Anything Is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal… (2024)

Joby Martin, Matt Chandler(Foreword), Charles Martin(Primary Contributor)


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From pastor Joby Martin and a New York Times bestselling author comes an accessible and insightful look at nine miracles of Jesus and what they teach us about the miraculous power available to every believer. Miracles are impossible. They defy explanation. They can’t be real. And yet, miracles surround us every day. Where we face something that we can’t fix and run out of options.Where the limited and finite ability of man ends and unlimited and infinite will of God begins.Where what is impossible with man is possible with God.

In Anything is Possible, Joby Martin, bestselling author and Lead Pastor of The Church of Eleven 22, examines nine miracles of Jesus—the miracle at the wedding of Cana, the story of the cripple at the pool of Bethesda, the feeding of the 5,000, the raising of Lazarus—and shows how each teaches us something unique about how God wants to relate to us.

Written with New York Times bestselling author Charles Martin, Anything is Possible is an insightful and spiritually rich look the miracles of Christ, and how the greatest miracles of all changed everything. Ultimately, he encourages readers that God still does miracles today, that believers have access to the incredible power that raised Jesus from the dead, and, ultimately, reminds us not to seek miracles themselves, but the one who performs them.

    GenresChristianNonfictionPersonal DevelopmentReligion

288 pages, Hardcover

Published March 21, 2023

About the author

Joby Martin


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Monica H (TeaandBooks)

753 reviews69 followers

March 27, 2023

In our day and age, it seems like miracles are impossible. After all, the miracles Jesus performed were many ages ago. Miracles don't happen in today's world, do they? Anything is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God's Love for You by Joby Martin with Charles Martin recently released. In this book, Martin says miracles can and do happen in our world today if we have faith in Jesus.

Anything Is Possible is written in a conversational tone. Martin makes his words clear and easy for all of us to understand and relate to. He shares the miracles and Bible stories from Jesus, as well as other supporting places in the Bible. He also shares personal stories of miracles that have happened today. At the end of each chapter is a prayer. Sometimes part of the prayer is written by someone whose story Martin has shared in that chapter. I like his writing style a lot. I appreciate the stories he shared. I liked so much of this book and all that he shared about his life and the lives of others he knew along with bringing the Bible to life.

I did struggle with one thing though. Joby talked about making sure you have four friends who will be there for you--like the paralytic on the mat whose friends helped him go through a roof to get to Jesus so he could be healed. As life goes on in today's world, I don't think it is always easy to have those friends, even when you thought you had them. I have friends, and even family members who don't know how to deal with a breast cancer diagnosis that I received. In recent years, I have heard many other cancer patients talk about friends who have walked away or haven't been there as cancer is just too hard for them to deal with for one reason or another. In support groups, it is quite common to hear these stories, so I know I am not alone. While he does say that readers can contact him/his church for prayer, I wish he had addressed this issue and maybe even offered some encouragement. I didn't take any stars off for this. Anything is Possible is a wonderful book all in all. This is just a small thing that I think would help some other readers as it is a common issue and not just mine alone.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions within this review are my own.



221 reviews8 followers

March 1, 2024

This book was excellent and one I will read again for sure. I’m so glad we found the Church of Eleven22 and get to hear him preach every week. Martin breaks things down and makes it understandable. I learned so much reading this one, and I’m looking forward to reading his first book. I recommend this and I recommend watching him preach. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Meredith Martinez

318 reviews7 followers

May 11, 2023

(4/5 stars) I requested this book after hearing Joby Martin as a guest speaker at our church. His book is encouraging and very accessible. Each chapter reads like a sermon (if you've ever heard his sermons); they're very straightforward. You can also tell how much Martin saturates his life with scripture, because it shows through on the page with a myriad of references. Overall a good read and encouraging book!

Cover Lover Book Review

1,116 reviews74 followers

February 27, 2023

Anything is Possible encourages readers to focus on the miracles of Jesus and what they mean to us today.

I really enjoy the conversational tone of this book. Like a friend across the coffee table having a meaningful, spiritual talk. I loved journeying through nine miracles that were covered and was inspired and uplifted.

This is the perfect book to gift to someone who is going through difficult times (or even those who aren’t!) I enjoyed this tremendously!

First Line: Have you wondered why Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine?
Genre: Christian Personal Growth
Author: Joby Martin, Charles Martin
Page Count: 288

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions are 100% mine.


595 reviews

September 22, 2023

Some lines were a little hokey but overall this is a very encouraging read. Being reminded that God is still at work, on the throne, and in control no matter your circ*mstances is always a refreshing truth to lean into time and time again. Recommended! 4.5/5


17 reviews

June 11, 2023

So incredibly honored to have Joby as my pastor and read his wisdom and intellect when it comes to explaining and teaching about Jesus’s ministry. Joby possess the perfect amount of intellect, humor, and theological knowledge in this book.
Highly recommend this book to anyone who feels doubtful about the power of God’s presence in your life.


687 reviews10 followers

May 1, 2023

In Anything Is Possible, Joby Martin and Charles Martin teaches readers about miracles and how they relate to Christ. They explained how if Jesus’ tomb was in fact empty and he defeated hell and death. We can in turn rely on that nothing is impossible for Christ. This is the foundation of our faith. They looked at the different miracles found in the Bible such as, the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine, the pool of Bethesda and the healing, feeding of the five thousand, raising of Lazarus, and much more. We can also experience a miracle in our own lives and believe in His incredible power. Each chapter ended with an impactful prayer.

One of my favorites was about the paralytic man and how his four friends carried on the roof. They had the belief that if only they could get their friend to Jesus, then he could obtain healing. The authors asked an important question and that was if we had four friends who would carry us through whatever we may face. They shared how married men are the worst at making connections with other men and most of us don’t have close relationships with others. We may be close to our wife and believe that this is enough. They asked when was the last time that we confessed our sins to other brothers. They encouraged readers to build strong relationships and to have friends pray for us. They described how each of the four friends had a rope attached to the four corners of the mat. They broke it down into the first corner is sharing our faith, serving in your local church, bearing the stretcher, and leaving room for God to do what only He can do. One of my favorite things, they shared was how we need to make room for others in the church and welcome others in. They reminded church members that their names are engraved in the pew they don’t have an assigned spot and we need to scoot over and make room for others.

I would recommend this powerful story about the numerous miracles in the Bible to anyone who is seeking to increase their faith and they are needing encouragement. I immensely loved the scope of the miracles and how in depth they went into explicating the message we can learn from each one. I liked how they covered the Holy Spirit and how the empty tomb has changed our lives. One of my favorite stories was about Ike and the path to forgiveness. This story was very inspiring and eye opening and is a direct illustration on redemption and being good to someone even when they hurt you.

"I received this book free from the publisher, Hachette Book Group/Faithwords for my honest review.”

Cherie Hedrick

2 reviews

March 21, 2023

I have been a long time fan of Charles Martin and read Joby Martin's first book so was very excited to read the latest book by this dynamic duo. Joby Martin has a gift of unpacking the scripture and making it relatable to today and my own life. I can hear his voice in every line written. It feels like a personal conversation rather than a book. The book details nine miracles and evokes deep thought about the people in our lives and how important a community of believers is needed. Iron sharpens iron. This life is not meant to be lived alone. Do I have 4 friends that would bring me to Jesus like the four that ripped the roof off to get their friend to Jesus? Am I that friend that would do that for a friend? Joby asks the hard questions and keeps the gospel always at the center. Through the individual stories he relates that suffering is not a punishment, it is life! Being a Christian is not all rainbows and skittles! Life is hard and things do not always work the way we think they should but as Joby outlines so well, the gift of Jesus Christ is eternal. "God’s not on our time. He’s on His. And whether or not His timeline intersects with ours says nothing about His love for us. We don’t measure God’s love for us by our circ*mstances, but by the cross." Such a great reminder that His love for us is not conditional and no matter our situations, He loves us. Sometimes it is hard especially when you are walking through some deep stuff life loves to throw our way when we put what we think is the right answer on God, it is hard to remember in the midst of chaos that there is not a blade of grass out of place. "The writer of Hebrews says, He upholds all things by the word of His power (Heb. 1:3). And all things still means “all things.” God knows what’s going on." Not putting my faith in feelings, but instead in Jesus is a constant battle for me. In chapter 5, Joby does such a great job unpacking all the feels, the doubt, the questions and the ultimate answer of faith in Jesus. The book has deepened my relationship with my Savior on so many levels and I think it will be a wonderful tool of discipleship for so many. "If the tomb is empty, then anything is possible!" Thank you Joby Martin for such a gift!

Dave Weiss

297 reviews3 followers

March 13, 2023

I received this book from the publisher for review, and it far exceeded my expectations. First things first, If I’m ever in Jacksonville, FL on a Sunday morning, I am going to this guy’s church. Joby Martin is pastor of The Church of Eleven22, and wow what a communicator! He is deep and yet very understandable. If this guy ever wrote a paraphrase of the Bible, I would buy it. His short paraphrases of texts explain the text masterfully and with a fair amount of humor. This book was a joy to read.

In Anything Is Possible, the subtitle sums up the book really well. It says, “How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God’s Love for You.” Combining stories from the author’s years of ministry with strong biblical teaching, this book brings tangible evidence of God’s miraculous power and love for us. A sampling of the chapter titles illustrates where he is going. Water Into Wine—Do You Believe Enough to Obey?, The Paralytic—Do You Believe Jesus Will Carry You?, The feeding of the Five Thousand—Do You Believe Even When Doubt Creeps In?, etc. All the stories are very familiar, but Martin brings great insights into them that not only helps you to see them with new eyes, but really brings the applicable truths for our lives to the forefront. This book dealt with some really important topics for people of faith, while also considerate of unbelievers who might be reading. I would go so far as to say it is very evangelistic in tone as well. This book is wall to wall encouragement mixed with challenging questions that really felt like “iron sharpens iron.”

Anything Is Possible will make you believe just that. It is a joy to read, written conversationally, with real depth and a lot of heart. I’ll say it again, Joby Martin is an amazing communicator and I could not recommend this book more highly, especially if you are, or know and love someone going through a trial. Pick it up!

Amaranda Sakamoto

2 reviews1 follower

March 28, 2023

Pastor Joby with Charles Martin have written "Anything Is Possible" as "the what next plan" (to their first book) "If The Tomb Is Empty"...Jesus performed an earthly miracle to point to an eternal reality. They break down the fourth wall and exhort the reader, "Yes, right now God is drawing you to The Savior...this is the singular thing that changed everything, about everything, for everyone who would believe." The nine miracles broken down by chapter answer the "the question (that) has been phrased throughout history many ways but Pilate said it best 'What shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ?" Matt. 27:22. Free will is addressed in how we respond, namely spit or bow. Reverence is how we "believe in, hope that and have faith for" the Miracle Maker not the miracles, "faith is something that Jesus can see because it produces fruit we call works."

This is a very approachable text to not only sola fide but sola gratia and sola scriptura as The Holy Spirit's power to restore us physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually because "Jesus is an end in Himself" imputing you to continue a path of progressive sanctification, "stay a worshiper not a consumer." The action steps are; serve/do/work, abide/listen/word and worship/believe/worship, worship is mentioned twice with emphasis on it being a means for "a gratitude party" whether on the mountain top or in the valley the response is to worship through it. Pastor Joby with Charles Martin eloquently and passionately challenge the reader to have consistency on The Truth side of "most of us live on a continuum somewhere between 'He Is Risen' and this is empty and no he's not and it really doesn't matter" depending on our circ*mstances. A temporal reactive (albeit human and flawed) response in direct opposition to, "He just defeated death, hell and the grave."


2 reviews

March 22, 2023

In Anything is Possible, Joby Martin challenges believers and those seeking belief to honestly ask themselves the question: “Is it true?” Either God created the world and everything in it, or He didn’t (Genesis 1:1). Either Jesus rose from the dead, or He didn’t. (Luke 24:44-49) Joby Martin uses signs in scripture from the Old and New Testaments pointing to the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the purpose of His resurrection and what His death and resurrection mean for our salvation and eternity with God.

So, why do we still doubt?

In a very profound way, Joby Martin addresses the issue of doubt.

“….. doubt is never more powerful and faith never more weak
than when your circ*mstances are terrible and you can’t see
any light at the end of the tunnel.” (p. 10)

At those points in our life, Joby reminds us that “fear is the opposite of faith,”
and “God did not give us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a spirit of power….” (II Timothy 1:7)

“We all have our doubts. And the enemy [the spirit from whom fear flows] wants you to believe your doubts and doubt your beliefs. But faith in Christ requires us to believe our beliefs and doubt our doubts.” (page 107)

Joby Martin in Anything is Possible gives the reasons we “doubt our beliefs” and the scripture to “believe our beliefs and doubt our doubts.” When many of His followers started to abandon Him, “’Jesus said to the twelve, ’Do you also wish to go away?’ Simon Peter answered Him, ‘Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.’” (John 6:67-68)

Alan Brown

1 review

March 18, 2023

If you have read Joby Martin’s (with Charles Martin) first book, If The Tomb Is Empty, and gave it a positive review, then you will enjoy reading his second book. Anything Is Possible is just as spiritually powerful to read.

Words to describe the impact this book can have on the reader are: thought provoking, humbling, convicting, worshipful, and even life changing. You will need tissues for the most heartfelt paragraphs but don’t worry there are many joyous stories as well because Jesus is the source of true joy in all our circ*mstances.

The Holy Spirit has gifted Joby to deliver this book in such a way it can and will change many lives. Just listen to the Spirit’s voice as you read because He will tug on your heart and soul. What happens then is up to you but remember Anything Is Possible.

The book is written as though you were sitting under Joby Martin’s teaching at Church of Eleven22 on any given week. Joby writes in a way that makes it quite easy to understand for the average layperson seeking to draw closer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Joby even has ‘contributors’ telling their story of God’s ultimate goodness through difficult times in their own words which even adds to the power of the presentation of this book.

If you want the possibility of you, your loved ones, friends, and your “one mores” to experience an Abundant Life as written in John 10:10, then get a copy for yourself and them, as well.

Leah Linton

1 review

March 17, 2023

Pastor Joby has done it again with his book Anything is Possible! As I read the words in his book, I hear his voice in my head. The way he interprets the Bible and explains it provides such detail and imagery you feel like you are with him and he is reading it to you.

Anything is Possible has you go through all the emotions… I laughed, smiled and most importantly asked the hard question. Do I completely believe or Pisteuó with my entire heart and soul that God is who he says he is? Am I living my life for this world or eternity? It makes you look deep inside your self and your relationship with God.

As Christians, we often times go through the motions, checking the boxes and we need an awakening to reevaluate our life and relationship with our Lord and Savior. This book does exactly that! Pastor Joby doesn’t sugar coat the Gospel and that is exactly what you need to take that deep look at your life and your current spiritual reality.

This book is for EVERYONE not just the devout Christian or new believer but more importantly for the unbeliever to learn how much God loves them!

Don’t wait to get this book and read it! Get a couple copies and share it!

Karen Corning

1 review


March 21, 2023

Do you need a miracle in your life? Perhaps it’s a marriage that needs resurrecting, or maybe a career. Perhaps it’s a healing - physical or mental, or even spiritual. Maybe it’s a relationship with family members or colleagues or used-to-be friends. Maybe it’s an addiction from which you just can’t break free, or a change you need to make but fail every time you try. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE by Joby Martin is a book that can help completely change your life for the good!
In his own easy to understand way, Joby shares how nine unexplainable, yet undeniable, miracles of the Bible are still applicable to your and my life today. Lazarus’ resurrection was not a one time event. Jesus is still in the resurrection business today; maybe your marriage is next! If Jesus can transform dirty hand water into exquisite wine, He can transform your life from messy to exquisite. If He can heal the lame and the blind, He can heal you and make you whole!
Get this book, read it, and watch your faith arise, your hope restore and miracles happen!
Truly, If the Tomb is Empty (which it is), ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!


1,102 reviews34 followers

February 28, 2023

Anything Is Possible is a Christian book by author Joby Martin. Forward written by Matt Chandler. Joby Martin is the founder and lead pastor of the Church of Eleven22 in Jacksonville, Florida.

Anything Is Possible is organized into 9 chapters which include Do You Believe Enough To Obey?, Do You Believe Jesus Can Heal You?, and The Gift of The Holy Spirit.

I believe the author wrote the book to inform the reader. His thesis is that we are to live our lives believing that God raised Jesus from the dead and we are to obey Him.

Anything Is Possible takes the reader back to Calvary where the author’s last book, ‘If The Tomb Is Empty’, took the reader. I give Anything Is Possible 5*/5*.

Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255

    christian inspirational personal-growth


367 reviews12 followers

March 13, 2023

I love Joby Martin's preaching and this book reads just like one of his sermons. He narrates the audiobook, so it should be a good listen. A good book on the miracles of Jesus and how the miracles point to God. This book is a call to submit your life to Jesus and realize that anything is possible with God. A book that continually points you back to Jesus.

"What if God's great miracle in your life is just on the other side of a step of obedience?"

"Let me tell you what faith is- faith is acting as if you actually believe that God is who He says He is and He always keeps His promises."

"We don't follow Jesus because he makes our lives better. We follow Jesus because He is better than life."

"Never confuse your perceived lack of cooperation on God's part with indifference and an unwillingness to listen to you."

"It's not the amount of your faith that changes things. It is the object of your faith that changes things."

I received an eARC of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.


Gina Mele

1 review

March 21, 2023

I read Pastor Joby and Charles Martin’s first book “If the Tomb is Empty” and loved it. I was so excited to read the second book “Anything is Possible” and it was just as awesome! Joby clearly has a gift. As many have said, you can hear his voice as you are reading the book as if you are sitting and having a conversation with him. The way he walks you through the actual tomb where they laid Jesus body and describes it in such great detail with reverence, it makes you want to go there. The book walks you through familiar miracles that Jesus performed but breaks them down in such a relatable and thoughtful way. It truly makes you think about your faith and challenges you to surrender and grow in your walk with Jesus. It was encouraging to me to read about the disciples and see how God was able to use them to turn the world upside down despite their lack of understanding and struggles. It gives me hope. I know that this is a book that I will read over and over. And I pray that it will bless many people.

Abigail Chek

5 reviews

March 28, 2023

Joby Martin & Charles Martin do an incredible job laying out 9 miracles of Jesus. These signs point to something greater - the Miracle Worker - Jesus the Christ. These signs laid out in this book point to His infinite love for each of us. God has blessed Joby with an incredible ability to preach the Word of God with passion, intensity, truth, and love. God has blessed Charles with an incredible ability to share the Gospel through words on a page which create beautiful sentences and chapters that reflect the same fire, intensity, passion, and love that Joby preaches. Together the two lay out a beautiful picture of the Gospel in a way that is conversational, moving, and easy to grasp and feel. All the emotions run through you as you read this book. You really do feel God’s love for you as you turn the pages and boldly proclaim Jesus as Miracle Maker, Lord & Savior.

This book is full of truth & love, it is insightful, and leaves the reader with a message of hope, strength, peace, joy, and more love. Thank you Pastor Joby, thank you Charles, thank you Jesus.


Tracee Thornburg Roberts

1 review

March 21, 2023

From the very first paragraph in the Prologue, Pastor Joby had me imagining the place he was standing, feeling the heat from the pavement, smelling fumes from the bus station, recognizing the significance, sacredness and importance of this place. Pastor Joby has a talent for communicating and explaining even the most complex topic. His extraordinary ability to tell a story and break down the most complicated concept pulls me in.
Joby describes nine miracles of Jesus and related stories to demonstrate how anything is possible! If you are on the fence about getting this book, just do it. You will laugh, you will cry, and you will learn more about God's perfect love for His children.
My walk with the Lordship of Jesus has grown stronger and deeper since my study and devotion time includes Joby's books, podcasts and church sermons. Thank you Pastor Joby for following the Holy Spirit and writing your second book. All the Glory is God's and lost sheep will be found.

Hunter Markham

1 review

March 21, 2023

I just thought Joby Martin’s ‘If The Tomb Is Empty’ was the best faith-based book I’ve ever read, that is, until I read ‘Anything Is Possible’. I was lucky enough to get early acces to this book and let me tell you, this book is going to bring hope and joy to a lot of believers and save a lot of people that haven’t already been saved. I read this book while recovering from brain surgery and I truly believe it not only sped up my recovery, but it also brought tons of hope and happiness during a time of suffering. I really enjoyed reading this book and can’t wait to get my hard copy to read it again then pass it on to someone who needs to read it. Do yourself a favor and purchase at least one, if not multiple copies of this book to give to those who you think might need it - this book is going to change the lives of many!


2 reviews

March 20, 2023

Amazing perspective gained thanks to this book! This book truly further opened my eyes to the miracles of God. The nine miracles outlined in this book reveals God’s love for us, and that nothing is impossible with God. Love this quote from the book that sums up his miracles: “Because He is before all things and in Him all things hold together, and through Him all things were created by Him and for Him and through Him and to Him. So what we see as miraculous is just like another day at the beach for Jesus.” GOD is the Author and Creator and none of his miracles were by mere coincidence or random because of the the tomb is empty Anything is Possible.

Beautifully yet humorously written! Highly recommended!

Julie Worthy

1 review

March 20, 2023

This has been one of the most incredible and powerful books. I am so thankful for the insight and practical application of the miracles Jesus performed in the Bible. Pastor Joby has shed new light on my position as a child of God, on the raising of Lazarus and the healing power that is still available today because God is the same God today, yesterday and tomorrow. I have cried, laughed and prayed over the words in this book. I am thankful for such beautiful insight into the life and resurrection of my Lord and Savior. I pray that God never fails to knock my socks off! He is far greater than anything I can possibly imagine. Thank you again Joby Martin and Charles Martin.

May God have all the glory!

Jeanne Armstrong

1 review

March 21, 2023

Pastor Joby Martin’s new book, “Anything Is Possible”, walks through nine miracles of Jesus and how each miracle shows His Love for us and His Power in our lives. Each chapter dives deep into a miracle. You will learn the time, place, history and exact word meanings surrounding each miracle. Not only does Pastor Joby teach you the miracle in detail, he sums up each chapter by how the miracle can transform your life. From water to wine, healing at the pool of Bethesda, raising of Lazarus, the empty tomb, the gift of the Holy Spirit, you will know Jesus and His love for you more and how He meets you right where you are to save you, heal you, conquer your doubts, teach you to worship and bring you to life though His Spirit. “Anything Is Possible” is a must read.

Jill Mullineaux

2 reviews

March 20, 2023

Like the title says, it's not just about revealing the miracles, the who, what and where. It's more about the most important question- WHY? Using a mix of personal experiences, humor and deep understanding, Pastor Joby and Charles Martin, dive into the miracles to help us understand their meaning using insights and explanations anyone can grasp. It's all about why these things happened the way they did. It's not just about Jesus's relationship with Jewish and Christian believes, it's about the relationship and love he desires for ALL people. So, make sure you've got something to write in and a highlighter to mark what really makes you think, because you're going to need and want them both.

Sarah Wingate

1 review

March 21, 2023

I would urge every single person to stop what they are doing and find a way to get your hands on Anything Is Possible by Joby Martin and Charles Martin. It doesn't matter who you are, whether you know Jesus, have known Him and have wandered away, or whether you are a seasoned saint. The Lord is going to use Anything Is Possible to change so many lives, and further His kingdom all for His glory!

I'm grateful to the authors for sharing His truth, and delivering it in such a way that it feels as if they were in the room giving counsel. My spiritual walk has grown, and will continue to grow as a result. Thank you!!

Mike Corning

1 review1 follower


March 21, 2023

Just finished ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE by Joby Martin and have one word to say: OUTSTANDING! The subtitle is the key, ”How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal God’s Love for You!”
In a masterful way, Joby unpacks these unexplainable yet indisputable historical events - giving insight from a first century perspective while simultaneously showing how they still apply to our lives today.
Do you need hope restored? Do you need a miracle? This book may be just what you need to discover and deepen a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and unlock the Bible in such a way that Faith is renewed and Hope restored!


3 reviews

February 12, 2023

Just finished this book! Pastor Joby does it again. He really breaks down the miracles of God and what they mean and what they are really pointing toward. In every chapter he makes you examine yourself and your belief in Christ, and pushes you thru scripture to assess yourself and cultivate understanding of what it is to believe in. He utilizes the Bible, the word of God, personal narratives and doesn’t shy from the hard questions. This book reads as if he is sitting in the living room just talking to you - very conversational and approachable.

Susan Shipe

Author37 books14 followers

March 22, 2023

Pastor Joby brings it home with this book. I loved it.

Taking nine miracles from the New Testament and meticulously examining each one with relevancy to our lives today, Martin scores big. Water Into Wine. Feeding Five Thousand. Raising Lazarus. Are just three of the nine worthy of our investigation and understanding.

Next time we drive through Jacksonville, FL - we will schedule a Sunday visit to the Eleven22 Church where Joby Martin pastors.

I highly recommend for any Jesus follower or seeker to dig deeper within the pages of this soon to be best seller.


1 review

March 20, 2023

Anything Is Possible is an Amazing follow up book to If The Tomb is Empty by Joby Martin with Charles Martin. I found it to be very moving. Joby takes you through the 9 miracles of Jesus with some deep gospel understanding, tears, and yes, even humor along the way. It truly helped deepen my understanding and walk with Jesus. I highly recommend it to anyone who would like to discover or deepen their relationship with Christ.

Jeffrey Corey

1 review

March 20, 2023

I have attended Church of Eleven 22 for 6 years - - Pastor Joby and his staff are unbelievable teachers - - I read Joby Martin's 1st book If the Tomb is Empty - - reading it was like he was right in front of me - because he writes exactly as he preaches!! In his new book - Anything is Possible - - it is presented to same way - -as he writes about each Miracle - it like you are listening to this weeks sermon - I strongly recommend this book as a "Must Read"

Displaying 1 - 30 of 59 reviews

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Anything Is Possible: How Nine Miracles of Jesus Reveal… (2024)


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