Canopic Pleasure - eiennanamisa - 崩坏3rd (2024)

‘Why does… Thelema-onee wish to be alone?’

“Sera-chan~, you are mistaken. As long as I have not been snuffed out, I remain myself, and you remain yourself. As well… please use your own voice for the time being.”

Thelema looked at the girl that was speaking to her mind. Her gait was impaired, so Serapeum had ‘accompanied’ her this far, but her eyes were well enough. Just as well was her voice, and extremities. She had another obligation, to attend to Songque… and for this alone, she requested that Serapeum temporarily avert her Union and her gaze.

“Sorry. I don’t understand, but… Thelema-onee will help me understand later, right?”

“Mmm. Of course, Sera-chan. Farewell, if only for a short while.”

Thelema thought to herself, ‘troublesome little one…,’ a fairly modest reprisal. Serapeum didn’t make any indication that she had heard, so perhaps she was truly separated from the Union once again.

Now, for the one that was waiting for her…


“Sera-chan,” Thelema whispered, the shadows her guide and voice.

It was a few moments, but…


“Yes, Sera-chan, I am here.”

‘I found you. Is Thelema-onee ready?’

Thelema had plenty of thoughts, but she needed only to answer “yes,” so she did.

Soon enough, Serapeum had brought her to the library, where she once again met up with the real body of Serapeum, who took her hand while leading and conveying her alike.

“Take us to your room.”

“Will we talk there?”

Serapeum wasn’t going to relent, it seemed.

She assured her, “Yes, do not fret. I have no intention of forgoing my word.”

“Thank you, Thelema-onee.”

Thelema scanned the room once they arrived; she hadn’t entered it before. It was a wide, circular room, at the topmost level of the library.

There were fewer books in here than the rest of the library, only a small stack that appeared to be a queue for books waiting to be read. A modest desk was strewn with many papers, covered in notes and scribbles. The walls were mostly bare, a soft blue paint covering them. A few paintings were hung upon them; likely her own modest work. Her bed looked exactly as one might picture from a decadent fairy tale: a circular mattress and frame, an iron halo from which hung a matte curtain, topped by a light, sparkly veil to give an enchanting impression. A small, drawn back part of the curtain and veil allowed one to climb within.

“As cute as is befitting you, Sera-chan.”

“Thank you, Thelema-onee.”

Sitting on the edge of her bed, Thelema checked her current range of motion. Perhaps she was more fortunate today. She could move her arms, hands, and fingers. Her back and hips were a little rigid but could still move on their own with a little coaxing. Her lower limbs were more of a lost cause, but this was not unusual.

“My dear Sera-chan, when one was waiting, did you peep into my thoughts? Or my vision, or anything of that sort?”

Serapeum seemed hesitant to answer, “I…”

Thelema raised a hand to her cheek, softly caressing her and drawing her eyes back to her own, “Hmm? Sera-chan is quite the little troublemaker, but it is neither here nor there. It doesn’t matter now. If you did, I didn’t sense you at the time, and that’s all I wanted; the feeling. Now… it might even be convenient if you had.”

Serapeum was clearly shrinking from her eyes in a bashful way, but… she confessed.

“I did.”

Thelema smiled, “Well, there we have it…”

“But, I stopped.”


Serapeum was blushing now, “It seemed like Thelema-onee was doing something to Songque-onee that shouldn’t be watched.”

Thelema petted her hair, “My, my, Sera-chan… after reading most of all of these books in this library, you still don’t have a proper vocabulary for describing the art of love making?”

Serapeum followed the hand petting her and slumped up against Thelema, minimizing the reach and movement required for the gesture.

With this proximity, she could more easily hide her face by looking down, and she could lower her voice to a softer volume.

“Um… if it’s… like that, I get embarrassed easy, and skim only a little. And… um… girls don’t do ‘love’ together very often, either. In most of the stories.”

Thelema sneered, “Ah, what a bore. Perhaps all of Langqiu’s sapphic erotica has ended up in my own collection… Nevertheless, Sera-chan, were you disgusted? Put off? Or otherwise.”

Serapeum looked up with a surprised expression, “With Thelema-onee and Songque-onee? Never… I love Thelema-onee and Songque-onee.”

Thelema suppressed her instinct to laugh; Serapeum was likely too sensitive for that.

“Um… it’s okay if you laugh. I don’t mind.”

“Ahah, my mistake; thinking about my laughter is as good as doing it, then? Since you’re still wriggling around in my head.”



Thelema closed her eyes, and imagined how she might deign to educate little Serapeum on lesbian sex. Perhaps some gentle kissing before exploring the body…

Serapeum, who had been leaning against her, shifted further into Thelema’s lap. Thelema opened her eyes to see the girl looking back up at her, her head on her thighs; she turned away and covered her face, only drawing more attention to her red ears.

Thelema gently sorted her hair behind her ear, uncovering some of her face, “Now, little Sera-chan, those were simply thoughts.”

Serapeum shook her head, “Thelema-onee is going to do that to me.”

“Hmm? Only if you desire, my dear. To force oneself upon another is the most unbecoming and heinous of crimes. Besides… between the two of us, I would not be able to stop you. Ah… what an exhilarating pretense. If you were to understand, and to dominate me entirely…” Thelema shivered as she let a tantalizing thought make its way across her body, “Ah, what ecstasy…! Dwell on it not, sweet little one.”

“Mmh,” Serapeum sat up again, and tugged on Thelema’s sleeve, “does it really feel so good? Enough to make someone happy?”

“It may. It may not. How did it seem when you’re peering into my thoughts?”

Serapeum hugged Thelema’s now-frail frame, “like… eating the most delicious food?”

Thelema didn’t restraint herself at all this time, laughing heartily, “Ahaha, what a lovely comparison. Little Que is indeed one of my favorite things, to taste and to eat.”

Serapeum’s small voice asked an even more daring question, “do you think you would like the taste of Serapeum…?”

Thelema gently embraced her, “I won’t answer that, lest I be tempting you any further for my sake. We shan’t for any reason but one’s own desire.”

Serapeum nodded, contemplating her own feelings, “Kisses… Serapeum knows that there are different kinds of kisses. Thelema-onee, your first thought was to kiss. Is that the first step?”

“Ah… so it would be the first step of action. You could do with some steps beforehand, though.”

“Like what?”

“First one needs to ensure your compatibility, and second mutual consent.”


“Say, Sera-chan… if you imagine the person in the world you find most dear to your heart, if they were to embrace you and kiss you, how would you react?”

“Um… I’d be embarrassed. So… I’d probably blush.”

“Underneath that embarrassed Sera-chan, is there a Sera-chan that is delighted? That is glad to have this person at your side, giving you their attention?”

Serapeum nodded shyly, “I think it may be true.

“Now, whom did you think of?”


Serapeum looked away.

Thelema whispered into her ear, “What a troublesome one. Now, I wouldn’t happen to be the one, would I?”


She continued to whisper into her ear, “Is that why you’re so embarrassed, Sera-chan? You want to experience love with Thelema-onee, and the thought has you so embarrassed that you cannot dare to ask?”

“Mm…” Serapeum pouted, avoiding the question entirely.

Thelema let go of her, and carefully moved herself a little distance away with her arms. Serapeum looked up to see what she was doing.

Thelema cleared her throat, “Sera-chan. You may do as you will, with me, with this body. But—unless you ask me to, I will not move a finger.”

Serapeum crawled closer to her again, and this time curled up against her.

Thelema teased her readily, “Ah, you couldn’t bear the distance with me for a moment?”

Serapeum took Thelema’s hand and clasped it with her own.

“Um… Thelema-onee.”

Thelema squeezed back as she could, “Yes, my little Sera-chan?”

Serapeum garnered the courage, and managed to say it with her eyes closed, “Will you make love with me, Thelema-onee?”

Thelema’s whisper into her ear nearly caused her to jump, “of course, dear. Let Thelema-onee give you this last taste… of the world of adult play.”

Thelema took a few deeper considerations, now that Serapeum’s desire was laid bare. She wouldn’t be treating Sera-chan at all like any other bedpartner she had ever had in her life…

“Thelema-onee, it’s okay. I will forgive you if… I don’t like it.”

Thelema was rarely speechless, but how often did she have such a glaring disadvantage? Serapeum’s innocence, the unique Union power of domination that encroached upon her thoughts and her body, and most of all…

“You won’t need to do such a thing, Sera-chan, because I will do as I please. Now, try to stay out of my thoughts, dear… some things are better left to your body to discover before your mind.”

Serapeum nodded. She drew the bed curtain closed, and the light dimmed; what remained was a soft light from above.

Thelema whispered, “if you wish to touch me, simply do so. Naturally, you will feel inclined to do so as you become aroused…”

“Mmh, Thelema-onee…”


The young girl referred to herself, “Is Serapeum not already aroused?”

Thelema looked at the girl closely, pushing their faces close.

“Look into my eyes…” she whispered, caressing her nape, then moving downward, from her upper back to her hips. Thelema stopped for a moment, and held her right hand to her mouth—she ‘grasped’ her lace glove with her lips and held it as she removed hand from it. A show for many, but for Serapeum… perhaps it was nothing at all.

Thelema’s now bare hand reached between Serapeum’s thighs, caressing her inner thigh. Serapeum shivered and her eyes grew a little wider.

Thelema removed her hand and moved to caress her cheek; Serapeum did the same. Thelema planted a kiss on her forehead, then her cheek, and finally, on her lips. Each was still a peck; but next…

“Little Sera, stick your tongue out for oneesan.”

She did so obediently, and Thelema gently pushed it back into her mouth with her lips, nibbling on Serapeum’s lips thereafter, for just a moment.

She pulled away, stroking her cheek as she did so.

“Thelema-onee, I like this.”

“What a good girl… try kissing oneesan this time.”

Thelema stuck her tongue out the bare minimum, as a lead-in for Serapeum. The girl was a little timid on the approach, but her kiss was not; she readily nibbled and lapped on Thelema’s tongue and lips, and pulled her tongue into her own mouth. From there, it was clear that she didn’t have a sense for what this entailed, so Thelema carefully and slowly pushed her tongue into and around Serapeum’s, taking care not to push deeply. After a few careful laps were exchanged, Serapeum tried sucking on Thelema’s tongue. Her inexperience played out as being a little too forceful, and she didn’t roll her own tongue or lips…

Thus, when she did let go, Thelema beckoned Serapeum’s tongue forward with her own, and reciprocated; ‘this is how it is done,’ she thought to tell Serapeum, simultaneously hoping that she was trying not to listen to her thoughts.

They separated after, and Serapeum breathed heavily.

“While kissing, try to breathe through your nose, Sera-chan,” she smiled; what a silly and troublesome girl.

Serapeum nodded, even as her eyes were starting to water, “Ah. Thank you, Thelema-onee.”

Thelema pulled her close, ensuring Serapeum’s arms were around her, “Come, and kiss me as deeply as your heart desires.”

Serapeum nodded, and initiated the kiss; it was a little sloppy at times, but Thelema could tell how much the girl was indulging in the unfamiliar sensations. She gave her a taste of a deep kiss, and the girl clutched at Thelema’s back. Thelema received a projected thought into her mind, ‘good, please more.’

She didn’t really have a choice now, but to indulge her further; she had the most of Serapeum’s tongue wrapped around her own, and let Serapeum take the fullness of her tongue as deeply as she could while suckling on it. Once she seemed to have reached her limit, Thelema carefully held her jaw with her hands and pushed deeper; her own tongue’s tip reaching the base of Serapeum’s, and the fore of her throat. She let go of her thereafter, and let her recover.

“Thelema-onee,” she murmured while leaning against her. She didn’t seem to have anything to say; she was simply calling her name.

Thelema began to caress her body once more; this time, slipping underneath her clothes liberally. A small moan escaped the girl’s mouth, and in a cute way, she seemed to have surprised herself.

“Cute little Sera-chan…” Thelema whispered, “I might eat you all up at this rate.”

She seemed to have picked up on consent, “Thelema-onee… you may.”

Thelema lowered her onto the bed, and began to peck and nibble at her neck and gently pulling aside her top, made her way down to her breasts. After a hundred years, Serapeum was still but an A-cup, she gauged; such was the life of a Shu. She gently kissed around her breast, leaving her nipple for last; Serapeum’s anticipation was palpable in the tension of her body, so Thelema opted to nibble and bite playfully. If her body was responding well, she may as well continue in befitting ways, she reasoned. Serapeum squirmed beneath her, a sharp breath naught that the rest of her body hadn’t already signaled. She wrapped her arms and legs around Thelema, desperately clinging to her.

Thelema found that this tracked well enough with the rest of the girl’s behavior; she would prioritize their closeness. Thelema whispered, “Let me undress you, little Sera-chan… then you may cling to me as much as you’d like.”

She wordlessly loosened her grip, and Thelema had no trouble slipping the clothes off of her. Serapeum was hot to the touch, and becoming bare seemed to bring her some relief in this regard. Wordlessly, Serapeum helped Thelema undress herself; not physically, but helping Thelema’s own motor function with Union.

It was a little fresh, being undressed in part by your own phantom limbs. Thelema could only chuckle to herself.

Serapeum didn’t acknowledge any of this any further, simply lying demure and lightly covering herself. When Thelema’s skin touched her own, Serapeum shivered and moved to cling and press herself against her.

‘What a lewd little one… I shan’t disappoint you, dear.’

She carefully began to caress her most sensitive spot, testing the waters; it was immediately evident that her body was ready and waiting, so she began by simply rubbing her on the outermost labia. Serapeum clung to her, so Thelema whispered, “shall I explain, or shall I get to it?”

Serapeum shook her head, “Thelema-onee, it feels good, right?”

“I will make it so.”

Thelema’s fingers began to tease her in the gentlest way possible, and Serapeum’s breathing became a little heavier in Thelema’s ears. She used both hands, one to keep her spread, and the other to tease with the lightest touches—Serapeum soon let another muffled moan escape.

“Your moans are very good, don’t try to hide them, little Sera-chan,” Thelema coaxed her the slightest bit.

She didn’t receive a reply, but Serapeum was slightly less reserved with the sounds she made thereafter. Thelema’s caresses gradually became proper rubs, and the girl seemed to be barely holding on.

“Just a moment, dear,”

Thelema pulled away from her arms, and lowered herself between Serapeum’s legs. She liberally licked her inner thighs, then began to give her some proper service. The girl’s reactions were mild at first, but she gripped onto Thelema’s head before long. Thelema began to aggress with her tongue, poking between her spread labia, gently finding her way just a little bit inside of her, and Serapeum’s reaction was cute enough that Thelema pushed in a little more, even though she knew she was close enough without it. With that in mind, she began to flick and tease Serapeum’s cl*t; pressing her tongue against it, then her lips. When the time was right, she sucked on her and lapped up her juices; the girl shook and held her head between her legs. After a few moments, she went so far as to stop Thelema from further stimulating her by simply removing her bodily autonomy.

‘Sera-chan… it’s even more delightful if you allow yourself to be overwhelmed, rather than taking such measures.’

‘Sorry, Thelema-onee,’ as soon as her projected apology came, Thelema’s ability to move was returned to her.

“My… you could very well kill me without a second thought.”

Serapeum didn’t respond to these words; she curled herself a little, recovering from what may have been her first time to climax.

Thelema moved to gently hold her, and Serapeum guided their hands to clasp together. Again, without Thelema’s own action.

A few quiet moments later, Serapeum stirred. She kissed Thelema, and nuzzled her cheek.

“You’re in good spirits, little Sera-chan.”

“Thelema-onee made me feel good. I want Thelema-onee to feel it too…” her words would foretell her actions, as she sat up and climbed on top of Thelema.

“You may use me as you please… if you need, I will guide you.”

Those words were quite dangerous, as it turned out. Serapeum took this as permission to restrain the use of her limbs completely and move them herself. Thelema could only watch and feel herself spreading her legs as Serapeum seemed eager to explore there first.


It was an exquisite feeling, robbed of her autonomy. She was quickly on the receiving end of true domination; it quickened her heart and enervated her soul.

“Sera-chan… let my own thoughts and feelings guide you, and let us find this ecstasy as one.”

Serapeum nodded; from then on, Thelema provided insight as to how to best f*ck her own body; not with her words, but her thoughts. It was an intangible and completely unprecedented intimacy, and thus, Serapeum didn’t have any trouble at all bringing her straight to climax with just the right technique, slipping her tongue over her cl*t and biting with her lips with just the right intensity; as if Thelema had rubbed one out herself.

“Sera… yes, this will do. I want you to keep going. Keep going, and do not let me stop you. As long as you can, until I am gone, force this pleasure into my body, as I beg for it to end. Ravage my mind, and sup from all that I am. Let us become one then; you may exert fully your Union upon the last wispy tendril of my being. This is my wish, and I know you will see it through for me without question.”

“Thelema-onee… I understand.”

“Ah, but…” Thelema paused, “let me kiss you of my own accord… one last time.”

She pulled her in, and this indulged fully in pleasure, in madness, and a transcendent form of consummation.

Before the night was over, Thelema became part of Union, and Union became one with the shadows, one with the world, and eventually, one with the Sea.

One day, when the shadow ran its course, two small fragments would break off and sink to the depths of the Sea. They would coalesce with many other such fragments, becoming the basis for a new bubble universe. They would be born again, and live as they had just done so, for the last billion years, for another billion more—and then continue beyond that. The cycle would repeat…


Canopic Pleasure - eiennanamisa - 崩坏3rd (2024)


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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

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Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.