Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (2024)

If you’re looking for a dumbbell push workout program and exercises to strengthen your chest, shoulder, and triceps, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, I’ve shared some of the best dumbbell push workouts that you can perform on your push day of the PPL workout schedule.

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What is Push Workout?

Dumbbell Push Exercises For Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps

How Push Day Dumbbell Workout Routine Looks Like

What is Push Workout?

Pushing the weights up, down, or against the body is considered a push workout—for example, bench press, pushup, and overhead press. Push exercises hit the chest, triceps, and shoulder, the three major muscles of the upper body that make your physique look solid.

You can do push exercises with different types of equipment, such as barbells, machines, and kettlebells, but this article is mainly for dumbbell lovers.

I’ve included various workouts that you can do with dumbbells at home and the gym on your push day. The push workouts allow you to work on multiple muscles in the same training sessions and help you increase strength and mass.

Dumbbell Push Exercises For Chest, Shoulder, and Triceps

If you want to add muscles to your chest, shoulders, and triceps, try doing the following dumbbell push workouts. These exercises are customized to add strength and bulk to your upper body.

  • Chest
    • Flat Dumbbell Bench Press
    • Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
    • Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
    • Dumbbell Squeeze Press
  • Shoulder
    • Dumbbell Overhead Press
    • Seated Arnold Press
    • Dumbbell Push Press
  • Triceps
    • Dumbbell Crush Grip Push Up
    • Incline Dumbbell French Press
    • Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
    • Dumbbell Tate Press
    • Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

You can also incorporate front and lateral raises in your dumbbell push day workout to build solid and broad shoulder muscles.

1. Flat Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (1)
Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
ChestDumbbells and BenchBeginner

The flat dumbbell bench press is one of the primary workouts you can do on your push day dumbbell workout to build a muscular upper body, particularly the chest. It is slightly easier than the barbell bench press because of the better range of motion; even a beginner can do it.

To perform this movement,

  1. Grab a pair of dumbbells, lie on the bench, and hold the dumbbells beside your chest.
  2. Contracting your pecs, press the dumbbells up until your arms are straight.
  3. Return and repeat for the suggested reps and sets.

2. Incline Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (2)
Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
Upper ChestDumbbells and Flexible BenchBeginner

The incline dumbbell bench press is a great exercise for strengthening the upper chest and adding a little size to the upper pectorals.

With the horizontal and incline dumbbell bench press, you’ll be able to develop defined pecs at home.

Steps to do it:

  1. Holding a pair of dumbbells, sit on a 30-degree incline bench, and put the dumbbells on your thighs.
  2. Lie on your back and use your thighs to push the dumbbells up alternatively and hold them about your shoulder width.
  3. Now, inhale and press the dumbbells over your upper pecs until your arms are straight.
  4. Exhale and return to the star. This is your one rep!

3. Decline Dumbbell Bench Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
Lower PecsDumbbells and Flexible BenchIntermediate

If you want to hit the lower chest specifically, you can do the decline dumbbell bench press. The decline bench press is a strength and muscle-building workout that adds strength and definition to your pectoral muscles.

However, this is not a beginner-friendly workout as well as is not important for everyone unless your instructor tells you to do it.

That’s why I also perform this exercise only once or twice a month, whereas the flat and incline press six to eight times.

How to do it:

  • Adjust the bench to a 15-30 degree decline.
  • Holding a pair of dumbbells, lie on the bench with your feet secure at the end of it.
  • Hold the dumbbells about shoulder-width with your palms facing away. It will be your starting position.
  • Brace your core, inhale and press the dumbbells away from you until your arms are straight directly over you.
  • Exhale and return the dumbbell to the start.
  • Repeat for the suggested reps and sets.

Tips: Take your partner’s help as they will help you move the weight up and down so you can perform safely.

4. Dumbbell Squeeze Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
ChestDumbbells and BenchIntermediate

The dumbbell squeeze press helps you isolate your chest and triceps muscles. It puts your pecs under constant tension and increases metabolic stress and levels of mechanical tension that helps swole on your chest muscles. I do it once in two sessions as a finisher workout on my chest day.

How to do it:

  1. Grab a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip and lie on a flat bench with your face up.
  2. Hold the dumbbell together just above your chest with your elbows bent.
  3. Contracting your chest, press the dumbbell above your chest until your arms are straight.
  4. Return and repeat for the suggested reps and sets.

5. Dumbbell Overhead Press

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (3)
Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel

The overhead press is an effective exercise to increase shoulder mass and strength and is one of the best dumbbell push workouts. It hits the entire muscles of the shoulder, like front and side delts, and improves your upper body composition.

How to do it:

  • Grab one dumbbell in each hand and stand upright with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Bend your elbows and hold the dumbbells just outside your shoulders, palms facing away from you.
  • Brace your abdominal muscles and press the dumbbells overhead until you feel the complete contraction in your shoulders.
  • Return the weight to the start. That’s one rep.
  • Aim for eight to twelve reps and perform three to four sets.

6. Seated Arnold Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
ShoulderDumbbells and Flexible BenchIntermediate

If you want to build a thick and broad shoulder, you can also perform the Arnold press while doing the push workout with dumbbells.

The Arnold press is one of the advanced variations of shoulder press that hits all three heads of the delt, creating one of the most complete shoulder workouts possible.

It appeared to be more effective than the standard shoulder press in a research published on the website, Researchgate.com.

How to do it:

  • Holding one dumbbell in each hand, sit on the edge of a flat bench.
  • Hold the dumbbell in front of you at about shoulder level with your elbows bent and palms facing in.
  • Now, rotating your wrist, press the weight overhead until your arms are straight and palms facing forward.
  • Reverse the movement to bring the dumbbells to the original position. That’s one rep.
  • Aim for six to 10 reps, and perform three to four sets.

7. Dumbbell Push Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel

If you want to develop your shoulder and upper body muscles while boosting your speed and endurance, consider performing a dumbbell push press.

The dumbbell push press is a strength, conditioning, and power-building workout that is widely performed in Crossfit, powerlifting, and athletic training around the globe.

Overall, it can be a good addition to your dumbbell push day workout.

How to do it:

  1. Grab one dumbbell in each hand and stand straight in the shoulder-width stance.
  2. Hold the dumbbells about your shoulder level with palms facing forward.
  3. Lower into a partial squat, and extending your hips and knees, press the dumbbells up until your elbows are locked out overhead. This will be your one rep.
  4. Return and repeat for the recommended reps and sets.

8. Dumbbell Crush Grip Push Up

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
Chest and TricepsDumbbellsIntermediate

The crush grip push up is one of the challenging push up variations you can do using a pair of dumbbells. It is an excellent upper body push workout that helps develop chest and triceps muscles and build good looking physique.

This push up also improves the strength in the wrists, forearms, core, and shoulders.However, it isn’t suitable for beginners. So if you’re a newbie you can do kneeling pushups to scale up for crush grip.

How to do it:

  • Holding a pair of dumbbells with a neutral grip, get into a high plank position with your arms straight below your chest and hands shorter than shoulder-width apart. This will be your starting position.
  • Bending your elbows, lower your chest close to the ground, and extend your arms to push back. This is your one rep.

9. Incline Dumbbell French Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
TricepsDumbbells and BenchBeginner

You can do various push workouts with dumbbells to sculpt your triceps, and the incline french press is one of them. Incline French press is a free weight exercise that primarily hits the long head of the triceps and builds up brawny arms.

How to do it:

  • Grab one dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip and lie on a 30-45 degree incline bench.
  • Bend your elbows and hold the dumbbells behind your head, arms close to your ears and elbows facing away. This will be your starting position.
  • Keeping your elbows fixed, extend your arms until your triceps are entirely engaged.
  • Return and repeat for the recommended reps and sets.

10. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (4)
Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel

The dumbbell overhead triceps extension is a quick, simple, and effective exercise that can strengthen the triceps, a large group of muscles in the upper arm. It is suitable for all fitness enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or pro, you can do overhead extension when you perform dumbbell push exercises at home.

How to do it:

  1. Grab the top of a dumbbell with your hands and sit on the edge of a flat bench.
  2. Hold the dumbbell behind your head with your elbows bent and pointing forward.
  3. Now, extend your arms fully overhead. That’s one rep. You’ll feel the work in your triceps as you extend your arms.

11. Dumbbell Tate Press

Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel
TricepsDumbbells and BenchIntermediate

The Tate press is one of the best dumbbell push exercises you can do to bolster your triceps muscles. It targets the long and medial head, two major triceps muscles, and builds burly arms.

It is also an excellent way to increase your bench press. Many powerlifters use it as an accessory exercise to maximize bench press.

How to do it:

  • Grab one dumbbell in each hand and lie on a flat bench.
  • Hold the dumbbells above your chest with straight arms, palms facing away, and elbows pointing out. This will be your starting position.
  • Lower the dumbbells inward and downward towards your chest until they are close to it but do not let them touch your chest.
  • Extend your elbows until your arms are entirely straight. You’ve done your first. Now go for the recommended reps.

12. Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (5)
Muscle WorkedEquipment NeededLevel

Dumbbell kickbacks are effective for building and toning triceps. It isolates the triceps and allows the muscle to be worked at a different angle than other basic triceps exercises such as pushdowns, dips, and lying extensions.

An ACE sponsor study has shown that kickback exercise produces higher muscle activation in tricep muscles among various exercises, such as overhead triceps extensions, pushdowns, and closed-grip bench press. So, including it into your dumbbell only push workout routine maximizes your overall results.

How to do it:

  • Grab a dumbbell in your right hand and stand upright with your feet together.
  • Slightly bend your front knee, lean forward, and place your left hand on your knee for support.
  • Raise your elbow a bit and keep it tucked at your side.
  • Extend your arm behind until your arm is entirely straight.
  • Pause for a moment and lower the weight to the start.
  • Complete the recommended reps and sets.

How Push Day Dumbbell Workout Routine Looks Like

If today is your push day, you can use these dumbbell workout routines to build up your strength and mass. These are straightforward, effective, and easy to follow.

1. One Hour Push Workout with Dumbbells

This dumbbell push workout routine is perfect for anyone who wants to gain muscle mass in the shoulder, chest, and triceps. This workout doesn’t require much space, only a gym bench and a set of dumbbells.

Note: Complete all sets of one exercise before doing the next one.

Flat Dumbbell Bench PressChest12 x 4
Incline Dumbbell Bench PressChest10 x 3
Seated Arnold PressShoulder10 x 3
Dumbbell Lateral RaisesShoulder10 x 3
Dumbbell Crush Grip Push UpChest, Tris10 x 2
Incline Dumbbell French PressTriceps10 x 3
Dumbbell Tricep KickbackTriceps10 x 3

2. 30-Minute Dumbbell Push Workout No Bench

Whether you’re a male or female, you can add this routine to your dumbbell push/pull/legs workout schedule. This routine requires no special equipment, even a workout bench.

Related: No Bench Dumbbell Workout Plan With PDF

Dumbbell Floor PressChest, Tris10 x 3
Dumbbell Close Grip Push UpChest, Tris10 x 3
Dumbbell Squeeze PressChest, Tris10 x 3
Dumbbell Overhead PressShoulder10 x 3
Dumbbell Lateral RaisesShoulder10 x 3
Dumbbell Tricep KickbackTriceps10 x 3

You can add the dumbbell pull and leg workouts to these push exercises to create a workout schedule for yourself.

You may also like: 6 Day Push/Pull/Legs (PPL) Dumbbell Workout Plan To Build Muscle

Dumbbell Push Workout: 12 Best Exercises to Do On Push Day (2024)


What is a good workout for push day? ›

"Push day workouts utilize chest, triceps, and shoulders and focus on movements that involve pushing loads away from your torso, such as bench presses, overhead presses, and triceps skull crushers," says Men's Health fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S.

What dumbbell exercises for push day? ›

Here's a brief routine that you can follow: Dumbbell Bench Press: This exercise targets your chest muscles. Lie on a flat bench and press the dumbbells up from your chest level. Incline Dumbbell Press: To hit the upper chest, perform this press on an incline bench.

How many exercises should I do on push day? ›

A typical push day workout varies based on the person, but we recommend somewhere between 5 and 8 different exercises. The set-up of these push day routine exercises means you're able to do them relatively quickly, taking 1–2 minutes per exercise with a 2-minute break before moving on to the next exercise.

What order should I do push day? ›

On your next push day, you'd start with shoulder press, then do close grip and/or decline bench or dips, then flies (cable, dumbbell, pec deck), then tricep extensions or kickbacks. I'd do 3–5 sets each depending on your level of training and volume needs.

Is 4 exercises enough for push day? ›

Yes. Four exercises per workout is an effective and efficient amount for most people.

Is lat raises push or pull? ›

Are lateral raises push or pull? When we hear the term “pushing exercises” we basically can include all exercises that target the front of the body, with the exception of the triceps. This includes the front part of the shoulder (anterior deltoid) that are worked during lateral raises.

Are traps push or pull? ›

The trapezius muscle plays a crucial role in proper posture. So, are traps push or pull? Most exercises targeting these muscles are “pull” movements. Often, this involves pulling the weight or cable toward the body, effectively engaging the traps in the back of the torso.

How many exercises for chest on push day? ›

On average, you would need to perform 3 – 4 chest exercises per workout if your goal is growing your chest through muscle hypertrophy and 2 – 3 exercises if you're aiming to build strength. The exact amount of chest exercises you should do per workout ultimately depends on your fitness level, goals, and preferences.

Are curls push or pull? ›

With pulling exercises, such as bicep curls or pull-ups, the muscles contract when you pull the weight toward you. Conversely, pushing exercises like push-ups, squats and shoulder presses lengthen muscles when you move the weight away from your body.

Is 6 exercises enough for push day? ›

As a certified personal trainer (CPT), I'd say four exercises are enough on push day if you're training six times a week (and, therefore, doing push day twice a week).

Should I do the same exercises every push day? ›

You risk overuse of certain muscles

I recommend alternating days training different muscle groups so that you give your body time to recover. Doing too much of any type of exercise, without adequate rest time, runs the risk of causing pain or injury.

Can I do push day everyday? ›

Doing pushups every day can be effective if you're looking for a consistent exercise routine to follow. You will likely notice gains in upper body strength if you do pushups regularly. For the best results, continue to add variety to the types of pushups you do.

How many exercises should I do per workout? ›

How many exercises you should do per workout depends on your level of experience. Beginners may do 4-6 exercises, intermediates may do 1-3, and advanced clients may do 1-6. But we challenge you to think about movement patterns before you choose the exercise.

Are forearms push or pull? ›

A push-pull training split generally refers to workouts centered on muscle groups that perform similar actions. “Push” workouts train the chest, shoulders, and triceps, while “pull” workouts train the back, biceps, and forearms. A day for training the lower body and core is also included in this training split.

Are chest flys push or pull? ›

The pectorals are the main muscles worked in dumbbell flyes, with the deltoids also challenged. The triceps and biceps are activated to stabilise the movement. Is The Dumbbell Fly Push Or Pull? The dumbbell fly is a push movement as it involves pushing the dumbbells towards each other in front of the body.

Can you do squats on push day? ›

Specifically, push day exercises involve pushing a weight or the ground away from your body (think: squats and push-ups), while pull day exercises involve pulling a weight toward your body (such as biceps curls and bent-over rows).

Is push day and pull day better? ›

By doing both, split routines can be better for promoting muscle growth than total-body routines. A push-pull workout split also allows you to incorporate both isolation and compound workouts, so you have a well-rounded workout routine that targets your muscles in different ways for even more gains.

Are skull crushers push or pull? ›

The skull crusher is a push exercise that isolates the triceps brachii, working it from the elbow up to the latissimus dorsi muscle of the back. 2 The triceps brachii contains three heads, which you can target by doing various lying triceps extension variations.


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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.