Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening? (2024)

posted: Jun. 30, 2015.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening? (1) Would you like to have a brighter, whiter smile? Well, who wouldn't? You've heard of all kinds of teeth whitening processes and products, but you wonder if you are a candidate for teeth whitening. Your Lumberton, NC dentist, Colin Osborne III DDS, can help you decide.

Why Teeth Stain

A dingy, dull, yellowed smile stems from many factors, and in fact, most adults could benefit from some kind of teeth whitening at one time or another. According to research conducted at the Cleveland Clinic, the most common smile changers are:

  • age
  • smoking
  • darkly colored liquids
  • acidic foods
  • poor dental hygiene

How Teeth Whitening Works

Most whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide, a common antiseptic which also works to bleach teeth. Many whitening toothpastes and over the counter gels and swabs contain a dilute form of this chemical. While whitening toothpastes can be used safely without supervision, some drugstore gels and tray-like applicators cause gum sensitivity. In addition, consumer products take days to weeks to whiten teeth and don't produce optimum results.

At-home or in-office teeth whitening provided by an experienced dental team works most effectively and safely, often producing a color change of up to 8 shades. Dentists custom-fabricate whitening trays to fit snugly over top and bottom teeth, reducing the chance of gum sensitivity.

In-office whitening uses a very concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel to power out stains in just about an hour. The dental technician takes measures to protect gums and oral tissues while the gel seeps into the tooth enamel. Results are usually dramatic and, with touch-ups at home, last indefinitely.

Who is a Candidate for Whitening

People with healthy teeth and gums are typically good candidates for teeth whitening. Gum disease, multiple restorations, and extensive decay disqualify individuals from this cosmetic procedure. Dental professionals often whiten selected teeth first and then place veneers or cosmetic bonding on other teeth that have irreversible stains or other cosmetic defects.

Patients who are under 16 years old should not use professional whitening as their young teeth may become sensitive. Pregnant and lactating women should postpone teeth whitening procedures.

Dr. Colin Osborne III

Dr. Osborne and his team will help you achieve the healthiest and most attractive smile possible. Come into the Lumberton, NC office for a check-up and cleaning. You can discuss your dental concerns, including whether or not you are a candidate for teeth whitening. Call today for an appointment: (910) 738-9396.

Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening? (2024)


Am I a Candidate for Teeth Whitening? ›

Teeth whitening is good for individuals who have healthy teeth already. It is better for patients not to have visible restorations before choosing whitening. Patients should also have healthy gums. The good news is that patients can have teeth restored and gums treated to become whitening candidates.

What disqualifies you from teeth whitening? ›

Teeth Whitening Disqualifications

Cavities, gum disease, fillings, crowns, and bridges may disqualify you from treatment. Other conditions and circ*mstances that may bar a patient from teeth whitening treatment include: Pregnancy and breast-feeding. Being under the age of 16.

What makes you a candidate for teeth whitening? ›

If you struggle with dull or yellowed teeth that cannot be easily whitened with regular brushing and flossing, then you are a great candidate for teeth whitening treatment. Teeth whitening is suitable for any type of discoloration, including age-related yellowness and stains caused by coffee and cigarettes.

Who is not a good candidate for teeth whitening? ›

Those who have chronic sensitivity in their teeth may have trouble with the chemicals used for the whitening. Those who are suffering from periodontal disease, oral cancer, or who have enamel that is excessively worn down to not make good candidates for teeth whitening either.

Who is not eligible for teeth whitening? ›

Your dentist will advise you whether whitening is right for you. It may be that teeth whitening isn't suitable, for example if you have gum disease or crowns.

When should you not whiten your teeth? ›

Also keep in mind that these products are for natural teeth. You'll need to talk to your dentist about how to unify the color of your teeth if you have implants, crowns, bridges, or dentures. Teeth whitening treatments may not be right for you to try while you have active cavities or certain dental work in progress.

What is the cheapest way to whiten your teeth? ›

Over-the-counter options, like whitening toothpastes, strips, and kits, tend to be the cheapest options. If you feel self-conscious about the brightness of your smile, you are far from alone.

Can normal dentist do teeth whitening? ›

There are many effective methods for whitening the teeth. But it is always ideal to schedule a dental checkup before opting for any method. Your family dentist can help you have not only a whiter, brighter and more attractive smile but one that is also healthy.

Can yellow teeth become white again? ›

Fortunately, there are ways of making your yellow teeth white, from improving your oral hygiene and diet to visiting the dentist and having them professionally whitened. There's no need to feel ashamed of your smile anymore.

How long does professional teeth whitening last? ›

If you maintain good oral hygiene, a chairside (or in-office) procedure should provide long-lasting results for 1 to 3 years. This procedure is done in your dentist's office.


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