Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (2024)

When you start on a fitness journey, you might have a few of your own unique goals. Whether it’s weight loss, muscle building, or just moving your body more, there are so many positives that can come from exercise.

If you’re new to the gym and want to start reaping the benefits of muscle building for your metabolic health and overall well-being, you’ve come to the right place! We recently shared an article on the importance of upper body training, with a chest and shoulder workout for beginners.

In this article, we’ll explain the importance of building muscle plus some of the best exercises for beginners to build glute and hamstring strength.

What Does Muscle Mass Do For Your Health?

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (1)

Lower body exercise, like any other type of strength training, can help you build muscle. Muscle helps to boost your metabolic rate, as it is more metabolically active and burns more calories at rest than adipose tissue, or fat stores.

Along with boosting your metabolic rate, muscle building through strength training may help to increase insulin sensitivity, which can support your overall metabolic health. Increased muscle can also support metabolic health by helping to support healthy blood pressure levels.

Weight training and muscle building are shown in research to provide support for your musculoskeletal system. This is because muscle can support healthy bone density and strengthen your ligaments, which may help to decrease your risk of injury.

But, the process of increasing muscle mass can go beyond the physical benefits. It has also been shown to improve your physical self-concept, or how you view your physical fitness and body, and your self-esteem. Some research also suggests that building muscle can boost cognitive function.

Muscle Groups in the Lower Body

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (2)

There are four major muscle groups that make up the lower body.Each of these muscle groups plays an important role in various daily functions and can create a stable foundation for your body to perform everyday activities.

Benefits of Leg Day at the Gym

You know by now that muscle building has a host of benefits for your overall health. But, training your lower body, and more specifically your glutes and hamstrings, can have its own unique set of benefits.

Training your posterior chain, or the muscles on the back part of your body, can help to prevent potential injuries, help with pelvic alignment, and can stabilize the knee joint. Research indicates that your glutes and hamstrings can also reduce joint pain and improve athletic performance.

Working these muscle groups can also help with balance as your leg muscles are attached to your pelvic bones, and other structural muscles. Your lower limbs can also help with mobility and stability, which is why having strong leg muscles is important.

Best Hamstring Exercises

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (3)

Best Glute Exercises

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (4)

Try This Glute and Hamstring Workout

You may be sold on the idea of building muscle in your lower body, so to start experiencing these benefits, here’s a sample glute and hamstring workout for beginners you can start with. Even if you’re at a higher level in your training, you can adapt this to any fitness level.

If you’re a complete beginner, you may want to start simple and use just your body weight in these exercises until you feel comfortable progressing. Or if you’re already familiar with these exercises, simply add more weights progressively.

Keep in mind, however, that before starting a new training program, it may be a good idea to consult a personal trainer to help you get a better sense of proper form. Regardless of your current level, here’s a customizable lower body workout you can try out to get started with your leg day training.

Start with a Warm Up

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (5)

First things first, you’ll want to start with a warm up. Research shows that an effective warm up can be a great way to activate and prep your muscles for your workout. You can start slow with the warm up to get your heart rate up.

Start off with 10 minutes of cardio exercise to get your heart rate up. This can be walking or jogging on the treadmill, walking on the stairmaster, or even dancing for 10 minutes.

Activation Exercises

Next, you’ll want to do a few activation exercises that target your lower body muscles. Activation exercises help your muscles warm up and prepare for the upcoming workout, and can also help prevent injury to your muscles.

Here are three lower body exercises to start out your workout. Complete three rounds of 10 repetitions.

1) Knee Hug

This exercise is as straightforward as it sounds. To do this exercise, you’ll want to sit down on your mat and follow these instructions:

  • Bend your knees with your hands at the side (“hugging” your knees).
  • Lift your feet off the floor slowly.
  • Stretch and extend your arms to your side.
  • Extend your legs and to a 45-degree angle.
  • Lean your body back and lift your core, making sure to activate your lower body and core for proper stability.
  • Return to your original position and repeat 10 times.

2) Glute Bridge

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (6)

To do a glute bridge, follow these steps:

  • Lie down on your mat with your back on the ground and knees bent.
  • Plant your feet firmly on the floor and keep your arms at your side.
  • Lift your hips off the ground until your knees, hips and shoulders are in a straight line or “bridge.”
  • Squeeze your glutes to keep them activated through this movement and hold for three seconds.
  • Bring your hips back down and repeat the exercise 10 times.

3) Lunge With Elbow to Instep

This is a compound exercise that incorporates a few different movements. Here’s how to do a lunge to instep.

  • Stand up on your mat with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Step your right foot forward as you would in a lunge, making sure to squeeze your glutes as you do this exercise. Your left foot should have its heel slightly off the ground.
  • Move your abdomen forward and down, making sure to keep your back straight.
  • Place your left hand on the floor (outside your foot) to support your posture.
  • Bring the same side hand to the inside of the right knee and move your elbow down to the floor.
  • Bring your hand back and push your torso back to return to the original position
  • Repeat the movement on the other side and complete five repetitions on each side.

Lower Leg Workout

After you’ve warmed up and activated the lower limb muscles, it’s time to move onto the main portion of this leg workout.

Complete 10 to 12 reps of the following four exercises, and then repeat each one four to five times with a three minute rest in between each round.

Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (7)

For this exercise, make sure you choose light dumbbells if you’re a beginner and focus on form and balance throughout the movement.

  • Start in a standing position with your legs shoulder-width apart.
  • Press your right leg and foot into the floor, keeping your foot firmly on the ground
  • Bend your knees slightly and extend your right arm to the side.
  • Slowly bend your hips in a forward-hinging movement, pushing your glutes backwards.
  • As you do your hip hinge, move your torso forward, until it’s parallel to the ground
  • Lift your left leg, making sure to keep your back straight.
  • Keep your glutes engaged by squeezing them throughout this movement to avoid injuring your lower back.
  • Return your body to the original position and repeat 10 times before moving to the next leg.

Dumbbell Step Ups

For this exercise, you’ll need a step stool (luckily most gyms have this). you’ll want to hold your dumbbells in each hand and step up onto a bench while alternating legs. Here’s a detailed step by step.

  • Stand up on your mat with your legs shoulder-width apart while holding your dumbbells at your sides. Make sure your palms are facing towards your body.
  • Step up onto the stool and push your body up by lifting your opposite heel off the ground.
  • Make sure the foot on the stool is planted firmly.
  • To return to the original position, step off the stool while making sure to flex your hip and knee.
  • Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Dumbbell Hip Thrust

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (8)

This can be a really effective exercise for building strength in your glutes. You’ll need a bench or another piece of flat equipment to support your back for this exercise.

  • Sit on the floor with your back against the bench with your feet hip-width apart.
  • Tuck your chin in for proper form.
  • Hold your dumbbell or barbell (if using) over your pelvic region and then extend your hips and push up slowly, making sure to squeeze your glutes and keep your core tightened.
  • Lower your hips down to the original position and repeat 10 times.

Dumbbell Reverse Lunges

This is another compound exercise that targets both your hamstrings and glutes.

  • Stand up on your mat with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keep your dumbbells at your side.
  • Step backwards with your right leg and push through your feet and heel to keep your body rooted down.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times on each leg.

Hamstring Curls

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (9)

This exercise can be done with a resistance band on the floor or using a lying leg curl machine available at most gyms. Here’s how to do this exercise with a resistance band.

  • Tie your resistance band to a bench, pole, or another piece of sturdy gym equipment.
  • Lie face down on your mat, placing your resistance band around both ankles.
  • Keeping your arms at your sides, create resistance with the band by bending your knees, bringing them as close to your glutes as possible.
  • Slowly unbend your knees, allowing your feet to return to the original position.
  • Repeat the movement 10 times.

Cool Down

Finish off your workout with five minutes of stretching, making sure to focus on the muscles you just worked out. Research shows there may not be a significant difference between an active cool down and a passive one, so you may want to choosewhich works best. You can also discuss the best cool down method for your body with your physical trainer.

Engage with Your Blood Glucose Levels with Nutrisense

Your blood sugar levels can significantly impact how your body feels and functions. That’s why stable blood glucose levels can be an important factor in supporting overall wellbeing.

With Nutrisense, you’ll be able to track your blood glucose levels over time using a CGM, so you can make lifestyle choices that support healthy living.

When you join the Nutrisense CGM program, our team of credentialed dietitians and nutritionists are available for additional support and guidance to help you reach your goals.

Ready to take the first step? Start with our quiz to see how Nutrisense can support your health.

Best Glute and Hamstring Exercises for Functional Fitness - Nutrisense Journal (2024)


What exercise works the glutes and hamstrings? ›

Split Squats

The split squat is a compound exercise that mainly targets the quadriceps, glutes, adductors, and hamstrings. Much like step-ups, split squats are great for loading each leg independently.

Should I train glutes and hamstrings together? ›

For optimal strength and muscle gain, train the hamstrings and glutes together using compound lifts.

What is the number one hamstring exercise? ›

First up: The deadlift. One of the biggest and most respected gym exercises, the conventional deadlift is a compound movement that allows a serious amount of weight, and volume to go through your hamstrings, glutes, and back.

How to stay in shape at home? ›

For a more low-tech approach, go old-school with your fitness routine. Think squats, jumping jacks, stretches, burpees, lunges, sit-ups, push-ups, and other calisthenics. You might even build these simple movements into your “new normal” by doing a different exercise every hour for just a few minutes.

How do you fix weak hamstrings and glutes? ›

Glute and Hamstring Workout
  1. Pause Squats - 10 reps. Pause squats use the same format as regular squats, but with a two-second pause at the bottom range of motion, in the deepest part of the squat. ...
  2. Romanian Deadlift - 8 reps. ...
  3. Hip Thrusts - 10 reps. ...
  4. Bulgarian Split Squats - 20 squats. ...
  5. Step Ups - 20 reps.
Nov 26, 2021

Is walking good for glutes and hamstrings? ›

Hamstrings, Gluteals and Adductors

Both of these muscles are worked more intensely when walking on an incline. The gluteus medius and minimus, located deeper in the hip, work to pull the leg sideways away from the body and help control the position of the pelvis.

How to structure a glute and hamstring workout? ›

Workout A
  1. Hip thrusts – 4 Sets of 8-10 reps.
  2. Good Morning – 3 sets of 8-10 reps.
  3. Cable Pull through – 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  4. Seated leg curl – 3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  5. Seated Abduction – 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

Do squats work hamstrings or glutes more? ›

So, while the glutes and the outside muscle of the quadriceps (the "sweep", the vastus lateralis) were worked well, the hamstrings weren't worked much. So if you're ever asking what muscle groups squats work… it's mainly the quadriceps and not the hamstrings very effectively!

Which squat is best for glutes and hamstrings? ›

Back squat

“Stacking weights on your back focuses more on the muscles in your posterior chain, or the back of the body” says Charles. So while they do engage the quads, back squats work the glutes and hamstrings a little more than other variations do.

What exercise has the most hamstring activation? ›

In this case, three exercises demonstrated significantly higher activation levels than the prone leg curl: stability ball hamstring curls, reverse hip raises and glute-ham raises without equipment.

Which cardio machine is best for hamstrings? ›

Elliptical Machine

You use the elliptical standing up. Muscles Targeted Quads, hamstrings, and calves are all worked during this type of exercise, particularly if the resistance is increased.

Is 2 exercises enough for hamstrings? ›

Within a training session, we recommend sticking to only one hamstring exercise because the hamstrings usually have a very low volume requirement and tolerance. Within a single week (microcycle) of training, we recommend between 2 and 3 different hamstrings exercises.

Which exercise is best for perfect body shape? ›

Follow the below 7 Simple Exercises Transform Your Body Shape
  • *Each sets with count of 8-16 reps.
  • Push ups. Pushups are one of the most basic yet effective body weight moves you can perform because of the number of muscles that are recruited to perform them. ...
  • The Burpee. ...
  • The Squats. ...
  • Situps. ...
  • The plank.
Jan 23, 2020

How do you get in shape if you have never worked out? ›

How to start exercising if you never have before
  1. Exercise can be intimidating, especially if you have little or no experience with regular physical activity. ...
  2. Walk, Don't Run. ...
  3. Start Slow. ...
  4. Focus On Health, Not Appearance. ...
  5. Pick up some weights. ...
  6. Do what you like.

How do you target glutes instead of hamstrings? ›

Resist the desire to bend the knee more than 90 degrees to avoid activating the hamstrings. Begin with five bent knee lifts and one straight leg lift (as in the test, above). Repeat five times before every run. Ideally, do this before you get out of bed in the morning to start strengthening those glutes straight away.

How do you loosen your glutes and hamstrings? ›

Standing with your feet as wide as your hips, balance on your left leg as you bend your right knee up toward your butt. Then, grab onto your right ankle as you pull the foot close to your glute. If need be, hold onto your pant leg! Hold for 2-4 breaths and then switch sides.


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.