15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (2024)

This post is all about unusual self care ideas

15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (1)

Most people aren’t new to the term ‘Self Care’ but with enough digging and research the options become repetitive pretty quickly. Face masks and bubble baths are fun, maybe lighting a candle here and there. But if you’re anything like me and you absolutely have to try something new from time to time then these unusual self care ideas will be perfect. Some of these suggestions may even become a staple in your routine, they definitely are for me.

Self care can become a chore. I think that’s a con no one talks about. That being said, keeping it fun is how we keep the magic alive and well. At first, it could be trying out different products and different methods for the same outcome, but that becomes boring eventually as well. So unusual self care can be a last resort if you’re in those shoes. But first off, if you’re unfamiliar with what self care is and why it’s important then let’s talk about that.

So What Is Self Care?

Well, according to everydayhealth.com, self care involves steps taken to improve both physical and emotional health. And most importantly, self-care is not selfish or synonymous with self-indulgence.

A lot of people new to self care feel like it’s stupid or it won’t help in the long run but studies show that self care helps relieve stress and in a lot of cases leads to a longer, happier and healthier life.

“Keep taking time for yourself until you are you again”

Here are 15 Unusual Self Care Ideas

1. Create a Moodboard

The best and easiest option for most is Pinterest. It’s easy to navigate and I’ve never seen an ugly image on there so you don’t have to worry about the board turning out ugly.

If you’re a little more creative then try out canva. Canva requires more of a learning curve, but it’s a powerful tool even outside of creating mood boards.

Creating a mood board sounds simple. I mean just gather a bunch of pretty images and put them together right? But creating a mood board is so much more. Especially when it comes to taking care of ourselves.

Mood boards can have positive affirmations (there are a lot on Pinterest), or simply pictures you find beautiful.

You can create as many as you like because each can have a theme. A common one is fitness goals for the year or even inspiration for future apartments and homes.

It’s an easy way to tap into creativity, especially if you use pictures you’ve taken yourself. Mood boards aren’t stagnant after they’re created either. Feel free to add images or subtract if your personal style changes.

Mood boards are a stress-free way to get your ideas out or spark some creativity. Check out sageandbloom’s post on mood boards as a helpful guide.

2. Go on Nature Walks

15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (2)

It’s exactly what it sounds like. I feel like there’s this pressure to always be productive, down to the simple task of going outside. Leave the running shoes and the fit bit at home. Wear comfortable enough shoes and talk a slow walk in your neighbourhood or the nearest park.

There doesn’t need to be an ulterior motive like weight loss or errand runs. Sometimes it’s okay to enjoy being outside. Take time to smell the grass and listen to the natural sounds of nature. It’s a simple task but I feel a lot more fulfilled when I do this.

It’s an easy way to care for your mental well-being as it’s essentially taking a few minutes to turn your brain off. According to some studies, taking a 60-minute walk stabilizes stress-related regions of the brain.

|RELATED: 14 Easy Habits To Be Happier At Home

3. Have a Good Cry

I’m not the most emotional person. But it’s universally accepted that bottling up your emotions is not a good idea. I don’t cry often and when I do it’s usually because of my favourite TV show. But having a good cry makes things ten times better.

It’s a great way to confront your emotions whether it’s through deep thought or journaling. Either way, facing all the junk in your head and having a good cry lifts a weight off your chest and to me that’s easy self care we can all try.

How you go about crying is up to you. But in my experience, it comes a lot easier than you think, especially if you allow yourself to just feel.

4. Play A Children’s Game

A Lot of people have taken it upon themselves to heal their inner child. It’s an amazing journey I think everyone should take and a great way to start is playing kid games. It’s an unusual self care idea because, one, it’s very fun. We tend not to factor having fun into self care. And two, it’s a great way to start your healing journey.

There’s a huge pressure to act your age, which I hate because I believe you should be able to enjoy doing whatever you like regardless of your age.

It doesn’t have to be an actual kid’s toy. But maybe a game you played when you were younger or simply finishing a puzzle.

It’s an easy way to take time for yourself. It may feel stupid at first, but trust me, especially if you do it with another person, it’s a fun and unusual self care idea that could lead to a lot more self-love and healing.

5. Do Something Nice For A Stranger

In our efforts to be kind to ourselves, we often forget how fulfilling it can be to just be kind to other people. And sure, you’re nice to friends and family, but after a while, it doesn’t feel as impactful, because it’s kind of expected

However, going out of your way to be kind to a stranger grants a completely different feeling. A Lot of positive emotions come along with being nice to someone you’re not obligated to. That being feelings of fulfilment and accomplishment, especially if you get anxious when talking to strangers

Our chests are often heavy with negative emotions such as anxiety, regret or a lot of the time sadness. And while giving gifts to friends and family will give a sense of accomplishment and fulfilment, those same feelings are often heightened when the same courtesy is offered to a stranger.

So consider brightening a stranger’s day. It’ll surely brighten yours as well. Which is the best form of self care out there- ensuring you are happy.

6. Remember to Deep Clean

Deep cleaning is a little different from regular cleaning. While regular cleaning is great and offers the same feeling of accomplishment. Just like giving a stranger a gift, that feeling can run deeper when you’ve deep cleaned

Cleaning is repetitive of course. But if you put your mind to it and get out that tough stain you’ve been putting off, you’ll feel a lot better. Getting something done, especially something you’ve been putting off, is like a mental reset- something a lot of people need right now

Cleaning can be fun too! It’s whatever you make it. Listen to a podcast or your favourite song and make the experience that much more enjoyable.

7. Try Guided Meditation

Meditation has been around for many years. It’s a great practice to increase mindfulness and it’s free self-care that anyone can do in the comforts of their home or anywhere if you have the proper headphones.

But I have a confession to make. I don’t usually meditate in silence. And I know that is a huge reason why many people dislike the idea. It’s associated with sitting still in complete silence, which is fine.

But I can’t sit still that long. I tense up a lot and my mind wonders. So that’s where guided meditation comes in.

It’s a great option for people who hate uncomfortable silence. And even if you meditate just fine on your own, it doesn’t hurt to try something new because self care is a journey.

8. Listen to Nostalgic Music

15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (3)

Listening to regular music doesn’t cut it anymore. Nostalgia is a feeling we all strive to experience, especially when we feel down. And in my experience, the best way to go down memory lane is by listening to songs we loved during our childhood

Youtube is great for this. Because once you find an older song, it often keeps recommending similar ones, and before you know it you’ve gone down a deep rabbit hole of nostalgia.

It doesn’t end there. Music is amazing but the same thing can be said for any media. If you wish, watch old Tv series or even cartoons. It all ties into healing your inner child. It’s a fun self-care idea anyone can do.

9. Buy New Bed Sheet

This unusual self care idea does cost money. But it’s worth it. Nothing makes a home feel homier than buying new bed sheets. And nothing makes you happier than having a lovely home and fresh sheets to sleep on.

The bedroom is a safe haven, somewhere you should always strive to keep beautiful and comfortable for your peace of mind.

Personally, I love the smell of brand-new linen and bed sheets. You could go a step further and get new towels. They’re practical items and they serve as a gift to you. Self-care gifts don’t have to be fancy all the time. It’s okay to go with something simple and functional like new sheets.

10. Start a collection

You can start a collection of literally anything. The easiest would be rocks of course because those are everywhere. It’s something to look forward to when you go out and it’s something you can keep to yourself and make a little game.

A Lot of collections are usually little things like rocks and dried flowers. But you can make it bigger.

Think of books. If you buy books to create a little bookshelf, that bookshelf can turn into a library and before you know it you’ve discovered the wonderful world of literature and what it brings.

It’s okay to keep it simple though. If you love movies, collect magazines and figurines. There’s no set rule to have a collection. Remember it can be whatever you want, going back to simply beautiful rocks that you find on the beach or a short walk.

Having a collection won’t always be a secret. You’ll want to show it off without a doubt. But there’s beauty in that too. Because the people in your life may bring you little things to add. So you can look forward to little gifts as well.

11. Read Unusual Poetry.

I say unusual because while poetry is lovely. There’s an expectation to read contemporary and non-fictional works that are a bit more serious and even hard to understand at times. And while that’s okay, it’s also okay to read fun poems, straightforward poems that will give you a good laugh.

A great one I can think of Is What Is Orange by Mary O’Neill. It’s a beautifully fun poem to read. And sometimes that’s all you need to brighten your day and enjoy the creative work of another.

12. Do Abstract Art

15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (4)

Learning how to paint is wonderful. Creativity, even as a hobby is a great way to get out of your head and relax with a blank paper or canvas.

I find abstract art great for that. Because there are a lot of art mediums with many specializations but Abstract art is the easiest one to get started with. No creative background needed.

Abstract art can be whatever you want it to but It’s often associated with abstract shapes and paint splashes on a canvas. That’s what makes it great. It’s easy to do and learn. There are many diy wall art tutorials on Pinterest and imagery for inspiration.

13. Take A Break From Social Media

Social media has its pros and cons. But we tend to ignore the cons. We convince ourselves that we aren’t letting it negatively impact us when that’s simply not true, most of the time.

Social media, even if it’s subconscious, can create a lot of issues. According to Lewis University, social media can be addictive and can lead to depression, anxiety and body issues. People who use it are often overstimulated with the perfect image of other people and their lives.

Taking a break can remind you that the real world isn’t as perfect as your Instagram feed. That’ll help reduce anxiety and feelings of inadequacy along with giving you time to enjoy other things. We often forget just how much time we spend scrolling.

14. Write A Letter to Your Future Self

Writing letters, journaling and other creative ventures are fun. But have you considered writing a letter to your future self? I’ve done this myself and it’s a lot more enjoyable than you think. It’s unique self care that everyone should try at least once.

It’s something you can look forward to. Set a date, maybe a year for you to open it. Consider asking questions in the letter for your future self to answer. You’ll get a chance to see how you’ve matured emotionally.

Feel free to write multiple letters. They can be dated for a week from now or even 5 years. It’s always a great feeling to have something to look forward to. And it’ll mean even more because it’s from you.

15. Rearrange Your Furniture

I consider this similar to buying new bed sheets. It’s creating a new space for yourself, somewhere you can relax and reset. Our minds get bored easily, especially at home.

I cannot tell you how much cleaning and rearranging my bed has put me in a good mood without fail. Even if it’s just moving your bed, it’ll make a world of a difference.

Remember, self care isn’t always the usual bubble bath and face mask (although I love those too) take a step back and diversify your routine. Consider things you didn’t before and create a routine that you can look forward to. I know you will love this list of unusual self care ideas.

This post was all about unusual and unique self care ideas!

READ MORE: 5 Unique Habits of Confident Women

15 Unusual Self Care Ideas You Need To Try - Your Daily Creations (2024)


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10 Small Ways to Make Taking Care of Yourself Just a Little...
  1. Get personalized vitamins delivered right to your door. ...
  2. Start the day with a clear mind. ...
  3. Go through some positive affirmations. ...
  4. Use a guided meditation app. ...
  5. Schedule workouts in your calendar like meetings. ...
  6. Write in a journal every night.

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The Self Care Bucket List is a box filled with 100 ways that you can put yourself first. It is broken up into 3 categories: Life, Love & Laughter. accounts that inspire & motivate you. Make a video to your future self.

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Each method of self-care fits into one of the seven pillars: mental, emotional, physical, environmental, spiritual, recreational, and social. A well-balanced self-care routine involves each of these, so avoid restricting yourself to just one or two pillars.

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Here are some self-care tips:
  • Get regular exercise. Just 30 minutes of walking every day can boost your mood and improve your health. ...
  • Eat healthy, regular meals and stay hydrated. ...
  • Make sleep a priority. ...
  • Try a relaxing activity. ...
  • Set goals and priorities. ...
  • Practice gratitude. ...
  • Focus on positivity. ...
  • Stay connected.

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Here, we present five of the most important strategies for self-care:
  • Exercise.
  • Meditation and mindfulness.
  • Goal setting.
  • Diet and gut health.
  • Sleep.
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13 Ways to Stay Healthy After Age 50
  1. Eat healthy. Choose nutrient dense foods and avoid added sugar and excess salt. ...
  2. Maintain a healthy weight. ...
  3. Build strength. ...
  4. Protect your bones and joints. ...
  5. Avoid alcohol and tobacco. ...
  6. Schedule screenings. ...
  7. Work on balance. ...
  8. Get adequate rest.
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What is a self-care hobby? ›

Hobbies such as drawing, painting, or even quilting are an excellent example of using your mind productively. Additionally, there are other hobbies such as coding or even playing an instrument that involve using the mind to problem solve or learn patterns in a way that is relaxing.

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Self-care includes all the things you do to take care of your well-being in four key dimensions – your emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual health.

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Therefore, self-care is not only for your well-being but for your productivity as well. Namely, there are 8 main areas of self-care: physical, psychological, emotional, social, professional, environmental, spiritual, and financial.

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What Are The Four Golden Rules of Self Care?
  • Self-care is a lifestyle.
  • Self-care is not static.
  • Self-care sometimes involves elimination.
  • Don't compare your self-care.
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Short self-care practices (20-30 minutes)

Eat nutritiously: Enjoy a balanced meal to fuel your body. Remember to eat mindfully. Practice relaxation techniques: Reduce stress with relaxation exercises. Journal your feelings: Write down your thoughts and feelings to reflect and understand them better.

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The Self-Care Wheel is a comprehensive, sustainable, wide-ranging, six-dimensional wellbeing tool. It covers six major areas of our lives: physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual, personal, and professional. Many of us tend to focus on one or two areas of our lives, completely forgetting all others.

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In fact, 92% of Americans make time for self-care every week, and spend an average of six hours per week each engaging in self-care activities. The most common self-care activities that Americans do are sleep, listening to music, drinking water, relaxing, and going for a walk.

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Here are some completely free (and easy!) self-care ideas so you can enjoy self-care as often as possible.
  1. Read a book or a magazine.
  2. Walk in nature.
  3. Meditate.
  4. Sleep in on the weekend.
  5. Watch the clouds.
  6. Unplug from social media.
  7. Colour in, draw, or paint.
  8. Do yoga.
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How to Practice Self Care
  • 1 Practicing Emotional Self-Care.
  • 2 Practicing Physical Self-Care.
  • 3 Practicing Professional Self-Care.
  • 4 Improving Your Approach to Self-Care.

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Good self-care can take on many forms. It could be ensuring we get enough sleep every night or stepping outside for a few minutes for some fresh air. It can also mean taking the time to do what we enjoy.

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The Best Ways For Women To Take Care Of Themselves
  1. Eat well. It's not just about choosing whole grains, limiting caffeine, and eating the right serving of vegetables every day, although those things are important too. ...
  2. Get enough rest. ...
  3. Daily exercise is a must. ...
  4. Watch your vitamin intake.
Oct 10, 2016

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Live Healthy, eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and avoid drugs and alcohol. Manage stress and go for regular medical check-ups. Practice good hygiene.


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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.