Don’t Believe These 3 Myths About Natural Teeth Whitening (2024)

Don’t Believe These 3 Myths About Natural Teeth Whitening (1)Not everything you see on Facebook and Instagram is true, especially when it comes to “natural” teeth whitening. One of the biggest misunderstandings we see among patients is the idea that all natural ingredients are good for your smile. In reality, many of the ingredients used for natural teeth whitening are abrasive to your teeth and can wear away enamel over time.

Continue reading to learn what myths our dentist wants you to know.

Myth #1: Activated Charcoal is Approved by the ADA for Whitening Teeth

Activated charcoal is a black powder made of peat, olive pits, coconut shells, slowly burned wood, and other natural ingredients. However, it’s important to remember that “natural” doesn’t always mean healthy. For example, tobacco is natural and known to cause lung cancer. Activated charcoal hasn’t been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or the American Dental Association for teeth whitening.

There’s no scientific evidence proving activated charcoal is safe or effective for teeth whitening. In fact, using abrasive scrubs can actually wear away the protective outer layer of your teeth and reveal the yellow dentin beneath. Once this happens, your teeth will actually look yellower, not whiter. You want to whiten your tooth enamel, not scrub it away.

Myth #2: Lemon Juice and Baking Soda are Safe to Use on Enamel

While eating fruit is good for your health, you should never allow acidic fruit juice to sit on your teeth for prolonged periods of time. The acid in lemons and other fruits can wear away the outer layer of your teeth (enamel). Enamel not only makes your teeth appear white, but protects the sensitive layer of dentin underneath. Once you wear away the enamel, you’re more vulnerable to tooth sensitivity and decay.

It’s a myth that you can safely whiten teeth with lemon juice and baking soda. Unlike toothpaste, baking soda is abrasive and will wear away your tooth enamel over time. Likewise, lemon juice is too acidic to sit on the surface of your teeth. You’re much better off using fluoridated toothpaste approved by the American Dental Association to strengthen enamel and whiten teeth.

Since lemons are highly acidic, it’s difficult to know how much baking soda is needed to cancel out the acidity of the lemon juice. Rather than risking your oral health, we highly recommend scheduling an appointment with our dentist to learn how to safely whiten teeth.

Myth #3: Oil Pulling Has Been Proven to Whiten Teeth

Oil pulling is the practice of swishing a teaspoon of edible oil (typically coconut) around your mouth to achieve white teeth. While proponents claim that oil pulling helps remove the bacteria responsible for plaque and tartar, there’s currently no evidence to support this theory. While anecdotes can be compelling, they don’t replace scientific evidence.

It’s important to understand that many factors affect teeth whitening, such as smoking, eating staining foods, and neglecting oral health. While it may appear that oil pulling helps whiten teeth, the difference could be due to something simpler like reducing how much coffee you drink.

What’s the Best Way to Whiten Teeth?

It’s much easier than you think to maintain healthy white teeth. The American Dental Association recommends you brush your teeth twice a day and floss once daily. You should also see our dentist for teeth cleanings and oral examinations at least every 6 months. Following these recommendations will help remove plaque and tartar from the surface of your teeth, which helps you keep a white smile.

Limit coffee, tea, and other staining foods that could dull your smile. You should also avoid using tobacco products to avoid staining your teeth over time. In the end, good oral hygiene habits make the best home remedies for whitening teeth.

We understand the appeal of whitening your teeth from the comfort of your own home, which is why we often recommend custom teeth whitening trays for our patients. Unlike abrasive scrubs you can concoct in your kitchen, custom whitening trays have been proven to effectively whiten teeth without destroying your enamel. We also offer Zoom teeth whitening in our office. Zoom whitening gives you a noticeably whiter smile in one appointment.

Request an Appointment With Us

Dr. Stephanie Busch-Abbate is a dentist in Kalamazoo, MI who offers teeth whitening and other services to patients. To request an appointment, call Gentle Dentistry at (269) 381-3890.

Don’t Believe These 3 Myths About Natural Teeth Whitening (2024)


Why do dentists not recommend teeth whitening? ›

Tooth and gum sensitivity and pain

Store-bought products may contain abrasive substances like hydrogen peroxide, which can be effective if used minimally, but in large doses can cause erosion of teeth's enamel and shrinkage of the gums.

Is there a safe natural way to whiten teeth? ›

A perfect tooth whitening solution! Take one tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix both the contents, and you'll end up with a paste. Use this paste to brush your teeth regularly.

Why is it not good to whiten your teeth? ›

However, teeth whitening treatments can cause damage to the enamel if not done correctly or overused. Enamel damage can lead to increased sensitivity, pain, and white spots on your teeth. It's essential to consult with a dentist before using any teeth whitening products to ensure they're safe for your teeth.

Do lemon and baking soda whiten your teeth? ›

Baking soda is abrasive and lemon juice is acidic. Together they form a destructive duo that corrodes tooth enamel. This will undoubtedly remove surface stains, but it will also damage the protective layer of your teeth in the process. Enamel is there to defend your teeth and once it's gone, it's gone forever.

What is the least damaging way to whiten your teeth? ›

Baking Soda: As long as you are careful to brush gently, baking soda can eliminate stains from the surface of your teeth without damaging them. Whitening Strips: Whitening strips mold to the shape of your teeth to whiten them. Whitening strips are both safe and effective.

How to whiten yellow teeth naturally? ›

The following strategies may help whiten teeth:
  1. Making dietary changes. Eliminating foods that mark the teeth can prevent further staining. ...
  2. Trying oil pulling. ...
  3. Brushing with baking soda. ...
  4. Using hydrogen peroxide. ...
  5. Whitening with fruit. ...
  6. Chewing high fiber foods.

Does apple cider vinegar whiten teeth? ›

Due to it's high acidity, ACV is not recommended for teeth whitening. If you use it, it is best to dilute it and ensure you are rinsing your teeth afterward. There are better alternatives for teeth whitening, including the use of teeth whitening strips, hydrogen peroxide, or baking soda.

Does turmeric whiten teeth? ›

Whilst turmeric has certainly been proven to help a wide range of health conditions, sadly there is little evidence that it does whiten your teeth. In fact, any evidence of tooth whitening after turmeric has been used is often attributed to the other products that it has been mixed with, such as baking powder.

Can old yellow teeth be whitened? ›

It's natural for teeth to appear darker as they age, but a bleaching product with hydrogen peroxide or urea peroxide can help turn back the clock – and a whitening toothpaste is an easy way to get a jump-start.

Does anything really whiten teeth? ›

Tooth whitening is most often done using peroxide-based bleaching agents. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. Generally, the stronger the solution and the longer you keep it on your teeth, the whiter your teeth become.

How to get super white teeth? ›

For your benefit, we've provided you with seven different ways to naturally whiten your teeth.
  1. Eat Strawberries. ...
  2. Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables. ...
  3. Brush After You Eat or Drink. ...
  4. Rinse with Apple Cider Vinegar. ...
  5. Apply Coconut Oil. ...
  6. Brush Your Tongue. ...
  7. Use Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide.

What's the safest teeth whitening? ›

Custom-fitted trays and in-office treatments are the safest and most effective ways to whiten teeth. ADA-approved over-the-counter toothpastes, gels, and strips are more affordable and convenient options.

Does vaseline whiten teeth? ›

APPLY VASELINE TO YOUR TEETH. A slick across your gnashers can not only act as a protective layer against staining from what passes your lips, but also it can keep lippy in place and prevent it from transferring onto your teeth. Either way – you've got a whiter smile.

What is the best home remedy for whitening teeth? ›

Combine about two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide with one tablespoon of baking soda. Stir it into a paste and start brushing. Let the paste stand about a minute and then rinse thoroughly with water. It is safe to use this teeth whitening home remedy 2 or 3 times a week.

Does Vicks vapor rub help whiten teeth? ›

KTVB.COM on X: "Vicks VapoRub is toxic to consume and should not be used for teeth whitening" / X.

Is teeth whitening at a dentist damaging? ›

A frequently asked question is whether professional teeth whitening treatment can actually do more harm to your teeth than good. There is more emphasis placed on your tooth enamel when having teeth whitening treatment. Categorically, the answer is no.

Is there anything bad about teeth whitening? ›

What are the risks of teeth whitening? No matter what treatment you use, there's a chance your gums will be sensitive to the chemicals used in teeth whitening, particularly if you already have sensitive teeth. There's also a chance of burns to gums and some of the whitening kits used at home can harm tooth enamel.

Is it safe to have your teeth whitened at the dentist? ›

In-office whitening is highly effective, safe, and long-lasting. But it's more expensive than over-the-counter options, and often isn't covered by dental insurance. Ask your dentist for a cost estimate before committing to teeth whitening.

Does professionally whitening your teeth damage them? ›

We all want a white brighter smile. But this begs the question “does teeth whitening damage the enamel?” The answer is no. While there may sometimes be side effects, whitening treatment is safe on tooth enamel.


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