrated his clear bias. Maybe this will be a wake up call to leftist pundits who portray themselves as unbiased experts. The American people are seeing through your lies and deceit, and we aren’t going to put up with it anymore', etc.)
    • Jeffersonian/JFK Democrats
    • Small Government & Small Business ('Lowe's just put all other companies to shame with this incredible move! Despite record high inflation and Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden crippling our economy, some employers are giving back to their employees. You would think that companies would be laying off workers or cutting hours, but some are doing the exact opposite. Wait until you hear who it is. While inflation remains near 1980s levels, Lowe's is helping its workers. According to Lowe's Chief Executive Marvin R. Ellison on 08/17/2022 A.D.'s earnings call, “In recognition of some of the cost pressures they are facing due to high inflation, we are providing an incremental $55 million in bonuses to our hourly front-line associates this quarter,” “These associates have the most important jobs in our company, and we deeply appreciate everything they do to serve our customers to deliver a best-in-class experience.” Fox Business reports that the home improvement retailer is also offering employees a temporary 20 percent discount on household and cleaning items. According to the Post, Lowe’s spokesman Steve Salazar said bonuses would be paid on Sept. 9 but refused to reveal how much each employee would receive. With about 2,200 stores and approximately 300,000 employees, Lowe’s is not alone in helping its employees. According to Nextstar Media Group, Exxon Mobil, T Rowe Price Group, and Microsoft are offering raises and bonuses. Smaller employers are also contributing. Despite giving his 340 hourly employees a 7% raise, Hawkins Construction president Chris Hawkins said he is giving them $1,000 bonuses in the summer of 2022 A.D.', etc.)
    • Anti-Political Science / Reason
    • DINOism (Democrat In Name Only) ('The Left Is Not Happy After Manchin Has This One Word Response To Biden’s Fed Nominee! Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announced in the morning of 03/14/2022 A.D. he will oppose Sarah Bloom Raskin as a member of the Federal Reserve Board, putting her nomination on the path to defeat. "Now more than ever, the United States must have policy leaders and economic experts who are focused on the most pressing issues facing the American people and our nation - specifically rising inflation and energy costs. I have carefully reviewed Sarah Bloom Raskin's qualifications and previous public statements. Her previous public statements have failed to satisfactorily address my concerns about the crucial importance of financing an all-of-the-above energy policy to meet our nation's critical energy needs. I have come to the conclusion that I am unable to support her nomination to serve as a member of the Federal Reserve Board," Manchin released in a statement. "The Federal Reserve Board is not an institution that should politicize its critical decisions. This is a 10-year term to perhaps the most important independent body that is tasked with ensuing the stability of the American economy," Manchin continued. "At this historic moment for both the United States and the world at large, it is imperative the Federal Reserve Board preserves its independence and steers clear of any hint of partisanship. Instead, the Federal Reserve Board must remain hyper focused on ending the inflation taxes hurting working families and getting more workers off the sidelines and back into the ecnomony. The time has come for the Federal Reserve Board to return to its defining principles and deal mandate of controlling inflation by ensuring stable prices and maximum employment. I will not support any future nominee that does not respect these crucial priorities." During her confirmation hearing in February 2022 A.D., Raskin came under scrutiny for extreme positions and biases against the oil and gas industry. In December, tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden suffered another defeat when the nomination of Saule Omarova -- slated to become the comptroller of the currency at the Treasury Department -- was withdrawn after it became clear a confirmation vote would fail. Omarova previously stated she intended to bankrupt oil and gas companies. She also supported the elimination of private banking', 'Soon After Defunding The Police, New York Gets Slapped With Deadly Karma! The NYPD’s new Neighborhood Safety Teams hit the streets on 03/14/2022 A.D. to combat rising gun violence in New York City. The initiative will start with 25 commands patrolling the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city’s 5 boroughs, NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell told reporters on 03/11/2022 A.D. Sewell said the plan is to roll out more teams in the future, emphasizing that the officers’ presence in the neighborhoods will focus on gun violence and criminal activity. The unit is part of Mayor Eric Adams’ [D-New-York] plan to make New York City safer amid a rise in violent crime. As of March 6th, 2022 A.D., police data shows there were 215 citywide shooting victims year-to-date – an 18.8% increase compared to 181 shooting victims reported during same period in 2021 A.D. Citywide shooting incidents also increased 14.3% year-to-date compared to 2021, with 192 reported so far this year compared to 168 during the same period last year, according to NYPD statistics. Before the neighborhood safety teams were deployed Monday, Sewell said the assigned officers all underwent extensive training. She said that community input was part of the training, with community members expressing to the NYPD what changes they would like to see and what their concerns were in the past. Kenneth Corey, NYPD Chief of Department, said the officers assigned to the neighborhood safety teams all received 7 days of training in multiple areas', 'TERMINATED: Biden Shellshocked As Another One Of His Radical Nominees Bites The Dust! Adding to something of a trend that's emerged among tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden's nominees facing Senate confirmation, Sarah Bloom Raskin withdrew herself from consideration for a key oversight post within the Federal Reserve on 03/15/2022 A.D., just hours after Senate Democrats pledged to move her doomed confirmation ahead. In a nearly 3-page letter to tyrant Biden dated March 15th, Raskin stated "with a heavy heart" that she would "hereby withdraw my candidacy" to become the Federal Reserve Board's vice-chair for supervision and tripled down on her radical climate alarmism. "I fear, however, many in and outside the Senate are unwilling to acknowledge the economic complications of climate change and the toll it has placed, and will continue to place, on Americans," she wrote. As Katie reported on 03/14/2022 A.D., Senator Joe Manchin [D-West-Virginia] announced that he would not vote to confirm Raskin due to her radical stance on American energy policy and stated belief that banking systems should behave like woke climate alarmist activists and deny oil and gas companies the capital they need to innovate and do business. Manchin explained his opposition to Biden's nominee in a statement that read, in part. This is hardly the first time Senator Manchin has blocked radical Democrats from forcing their activist policies and personnel through the Senate, but it's another good reminder that for all of Joe Biden's campaign lecturing about being a moderate unifier, his nominations have repeatedly proven to be too radical for Democrats like Manchin, and only serve to unify Democrats and Republicans against his nominees. Previously, other radical Biden nominees were blocked by bipartisan opposition including Saule Omarova who withdrew her nomination to head the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and David Chipman whose nomination to lead the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives was also defeated', 'Gabbard Flips On Dems Then Gives Nod To DeSantis And His Florida Law! Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard [D-Hawaii] [a secretive member of the World Economic Forum’s Globalist Leadership Program / Institution] broke with her party and expressed strong support on 04/05/2022 A.D. for Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill. The law, which Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a week ago, prohibits teachers from talking about sexual orientation and gender identity with children from kindergarten to the third grade. The legislation stirred up a national debate about discussing sexuality in the classroom, with critics, including prominent Democrats, deeming the legislation anti-LGBT and disingenuously calling it the “Don’t Say G**” bill. Breaking ranks with her fellow Democrats, Gabbard told her Twitter followers that “we should all support the Parental Rights in Education bill” in a video she shared. However, Gabbard said she was “shocked” that the law safeguards students only through grade 3. “Third grade? What about 12th grade? Or not at all?” The original text of the Florida bill reads, “Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.” Furthermore, the law says, “At the beginning of the school year, each school district shall notify parents of each healthcare service offered at their student’s school and the option to withhold consent or decline any specific service.” “Parental consent to a health care service does not waive the parent’s right to access his or her student’s educational or health records or to be notified about a change in his or her student’s services or monitoring,” it says', 'NY Mayor Just Told "Woke" Dems Exactly Where To Stick Their Crime Wave! Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Easter Sunday 2022 A.D. blamed woke progressive policies for the city's soaring crime rates - as he called for repeat offenders to be locked-up. In an interview with ABC This Week host George Stephanopoulos, the mayor said former NYPD Commissioner William Bratton was 'right' when he said on the Bloomberg Businessweek podcast last week that progressive policies have led to an increase in crime in Democrat-run cities. Adams was elected last year after vowing to fight the Big Apple's growing crime problem. He had vowed to reinstate the NYPD's controversial anti-crime unit, and has been pushing for state lawmakers to allow judges to consider the 'dangerousness' of defendants before deciding to release them under the state's woke bail reform laws. Those have been blamed for repeatedly freeing serial criminals onto the street to commit further offenses - including multiple murders. But state Democratic leadership has repeatedly resisted the mayor's request, and said they will not act on changing the law, according to the New York Post. Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul has signaled plans to toughen up the act as part of her latest budget, although victims' advocates say she should go even further. Adams has said he wants to see changes in bail reform laws and other criminal justice measures, claiming they will bring down crime rates in the city and reduce gun violence. And since being elected, Adams has fulfilled his promise to reinstate the anti-crime unit, and has deployed 1,000 more officers to the subways', 'Dem New York Mayor RIPS Into BLM For Hypocrisy After Violent Crime! Mayor Eric Adams [D-New-York] slammed Black Lives/Lies Matter [or should they be Beelzebub, Lucifer & Mephistopheles] and anti-police activists on 04/13/2022 A.D. after a night of bloodshed across the city that left more than a dozen people shot. “Where are all those who stated ‘Black lives matter’?” Adams said on NY1. “Do an analysis of who was killed or shot last night. I was up all night speaking to my commanders in the Bronx, in Brooklyn. The victims were black,” the mayor said. 3 people were killed and at least 13 others were wounded in a series of shootings that rocked parts of the Bronx and Brooklyn late Tuesday and early Wednesday, police and sources said. The mayor said those who protest against police brutality should also acknowledge the scourge of gun ­violence', 'Democrat Rep. FLIPS On The Left And Supports Florida's Parental Rights Bill! Democratic New York gubernatorial candidate and Rep. Tom Suozzi called Florida’s “Parental Rights in Education” bill “reasonable” on 04/14/2022 A.D. “I think it’s a very reasonable law not to try to get kids in kindergarten to be talking about sex,” Suozzi told WABC’s Sid Rosenberg. “I wish it wouldn’t become such a hot button issue where people are just attacking each other—it’s just common sense. I’m very much in favor of equal rights, I’m very much in favor of treating g** people fairly and treating them like the human beings they are.” The legislation, H.B. 1557, prohibits classroom discussion about sexual orientation and gender identity in grades K-3 and requires school districts to notify parents of any changes to their child’s physical, mental or emotional health, except in cases of child abuse. The law also instructs school administrators to alert parents of health services provided to students. The representative confirmed his support for the legislation calling it “common sense” in a statement to City & State', 'LIBS IN TEARS: A Former Republican Just FLIPPED Los Angeles Upside Down! The special election for a new LA Mayor has come down to a runoff between progressive Congresswoman Karen Bass [D-California] and former Republican Billionaire turned Democrat Rick Caruso. A recent count of votes in the race showed Caruso, who has made supporting law enforcement and business owners a key part of his platform, leading Bass 42% to her 37%. In California, if no candidate breaks 50%, it triggers an automatic runoff between the top 2 candidates. Bass, who has represented California’s 37th Congressional district since 2011, was recently on the short list for Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s Vice Presidential candidate in 2020. She was beat out by Kamala ‘Head Board’ Harris, a fellow California Democrat, for the spot. Rep. Bass, traditionally considered one of the more progressive members of her party, has been feeling the pressure as of late to change her stance on law enforcement. The Defund the Police movement gutted police departments in liberal cities around the country and led to a string of progressive DA’s being elected, including in Los Angeles. Now the District Attorney of LA, George Gascon [D-California], is facing a recall election for his soft on crime policies after they apparently led to a huge spike in crime in the city. Shortly before 06/07/2022 A.D.’s election, Karen Bass flipped on her progressive roots, going on FOX News and announcing “My plan calls for getting officers on the beat immediately in neighborhoods that want to see an increased police presence. But I believe the quickest way to get officers on the beat is to get them from behind the desk.” She then added, “I’m calling for hiring civilians so those officers can be on the beat. But I’m also calling for hiring some 200-400 officers…I also believe in making a serious investment in crime prevention.” Despite her last minute change to being a pro-cop candidate, Caruso has made supporting law enforcement a part of his campaign since the beginning. The billionaire spent over $39 million of his own money on the election so far, helping him land high level celebrity endorsem*nts from Kim Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow, Elon Musk, Wolfgang Puck, and Snoop Dogg. The success of Caruso in this race is sure to send shivers down the spines of Progressive Democrats everywhere. It’s clear that America is rejecting their policies when even California is picking the more conservative option', 'DUMPING DEMOCRATS: 34 Year Pennsylvania Democrat Leads Thousands to Quit Party! The Democrat party has been in hot water for years now and it’s only getting worse under the rule of tyrant Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden, who has done nothing to bolster confidence in his own party. Now America is beginning to see the results of the Democrat exodus, as thousands in the key swing state of Pennsylvania switch their affiliation to Republican. According to FOX News, “Pennsylvania Democrats are leaving the party in droves, with almost 8,400 Democrats in just the western part of the state switching parties to become Republicans ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Pennsylvania mother Beth Ann Rosica joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss the data and what issues she believes are prompting the mass exodus. “I think the economy is huge, and I also think a lot of the school issues for parents across the state of Pennsylvania, it’s just been horrific watching what’s happened to our kids academically, socially, emotionally,” Rosica told co-host Carley Shimkus. “All of these failed policies have just really resulted in academic losses.” Rosica said many parents are “fed up and disgusted with what’s happened here over the last 2½ years” with surging inflation and gas prices. According to the Pennsylvania Department of State, more than 39,000 Democrats have switched their party registration in 2022. In contrast, only around 12,000 voters have switched to the Democratic Party from the GOP. “As a former Democrat for 34 years prior to the pandemic, I too thought that the Democratic Party was really focused on the people that they pretend to support,” Rosica said. She explained how she has dedicated her career to helping families in underprivileged communities get the resources they need to be successful, a narrative the Democratic Party always claimed to support. “What I saw through the pandemic was that the Democratic Party basically abandoned all of those people,” Rosica said. “And so that was why I left the party, or as I like to say, the party really left me, and I think that a lot more people are really starting to see that.” Endrias Micael, who switched parties to become a Republican in Pennsylvania this year, comes from an immigrant family and accused the Democrats of failing voters they have not engaged for “quite some time.” “I’m a part of a community called the National Council of Eritrean Americans, and what we committed to is mobilizing swing votes and people who consider themselves the fault of Democrats, people who the Democratic Party have not engaged with in quite some time or just have offered them failed policy after failed policy,” Micael said. “So we decided to go from a grassroots approach and actually start meeting with Republican candidates,” he continued.” The news of the big switch is great for Republicans and terrible for Democrats. The Leftist party is scrambling for a win after overseeing horrible inflation, multiple supply chain crises, bad foreign policy, and so much more. Do you think this is just more proof of a red wave come November 8th, 2022 A.D.?', 'WHOA! Ex-Governor of NY lavishes praise on TX Gov. Abbott for his political brilliance! It’s great when even the Democrats have to admit how brilliant of a move it was to ship the illegal immigrants to liberal strongholds. Hook: Former NY Dem Governor David Patterson had some high praises for GOP Texas Governor Greg Abbott this week. Abbott is a genius. He devised a plan to send busloads of illegal immigrants to Liberal “sanctuary cities”. Now those cities Mayors and their states governors are losing their Collective woke Minds. David Patterson, the former governor of New York, commented on Abbott’s move to send busloads of illegal immigrants to New York City. “The governor of Texas, Greg Abbott, has come up with what I think is one of the most brilliant political strategies I’ve heard in a long time.” He went on to say, “I’m a Democrat and there are a lot of things I don’t like about what he’s really doing. However, sometimes you have to tip your cap to your opponent, and in this case, he is sending hundreds of aliens who come into the country by bus to New York City, which is a sanctuary city, and it has really paid dividends to him politically.” Abbott has been shipping illegals off to other sanctuary cities and those cities are not happy with it. Abbott, the Texas governor, promised to ship illegal immigrants to Washington DC as Mayor Muriel Bowser [D] summoned the national guard. DC mayor Muriel Bowser called in the national guard to deal with the migrants that are now overwhelming the city’s resources. According to Bowser, 4,000 migrants have been shipped in from Republican border states and have now reached a “tipping point.” It’s great to hear Democrats acknowledge how brilliant Abbot was to ship illegals to New York. It means they’re listening. Perhaps these liberal governors, mayors, and Biden will begin to understand the plight of border states. Border security shouldn’t be a political issue; it should be a top priority for our military and our politicians', etc.)
    • Sticking with Fossil Fuel & Nuclear Energy ('A woman named Margo, who owns an electric car tweeted out her frustrations on owning her electric car, and Dems aren’t gonna like it one bit. “Look, I have an electric vehicle. What the government is telling you is a lie. It takes over an hour to SUPERCHARGE my Tesla. Can you imagine waiting an hour to fill up? Or going 25 miles out of the way to charge? It is not for everyone. Our country is nowhere near ready.” Here is a more extreme way one disgruntled Tesla owner recorded. *A Tesla owner blew up his car with 30 kilograms of dynamite after the company told him the cost of replacing the battery was $22,000.* I have a much better solution for America, Drill Baby Drill!', 'Boebert Hits BIDEN Right Where It Hurts... Right In The Gasoline Prices! Repeating a basic-but-obvious slogan, Representative Lauren Boebert [R-Colorado] took to the House floor in a short speech with a simple premise: Americans are hurting because of the 2-fold attack on the price of oil – both Joe ‘Stalinite CCP Sock Puppet’ Biden’s inflation and his surrender of national energy independence – and Boebert wants none of it. Under Joe Biden, the average price of a gallon of unleaded gasoline is nearing $5.00 nationwide. Over a month ago, the New York Times / Slimes was even forced to admit that in a year-over-year comparison [i.e. Trump versus Biden], gas had risen over 40%. It has only gotten worse since then. Here is Boebert calling for a return to sanity and lower prices: “We should restart construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, overturn Biden’s energy leasing moratorium, and expedite permits for pipelines and natural gas exports. We need the American Energy Independence From Russia Act and stop playing Biden’s energy-anywhere-from-America game. Mr. Speaker, America should not only have affordable energy for our own use, but we should be exporting it abroad. We can literally export strength and freedom to our allies. In short, the solution is very simple. Drill, baby, drill.” “Drill, baby, drill” might sound familiar; the phrase has been used previously by the fiery Colorado-based legislator. For example, at Joe Biden’s first State of the Union, Boerbert showed up in a black ensemble with gold-metallic coloring bearing the same phrase', 'NUCLEAR: Japan Makes HUGE Energy Decision That Has Consequences for The World! Japan’s prime minister is making a huge nuclear decision that will affect the entire world. It’s a decision that will have consequences for the entire world: Japan has announced its plans to restart its nuclear reactors. Officials say this is necessary in order to reduce the country’s reliance on foreign energy sources, but many are concerned about the possibility of another nuclear disaster. So what does this mean for Japan – and for the rest of us? Following the f*ckushima disaster 10 years ago, Japan will restart more idled atomic plants and create cutting-edge reactors, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said on 08/31/2022 A.D. The remarks from Kishida – who also said the public authority would take a shot at expanding the life expectancy of existing reactors – illustrate how Eastern Europe’s emergency and soaring energy costs have constrained both an adjustment of general assessment and a reconsideration of atomic power strategy. Japan has put most of its nuclear plans on hold following the f*ckushima disaster in 2011. The government will consider all options related to nuclear power, according to Economy and Industry Minister Yasutoshi Nishimura. “All options must be explored to design a stable energy supply for our country,” he said. Following the f*ckushima disaster, anti-nuclear sentiment and safety concerns rose sharply in Japan, but the government has pushed for a return to nuclear energy amid fears of power shortages. After the f*ckushima accident, most of Japan’s nuclear power plants were taken offline for safety checks. f*ckushima Daiichi was damaged by a magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami in March 2011, causing its three reactors to melt and contaminating the region with significant radiation fallouts. Japan is turning back to nuclear power, and we all know what that means. Just kidding! Sort of. The country has been through a lot in the past 10 years, and it’s understandable that they would want to restart some of their idled plants. But with new, stricter safety standards in place, hopefully things will go a bit more smoothly this time around', etc.)
    • Patriotic States of America
  • Good / Anti-Evil Wishes ('I wish that God INFINITELY & COMPLETELY brain/mind-controls the minds/brains, hearts & souls/spirits of ALL True-Earth Prime’s [out universe & reality] hom*o-sapiens & other species of both sentience & sapience, so that way NONE of them will do what is evil in His eyes at all or fall victim to the satan pantheon’s infinite lies & manipulative / psychological / pathological / mental control or that of the spiritual powers/rebels horde', 'wishing that the Left's tactics of voter fraud NEVER exist', 'wishing that power & control NEVER came into existence', 'I wish that God was NEVER does/in this whole "a day equals 1000 years" mentality because we are getting TIRED & FED UP with the Left destroying America & we praying for His miracle of erasing the Left & the elitists & Democrats/politicians off the face of this planet/dimension', 'I wish that the Democratic Party & the Left NEVER existed', 'I wish that ALL the wikias weren't upgraded to new versions of the wikias [that have the edit & edit source {all they do is CENSOR & erase them, even though they have my editings after I click edit or edit source!! And after you click save & go back to it again, it’s ALWAYS the same thing!!! Also, when I tried to do the "edit source" on the new wikia versions {DC Animated Movie Universe Wikia, Heroes & Villains Wikia, Locomotive Wikia, EX515 Wikia, etc. for example}, I tried to link the page to the wikias, but all they do is HIDE the save button for every time I have to do the "Select all images with ..." stuff!!}]. I even wish that the wikia company goes back to the OLD versions of the wikias where you just do some editing & your editings DON’T get censored & they JUST have edit & classic editing. And I like it better when ALL of the wikias NEVER lock us out from editing the sources', 'I wish that the folks back in ancient times NEVER though/creation of the idea doing/making trade with China or conquer beyond the borders of the Persian Empire in the first place', 'I wish that Satan NEVER stole earth & mankind from God [not even slowly], & that man kind never corrupted themselves or each other', 'I still wish that Donald John Trump was back in charge as USA President & that both communist China & the Left never stole / rigged the 2020 A.D. presidential election nor unleashed the bio-terrorism virus around True-Earth Prime’s planet earth', 'If True-Earth Prime's planet earth was filled with only GOOD people [paleoconservatives, sharper/like-minded right-leaners, anti-Woke Christians, anti-woke Capitalists/Businesses, Anti-Indoctrination Schools / Universities, smaller governments, bigger-hearted anti-idolaters, etc.], life would be much better & I can live alittle more independently through God / Jesus Christ', 'I wish that the Founding Fathers of America put term limits for ALL member of both the Legislative Branch [Congress {Senate & House of Representatives}] & the Executive Branch. At least they didn't put term limits for the Judiciary Branch', 'SHORT TERM PAIN FOR LONG TERM GAIN: WHY I [Josh Bernstein] AM HOPING & PRAYING THAT GAS REACHES $10 DOLLARS A GALLON! I wonder if I will get my wish? Why would I want Americans to suffer like that? It's simple. Because I love and care about them and our Country. SHORT TERM PAIN FOR LONG TERM GAIN...I want the American People so pissed off, so angry, and so financially distressed so they TAKE IT OUT ON THE DEMOCRATS in the Mid Terms and WIPE THEM OUT for good!!! If Democrats & the Left & the globalists & the elites no longer exist, America is much better off for it. The only way that happens is if they punish the Left politically', 'We need to bring REAL discipline & spanking back to America’s schools', 'I wish that the supreme court DID NOT shred the USA Constitution nor SHOT DOWN & BLOCKED a Texas law [HB 20] that was signed into law by GOP Governor Greg Abbot which would have PROHIBITED these Big Tech tyrants & scumbags from Silicon Valley from censoring us conservatives & our conservative viewpoints', 'I wish that good conservative guys NEVER die young', 'I wish that naivety, ignorance, apathy, complacency, coarseness, corruption, tyranny & deceit were NEVER part of human nature or earthly nature', 'I wish that ignorance/stupidity has limits & that intelligence has NO limits', '18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason: “Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies [communist China, the Left, the globalists & corrupt Ukraine in particular], giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than 5 years [which is ridiculous] and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.” If we had a REAL [anti 2-teired / anti 3-teired / anti-woke] justice / judiciary system, Mark "Maoist" Milley, the FBI, woke intel community & Lloyd Austin would be CHARGED WITH TREASON because they are TREAONOUS for giving away our information & telepathing to our SWORN enemies [which is China]', 'I wish that we Americans & conservatives / right-leaners can go back to the pre-2020 or pre-2019 era', etc.)
  • Good Service (good customer service, etc.)
  • The Light Side (Good / anti-evil, Godly / anti-satanic)
  • Saintlike
  • Walking/Living in/with/by the Godly/Holy Spirit & not in the flesh
  • Aware/Caution/Wary
  • Anti-Loopholes
  • Vigilantism: be aware & vigilant of the spiritual wars/battles between God/good/light & Satan/evil/darkness, so that Satan has the opportunity to accomplish his schemes & DEVOUR us. Be aware & sober that Satan the devil king is ALWAYS awake walking about like a roaring lion, waiting for the opportune time, the time that we're not alert & vigilant so that he can accomplish his schemes & devour us. Always be aware of the physical dimension & the spiritual dimension, & ALWAYS stay awake. Be vigilant in prayer. Be sober & vigilant, because Satan the devil king is like a roaring lion & howling wolf looking for someone to devour!! We must be vigilant against the sin of lying/deceiving. Never slack in wisdom, knowledge & understanding. It's time for us committed Christians (the Christian/Jewish/Evangelical Right in fact) to live with our eyes (spiritual & psychological eyes in fact) WIDE OPEN to the times & to the events that are occuring around us
  • 2 Things That Will Help You Get Closer to God: anyone who truly gets closer to God must be decisive & allow His Holy Spirit to win the battles/wars against Satan the devil king. The mind is a critical & powerful factor in our salvation
    • Delete social-media: delete apps that distract you from focusing on God, because there's no greater system by which Satan the devil king is targeting & making people to fall into sin than to the advancement of social-media. You can, in a great measure, cut off from avenue through which the devils/demons feed your eyes with evil by deleting apps that tear you away from time with God. If social-media is feeding your hearts with evil pictures & videos or you beginning to have more time with it than you give to God, you have to delete it & avoid it. Jesus Christ said that if your right eye causes sin it is better to pluck it off & enter Heaven with 1 eye than to have your whole body cast into the fires of Hell. Deleting apps that cause you to sin could be equal to plucking off your right eye. Turning off app notifications so they don'y keep enticing to come back unnecessarily. Using an ad-blocker & ckild lock on your internet gives you the passing to someone you truly trust. This will help you avoid the lustful images that pop up tempting people. Download Christian apps, like the Bible, that can give you notifications for prayers or verses
    • Stop listening to secular music: if you get closer to God, your must be decisive about what you listen to. What you hear with your ears can corrupt your mind & disrupt your relationship with God. Be careful to what you listen to, because music can invoke strong emotions. If you want to get closer to God, your ears must be sanctified. Put away from your deceitful mouth & put perverse lips far from you. Let your eyes look straight ahead & your eyelids look right before you. Ponder the path of your feet & let all your ways be established; don;t turn to the right or to the left. Remove your feet from evil
    • Gird up the loins of your mind. Be sober & rest your hope fully upon the Grace of God that is to be brought to you at Jesus Christ's revelation. Always have a sound mind that will never be intoxicated by lust, greed or pride.
    • Guard your hearts if you would be closer to God. Keep your heart with all diligence. Clothe your minds with sobriety & remain vigilant in all things
    • The eye gate & ear gate lead directly to your heart & mind. So keep them well-guarded against both Satan & his dark/evil forces (both human & spiritual). Fix God's Words in your hearts & minds. Always depend on Jesus Christ & NOT on the Antichrist (espeically Democrats, the deep-state, the Left, the RINOs, woke military, etc.) or the False Prophets (espeically the media, social-media, woke corporations, woke / liberal-lefist / socialist activists, etc.)
  • Spotless Record
  • Removing the Seeds of Evil: meaning getting TIRED of making BAD decisions
  • Synergy
  • Restraint
  • Industriousness
  • Good / Conservative / Right-leaning Imagination
  • Home/Family
  • Taking a stand for God / Jesus in a strange environment where sin is celebrated means that you fear God. The Fear of God is to hate evil, including pride & arrogance & the evil ways. Anyone will hate whatever God / Jesus Christ truly hates. You can NOT claim that you fear God & be toying with sin. The Fear of God makes a person to detest from whatever is evil or has the appearance of evil. Those who fear God must be as Holy as He is.
  • Cleanliness (meaning clean hearts/minds/souls full of positive & anti-liberal/anti-leftist thoughts) (including inner cleanliness)
  • Balance/Collectedness (trade balance, election/voting balance, judicial balance, etc.)
  • Godly Living / Godliness (Living both Holy & Blameless as the Holy Trinity [God, Jesus Christ & the Holy Spirit]) (being a godly human [man {like Moses & Samuel} & woman {like Ester & Ruth}])
  • Originalism (those with sense of humor & sense of originality)
  • Textualism
  • Divine/Good Spiritual Strength/Wisdom
  • Holding on to God's unchanging hand
  • Ecclesiastical
  • Transparent
  • Realism/Realistic
  • Rightful/Righteous Anger/Indignation ('Be angry, but DON'T sin & don't spend all day being angry. Don't hold anger in your hearts. Let the moment of anger pass you by. Control your anger before it gives birth to destructiveness & unforgiveness & lead to jealousy. Be slow to speak & slow to anger. Don't make decisions in your anger. Never lose your temper. The Wrath of God. Pray & act with anger in your spirit', 'THE ANGER AMERICANS FEEL TOWARDS THIS ILLEGITIMATE GOVT IS REAL AND IT'S NOT STOPPING ANYTIME SOON!! We the people are pissed off. We have been targeted, silenced, censored, fired, spied on, marginalized, ostracized, alienated, dehumanized, humiliated, coerced, poked, prodded, injected, maimed, injured, jabbed, fired, named, even killed. We are at our breaking point as a Nation and on the verge of snapping. When this happens it is going to be years of frustration, anger, vitriol, retribution, revenge, and much more all coming out in full force. And we won't be stopped until we feel as though our rights are protected and preserved. Washington, DC thinks they are in control. They think they can dictate to we the people? Washington is going to get a wake up call and it could happen sooner rather than later. The politicians who think they have power must realize our patience is growing very thin. The Federal Government does not have the power. WE DO. It is on loan from us and when we decide they have abused it enough we will take it back. As I have said previously, THE FEDERAL GOVT ONLY EXISTS SO LONG AS WE THE PEOPLE ALLOW IT... The Bald Eage may have to take a sidestep for the envision of America because we need to bring back the Gadsden flag with the rattlesnake & “Don’t Tread On Me”, because the overwhelming majority of Americans that are ticked off right now at the fake administration, ther Biden regime, is GROWING by the DAY; it’s not just the “F*** Joe Biden” chants & the “Let’s Go Brandon” chants, MUCH MORE deeper than that, it is REAL!! This is a VERY dangerous situation & the more they continue to press these issues & politicies that aren’t popular with the people, the more we gonna push back; & eventually, we may not be using picket signs & rallies anymore. penning on what they do & how serious they are when it comes to violating our medical atonomy & our rights. We should kick the Left [including the pressitute jerkies, the politicians {Democrats & RINOs}, bureaucrats, Big Tech, Big Pharma, Marxist educators, Satan/devil-worshippers, liberal/leftist intectuals/thinkers, the CCP {Chinese Communists Party}, the Sororites, etc.] in the teeth REALLY HARD!! will be the way to fill out a HUGE complaint against the mideia, including NBC [{212} 664-4444]. They cannot get away with how they treated the Right, especially Roger Stone & his wife. These people are SICK evil scumabgs & we are ready to SNAP!!! And WHEN that happens & to what degree that happens, there’s gonna be a very robust response to the Biden regime & those who stole the 2020 A.D. election [these intel communities, these woketocracies, business, these Big Pharma scumbags, these Big Tech scumbags, & these judges] & we are gonna do whatever we have to do in order to preserve our medical atonomy, our freedoms, our liberties & our rights!!! We are NOT gonna live under tyranny under ANY circ*mstances. If 25% of America wants to dictate what the other 75% of America are gonna do, we’re NOT gonna put up with it & we will do whatever we have to do in order to preserve our liberty & our freedom!!!!', etc.)
  • Evolution of Light/Goodness
  • Worshipping & Praying to God in the spirit
  • Colonialism
  • Holy Hands / Right-Handedness
  • Hearts filled with the Right/Holy Things
  • Christendom
  • Mental Toughness
  • Pity
  • Anti-Brainwashed Culture
  • Being Spiritually Rich/Wealthy
  • Contentment: saves us from greediness & other evils
  • Bona Fide
  • Praying: it involves faith in God, for He listens to prayers & NOT complaints
  • Sound Mind
  • Constitutionality/Lawfulness
  • Holy Wars
  • Strong & Anti-Passive Christianity
  • Doing the Right Thing for The RIGHT Reasons & Saying/Doing the Right Things/Ways from the RIGHT Motives: asking, especially for something good, for the RIGHT purposes. DON'T let your left hand know what your right hand is doing! Right motives are ALWAYS for God's honor & glory, & they NEVER seek approval from other people
  • Right Senses of Learning
  • Real/True Assurance
  • Good/Right Friends/Relationships/Associations/Company: God loves you, He cares for you & He has plans for your life. And one of God' s primary methods to brings His plans for your life into fruition is through people & friends. Meeting 1 person can change the trajectory of your life forever. So remove all wrong friends (the ones sent by Satan) from your life & they need to be KICKED OUT of your life! The Light/converted & the Darkness/unconverted are NOT the same, not even spiritually. But sure to CAREFULLY examine the lives of those that surrounded themselves with wrong friends & the effects/consequences that their actions brought upon them. As a parent, you need to be involved with your child's life & you need to make it your business to know who your children's friends are. One of the cheapest & surest ways to be freed from the entanglement of wrong relationships is to be able to discern the types of people that we walk with. Discernment remains one of the best REAL guides we need in this life. Don't fall victim to ANY devilish schemes/ploys & DON'T BE IGNORANT to the vices of Satan the devil king!!! You must run AWAY FROM the appearances of evil, especially from evil people known as the Left. Moving with the RIGHT set of people, mainly the TRUE children of God, & removing yourself from the WRONG sets of people, mainly the Left & the children of Satan the devil king. Christians today need to lead a righteous life of refusing to be influenced by the godless attitudes, especially the ones coming from the Left & career politicians. Remove those people who are causing you to fail in your life & cut them off OUT of your life. Have a TRUE life encounter with God / Jesus Christ
    • Putting faith in the right people & DON'T listen to the people on the Left or whose sent by Satan the devil king, because their (the Left) words DON'T matter
    • A TRULY good man brings good things out of the goodness stored up in his heart
    • People of Anti-Wickedness
    • Good-Samaritanism ('After Taxi Crushed 2 Women, SOMETHING Incredible Happened! On 06/20/2022 A.D. in New York City, 6 people were injured after a taxi jumped a curb in New York City and mowed into a full sidewalk of pedestrians. The shocking event happened shortly after midday on Monday. However, it’s the reaction of about 15 to 20 pedestrians that makes the story so newsworthy. NYPD Deputy Chief John Chell delivered a briefing shortly after the incident and called the reactions of the pedestrians to help the victims a “remarkable scene.” The driver struck a bicyclist at an intersection and drove onto the sidewalk. 2 women were trapped against a wall by the taxi, said Chell. 6 people were injured and 2 of the victims are in critical condition in surgery, said the NYPD Monday. One of the victims is from Mexico and the other is from Ohio. The cab driver, 60, had minor injuries and was hospitalized but is not in critical condition. Police are investigating what caused the driver to jump the curb, but think that it was an accident and not criminal. “Traffic safety is all of our concern, and I will continue working and taking action every day to keep New Yorkers and everyone else visiting our city safe on our streets,” he added. New York City Mayor Eric Adams [D-New-York] also visited the scene and called the crash a “terrible tragedy.” He thanked the good Samaritans for trying to help the victims. Adams has been pressured recently to put a stop to traffic fatalities. He promised to redesign 1,000 intersections, according to the Gothamist. Many of us say that we would spring into action if something happened like what was seen in the video, but have never had to. However, the 15-20 good Samaritans that dove into action did just that and proved that there is some good left in humanity', etc.)
  • Intrepidity
  • Good Works
  • Agnosticism
  • Satire
  • 5 Godly Habits every Christian should have:
    • Be like Jesus Christ (not the Left's version of Jesus in fact) & out your habits in-check. You need Jesus to develop godly habits
    • Following peace (not "peace through tyranny", but "peace through strength") with all people & have the character of Jesus Christ
    • Holiness: live a holy life, but NOT in the Left's ways or the world's ways
    • Obedience to the Word/Will of God
    • Develop the habit of Prayer (not the Left's prayer in fact)
    • The fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, meekness, faithfulness & temperance
  • The TRUE Natures of God:
    • Many Reasons Why the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ ISN'T coming:
      • God is a mercy god. Mercy is what He is extending to sinners. It's just so sinner will have time to repent. His mercy for sinners is withholding Him from bringing judgement upon True-Earth Prime's planet earth. God would have harvested every single person on earth into His kingdom (like how the Left & the Democrats harvest election votes/ballots), but He is patiently waiting for sinners to make their choice & to come to Him through Jesus Christ. He's only being patient for sinners to come to the knowledge of Christ & be saved. This therefore means that ALL believers have a great work to do & ensuring the Gospel of Christ is preached to all before the final day of the Lord comes
      • Certain future prophecies (good & bad/evil) & certain future events need to be fulfilled. Don't let ANY human deceive you by any means. There are certain prophecies that must in ring the return of Jesus Christ. And until those prophecies are fulfilled, Coming of Christ will be withheld. Some of those prophecies, which are to prepare the return of God, are just being fulfilled in this generation, while some of them will keep unfolding with time, but they ALL must be fulfilled before God / Jesus Christ will return. These 2 prophecies both the "Falling Away (both planet earth & the church) from the Faith" & the "Revealing of The Son of Perdicion"
    • God is a Holy god & a jealous god
    • Whatever God / Jesus Christ gives, He adds life to it & He will NEVER add sorrow. Godliness with contentment is great gain
  • Binary
  • Choosing the Right Path
  • Critical Thinking
  • Moderation
  • Strong/Fast Internet / Stronger/Faster Internet Connections
  • Parental Pride
  • Decomposition
  • Approbation
  • Anti-feminism
  • Masculism
  • Conciliation
  • Discipline (including Fiscal Discipline, etc.)
  • Antisabotage
  • Paying Attention
  • Being CAUTIOUSLY Optimistic
  • Individuality
  • Heterosexuality (romantic attraction, sexual attraction or sexual behavior between people of the opposite sex or gender)
  • Traditionalism

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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.