Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (2024)

No, baking soda, by itself, does not remineralize teeth.

Remineralization is the process of restoring essential minerals, like calcium and phosphate, back into our tooth enamel. While baking soda is effective for removing plaque and neutralizing acids in our mouths, it doesn't provide the minerals necessary for the remineralization process.

However, baking soda can support our oral health in ways that indirectly benefit the remineralization process. For example, its alkaline nature helps neutralize harmful acids produced by bacteria in plaque, reducing the risk of enamel erosion.

This creates a more favorable environment for natural remineralization to occur, especially if you regularly brush with nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste tablets.

In this article, I'll explain everything you need to know about baking soda for remineralization.

What is remineralization?

Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (1)

Remineralizationis a natural process in which essential minerals, primarily calcium and phosphate, are deposited back into the enamel(aka the outermost layer of your teeth). This process repairs and strengthens enamel that has been weakened or damaged by acids and bacteria, ultimately reducing your risk of tooth decay and cavities

While remineralization is a process that can take weeks or months to occur, brushing withnano hydroxyapatite toothpastefor two minutes daily, usingexpandable flossat least three times per week, and limiting acidic and sugary foods in your diet can help.

Overall, remineralization is a fundamental aspect of maintaining strong and healthy teeth, and it takes not only good oral hygiene practices to achieve but also the use ofremineralizing toothpasteand a balanced diet.

How does baking soda work in toothpaste?

Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (2)

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in toothpaste is a gentle-yet-effective cleaning ingredient often included in toothpaste.

Its mild abrasive qualities help scrub away surface stains from your teeth, contributing to a brighter, whiter smile without damaging the enamel. This makes baking soda toothpaste an excellent choice for daily use, especially if you're looking to remove stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, or tobacco.

Further, baking soda's natural alkalinity plays an important role in neutralizing the plaque acids in your mouth. These mouth acids, produced by bacteria as they digest food particles, can erode tooth enamel and lead to cavities.

By keeping the oral environment more balanced, baking soda not only protects your enamel but also supports overall gum health.

Additionally, pure baking soda tackles bad breath by addressing its root cause: the acidic by-products of oral bacteria. By neutralizing these acids, baking soda helps freshen your breath, leaving your mouth feeling cleaner and more refreshed.

For those of us with sensitive teeth, brushing teeth with baking soda toothpaste can be a gentler alternative, effectively cleaning without causing discomfort.

So, is baking soda toothpaste effective?

Yes, baking soda toothpastes can be effective, particularly for breaking up plaque biofilm and removing surface stains on your teeth.

Baking soda's mild abrasive properties help gently polish your teeth which will clean your mouth and gentle remove stains from the tooth surface without damaging your enamel.

Additionally, its alkaline nature can help neutralize the acids produced by oral bacteria, reducing the risk of enamel erosion and promoting a healthier oral environment.

That said, it's not enough just to mix baking soda with water and call it a day. There are other important ingredients in your toothpaste that provide benefits you just can't get with baking soda.

For example, nano-hydroxyapatite is a powerful ingredient that mimics that natural composition of our teeth and can remineralize enamel. Also, xylitol fights acid-creating bacteria and prevent tooth decay.

Without these other important ingredients, baking soda toothpaste is not effective enough to fully protect you from oral disease.

Benefits of Baking Soda for Your Teeth

Baking soda can be great for oral health, making it a popular and effective ingredient in many oral care products and home remedies. Let's walk through some of the key benefits together.

Natural Cleaning Agent

One of baking soda's most popular uses is its ability to whiten teeth.

Baking soda's mild abrasive properties make it effective at removing surface stains from teeth, effectively whitening teeth. It can gently polish away stains caused by coffee, tea, wine, and smoking without damaging the tooth enamel.

In some cases, however, baking soda is not enough to full remove stains. In these cases, you'll need whitening strips with hydrogen peroxide or a professional whitening treatment from your dentist to solve the issue.

Neutralizes Oral Acidity

Baking soda has a high pH, making it naturally alkaline. This property helps neutralize the acids in the mouth, which are produced by bacteria as they break down food particles.

By reducing acidity, baking soda slightly helps protect theenamel from erosion and decay, and can also create an environment less favorable for bacterial growth, potentially reducing the risk of gum disease.

Freshens Breath

The neutralizing effect of baking soda on oral acids also addresses bad breath at its source. Many cases of halitosis (bad breath) are caused by the acidic by-products of oral bacteria. Baking soda freshens breath by creating a less favorable environment for these bacteria to thrive.

Gentle on Sensitive Teeth

For individuals with sensitive teeth, baking soda toothpaste offers a gentle cleaning alternative to harsher abrasives found in some toothpaste. Its effective cleaning action doesn't compromise comfort, making it suitable for daily use by those with tooth sensitivity.

Cost-Effective and Accessible

Baking soda is an affordable and widely available product, making it an accessible option for enhancing oral hygiene. Whether used alone or as part of a homemade toothpaste recipe, it provides a budget-friendly way to support dental health.

Cons of Using Baking Soda as Toothpaste

Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (3)

Now that we understand the pros of using baking soda as toothpaste, let's take a look at the cons.

Remember, you can get around most of these cons by looking for baking soda in remineralizing toothpaste that includes other important ingredients for oral health like nano hydroxyapatite and xylitol.

Lacks Remineralization

One significant drawback of using baking soda products as your primary toothpaste is its lack of nano hydroxyapatite, a critical mineral for dental health.

The American Dental Association confirms that remineralization is necessary to tackle tooth decay. Unfortunately, anything acidic from lemon juice to wine can induce demineralization which can progress into tooth decay.

Thankfully, we have nano hydroxyapatite which plays a vital role in strengthening tooth enamel and preventing cavities by aiding in the remineralization process of your teeth.

Without nano hydroxyapatite, you miss out on its protective benefits against tooth decay, making it crucial to find alternative sources of remineralization to maintain optimal oral health. Further, studies show nano hydroxyapatite is just as effective as fluoridated toothpaste at remineralization.

Thankfully, our baking soda toothpaste combines nano hydroxyapatite and baking soda for an awesome natural, remineralizing alternative to traditional fluoride toothpaste.

Unpleasant Taste

Perhaps understandably, many people find the taste of a baking soda dentifrice to be quite unpleasant, which can deter its use as a toothpaste alternative.

The salty and somewhat alkaline flavor doesn't provide the fresh, minty sensation that many os us associate with cleanliness and oral hygiene.

This lack of sensory satisfaction can make the brushing experience less enjoyable and may lead to a reluctance to maintain a consistent oral hygiene routine, especially for kids and people with sensitive palettes.

For these reasons, many individuals prefer our baking soda paste (toothpaste tablets) which packs a powerful, natural minty punch.

Messy and Inconvenient

Unfortunately, baking soda makes for a messy and inconvenient alternative compared to traditional toothpaste.

Its powder form lacks the cohesive paste quality that allows for easy application to a toothbrush, and it doesn't give you that satisfying foam during brushing.

This can result in a less satisfying cleaning experience and may discourage regular use, impacting your overall oral hygiene habits.

Limited Antimicrobial Properties

Lastly, baking soda's limited antimicrobial properties mean it does not effectively combat all the bacteria in your mouth responsible for tooth decay and gum disease.

While it can physically clean surfaces, it lacks the specific antibacterial ingredients found in many toothpastes designed to reduce harmful oral bacteria.

Therefore, to ensure comprehensive oral health care, you should supplement your routine with natural toothpaste in addition to brushing your teeth with baking soda.

Can baking soda remineralize a cavity?

No, baking soda cannot remineralize a cavity. While it is effective at breaking up plaque biofilm and removing surface stains due to its mild abrasive properties, baking soda doesn't have the necessary minerals your body needs repair and rebuild tooth enamel once a cavity has formed.

In fact, you cannot remineralize a cavity once it has already formed.

Cavities occur when the enamel is demineralized faster than it can be remineralized, leading to permanent damage in the form of a cavity. In these cases, you'll need to visit a dentist for specialized treatment to fix the cavity.

That said, we can prevent tooth decay from progressing into cavities in the first place by creating a favorable environment for remineralization. In this next section, we'll review how to remineralize our teeth naturally and prevent and reverse tooth decay.

How to Remineralize Teeth Naturally

Now that we understand cavities can't be reversed, let's walk through some of the ways we can remineralize teeth and prevent tooth decay in the first place.

Use Remineralizing Toothpaste

Two key ingredients that play a significant role in remineralization are nano hydroxyapatite and xylitol, both of which can support remineralization in their own ways.

Nano hydroxyapatite toothpastecontains tiny particles of a synthetic form of hydroxyapatite, a mineral naturally found in your teeth and bones.

Brushing with this toothpaste can help strengthen enamel by depositing nano hydroxyapatite particles onto tooth surfaces. These particles bond with enamel, fill in minor surface defects, and promote remineralization. In fact,studies showthat nano hydroxyapatite is effective at remineralizing teeth and reducing sensitivity in as little as 8 weeks.

Usingnano hydroxyapatite toothpasteas part of your daily oral care routine can contribute to maintaining strong and healthy teeth.


Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (4)

Daily flossing withexpandable dental flossis an excellent way to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth and along the gumline. Thispractice supports overall oral health and reduces the risk of enamel demineralization by preventing the buildup of harmful bacteria and acids in these hard-to-reach areas.

We recommend using expandable floss at least three times per week but preferably daily for best results.


Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (5)

Tongue scrapinghelps remove bacteria and debris from the tongue's surface, promoting fresher breath and reducing the presence of harmful microorganisms in the mouth.

Maintaining a cleaner oral environment can indirectly support remineralization by minimizing the impact of harmful bacteria.


Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (6)

Alcohol-free mouthwashcan be a gentle choice for maintaining oral hygiene. It helps freshen your breath, reduce the growth of harmful bacteria, and provide supplement your usual routine of brushing and flossing.

Usingalkaline mouthwashcan help maintain a favorable environment for remineralization, especially when needed for additional oral care.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I remineralize my teeth fast?
To remineralize your teeth quickly, you can try several methods. First, ensure your diet includes foods rich in calcium and phosphorus, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and nuts. Additionally, using fluoride toothpaste can help remineralize enamel. Consider fluoride treatments from your dentist, as they can accelerate the remineralization process. Avoid acidic foods and drinks, as they can weaken enamel and hinder remineralization efforts. Lastly, maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing with remineralizing toothpaste andexpandable dental flossing, to support overall dental health.

Is it OK to brush your teeth with baking soda?
It's generally considered safe to use baking soda to brush your teeth once or twice a week as an addition to your regular oral hygiene routine. This frequency can help manage surface stains and maintain whiteness without overexposing your teeth to its abrasive qualities, which could potentially wear down enamel if used too frequently. Always mix it with water to create a paste and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to minimize abrasiveness. Remember, it's important to continue usingnano hydroxyapatite toothpastedaily for its cavity-preventing benefits and to consult with a dentist for personalized advice tailored to your dental health needs.

What are the disadvantages of using baking soda on your teeth?
While baking soda can effectively remove surface stains and plaque from teeth, there are some disadvantages to consider. Overuse of baking soda can lead to enamel erosion, making teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Its abrasive nature can also cause gum irritation and contribute to receding gums over time. Additionally, baking soda does not contain any ingredients that is essential for remineralizing enamel and preventing tooth decay like nano hydroxyapatite. Therefore, it's important to use baking soda in moderation and consult with a dentist to ensure it's safe for your oral health.

Is baking soda good for remineralizing teeth?
Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is often used in oral care as a natural and mild abrasive agent to help remove surface stains and plaque from teeth. While some people believe that baking soda can contribute to remineralizing teeth due to its alkaline properties, there is limited scientific evidence to support this claim. Remineralization primarily relies on minerals such as calcium, phosphate, and fluoride to strengthen tooth enamel. While baking soda may have some benefits in oral care, it's essential to rely on proven methods such as nano hydroxyapatite toothpaste and regular dental check-ups to support remineralization and maintain optimal dental health.

How can I remineralize my teeth fast?
To remineralize your teeth quickly, focus on practices that promote enamel repair and strengthen tooth structure. Start by ensuring your diet includes calcium-rich foods like dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified foods. Fluoride toothpaste and fluoride treatments from your dentist can aid in remineralization. Avoid sugary and acidic foods that can erode enamel, and drink plenty of water to maintain saliva production, which helps protect teeth. Additionally, maintain good oral hygiene habits such as regular brushing and flossing to remove plaque and prevent decay. If needed, consult with your dentist for personalized recommendations and treatments.

How long does it take to remineralize teeth?
Remineralization of teeth can have immediate effects, with noticeable improvements in enamel strength and health sometimes occurring within a few weeks. Factors such as diet, oral hygiene, and the use of fluoride toothpaste can expedite the process. However, significant results may take longer, varying from a few months to a year or more, depending on the extent of enamel damage. Regular dental check-ups can help track progress and ensure effective treatment.

Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains (2024)


Does Baking Soda Remineralize Teeth? A Dentist Explains? ›

No, baking soda cannot remineralize a cavity. While it is effective at breaking up plaque biofilm and removing surface stains due to its mild abrasive properties, baking soda doesn't have the necessary minerals your body needs repair and rebuild tooth enamel once a cavity has formed.

What do dentists use to Remineralize teeth? ›

One of the best agents available for remineralization is fluoride. The fluoride ion replaces the present enamel's hydroxy group, creating a hard enamel structure that's more resistant to acid. Fluoride ions also attract nearby calcium ions and help them attach firmly to the surface of the teeth.

Does baking soda rebuild teeth? ›

Repairs damage caused by cavities: The American Dental Association states that by getting rid of plaque, soda helps stop cavities that are in the beginning stages of forming, and actually repairs the damage they cause. Bye-bye bad breath: Baking soda doesn't just fight bad breath caused by gingivitis.

Is baking soda ADA approved? ›

It's not approved by the American Dental Association (ADA). The ADA has not approved brushing teeth with baking soda. Brushing with baking soda alone will not provide you with the fluoride you need to help re-mineralize teeth and prevent cavities.

Does brushing with baking soda take the enamel off your teeth? ›

Brushing once a day with baking soda or on occasion will not damage the teeth. However, brushing too hard or too often with it can lead to damaged tooth enamel.

Can I Remineralize my teeth at home? ›

Certain foods can help remineralize softened areas in your teeth that acidic foods and drinks have weakened. For example, foods rich in calcium (dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt) help put back minerals into the enamel, and fiber-rich fruits and vegetables encourage saliva flow.

How long does it take for teeth to fully Remineralize? ›

The remineralization process usually takes about three to four months to take effect. However, once you begin to better fortify your enamel, you may start to see stronger teeth, experience less sensitivity, and even reveal a whiter smile.

Can you Remineralize teeth with baking soda? ›

Reduces Acidity and Plaque

Baking soda is alkaline, so it can help regulate your mouth's PH by neutralizing the acidity. As such, baking soda not only prevents tooth decay but also helps remineralize your enamel. Baking soda can also limit plaque buildup by neutralizing plaque acids.

What happens if you leave baking soda on your teeth for too long? ›

Baking soda with intensive and prolonged use can completely destroy the tooth enamel, as well as cause gum disease. With this product, you can actually get rid of plaque and pollution, but at a very high price. The price that you give when whitening with baking soda includes your healthy tooth enamel.

Is it safe to brush your teeth with baking soda everyday? ›

Baking soda is safe to use as everyday toothpaste. However, keep in mind that an at-home baking soda preparation lacks an essential ingredient for reducing cavities—fluoride. So, it's best to use a fluoride product and reserve baking soda for an occasional scrub.

Is it okay to rinse mouth with baking soda every day? ›

A supplement to The Journal of the American Dental Association (JADA) summarized research on the effects of baking soda on oral health and found that: It's low-abrasive and safe for daily use.

Is it safe to brush your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide? ›

The abrasiveness of baking soda can can cause weakened enamel and increase tooth sensitivity. Certain preparations claim to combine the hydrogen peroxide and baking soda in the proper ratio to keep the baking soda from thinning the enamel, but it's not a gamble dentists want you to take regularly.

Can baking soda remove plaque? ›

Does baking soda remove plaque from teeth? This is a question we're often asked and the short answer is yes, it does! Baking soda neutralizes acid and helps kill bacteria. Put a small amount of baking soda on your toothbrush (around a tablespoon is fine), and then wet the toothbrush.

Does baking soda help with receding gums? ›

Baking soda has been shown to help kill bacteria that leads to gum disease and has contributed to better gum health when used without bleaching products. Baking soda helps break up biofilm that irritates the gums and is useful for removing superficial stains.

What toothpaste remineralizes teeth? ›

A quick look at the best remineralizing toothpaste
  • Best anti-cavity remineralizing toothpaste: 3M Clinpro 5000.
  • Best remineralizing toothpaste for sensitive teeth: Sensodyne Pronamel.
  • Best overall remineralizing toothpaste: Crest Pro-Health Advanced.
Jun 21, 2022

Does lemon juice remove enamel from teeth? ›

Erosion is the loss of tooth enamel caused most commonly by an acid attack. Lemons are highly acidic and are referred to as citric acid. Over time, routine consumption of lemon juice washing over your teeth will cause the enamel to erode, eventually exposing the under layer called dentine.

Do dentists recommend hydroxyapatite? ›

The more acidic your saliva, the more you will find demineralization. Traditionally, dentistry has recommended fluoride to remineralize teeth. We like hydroxyapatite instead. Fluoride is a chemical compound that reacts with the calcium, phosphate, and other minerals in your saliva.

What mineral rebuilds teeth? ›

Calcium. Calcium is one of the most important minerals for healthy teeth because it helps strengthen your enamel. Sure, you may know that dairy products are a great source of calcium, but so are leafy greens, beans, and almonds.

What ingredient remineralize teeth? ›

The most effective remineralizing toothpastes contain ingredients such as:
  • stannous fluoride.
  • sodium fluoride.
  • calcium phosphate (hydroxyapatite)
Jun 21, 2022

What do dentists use to rebuild a tooth? ›

Dental Filling or Bonding

If you have chipped off just a small piece of tooth enamel, your dentist may repair the damage with a filling. If the repair is to a front tooth or can be seen when you smile, your dentist will likely use a procedure called bonding, which uses a tooth-colored composite resin.


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