10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (2024)

If you want strong and powerfully-definedarms, then youneed to focus on developing your triceps - the muscle group responsible for nearly 70% of the size in your upper arm.

To achieve a set of well-builttriceps that resemble a horseshoe, it’s crucial that you understand the intricacies of the triceps' muscle heads, especially its often overlooked "medial head."

In this article, we unveil the best medial head triceps exercises and everything else you need to know about training your triceps.

Table of Contents:

  • Anatomy of the triceps muscle
  • Importance of targeting the three triceps muscle heads
  • What you need to know about the tricep medial head
  • Can you isolate the medial heads of the triceps?
  • How to best target the medial triceps head
  • 10 best medial tricep head exercises
  • Sample medial tricep workouts
  • Reference exercise table for medial, lateral, and long head triceps
  • FAQs

10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (1)


The triceps brachii (technical name) are located on the back of your arm and are responsible for extending your arm at the elbow. They are the biggest muscle group in your arm and are made up of three heads, which is where it got its name (TRI-cep). These three heads of the triceps include the long head, lateral head, and medial head.

  • The long head is the largesttricep head.It’s the "inner tricep" located on the inside of the posterior side of your upper arm.It originates at the scapular, just near the shoulder joint. The long head is the only tricep head to cross the shoulder joint, as the other two heads originate on the humerus (upper arm bone).
  • The lateral head is smaller than the long head tricep but considerably bigger than the medial tricep. It is the "outer tricep" located on theoutside of the posteriorupper arm.Interestingly, the lateral head is said to be the strongest tricep head as it has a higher ratio of fast twitch muscle fibers.
  • The medial head is the least visible and smallest. It is the "inside tricep," or better described as the "middle tricep," located at the bottom center of the posterior upper arm. The medial head attaches to the humerus, as does the lateral head, but at a lower point.It is also the only tricep head that has a higher ratio of slow twitch muscle fibers, which makes it an endurance muscle head. Overall, it plays an important role in elbow extension, with and without resistance.

10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (2)

Whilethe three heads have their ownorigin points, they all converge and insert into the ulna and fascia of the forearm, just past the elbow. Moreover, they all play an important role in elbow extension and stability.


In terms of aesthetics, when all three triceps heads are well-developed,they form a distinct horseshoe shape. This symbolizes a well-developed tricep.

However, whenyou are first starting out in weightlifting,you don't really need toworry about emphasizing the different tricep heads.If your arms are undeveloped, as long as you do some triceps exercises,you’ll notice good growth. After all, any triceps exercise will target all three heads to some degree.

But, as you start to become more advanced, you’ll notice that one head might be more developed than another or that your triceps development has stagnated. This is when you’ll need to start honing in on how exercises can betteractivate specificheads of the triceps.

Inorder tohave fully developed, well-defined, strong triceps muscles, you must do various exercises to target each head appropriately. While most exercises will work all three heads, there are exercises thatcan emphasize the involvement of a specific head based on the movement or training variable (i.e. grip position or arm position). This will allowyou toenhance a tricep head that is lagging or simply hit each one morethoroughly.

Since this article is about the medial head (we've done other articles on the long head and lateral head), we will now place our attention on the medial head.


10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (3)

Below we will look at the medial head closely and then discuss more about how to best target it and how it works with the other triceps heads.

What is the medial head of the tricep?

The medial head is small but mighty; it stabilizes your elbow and aids in filling out your upper arm so that it will look proportionate. It can not be entirely separated from the other heads, so you’ll need to emphasize its involvement with the correct medial head triceps exercises.

Where is the medial head of the triceps?

The medial headlies at the back of the arm below the long headat thecenter just above the elbow.Itis the smallest head of the three andmuch of it is covered by both the lateral and long heads.

What does the medial head of the triceps do?

The function of the medial head is to aid in the extension of the forearm at the elbow joint, as well asstability of the elbow. It also helps to create more upper arm mass, making for aproportional look.

The triceps' medial head may not seem as important as the lateral head and the long head when it comes to aesthetics and hypertrophy (building muscle mass).After all, the long head and lateral head make up most of the triceps and have much greater grow potential.

Nonetheless, the role of the medial head is important. Not only does it enable more precise movements, but it also acts as a bridge between the two heads. Astronger medial head will lead to a stronger lateral and long head, or stronger triceps in general, which means more growth.

Moreover, the medial triceps head is active with every forearm extension, even without resistance, unlike the long and lateral heads that aremainly only activated when extending against resistance.


While it'snot possible to completely isolate any of the three triceps heads, you can emphasize the activation of specific heads to a higher degree with certain triceps exercises. It really comes down to using different gripposition, elbow position, and body position.

As such, there are plenty of exercises that will help strengthen the medial head and help to improve the overall mass, strength, and look of your tricep muscles.

Be that as it may, it should be noted that the medial head is arguably the hardestof the three triceps heads toemphasize.Unlike the lateral head and long head, which can beeasier to "isolate", the medial head istypically activated alongside another one of the tricep heads...i.e.,the emphasis of certain tricep exercises will be 'Long Head & Medial Head' or 'Lateral Head & Medial Head'.

What's more, the medial head is usually more active at certain points in a tricep exercise or compound pushing movements, rather than the entire time.

In any case, you can stillalter tricep exercises to placethe most possible emphasis on the medial head, and here’s how you can do that...


There are two main techniques to target the medial head of the tricep:

  1. Use a reverse grip (underhand grip).
  2. Keep your elbows tucked at your sides.

On top of that, you need to think about the muscle fibers. The medial head is made up of more slow twitch muscle fibers than fast twitch, unlike the other two heads, which means it responds better to higher reps. So, by performing medial tricep head exercises in high rep ranges, you can better exhaust the medial head.

Regardless of the above techniques, the tricep exercises will worktwo or more of the tricep heads, butyou will be placing emphasis on the medial head simply byusing the above variables.

The medial tricep exercisesin this article, and the recommended rep ranges, are based on the above points, which is why we can label them as The Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises.

Before we get into the exercises just below, for reference, here is abrieftableof some key cues for how to work each tricep head:

MedialTricepLateral TricepLong Tricep
Reverse GripNeutral GripOverhand Grip
Elbows to the sideElbow to the sideElbows up
High repsLow to high repsLow to high reps

10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (4)


    These are the 10 best tricep medial head exercises tostrengthen the medial head and aid in the overall strength and size of your triceps.

    1. Reverse Grip Cable Pushdown

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (5)

    The cable machine triceps pressdown is one of the most common exercises you'll see people do for an arm workout. This variation of the tricep pressdown (aka triceps pushdown) emphasizes the medial head of triceps because it keepsyour elbows at your sides and uses an underhand grip. Furthermore, most people find the underhand grip places less stress on the elbows.

    Here’s how to perform the reverse grip cable pushdown:

    1. Attach the bar attachment (Straight or e-z) to a high pulley machine.
    2. Stand facing the bar attachment and grab the bar with the palms facing up. Your grip should be shoulder width.
    3. Keeping your elbows at your sides, upper arms stationary, and feet shoulder-width apart, lower the bar until your sides fully extend your arms. Your elbows and upper arms should remain by your side throughout the exercise, and only your forearms should move.
    4. Then begin to slowly elevate the bar attachment up towards your chest while inhaling. This is one rep.

    Best rep range:15-20 reps with a weight load that brings you to or near failure.

    2. Dumbbell or Barbell Reverse Grip Press

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (6)

    Thisis a big compound movement that works many upper body muscles, but the main movers are your chest and triceps.

    The reverse grip does two things, it takesstress off your shoulder muscles and shoulder joints (and elbow joint) and places more emphasis on thetriceps and upper pecs.

    For the triceps, it is particularly effective for the medial head.

    All in all, it's not a medial head exercise per se, but it is fantastic for the medial head and it allows you to go relatively heavy, which is good for hypertrophy and strength.

    We recommend doing this exercise at the start of your triceps workout, as it requiresmore energy, being that it is a compound movement.

    Note: You can do this exercise with a barbell or dumbbells.

    Here’s how to perform the dumbbell reverse grip:

    1. With a dumbbell in each hand, you’ll grasp the dumbbells with palms facing your face. This grip is similar to doing a bicep curl.
    2. You’ll begin by sitting on the end of a flat bench with the ends of the dumbbells resting on your knees. And you’ll slowly lay back on the bench.
    3. You’ll then push the dumbbells straight up above your chest. Be sure that your palms are facing your shoulders.
    4. Then slowly lower the dumbbells to chest height, and hold for one second before raising the dumbbells back to starting position. This is one rep.
    5. Repeat movement for desired reps.

    Best rep range and weight:If you really want to hit the medial head hard, use a lighter load and aim for 10-20 reps. However, this exercise can be effective in the 6-12 rep range as well.

    3. Reverse Grip Floor Press

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (7)

    This simple and highly effective shoulder-friendly pressing variation helps to build mass and strength inyour triceps. The floor press focuses on the end range of chest presses (bench press) which is when the triceps are most active. It is generally done to improve lockout strength and to hone in on tricep development. The reverse grip simply allows you to alter how the triceps are hit (i.e. medial head).

    This exercise is also good for those with shoulder issues as it has a limited range of motion. The shoulder joint usually has the most stress at the bottom range during a bench press.

    Here’s how to perform the reverse grip floor press:

    1. You’ll begin by positioning yourself on the floor underneath the barbell. Your eyes should be underneath the bar, and your legs can be straight or bent. (similar to laying on the bench to do a bench press)
    2. Now grip the bar with your palms facing towards your head and pull your elbows towards the torso. The back of your arms should be touching the floor. This is the starting position.
    3. Push your arms straight to drive the weight up until your elbows are fully extended. Do not lift your shoulders off the floor. Concentrate on pushing your body deeper into the floor.
    4. Then bring your elbows back down, pausing at the bottom beforedoinganother rep. This pause helps to increase stability and control and maximize contraction. Be sure that you are maintaining tension and strength throughout the entire lift.

    Best rep range:8-20 reps.

    4. Palm Out Bench Dip

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (8)

    This might be a bodyweight, but this is an effective exercise for any fitness level targeting the triceps. By simply positioning your hands differently, you can emphasize the medial head. The movements in this exercise will help to improve the overall conditioning while also increasing the strength in your core and upper body.

    Here’s how to perform the palm out bench dip:

    1. Begin by sitting down on a bench with your hands next to your thighs. Just as you would perform a traditional bench dip, but turn your hands so that they are aligned horizontally with the bench.
    2. Then begin walking your feet out until your legs are extended and lifting your bottom off of the bench, and your arms will be extended.
    3. Hinging at the elbow, begin lowering your body down as far as you can go. Your arms will form a 90-degree angle.
    4. The push up through your palms back to the starting position. This is one rep.
    5. Repeat for the desired reps and sets.

    Best rep range:Perform 15-20 reps. If you are finding 20-25 reps too easy, then you canplace a weight plate or dumbbell on your lap to add resistance, rather than doing endless reps.

    5. Dumbbell Tate Press

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (9)

    This tricep isolation exercise provides a deep stretch in the muscles, making it an effective exercise to build mass and strength. Stretching tension is shown to be thehighlyeffective for hypertrophy and strength. It's not just about contraction tension when exercising.

    As for the muscle heads of triceps, this exercise is effective for all three heads, and it does a good job of keeping the medial head highly activated the entire time.

    Here’s how to perform the dumbbell tate press:

    1. Start as though you are about to perform a DB bench press.Keep your feet firmly planted into the floor, core engaged, and pull your shoulder blades down.
    2. Begin with the dumbbells positioned directly above your shoulders (top of the bench press).Now bend your elbows to move the ends of the dumbbells down to your lower chest. Be sure that you keep the triceps contracted and do not relax the muscles even when they get to your chest.
    3. Be sure to keep control over the dumbbells and extend your elbows to push the dumbbells back to the starting position. This is one rep.
    4. You can do this in an alternating manner orsimultaneously.

    Best rep range:10-15 reps

    6. Reverse Grip JM Press

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (10)

    The JM press is a compound exercise that will target the triceps and work the pecs and delts. Not only will this exercise increase the overall size and strength of your triceps, but it will also help to increase the amount of weight you put in pressing variations such as the bench press and overhead press.

    This is a great all-around tricep exercise, and one that keeps the medial head activated to a high degree.

    Here’s how to perform the JM press:

    1. Lie back on a bench and grasp the barbell about shoulder-width apart with hands and your thumbs wrapped around the bar.
    2. Unrack the bar. With your arms fully extended overhead, tuck your elbow 45 degrees from your sides towards your feet.
    3. Now begin bending your elbows and lowering the bar towards your chin/neck with control until your forearms and biceps touch.
    4. Then explosively extend your elbows. This is one rep.

    Best rep range:8-12 reps

    7. Cable Concentration Extension (Reverse Grip)

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (11)

    The cable concentration triceps extension allows you to train side at a time, thus ironing out muscle imbalances. Overall, it's a great tricep exercise as it hits all three heads very effectively, and it does place more tension on the medial head tricep than some other tricep exercises. This is one of those exercises that you do with complete mind-muscle connection, really focusing on slow and controlled reps with maximum range of motion and tension.

    Use an underhand grip to increase the medial head activation even more!

    Here’s how to perform the cable concentration extension:

    1. Begin by attaching a single grip handle to a high cable pulley.
    2. Grab the handle with your right hand and kneel down. Be sure that your left knee is on the floor and your right foot is planted on the floor.
    3. With your torso tall and erect, rest the back of your right arm on your inner thigh, this will be similar to concentration curls.
    4. Then, extend your forearm down until your arm is straight, be sure that you’re flexing your tricep. Exhale through this portion of the exercise.
    5. Now slowly extend your elbow until your forearm is parallel to the floor and inhale throughout this portion of the exercise. This is one rep.
    6. Repeat for the desired number of sets and reps alternating arms between sets.
    7. For your left hand, you’ll need to place your right knee on the floor and your left foot planted on the floor.

    Best rep range:15-20 reps

    8. Cable Rope Pushdown (Neutral Grip)

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (12)

    The cable rope tricep pushdown is said to be a lateral head exercise, because it is; however, EMG studies show it is great for both the medial and outer heads. In fact, the level of activation among the two for this exercise is almost exactly the same.

    Use high reps and you can really exhaust and overload your medial head with this one.

    Here’s how to perform the cable rope pushdown:

    1. Start by attaching the rope attachment to the cable machine and grab the rope with an overhand grip.
    2. You’ll begin with the ropes at your chest level. And stand with your feet slightly apart.
    3. Tighten your abdominals and tuck your elbows, then inhale slowly and start pushing down until your elbows are extended, keeping your elbows close to your body while bending your knees.
    4. Be sure to keep your back straight during the pushdown.
    5. Then exhale and return to the original position. This is one rep.
    6. Repeat for the desired number of sets and reps.

    Best rep range:15-25 reps

    9. Cable with Rope Overhead Extensions

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (13)

    The cable overhead extension will hit all three heads,with emphasis on the long head.However, if you use a high rep range and don't cheat on your reps (fully extend), then your medial head will get some serious activation with this variation of the overhead cable machine tricep extension.

    Note: Dumbbell overhead extensions are just as effective as the cable machine. The main difference is the cable machine offers constant resistance. You can also do either with one arm at a time tohelp fix muscle imbalances between your stronger side.

    Here’s how to perform the cable with rope overhead extension:

    1. Begin by connecting the rope attachment to the cable pulley at the lowest position.
    2. Then turn to face away from the cable pulley with your feet shoulder-width apart, and both hands are holding the rope with palms facing inwards (neutral grip). Your elbows will be bent with your forearms touching your biceps behind your head. Feel a good tricep stretch at the bottom.
    3. You’ll then extend your elbows to bring your arms straight and the rope overhead. This is one rep.
    4. Repeat for the desired number of sets and reps.

    Best rep range:15-25 reps

    Related: Best Cable Arm Exercises

    10. Diamond Pushup

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (14)

    If you’re looking to build your triceps, the diamond push up, aka triangle push up, is one of the best tricep exercises, let alone exercise for triceps medial head. It’s a difficult movement that contributes to the horseshoe shape that you desire. It targets both the lateral head and the medial tricep head faster than any gym machine can do. Similar to the traditional pushup, the slight change in the positions of your hand will increase the difficulty and change the muscles targeted.

    Here’s how to perform the diamond pushup:​​

    1. You’ll begin by getting into a pushup position. And form a diamond on the floor with your hands directly under your chest.
    2. Be sure to have your elbows at 45-degrees.
    3. With your back straight, squeeze your glutes and engage your core, and then slowly lower yourself towards the ground. Be sure to keep proper form.
    4. Stop when your chest is almost touching the floor, and then push back up without flaring your elbows or arching your back. This is one rep.
    5. Repeat for the desired number of sets and reps.

    Best rep range:Failure each set.


    While not specifically a medial head workout,as inboth workouts below include exercises to target all three heads effectively, they do include the necessary medial tricep exercises to ensureit is properly worked and activated.

    Workout #1:

    1. Close Grip Bench Press: 4 sets of 8-6 reps.
    2. Overhead Rope Cable Extensions: 3 sets of 10-15 reps.
    3. Straight Bar Cable Pushdowns: 3 sets of 15-10 reps.
    4. Diamond Push Ups: 3 sets to failure.

    Workout #2:

    1. JM Presses: 4 sets of 6-8 reps.
    2. Reverse Grip Cable Pushdown: 4 sets of 8-10 reps.
    3. Skull Crushers: 3 sets of 10-20 reps.
    4. Cable Concentration Extensions: 3 sets of 8-10 reps.

    Can you remember which of these triceps exercises target the medial head?

    Reference Table for Exercises Targeting The Three Tricep Muscle Heads

    Medial Tricep Exercises

    Lateral Tricep Exercises

    Long Tricep Exercises

    Reverse Grip Pushdown

    Overhand or Neutral Pushdown

    Triceps Parallel Dips

    Reverse Grip Bench Press

    Tricep Kickbacks

    Overhead Triceps Ext.

    Palm Out Bench Dip

    Concentration Ext. Neutral Grip

    Close Grip Incline Bench/Flat

    Tate Press

    Bench Dips (Palms Forward)

    Decline Push Ups

    Reverse Grip JM Press

    Triceps Parallel Dips

    Skull Crushers

    Concentration Ext. Reverse Grip

    Close Grip Tricep Press Ups

    French Press

    Cable Rope Pushdown

    Decline Close Grip Bench

    Bent-Over Tricep Kickbacks

    Overhead Ext. Neutral Grip

    Neutral Grip Skull Crushers

    Overhand Pressdowns

    Triangle Push Ups

    Overhead Ext. Neutral Grip

    Straight Arm Pulldowns


    Here are some answers tocommon questions about the triceps and more specifically the medial head of the tricep...

    Can the medial triceps head grow bigger?

    The medial head is not only the smallest of the three heads, but it also has the least growth potential.Both the lateral head and the long head have great growth potential, and most of your time should be spenton targeting them if you wantto achieve stronger and bigger arms. Butdon't let themedial head fall by the wayside as it plays an important role in the overall look and strength of the triceps. It’s responsible for strength and stability at the elbow, which aids in lifting more weight and the potential for more significant growth because it assists both the lateral and long head.

    It might not grow as big as the other two heads, but a developed medial head will help to stabilize your elbow and provide your arm with the desired proportional look.

    What are the benefits of strengthening the medial head of the triceps?

    Think of the medial head as the glue of your triceps and elbow. This will give you the perspective of how important the medial head is for triceps strength and mass. When your medial head is strong, you can obtain more growth potential for the other two heads.

    Here are some of the benefits to strengthening your medial head tricep:

    • Provides elbow stability.
    • Helps create the horseshoe muscle aesthetic.
    • Increases endurance for compound exercises.
    • Aids in the growth of the other tricep heads.

    What is the best rep range and weight load for the tricep medial head?

    The medial head consists of a higher ratio of type I muscle fibers (slow-twitch). These slow-twitch muscle fibers require higher rep ranges to get stronger and grow. So the bestway to overload your medial head tricep is with high rep ranges - around 15-30 reps. You will want to use a load that challenges you (brings you to or near failure) in those high rep ranges whenfocusing on medial head tricep exercises.

    Note: you'll want to mix things up and use heavier loads and lower reps too. This is how you build a well-balanced muscle for strength and size.5-30 reps is a viable range for the triceps as a whole.

    How much time should I spend targeting each triceps muscle head?

    When doing a tricep workout, spend about 40% of the sets on long head focused exercises, 40% on lateral head focused exercises, and 20% medial head. So, if you do 10 sets, that's 4 for the long head, 4 for the lateral head, and 2 for the medial head.

    How to target the long head tricep?

    When you place your arms overhead, which puts your shoulder joint at 180˚, you’ll stretch your long head. This stretch puts tension on your long head, which means the long head will be emphasized.As such, exercises likethe overhead tricep extension and skull crusher are best for the long head.

    Related: Best Long Head Tricep Exercises

    How to target the lateral head tricep?

    The lateral head is best targeted withan overhand grip or hammer grip, and elbows at the sides.For example, cable rope extensions, overhand straight bar pushdowns, and bench/parallel dips.

    Related: Best Lateral Head Tricep Exercises

    How many sets per week for triceps?

    As for sets, it depends on if you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced. Generally speaking, 8-20 sets for the triceps per week isgood.

    Of course, the number of sets and reps will be determined based on your fitness journey and goals, but here is a great starting point:

    • Beginners: ~10 sets per week.
    • Intermediate: ~15 sets per week.
    • Advanced: ~20+ sets per week.

    Remember, you'llalso split those sets up based on the tricep head emphasis: 40% long head, 40% lateral,and 20% medial. Again, all three triceps will be activated no matter what, and some of the long and lateral head exercises will actually be long/medial and lateral/medial or a mix of the other two. But, this is just the general emphasis.

    Youcan take the total weekly sets and split them up into 2-3 workouts. But, this depends on your workout split.Also, consider the compound exercises that target the triceps too (i.e. bench press and overhead press) as those count towards your total sets.

    What tricep exercises work all 3 heads best?

    There is nearly an endless supply of great medial head tricep exercises that will aid in building strength and mass in your arms. But when it comes to targeting all three heads of the triceps, it is best to implement compound movements, like the close grip bench press. These exercises include:

    • Close grip bench press
    • Barbell JM press
    • Skull crushers
    • Weighted tricep dips on parallel bar

    What is the single best triceps exercise?

    The quest for the ultimate triceps exercise has been a topic of much debate among fitness enthusiasts. While there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, one exercise consistently stands out as a powerhouse for triceps development: the close-grip bench press.

    The close-grip bench press is renowned for its ability to activate and engage allthe tricep heads effectively. By narrowing your grip on the barbell, you place greater emphasis on the triceps, making them work harder during the movement. This exercise also recruits secondary muscles like the chest and shoulders, further enhancing upper body strength and definition.

    The close-grip bench press offers a range of variations and allows for progressive overload, making it adaptable to different fitness levels. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart triceps growth or an experienced lifter aiming for new peaks of strength, this exercise can be tailored to suit your needs.

    Remember, while the close-grip bench press isone of the best triceps exercises, incorporating a variety of triceps movements into your routine can provide comprehensive development. So, include this powerhouse exercise in your arsenal, but don't forget to mix it up with other effective triceps exercises to maximize your gains.

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (15)


    There’s no doubt that each tricep head plays an important role in creating strong, well-defined arms. There is no upper-body workout that is complete without targeting your triceps for strength and muscle growth.

    Once you understand how to work each tricep head with certain exercises, arm positions, and grip positions, you'll be able to create the best development of the triceps.

    Here are some important medial head tricep exercise takeaways from this article:

    • When your elbows are at your side, use a reverse grip to emphasize the medial head.
    • You’ll want to use higher repetitions and lower weight loads when targeting the medial head.
    • Aim for 10-20 sets of triceps per week, with around 20-25% emphasizing the medial head.Ideally you want to split these sets into multiple training days.

    By adding the triceps medial head exercises in this article to your triceps workout routine, you will increase the stability of your elbow and aid in optimal strength and an overall improvement of the size of your triceps and upper arms.This will improve many other areas of your fitness as well, such as any big pressing movement.

    More Triceps Exercise Guides:

    • Best Dumbbell Tricep Exercises
    • Best Barbell Tricep Exercises
    • Bodyweight Tricep Exercises
    • Stretches for Triceps

    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (16)

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    10 Best Medial Head Tricep Exercises (2024)


    What is the best medial head tricep exercise? ›

    If you're looking to target the medial head of your triceps, then the dumbbell Tate press is by far one of the best exercises you can do. Not only does it help build strength and muscle mass, but it also provides a lot of stretching tension, which is known to be effective at building strength and muscle size.

    How do you target the medial and long head of your tricep? ›

    What are The Most Effective Long Head Tricep Exercises?
    1. Skull Crushers. ...
    2. Dip Belt Dips / Weighted Dips. ...
    3. Close-Grip Bench Press. ...
    4. Incline Dumbbell Tricep Extension. ...
    5. Cable Overhead Triceps Press. ...
    6. Reverse Grip Tricep Pushdown. ...
    7. Kneeling Tricep Rope Extension.

    Do skull crushers work the medial head? ›

    Skull crushers work all three heads of the tricep but the medial head is the main driver. This exercise can be performed with dumbbells barbells, EZ bar, and the cable machine, and can be done on a bench or on the floor.

    Do tricep dips work the medial head? ›

    Yes, tricep dips do hit the long head of the triceps muscle, but this exercise is equally effective for targeting the lateral and medial heads as well.

    Is the medial head of the tricep important? ›

    At low shoulder elevation, the long head generates the necessary force to extend the elbow. While in high shoulder elevation angles (at least 90°), the medial head takes over as the major muscle for extending the elbow.

    How to stretch the medial head of a tricep? ›

    Triceps stretch
    1. Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. ...
    2. Bring your left elbow straight up while bending your arm.
    3. Grab your left elbow with your right hand, and pull your left elbow toward your head with light pressure. ...
    4. Hold 15 to 30 seconds, then switch elbows.

    What is the most effective tricep exercise? ›

    The most effective tricep exercise for building the tricep muscles is the Triceps Extension because it allows us to perform it with either dumbbells or a barbell, allows for progressive overload directly to the triceps and is easier on the wrists and elbows if you use an EZ curl bar.

    What exercise hits all 3 bicep heads? ›

    The best biceps exercise for hitting all three functions of the biceps with overload is the Weighted Chin Up. Put quite simply, we are taking one of the best body weight exercises and adding weight to it. We can also increase that weight over time as we build strength.

    What is the most medial head of the triceps? ›

    The medial head of triceps brachii muscle originates from an extensive area on the posterior surface of the humerus that is located inferior to the groove for radial nerve. It also originates from the medial and lateral intermuscular septa of the arm.

    Why is it so hard to build triceps? ›

    When someone asks, “Why aren't my triceps growing?” one of the most common reasons is that the person is leaving triceps exercises for last. It's hard to push your triceps if your arms are already exhausted from tons of bicep curls. To see gains, you need to give your tris your complete attention.

    Which tricep head makes your arms look bigger? ›

    With a well-developed lateral head on your triceps, your arms will look bigger, you'll be stronger, and you'll be able to push a whole lot more.

    Is the medial tricep important? ›

    In low shoulder elevations, the long head played the main role in extending the elbow, but by increasing the shoulder elevation angle, the medial head takes over as the major muscle force for extending the elbow.

    What is the medial head of the tricep muscle? ›

    Medial head—The origin of the medial head is at the dorsal humerus, inferior to the radial groove and connecting to the intermuscular septum. The medial head does not attach to the scapula and therefore has no action on the glenohumeral joint, whether with stabilization or movement.


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    Author: Manual Maggio

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    Name: Manual Maggio

    Birthday: 1998-01-20

    Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

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    Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

    Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

    Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.